

时间:2023-03-14 14:59:23 英语试题 我要投稿
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  ( )1.―Did you decide ________ a new car ?

  A. to buy B. buy C. buys D. bought

  ( )2.Mr Black seemed ____ quite happy.

  A. is B.be C.was D. to be

  ( )3.The film was so ____ that soon all thechildren in the cinema began feeling ____of it and they went out one by one.

  A. bored boring B.boring boring C.bored bored D.boring bored

  ( )4.why didn't you try_________a bicycle to go to school?

  A. riding B. ride C. to ride D. andride

  ( )5. He is ________to reach(够到)the apple on the tree.

  A. enough tall B. tallenough C. tall enough D. tall enough

  ( )6.I didn’t go      last month.?

  A.somewhere quiet B.quiet somewhere? C.anywhere quiet D.quietanywhere?

  ( ) 7. --Did you go to Central Park?--_________.

  A. Yes, you did B. Yes, Idid C. No, you didn’t D.No, I wasn’t

  ( ) 8. He ate a lot at lunchbecause the food was _____ .

  A. hot B. terrible C. delicious D. cheap

  ( ) 9. --How was your weekend,Tony? --_____________________.

  A. It is nice andinteresting B. It was wonderful.

  C. I am OK D. Sure

  ( ) 10. --______ did you do onSunday, Kate? --I watched TV.

  A. When B. How C. What D.Where

  ( )11.— What did you buy yesterday,Lucy?

  — I bought umbrella. umbrella isvery nice.

  A. an; The B. a; A C. a; The D. an; An

  ( )12. — David, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, or you’llget . — OK, Mom.

  A. cold B.dry C. wet D. warm

  ( )13.— I can’t learn English well. What can I do,Mr. Smith?

  — Tom, is difficult if you work hard.

  A. something B.nothing C. anything D. everything

  ( )14.— Can I go shopping with you, Mom? I feel very at home all day. — Sure! Let’s go to the supermarket, dear.

  A. interested B. excited C.relaxed D. bored

  ( )15. We didn’t enjoy the day the weather was so bad.

  A. but B. so C.because D. if

  ( )16.— Did you enjoy at the party yesterday, Karen?

  — Yes. I had a good time.

  A. myself B.yourself C. me D.you

  ( )17. — I am free tomorrow. So I to go to the movies. Would you like to go with me? — I’d loveto, but I have too much homework.

  A. decide B.listen C. shout D. talk

  ( )18.— How terrible the weather is! I don’t likerainy days.

  — I it, either. Because I can’t go to play soccer.

  A. dislike B.disliked C. liked D. like

  ( )19.— What do you think of this one?

  — It looks nice. But I why you choose (选择) this one for me.

  A. think B.hope C.wonder D. wish

  ( )20.— Did you try paragliding yesterday?

  — Yes. I I was a bird.It was so exciting!

  A. looked like B. made sure C. thoughtof D. felt like

  ( )21.— Is there in the book? — Yes, the story is very exciting.

  A. something interesting B. interesting something

  C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

  ( )22. I you yesterday morning, but you at home.

  A. call; aren’t B.am calling; are

  C. called; were D.called; weren’t

  ( )23.— David often plays alone (独自). He hasfriends.

  — Yes. He is too shy to makefriends.

  A. little B.a little C. a few D. few

  ( )24.— Where Tina go on vacation last summer? — She to Hainan.

  A.did; went B. does; went C. did; go D. do; go

  ( )25. — Mom, I am hungry. May I have some bread?

  — . But don’t eat too much.

  A.That’s a goodidea B. Of course C. You’re welcome D. I’m sorry


  I had a trip toAruba on my vacation. We 1 the Holiday Hotel in Aruba at about 1:30 am.We were pretty glad 2 it was our first trip to Aruba. The flight (飞行) was fine and the bus ride from the 3 was great. We stayed at the Holiday Hotel. Wesaw the rooms one

  4 one because we wanted to have a room to 5 the sea (海洋). I wouldsay that the beach was 6 but the weather was awful every day. 7 the Holiday Hotel, it was okay with us. Theroom was clean, the waiters were friendly and the food was good. I 8 the food of the hotel restaurant. One night wehad 9 at the Moomba Restaurant. It is on the thirdfloor. The food there was really good. The Moomba was a good place to 10 .I hoped to go there again.

