

时间:2024-05-27 14:07:42 艺诗 英语试题 我要投稿
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  ( )1. A. go B. take C. sang

  ( )2. A. game B. nice C. poster

  ( )3. A. poster B. tell C. sing

  ( )4. A. busy B. delicious C. time

  ( )5. A. saw B. made C. eat


  with of by in to for

  1. Daming went there bus.

  2. Grandma and Grandpa walked the park.

  3. I listened music last Saturday.

  4. We ate lots delicious food.

  5. I sang Amy.

  6.I made cakes breakfast yesterday.


  ( )1. We some birds in the tree yesterday.

  A. see B. seeing C. saw

  ( )2. I ate delicious food yesterday.

  A. lots of B. lot of C. lot

  ( )3. We helped teachers .

  A. also B. too C. to

  ( )4.I walked school last week.

  A. on B. with C. to

  ( )5. He thin then.

  A. is B. are C. Was

  ( )6.Amy played basketball last Sunday.

  A. a B. the C. /

  ( )7. We sang and .

  A. Danced B. dance C. Dancing

  ( )8.I a poster last night.

  A. make B. made C. making

  ( )9. That great !

  A. is B. are C. were

  ( )10.——Was it fun? —— .

  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was. C. No, it isn’t.


  1. We saw some (child; children) in the park.

  2. Last Sunday Dad went (swimming; swim).

  3. (Listen; Tell) me about your picnic.

  4. You had a very (happy; happily) day yesterday.

  5. I want to (take; took) some pictures.

  6. Yesterday Daming drank some (bread; milk).


  1. Tell me about your picnic.

  2. We went to the concert.

  3. 我拍了一些照片,制作了一张海报。

  4. 爷爷昨天去公园了。

  5. We went there by ship.



  It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny. Li Lei helped his mother do the housework in the morning. He went to the park with his friends in the afternoon. They played football in the park. His sister Li Mei played computer games at home. Their father, Mr Li, watched TV at home.

  ( )1. It is Sunday today.

  ( )2. Li Lei did his homework in the morning.

  ( )3. Li Lei played football in the afternoon.

  ( )4. Li Mei watched TV at home.

  ( )5. Mr Li watched TV at home.


  Sue and Ann are twins. They’re twelve. Sue likes Chinese music, and Ann likes pop music. Yesterday evening they went to a concert. They went there by bus. They enjoyed the concert very much. They went home by taxi.

  1. How old are Sue and Ann?

  2. What music does Sue like?

  3. What music does Ann like?

  4.When did they go to the concert?

  5. How did they go to the concert?




  ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths

  ( ) 2. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday

  ( ) 3. A. hill B. river C. boat

  ( ) 4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

  ( ) 5. A. coats B. shorts C. shirts

  ( ) 6. A. hurt B. hurry C. hungry

  ( ) 7. A. cough B. cold C. coffee

  ( ) 8. A. go skating B. go boating C. go climbing

  ( ) 9. A. take care B. not so good C. take the pills

  ( )10. A. Are you tired? B. Is she hungry? C. Are they happy?


  ( ) 1. A. Sounds good. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m so happy.

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. I have many books. C. No, I’m not.

  ( ) 3. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can. C. Yes, she is.

  ( ) 4. A. I have four. B. He likes Maths and Chinese. C. I like English and Art.

  ( ) 5. A. It’s a hot day. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s Tuesday.

  ( ) 6. A. It’s five. B. It’s Tom’s. C. It’s Tom.

  三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分)

  四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) (10分)

  ( ) 1. What is behind the door?

  A. Coats. B. Books. C. Jackets.

  ( ) 2. Mike’s and Helen’s coats are .

  A. blue. B. blue and brown. C. not brown or blue.

  ( ) 3. Mike and Helen are .

  A. in the classroom. B. in the playground. C. at home.

  ( ) 4. Perhaps Mike and Helen are .

  A. playing basketball B. watching the running race C. playing football

  ( ) 5. Whose coats are they?

  A. They’re yours. B. They are Mike’s and Helen’s. C. They’re Yang Ling’s.


  1、A: How many are there in a year?

  B: .

  A:What are they?

  B: They are spring , autumn and winter.

  2、A: this sweater?

  B: No, it .

  A: sweater is this?

  B: It’s .



