

时间:2023-11-15 13:37:25 诗琳 英语试题 我要投稿
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  PEP英语六年级上册第一单元测试题 1

  一、听力部分 (38分)

  1 、 听句子,选出听到的单词 ,把选项的字母代号在题前括号中。 (8 分)

  (1) ( ) a 、early b 、 carefully c 、 actively

  (2) ( ) a 、 look b 、 ask c 、 make

  (3) ( ) a 、should b 、 good c 、 shouldn’t

  (4) ( ) a 、 eat b 、 must c 、 weit

  2 、 听录音填空。( 10 分)

  (1) You _________keep your room clean .

  (2) Look out ! You___________wait .

  (3) You __________make a mess in your room .

  (4) We must take__________care of young children .

  (5)_______ littering .

  3 、听句子,按听到的顺序把序号标在句子前的括号中。( 10 分)

  ( ) 尊敬老人并帮助他们。

  ( ) 积极回答问题。

  ( )帮助摆放饭桌。

  ( ) 待得很晚。

  ( )去看电影。

  4 、 听句子,判断句子的对错,正确的在括号里打钩,错的.在括号里打叉。(10 分)

  (1)You must litter .( )

  (2) You should play on the street . ( )

  (3) You should keep your desk clean . ( )

  (4) You shouldn’t spit on the ground . ( )

  (5) You should watch TV till late . ( )

  二 、 读写部分 (62分)

  1、 连词成句。(12分)

  (1) eat class don’t in

  (2) early should go you beb to

  (3) cross the road mustn’t you now


  (4) your in hand on time homework

  (5) I you may ask question ? a

  (6) late don’t class be for

  2 、读一读,填一填 ,写一写 。(18分)

  (1) Peter is a good____________at school . But some times he is not a good boy at ______________ . He often _____________ a mess _________his room . He doesn’t like to _____________to set the dinner table . He ___________TV the whole evening . He reads in bed and he goes to _________________very ___________________.

  (2) 请帮Peter 制定一份家规:


  (1) We __________ respect old people and help them . ( must mustn’t )

  (2) You _____________play on the street . ( must mustn’t )

  (3) Don’t make noise ______ class . ( on in )

  (4)________ quiet . ( do be )

  (5) __________ eat in class . ( do don’t )

  (6) You _______________read in bed . ( should shouldn’t )

  4 、 看下面的短文判断对和错。对的打钩,错的打叉。( 10分)

  It’s fine today , LiYan and her mother go to the park . There are many beautiful flawers and green grass in the there . LiYan’s mother wants to into the green grass and have a sit ,LiYan wants to pick the flowers , too . But , they knows every one should obey the park rules . So , they don’t to do that .

  (1) LiYan don’t like the flowers .So , she don’t pick the flowers . ( )

  (2) LiYan’ mother very like the green grass and have a sit . ( )

  (3) They knows everyone should obey the rules in the park . ( )

  (4) It’s hot today . ( )

  5 、请你试写一份遵守交通规则的建议。( 10分)

  PEP英语六年级上册第一单元测试题 2


  1.hobby(复数)     2.knife(复数)

  3.meet(同音词)     4.miss(第三人称单数)

  5.study(同义词)      6.always(对应词)

  7.stop(过去式)     8.their(同音词)

  9.Japan(形容词)      10.dance(动名词)













  (  ) 1. A. knife     B. bamboo     C. fork

  (  ) 2. A. thousand    B. kilometre    C. million

  (  ) 3. A.stamp     B. bicycle     C. pleased

  (  ) 4. A. snake     B. flute      C. violin

  (  ) 5. A. Japanese    B. Chinese     C. China


  (  ) 1. A. clean    B. read    C. really

  (  ) 2. A. knife    B. miss    C. line

  (  ) 3. A. pet     B. special  C. believe

  (  ) 4. A. some     B. hobby   C. copy

  (  ) 5. A. stamp    B. dance   C. apple


  (  ) 1. There   a desk and two chairs in my room.

  A. be     B. is     C. are

  (  ) 2.Daming is visiting America    his cousin.

  A. at     B. with    C. in

  (  ) 3. The girl often    with her English teacher.

