英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2021-08-28 12:04:43 英语试题 我要投稿





  1、 —I put him down for a well-educated man、

  —___________ ?

  —I mean that hes a well-educated man、

  A、 I beg your pardon B、 Speak louder, will you

  C、 Whats that D、 Will you repeat word for word

  2、 He__________ he would be able to leave tomorrow, but its beginning to took difficult、

  A、 hopes B、 was hoping C、 had hoped D、 hoped

  3、 —ou___________ stop me、

  —Even if you __________it, I wont allow you to swim across the river、

  A、 mustnt; dare not do B、 may ; dare not do

  C、 can; dare to do D、 neednt; dare do

  4、 ___________she was invited to the ball made her very happy、

  A、 If B、 That C、 When D、 Because

  5、 She had golden hair when she was a child, but_________ she got older and older, her hair went darker and darker、

  A、 while B、 when C、 after D、 as

  6、 I lost my way in complete darkness and, matters worse, it began to rain、

  A、 made B、 having made C、 making D、 to make

  7、 I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by__________ letter、

  A、 不填;;the B、 不填;a C、 the;不填 D、 the; a

  8、 The most favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside、

  A、 where B、 when C、 that D、 which

  9、 —You dont seem to be quite yourself today、 Whats wrong?

  —Oh, Im suffering from a cold、 Nothing serious,

  A、 yet B、 indeed C、 though D、 anyway

  10、___________lessons were not difficult、

  A、 Our few first short English

  B、 Our first few short English

  C、 Our few first English short

  D、 Few our first English short

  11、 Mr、 Smith sold that magnificent cottage of his on the sea 2,000,000 dollars、

  A、 at B、 for C、 to D、 by

  12、 —Which one can I take?

  —-You can take__________ of them; Ill keep none、

  A、 both B、 any C、 either D、 all

  13、 What a pity! He____________ the only chance of success、

  A、 threw away B、 put down C、 gave in D、 broke off

  14、 —Come in, please、 Make yourself at home、

  —Im glad you like it、

  A、 Thanks、 You have a nice place here、

  B、 Oh, this picture is so beautiful!

  C、 Thanks、 What nice food youve prepared!

  D OK、 Let me look around your new house、

  15、 _________ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb、

  A、 To save B、 Saved C、 Saving D、 Having saved

  16、 —How much is the T-shirt ___________?

  —65 dollars、

  A、 worth B、 cost C worthy D、 paid

  17、 —Glad to meet you、


  A、 So do I、 B、 How are you?

  C、 How do you do? D、 The same to you、

  18、 —Can I drive on the free way, Mr、 Green?

  —You can when you____________ a bit more skilled、

  A、 will get B、 are getting C、 will have got D、 get

  19、 It is generally considered unwise to give a child___________ he or she wants、

  A、 however B、 whatever C、 whichever D、 whenever

  20、 For many Beijingers, dreams of living in ___________ green area are becoming___________ reality、

  A、 a; a B、 the; the C、 不填;不填 D、 不填;a

  21、 My money ___________ 、 I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand、

  A、 has run out B、 is running out

  C、 has been run out D、 is being run out

  22、 For quite____________ students, their teacher’s advice is more important than___________ of their parents’、

  A、 few ; one B、 a few; that

  C、 a little ; some D、 a lot; many

  23、 __________ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his report、

  A、 He hardly had B、 Had he hardly

  C、 Hardly had he D、 Hardly he had

  24、 On the long journey, Peter ________ a most interesting guide、 We all had a wonderful time、

  A、 practiced B、 behaved C、 proved D、 conducted

  25、 --Do you live____________ near Jim?

  --No, he lives in another part of the town、

  A、 somewhere B、 nowhere C、 anywhere D、 everywhere

  26、 This photo of mine was taken__________ stood the famous high tower、

  A、 which B、 in which C、 where D、 there