  ( ) 1 A..swim B.run C.short D. skate

  ( ) 2. A.my B.our C.they D.his

  ( ) 3. A. fifty B.five C. green D. three

  ( ) 4. A. Chinese B.Art C. Music D. spring

  ( ) 5. A.on B. under C. too D. behind


  1. 在星期三下午 ___________ 2. 堆雪人________ ______ ___

  3. 得了感冒 ____ __a_ ___ 4. 今天早晨___________ ___________

  5. 在七点 ___________ ___________ 6. 太短 __________

  7.谁的连衣裙___________ ___________ 8. 试穿 ___________


  1.I have a (swim) lesson this evening.

  2. Mary (have) lunch at school every day.

  3. It’s too (cold) .Open the door,please.

  4. This is Miss Li (speak).

  5. Look! My gloves (be) so big.

  6. Can you _____________(come) to school tomorrow?

  7. We can see three (apple)trees in the picture.

  8. ----My shorts are too short. ----Try (they).

  9. It’s my (brother) birthday today.

  10. How many _____________ (lesson)do you have this morning?

  九、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项 (10分)

  ( ) 1. He usually watches TV night.

  A. with B. at C. in D. to

  ( ) 2. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time ___________.

  A. to bed B. for go to bed C. to go to bed D. go to bed

  ( ) 3. Would you like pies?

  A. any B. a C. an D. some

  ( ) 4. It’s cold. We can make .

  A. snowman B. snowmen C. snowmans D. a snowmen

  ( ) 5. – May I speak to Helen? –Yes. _________Helen speaking.

  A. I’m B. this is C. This is D. That is

  ( ) 6. – What colour is your ? ---White.

  A. jeans B. shorts C. socks D. shirt

  ( ) 7. Let’s go .

  A. boat B. boating C. a boat D. boats

  ( ) 8. I’m thirsty. I want .

  A. a pie B. to eat a pie C. have some water D. to have some water

  ( ) 9. My pencil is too short, but your pencil is .

  A. big B. long C. short D. small

  ( )10. – shoes are they?

  – __________Helen’s.

  A. Who’s it’s B. Whose It’s

  C. Who’s they’re D. Whose They’re


  ( )1. We can go swim.

  A B C

  ( )2. Who’s bag is this ?

  A B C

  ( )3. We go to the park at Saturday.

  A B C

  ( )4. The glove are my mother’s.

  A B C

  ( )5. We don’t have some lessons today.

  A B C


  ( )It’s nice. But it’s too big for you. Whose is it?

  ( ) All right.

  ( ) It’s my sister’s.

  ( ) Hi, Yang Ling. Look at this dress.

  ( ) OK. Thank you.

  ( )Look! Here’s a new one. Try it, please.

  ( )Wow! It’s nice. Let’s go to the party now.


  Sarah: May I come in, doctor?

  Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.

  Sarah: Thank you.

  Doctor: What’s the matter?

  Sarah: I have a fever and a bad cough.

  Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look.

  Sarah: Ah…

  Doctor: OK, I see. You have a cold. Here are some pills for you. Please drink more hot water and stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon.

  Sarah: Thank you,doctor.

  ( ) 1. Sarah is ______ now.

  A. in the classroom B. in the hospital C.in the playground

  ( ) 2. Sarah has .

  A. a headache B. a cold C. a toothache

  ( ) 3. The doctor gives to Sarah.

  A. some pills B. some fruit C. a glass of water

  ( ) 4. The doctor wants Sarah to .

  A. go to school

  B. stay in bed

  C. go to the park

  ( ) 5. Sarah should .

  A. drink more coffee

  B. drink more hot water

  C. drink more juice



  1. Chinese 2. Tuesday 3. boat 4. evening 5. shorts

  6. hurt 7. cough 8. go skating 9. take care 10. Are they happy?


  1. I have a cold and a fever.

  2. Are you thirsty?

  3. Can Yang Ling see the boat on the river?

  4. What subjects do you like , Wang Bing?

  5. What day is it today?

  6. Whose bag is this?

  三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分)

  1、What subject do you like? I like Maths.

  2、I like autumn. I can go climbing.

  3、I can see a big lake.

  4、What day is it today? It’s Sunday.

  5、What’s the matter? I’m tired.

  6、Your trousers are too long. Try these.

  四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) (5分)

  M: Whose coats are behind the door? Are they yours?

  W: Let me see. No, they are Mike’s and Helen’s. Our coats are blue and brown.

  M: Where are Mike and Helen? Are they in the classroom?

  W: No, they’re in the playground.

  M: They’re watching the running race now, I think.

  W: Let’s go and find them.