  A. talks    B. talk    C. talked

  (  ) 4.He’s got an email in English   he can’t read it.

  and     B. or    C. but

  (  ) 5.   is her hobby.

  A. Reading     B. read     C. reading

  (  ) 6.Our city ________ got about two million people.

  A. is    B. has   C. does

  (  ) 7. ________ Anna often ________ games after school?

  A. Do; plays B. Does; play C. Does; plays

  (  ) 8. —Can you sing? —________And I can dance too.

  A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t.  C. Yes, I can’t.

  (  ) 9. Little children always ________ candy.

  A. love   B. loves  C. loved

  (  ) 10.I watch TV    two hours every evening.

  for     B. to     C. on


  1. Do you want      (visit) the UK?

  2. What ________ Lucy ________ (do) yesterday?

  3. Look! Pingping’s parents ________________ (make) a kite now.

  4. Xiaoyu never ________(eat) English food.

  5. I like music and     (ride) my bike.

  6.    (run) is a good hobby.

  7.We ______ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

  8.     (not open) the door, please. It’s cold.

  9.There are lots of beautiful places     (go) in China.

  10.They__________( collect ) lots of great stamps last year.


  1. Don’t speak French. (改为肯定句)

  2. There is some milk in the box. (改为一般疑问句)

  3. I have got two hundredstamps. (对画线部分提问)

  4. It is a big map of the US.(改为感叹句)

  5. I am going to Harbin. (对画线部分提问)

  6. There is a stamp from China.(改为复数句)

  7. I have got a new pen friend.(用she改写句子)

  8. He often plays football at four in the afternoon.(改为否定句)

  9. We have a special mealon Thanksgiving Day.(对画线部分提问)

  10. Is this your book? (作否定回答)


  Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from __1__. She __2__ in Nanjing now. She can __3__ English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. __4__ is her hobby. Her parents __5__ doctors. Kate __6__ in a school near her home. She __7__ classes from Monday __8__ Friday. __9__ Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves __10__ and her Chinese friends.

  (  ) 1. A. English B. the US C. Japanese

  (  ) 2. A. lives    B. live  C. living

  (  ) 3. A. say   B. speaks C. speak

  (  ) 4. A. Collecting stampsB. Collect stampsC. Collecting stamp

  (  ) 5. A. is    B. are  C. am

  (  ) 6. A. is study  B. studyingC. is studying

  (  ) 7. A. had   B. has  C. have

  (  ) 8. A. to     B. too  C. two

  (  ) 9. A. On     B. In    C. At

  (  ) 10. A. Chinese B. China’sC. China


  A farmer sits near a tree. He is tired. A rabbit is running fast. It cannot see the tree. It hits(撞) the tree and dies(死了). The farmer has the rabbit. He’s lucky. He wants to have many rabbits. He doesn’t like to work on the farm any more(再,还). He waits near the tree every day, butno rabbits come. The farmer becomes unhappy.

  (  ) 1. A farmer sits on a chair.

  (  ) 2. The farmer catches the rabbit.

  (  ) 3. He likes to work on the farm.

  (  ) 4. He waits near the tree every day, because he wants to get many rabbits.

  (  ) 5. He hasn’t got any rabbits any more.


  以“My favourite festival” 为题写一写你最喜欢的节日。


  My favourite festival



  1. hobbies  2. knives   3. meat  4. misses   5. learn

  6. never   7. stopped  8. there  9.Japanese  10. dancing


  1. of course   2. eighty million people  3. lots of/many Chinese shops and restaurants

  4. some dolls from China   5. the Lantern Festival  6. write emails and stories in English

  7. Chinese history   8. an interesting book   9. show you his photos

  10. play computer games


  1—5 BBCAC


  1—5 CBCAB


  1—5 BBACA     6—10 BBAAA


  1. to visit   2. did do   3. are making    4. eats   5. riding

  6. Running   7. will go    8.Don’t open   9. to go   10. collected


  1.Speak French.

  2.Is there any milk in the box?

  3.How many stamps have you got?

  4.What a big map of the US (it is)!

  5.Where are you going?

  6.There are stamps from China.

  7.She has got a new pen friend.

  8.He doesn’t often play football at four in the afternoon.

  9.What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?

  10.No, it isn’t.


  1—5 BACAB      6—10 CBAAC













