

时间:2023-05-04 09:04:52 赛赛 英语试题 我要投稿
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  1、形容词性物主代词8个:My your his her its our your their 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的


  1)译成汉语都有"的" eg:my 我的their 他们的

  2)后面加名词:eg:my backpack his name

  3)前后不用冠词a an the This is a my eraser(错误) That is your a pen(错误) It's his the pen(错误)

  3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he (物主代词)her we (物主代词) our 注:在变物主代词时,把原题所给的词加上的,再译成单词就可以了。


  1、名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词一样有8个:Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的





  Eg:the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen)



  1、 I have a car ----we have cars

  2、He is an American boy. ----They are American boys

  3、It is a car ----They are cars

  4、This is an eraser ----These are erasers

  5、That is a backpsck -----Those are backpacks 6,I'm an English teather ------We are English teathers

  7、It's a new shirt---- They are new shirts

  8、He's a boy ----They are boys 9,She's a singer ------They are singers 10,What's this in English?---- What are these in English?




  1、多数情况下在名词后面加S,s 在清辅音后读【S】

  2、以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】

  3、以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】

  4、以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y 为ies


  6、不规则变化Man-men woman-women policeman-policemen Policewoman-policewomen


  1、单复数同形Chinese-chinese Japanese-japanese sheep -sheep deer -deer

  2、This 这个these这些(复数) that那个those那些(复数) I我we我们(复数) he他she她it它they他、它、她们(复数) am ,is是are(复数)


  Eg: I

  (主格)"我"-- me (宾格)"我" 主格在陈述句中通常放句首,宾格通常放在动词后或介词后,也就是说宾格,不放在句首。

  Eg :I have a new car.( I 主格) Excuse me (me 宾格) I ask him to go (him 宾格) They sit in front of me (me 宾格) 主格(8个):

  I 我you你he他she她it它we 我们you 你们they他(她、它)们宾格(8个):me我you你him 他her她it它us我们you你们them他(她、它)们


  1、变法:在人名后面加's 记住:'s要译成"的" eg:Lucy(名词所有格)Lucy's

  2、如果是2个或2个以上人的名词所有格要在最后一个人名加's Eg:Lily and Lucy (名词所有格)Lily and Lucy'S Lily Lucy and Julia (名词所有格) Lily Lucy and Julia's





  3、特殊疑问词通常有:what/ where/ who /whosc/ how/how old/ what colour/ what class /what grade/what row/what school


  1、一般疑问句最基本的变法:be 提前用问号读升调

  2、my变成your our变成your I am / We are 变Are you I can 变Can you

  3、注意人名不论放在什么位置都要大写Tom is a student.Is Tom a student?


  1)This is my English teather. Is this your English teather?

  2)It is our school. Is it your school?

  3)We are students. Are you students?

  4)I can sing. Can you sing?


  1、到目前为止,我们学过的be动词包括三个词am ,is, are 这三个词的汉语意思相同,都是"是"的意思,但怎么运用好这三个词呢?请记住下列口决:

  2、我是am(eg:I am a pupil.)你是are (eg:You are a girl.)Is 用在他、她、它(eg:He is a Chinese boy,She is an English teather,It is a cat.见到复数就用are.)

  3、记住:am ,is 的复数是are.;these 这些;those 那些(这两个词都表示复数)


  1、简缩形式的变法:把倒数第二个字母,通常是元音字母变成' 但are除外,are要把a打成' 。

  Eg:he is=he's they are=they're


  3、把完全形式变成简缩形式时,一定要注意第一个字母的大小变化。Eg:What is =What's

  4、记住一个特殊变化;let's =let us 让我们(不要把' 变成i)

  5、记住:this is 没有简缩形式this's(错误)



  (1)可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式。可数名词前可以用不定冠词、数词或some many等修饰。如:a man a desk an apple an orange some books some children tow pens

  (2)不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some a little much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,这些量词短语中的名词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。如:some water a little milk much food a piece of bread tow bottles of ink some glasses of water


  祈使句用来表示请求、命令等,句中没有主语,肯定形式由谓语或者谓语 宾语( 宾语补足语)构成,否定形式则在句前加Don’t.

  Stand up, please. 请起立。

  Don’t worry. 别担心。



  She can speak Japanese. 她会讲日语。

  I can’t rememberhis name. 我不记得他的名字了。

  Can you spellyour name? 你会拼写你的名字吗?



  结构:由be动词(am, is, are) 动词ing构成,其中be动词要与主语保持性数一致。

  Mary is flying a kite in the park. 玛丽正在公园里放风筝。

  --What are you doing now? 你现在在干什么?

  --I’m reading English. 我正在读英语。

  Are they drawing the pictures now? 他们正在画画吗?