  1、A: How many seasons are there in a year?

  B: Four .

  A:What are they?

  B: They are spring summer , autumn and winter.

  2、A: Is this your sweater?

  B: No, it isn’t .

  A: Whose sweater is this?

  B: It’s Helen’s .



  七on Wednesday afternoon make snowmen

  have a cold this morniung

  at seven too short

  whose dress try on

  八swimming has cold speaking are come

  apples them brother’s lessons


  十C swimming A Whose C on A gloves B any

  十一 2531746

  十二 BBABB




  ( )1、A. a new student B. a nice girl C. a new boy

  ( )2、A. at a party B. for the party C. go to the party

  ( )3、A. your job B. your name C. your friend

  ( )4、A. buying fruit B. over there C. very thin

  ( )5、A. climb trees B. listen to C. want to


  ( ) 1. A. Please don‘t climb trees

  B. Please don’t climb the hill.

  C. Please don‘t climb the wall.

  ( ) 2. A. What’s in Room ? There are some books.

  B. What‘s in Room ? There are some boxes.

  C. What’s in Room ? There are some desks.

  ( ) 3. A. How many dogs can you see in the picture?

  B. How many students can you see in the picture?

  C. How many trees can you see in the garden?

  ( ) 4. A. Do you like singing with your classmates?

  B. I like singing with my classmates.

  C. I don‘t like singing with my classmates.

  ( ) 5. A. Please come to my class at 5:50.

  B. Please come to my class at 3:50.

  C. Please come to my class at 6:50.


  ( )1、A. He’s Ben. B. She‘s Miss Li. C. He’s Mr Green.

  ( )2、A. I‘m a nurse. B. Yes, I am. C. Thank you.

  ( )3、A. My name is Jack. B. Her name is Nancy. C. His name is David.

  ( )4、A. It’s a bike. B. It‘s Liu Tao’s. C. It‘s on the chair.

  ( )5、A. He’s a cook B. He‘s 30. C. He’s in the car.

  ( )6、A. Yes, she is . B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is.

  ( )7、A. It‘s an apple. B. They’re orange. C. They‘re pears.

  ( )8、A. Here you are. B. Not at all. C. Some apples, please.

  ( )9、A. It’s in the tree. B. It‘s on the trees. C. It’s a cat.

  ( )10、A. I‘m a girl. B. I’m a nurse. C. I‘m 11.


  ( ) 1. Sandy is 12 years old.

  ( ) 2. Sandy’s father likes bread with milk.

  ( ) 3. Sandy likes eggs and sweets.

  ( ) 4. Sandy is good at singing.

  ( ) 5. Sandy is good at English.



  ( )1A teacher B nurse C boy D student

  ( )2 A he B I C she D they

  ( )3 A eighty B old C eleven D thirteen

  ( )4 A what B where C who D this

  ( )5 A clock B jacket C sock D dress


  1一杯咖啡 2乘出租车

  3想要 4去图书馆

  5我的筷子 6come dome

  7something to drink 8open day

  9snack bar 10go to see the doctor


  1、What are ______? They are pineapples.

  A. this B. these C. it

  2、Who‘s the woman ______ long hair?

  A. with B. in C. of

  3、_____ is her job?

  A. What B. Which C. Who

  4、They’re my uncles. They‘re _____.

  A. pears B. boys C. workers

  5、_____ climb table again.

  A. Not B. Don’t C. Do


  1、how , your , about , mother ?

  2、free , you , now , now _________ ?

  3、for , we , school , are , late__________ .

  4、he , my , English , is , teacher____ __.

  5、some , then , have , juice_______ ___.


  A: Can ______ _______ you?

  B: I‘d ______ oranges, please.

  A: OK. _______ _______ kilos?

  B: _______ _______ , please.

  A: Three yuan, please.

  B: Here you _______.

  A: Thank you. Bye.

  B: _______.


  1、How old is your father? __________________________________.

  2、What’s your father‘s job? ___________________________________.

  3、Is your mother a policewoman? ________________________________.

  4、Are you in a white jacket? __________________________________.

  5、Which do you like, apples or bananas? ___________________________.


  Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They’re her students.

  Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons.

  ( )1、Miss Lin likes lemons.

  ( )2、Wang Dong is an English student.

  ( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin.

  ( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too.

  5、Nancy is the girl with ________ ________ and _________ __________.

  6、Mike is a ________ boy. He is thin.

  7、Lily and Miss Lin like __________.