  ( ) 1. A. left B. arrived at C. walked D.thought of

  ( ) 2. A. because B. when C. before D. if

  ( ) 3. A. hotel B. beach C. airport D. home

  ( ) 4. A. to B. at C. with D. by

  ( ) 5. A. see B. visit C. talk about D. look for

  ( ) 6. A. bad B. beautiful C. crowded D. delicious

  ( ) 7. A. About B. On C. To D.Of

  ( ) 8. A. hated B. disliked C. made D.liked

  ( ) 9. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D.meals

  ( ) 10. A. play B. eat C. walk D. cook



  Do you want your children to eat fresh (新鲜的) food? Then bring them to Hawthorne Valley Farm.

  What you can do

  For children:

  Learn about different vegetables, fruits and


  Pick vegetables and fruits and feed animals;

  Help make lunch and have lunch at the farmer’s house;

  Take a kilo of fruit home when leaving.

  For parents:

  Grow up with children;

  Enjoy fresh food and buy fresh food;

  Go outdoors (在户外) and relax.


  9:30 a.m. ~ 8:30 p.m.

  On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and weekends

  From April to October

  Cost (费用)

  $42 for a child and $22 for a parent

  Email: hawthornevalleyfarm@gmail.com


  ( )1. The advertisement (广告) is for .

  A. parents B.students C. doctors D.teachers

  ( )2. Children can on the farm.

  A.ride horses B. feed animals C. have breakfast D. go swimming

  ( )3. The farm is open days eachweek.

  A. three B.four C.five D.six

  ( )4. Little Bob and his mother need to pay if they want tohave fun on the farm. A. $42 B. $53 C.$64 D.$86

  ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE about thefarm?

  A.It has the best horses. B. It is a place for children to make newfriends.

  C.It isn’t open inSeptember. D. It has an email address.


  We all want tohave vacations. To me, it’s very important torelax myself. I finished a one-week vacation just now. Let me tell you what Idid. I know you will feel bored when you look at other people’s vacation pictures!

  My son finishedhis last week of school. During that week, I became a school mom. They had aclass party at a teacher’s house, so I volunteered (志愿) to drive some of the students and attend theparty. That was the last week my son would be with them. So it was time for meto spend time with them. I had lunch with the class and then attended theirmeeting. I never had time to be with the class before. I found it veryinteresting and my son was happy to show off (炫耀) that.

  ( ) 6. To the writer, the best thing to do on her vacation is .

  A.to play with her child B. tohave a good rest

  C.to work from day to night D. to goto a new place

  ( ) 7. According to the writer, people .

  A. don’t like looking at others’ vacation pictures

  B. often help their children’s teachers

  C. often workfor their children’s classes

  D. like showingthem off in the school

  ( ) 8. From the passage, we can guess the party is to celebrate (庆祝) .

  A. the teacher’s birthday B. theteacher’s child’s birthday

  C. the children’s graduation (毕业) D. the finishing of their vacation

  ( ) 9. The word “attend”means .

  A. 组织 B. 离开 C. 观赏 D. 参加

  ( ) 10. The writer’s son was very glad because .

  A. he ate muchfood at the party B. he made many newfriends at the party

  C. his motherworked for the party D. he could go tohis teacher’s class again



  1.Will you go (某个地方) interesting on vacation this summer?

  2.My uncle is a (商人). He makes lots of money every year.

  3.We have lots of (活动) after school. We like them very much.

  4.You can see an old museum between the two tall (建筑).

  5.Can you tell me the (区别) between the two pictures?




  1. 去海南旅游,沙滩上玩;

  2. 做自己喜欢的事情,比如:逛书店买书;

  3. 和朋友踢足球,进行体育锻炼;

  4. 每天早上读英语,上午安排两个小时做作业。


  单选1-5ADDAB 6-10CBCCBC 11-15 ACBDC 16-20BAACD 21-25 CDDAB

  完型1-5 BACDA 6-10CADCA

  阅读 A1-5 ABCCD B6-10 AACDC

  词汇1. Anywhere 2. trader 3. Activities 4.buildings 5.differences

  书面表达Onepossible version:

  I enjoyed my summer vacation. I traveled to Hainanwith my parents and we had fun on the beach. During the vacation I often wentto my favorite bookstore and bought many interesting books. Sometimes I playedsoccer with my friends in the afternoon. Playing sport could keep us healthy. Ialso spent some time in studying. Every morning I read English, and from 9:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m. I did my homework。