  1) 直接在动词后加ing

  play—playing, do—doing, talk—talking, sing--singing

  2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去e,再加ing

  make—making, write—writing, have—having, take—taking

  3) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词且词尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这个辅音字母,再加ing

  run—running, stop—stopping, put—putting, swim—swimming


  She is cleaning her room now. 她正在打扫房间。

  Look! The girl is dancing over there. 看!那个女孩在那里跳舞。

  --Can you go and play games with me? 你能和我们一起做游戏吗?

  --Can’t you see I am doing my homework? 你没看见我正在做作业吗?


  1. Our school is _________ a park and a big library.

  A. between B. next C. across D. in

  2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.

  A. see B. watch C. watching D. to watch

  3. Let’s ______________often .

  A. go shopping B. went shopping

  C. goes shopping D. going shopping

  4. They want _________ the zoo very much.

  A. to go B. to go to C. go to D. going to

  5. There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao’s class.

  A. is B. are C. am D. will

  6. _________ doyou comefrom? China.

  A. When B. Where C. Why D. Who

  7. We had fun in ______ games.

  A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing

  8. _______ it going? Pretty good!

  A. How’s B. What’s C. How D. Where’s

  9. Thank you very much. ________.

  A. You’rewelcome B. That’s right

  C. You’re right D. Don’t thank me

  10. Thank you for _____ us so much help.

  A. giving B. give C. to give D. gives

  11. Can you tell _____ the way to the shop?

  A. he B. his C. her D. she

  12. You’d better _____ a taxi to the park.

  A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking

  13. ______ you _____ a cup of tea? Yes, please.

  A. Are, like B. Does, like C. Do, like D. Would, like

  14. I don’t like cabbage _______.

  A. at all B. a little C. a lot of D. very

  15. How many ____ do you want?

  A. rice B. tomatos C. pieces of bread D. potato

  16. My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous.

  A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of

  17. Let’s _____ TV now.

  A. to watch B. watch C. look D. see

  18. Mother often goes ______ on Sundays.

  A. shop B. a shop C. buy D. shopping

  19. We often play ____ after school.

  A. a basketball B. the basketball

  C. basketball D. a football

  20. He is very hungry. He buys ____ hamburgers.

  A. many B. much C. a lots of D. all of them

  21. "What does he do?" means ____________

  A. who is he B. Where is he

  C. What is he D. what is he doing

  22. The girl wants ______ a doctor.

  A. being B. to C. to be D. to do

  23. Please _____ late for school next time.

  A. don’t be B. aren’t C. doesn’t be D. be not

  24. My parents often cook noodles ____ me.

  A. to B. for C. in D. of

  25. One of the children _____ in the river last summer.

  A. was swimming B. is swimming

  C. are swimming D. were swimming

  26. _______ are the books? They are 20 yuan.

  A. How much B. What C. How many D. How money

  27. Sorry, I’m late ______ school.

  A. for B. to C. at D.from

  28. She _____ lunch at home yesterday.

  A. doesn’t B. didn’t have C. doesn’t have D. hasn’t

  29. Would you like _____ orange juice ? Yes, please

  A. some B. any C. a D. many

  30. We _____ to a movie last Sunday.

  A. go B. went C. did go D. was go

  31. What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor.

  A. does, does B. do, does C. does, do D. do, do

  32. Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

  A. come to B.to come C. coming and D. coming

  33. We can ______ taxi to the town.

  A. by B. take C. ride D. take a

  34. Welcome to our school! ____________!

  A. Fine B. Thank you C. It doesn’t matter D. Very good

  35. We often _____ TV after school.

  A. are watch B. watch C. watches D. watching

  36. What time is it? __________.

  A. It’s fine B. It’s OK C. It’s Tuesday D. It’s nine

  37. Let’s take some ________.

  A. photo B. photoes C. photos for you

  38. Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room.

  A. is B. was C. are D. were

  39. What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?

  A. in B. on C. / D. of

  40. You can _____ it in English. He can ______ English well.

  A. speak, speak B. tells, say C. say, speak D. talks, say

  41. What ______ you do over the weekend?

  A. are B. do C. did D. does

  42. ______ Yes, I’d like a cup of tea.

  A. Excuse me. B. Can I help you?

  C. Are you OK? D. Good morning!

  43. Did you play football last Friday? ____________.

  A. No, we don’t B. No, we didn’t C. No, we aren’t D. Yes, we play

  44. ______ do you usually go to school?

  A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

  45. She _______ her homework on Sunday.

  A. didn’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t do D. doesn’t did

  46. Mr.Smith is badly ill. Now he is ______ hospital.

  A. in the B. in C. / D. the

  47. What do you want ________ ?

  A. to do B. do C. be D. doing

  48. _______ does the child _______?

  A.Where, comesfromB.Where,fromC.Where, comefromD.Where, isfrom

  49. Your dress is very beautiful. ___________.

  A. Thank you B. You’re right C. Don’t say so D. yes, it is

  50. ________ books are there on the desk?

  A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How far










