英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-15 19:36:14 英语试题 我要投稿




  一、 写出所给字母的前后两个字母的大小写

  ( )P p ( )   ( )M m ( )

  ( )R r ( )   ( )Y y ( )

  ( )F f ( )   ( )T t ( )

  ( )I I ( )   ( )V v ( )

  ( )D d ( )   ( )L l ( )

  ( )W w ( )   ( )O o ( )


  警察________ 女警察 ________ 消防员________学生________ an officer ________ an artist________公交车________ 火车________ 轮船________小汽车 ________ 飞机 ________ 自行车________出租车 ________ go to school ________ go to Beijing________


  ( )1. How do you_________ ? By bike.

  A. going to Bejing B. go to school C. goes to Yutan Park.

  ( )2. What’s she?________

  A. He is a fireman B. She has a book.C. She is a policewoman .

  ( )3.What is he?________

  A. She is a policewoman B. I am a pupil.C. He is a fireman.

  ( )4. How do you go to school?________

  A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By bus.

  ( )5.________ ? I am a policeman.

  A.What is he? B. Who is she? C. What are you?

  ( )6. Are you a teacher?________

  A. Yes, I am not. B. No, I’m a pupil . C. No, you aren’t.

  ( )7. Please ________on the road.

  A. don't play B. play C. swim

  ( )8. ________.? Yes, It’s a taxi.

  A. What are they? B. Do you know it? C. Is this a bus?

  ( )9. ________do you go to Shanghai? We go to Shanghai by ship.

  A. How many B. How C. What


( ) 1. Do you know them?A. Yes, I am.
( ) 2. What is the man?B. No, she isn’t. She is a policewoman.
( ) 3. Is she a postman?C. I go to school by bus.
( ) 4. How do you go to school?D . He is a teacher.
( ) 5. Are you a fireman?E. Yes, it’s a train.


  ( )1、 想问别人是怎样上学的,可以这样问:

  A. How do you go to school ? B. How do you go to Shanghai?

  ( )2、你告诉老师你是骑单车上学的,应该说:

  A. I go to school by bus. B. I go to school by bike.

  ( )3、你想问那个男的是做什么的, 应该说:

  A.Who is the man? B. What is he?

  ( )4、Tom想告诉你 Linda是一个警察, 可以这样说:

  A. Linda is a policewoman. B. Linda is a policeman.

  ( )5、你想告诉别人不要在路上玩, 应该说:

  A. Don't play on the road. B. Play on the road.


  1. is she What?


  2. a He fireman is


  3. by I to go school bus


  4. is plane a This


  5. go Shanghai to I ship by



  ( ) He is a fireman.

  ( ) I am a fireman, Ha Ha.

  ( ) Look! I am a fireman, too.

  ( ) What’s he? .

  ( ) No, Dino. You are not a fireman.


  1.How do you go to Beijing?


  2. I go to school by bus.


  3. What is he? He is a policeman.


  4. Are you a policewoman? No, I’m not. I am a fireman .


  5. Is she a pupil? Yes , she is .


  九、阅读理解, 根据课文选择正确答案。


  Ane: Who is that woman?

  Peter: She is Linda’s mother.

  Ane: What is she?

  Peter: She is a policewoman.

  Ane: What is Linda’s father?

  Peter: He is a fireman. And Linda’s brother is a fireman, too.

  ( ) 1. Who is that woman?

  A. Linda’s sister B. Linda’s mother

  ( ) 2. What is Linda’s mother?

  A. A policewoman B. A doctor

  ( ) 3. What’s Linda’s father?

  A. A policeman B. A fireman

  ( ) 4. Is Linda’s brother a fireman?

  A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is.

  ( ) 5. How many people are there in Linda’s family?

  A. Four B. Five.

  ( 二)

  Li Yan : Hello, Peter. Is this 1________ pencil?

  Peter : 2________ , it isn’t. Maybe(可能)it’s Tom’s.

  Li Yan : Hello, Tom. Is this your pencil?

  Tom : Yes. Thank 3 ________.

  Li Yan : That’s 4 ________.


  ( )1. A. you   B. your

  ( )2. A. Yes.   B. No.

  ( )3. A. you   B. your

  ( )4. A. OK   B. ok

  ( 三 )

  Some pupils are going to have a trip(去旅行)。

PeterBeijingBy plane
MingmingWuhanBy train
LindaGuangzhouBy train
AneShanghaiBy ship
TomChangshaBy car
I ShaoqiPark Bybike


  ( )1. Peter goes to Beijing by plane .

  ( )2. Mingming and Linda go to Wuhan by train.

  ( )3. Ane goes to Shanghai by ship .

  ( )4. Tom goes to Changsha by bus.

  ( )5. I go to Yutan Park by bike.


  1. He is a policeman

  2. I go to Changsha by bus.









