

时间:2022-11-21 00:49:42 英语试题 我要投稿
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  Unit 1 – Unit 5 重点单词类:(上学期)


  Starter Unit里涉及的是:animals动物类, colors颜色类, toys玩具类, school uniform校服类, days of the week星期类, feelings感觉类, food, 食物类, things in a living room客厅里的物品类, numbers数字类, free time activities自由时间的活动.


  plum ice cream chewing gum chocolate noodles, banana, apple, pear, bread, orange, cola, cake, hot dog, orange juice,


  ring (戒指), shells(贝壳), mascot(吉祥物)

  friendship band(友谊结), silver bells(银铃),

  necklace(项链), soft toys(毛绒玩具)


  stickers 粘贴 comics 连环画

  football pictures 体育图片 autographs ( 签名)

  postcards ( 名信片) stamps (邮票) collect (收集)


  minute 分钟 hour 小时

  metre英式 (meter美式) 米 kilometre (kilometer) 千米

  Unit 6 – Unit 10 重点单词类:(下学期)


  polar bear(北极熊), the arctic fox(北极狐),

  the arctic hare(北极兔), the snowy owl(雪鹰),

  lemmings(旅鼠), seals (海豹)


  television (电视), cartoons(卡通),

  nature programmes(自然片), detective programmes(侦探片), sports programmes(体育片), science fiction films(科学科幻电影), romantic films(爱情电影)


  museum (博物馆), church (教堂), hospital (医院),

  train station (火车站), bus stop (汽车站 ), park (公园 )

  tourist office (旅行社 ), police station (警察局),

  post office (邮局),


  be opposite (在…对面), be next to (在…旁边),

  be near (在…附近) on the side of… (在…的这一边)

  turn left (左转), turn right (右转),

  go straight ahead (笔直走),


  afraid of (害怕), horror films(恐怖电影),

  thunder(雷), thunderstorms(暴风雨),

  the dark(黑暗), ghost(鬼),

  earthquakes(地震), sleeping alone(独自睡觉),

  6. On the beach (沙滩类)

  collect shells(收集贝壳), ride a jet-ski(驾驶快艇), snorkel(潜水), ride horse (骑马),

  mask(面具), flippers(脚蹼)

  重点句型及基本语法知识:(上下两学期 )

  1. 一般将来时态:

  sb. be going to do (动词原形)sth. + 表示将来的时间

  sb. will do(动词原形) sth. + 表示将来的时间

  如:I’m going to buy chocolates on Sunday. (星期天)

  We are going to play football tomorrow. (明天)

  They will go to a party in the evening.(今晚)


  2. 现在进行时:

  Sb. be doing sth. 某人正在做什么。

  重要例句:They are riding horses.

  Mike is making a phone call.

  Eve is flying a kite.

  Two girls are snorkeling.

  Four children are collecting shells.

  She is putting on / taking off her shoes.


  1) 一般情况下直接加ing

  sleep---sleeping study---studying speak---speaking

  say---saying carry---carrying collect---collecting

  2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ing

  ride-- riding make-- making give—giving come-- coming

  drive—driving write—writing skate--skating take---taking

  3) 以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅,元,辅”结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing

  swim-- swimming put-- putting stop-- stopping get-- getting

  run-- running let-- letting snorkel-- snorkelling

  4. 一般现在时态在六年级教材中的体现:

  sb. +表示频率的副词do/does sth. 表示动词的变化型式要跟随主语的单复数变化。

  如:I often dream of spacemen. (主语是第一人称时,动词为原形。)

  He sometimes dreams of being a football star. (主语是第三人称单数时,动词变形加“s” 或 “es”等)

  We never dream that we can fly. (主语是复数形式时,动词为原形。)

  Toby always dreams that he can talk to animals. (主语是第三人称单数时,动词变形加“s” 或 “es”等)

  I often get up at half past six. (主语是第一人称时,动词为原形。)

  She usually goes to school at five o’clock. (主语是第三人称单数时,动词变形加“s” 或 “es”等)




  1) My sister Jane often watches cartoons. (主语是第三人称单数时,动词变形加“s” 或 “es”等)

  否定句:Jane doesn’t watch cartoons.

  疑问句:Does Jane often watch cartoons?

  Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

  2.)My father and mother always watch some nature programmes. (主语是复数形式时,动词为原形。)

  否定句:They don’t always watch nature programmes.

  疑问句:Do they always watch any nature programmes?

  Yes, they do. / No, they don’t..

  特别注意:肯定句里表示“和”,我们通常用“and”, 在疑问句和否定句用 “or” . 表示一些的 “some”在疑问句里和否定句里,我们通常替换用 “any”来表示。

  5. There be…句型, (表示什么地方有…)

  就近原则:There be句型的be动词,根据离它最近的名词的单复数情况来变化。

  如:There are many rings in the box.

  There is a blue soft toy on the desk.

  There is a little shell and lots of big shells in the house.

  There is much water (不可数名词)in the bottle.

  There are mascots everywhere.

  6. sb. has/ have got sth. (某人拥有某物。)

  has 和have 的运用要看主语的单复数变化而定。

  如: Juliet has got two nice necklaces.

  Bob and Tim have got many new books.


  Juliet has got some nice necklaces.

  否定句:Juliet hasn’t got any nice necklaces.

  疑问句:Has Juliet got any nice necklaces?

  Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.

  Bob and Tim have got many new books.

  否定句:Bob and Tim haven’t got many new books.

  疑问句:Have Bob and Tim got many new books?

  Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.

  Have you got a blue pencil?

  Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

  7.How many …? 和 How often…? How much…?的区别

  How many…? 征对多少个来提问。一般征对可数名词的物品:

  How many English words can you write in a minute?

  I can write 20 in a minute.

  How many animals can he draw in two minutes?

  He can draw 4 animals in a minute.

  How often…?征对频率的高低来提问。

  How often can you bend your knees in a minute?

  I can bend my knees 52 times.

  He can bend his knees 46 times.

  How often do you play basketball in a week?

  I play basketball three times.

  (补充知识:一次为once, 两次为twice, 三次及以上可用数词+ times )

  How much…? (主要用来问价格)

  How much is this T-shirt? It’s 200 yuan.

  How much are these apples? They are 30 yuan.

  8. 记住下面问题的答案:

  How big are polar bears?

  What is the favourite food of polar bears?

  When do arctic foxes live in groups?

  What is the favourite food of arctic foxes?

  Where can the arctic hares hide in winter?

  What is the favourite food of snowy owls?

  9. 记住这个表达方式:

  The nature programme begins at 9:30.

  It ends at 10:30. Then the cartoon begins.

  (自然节目开始的时间为9:30, 10:30分结束,然后卡通节目就开始了。)

  10. 询问路的表达方式:


  1) A: Excuse me, where is the museum?

  2) A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum?


  1) B: It’s not far. Just go straight ahead, then turn left. It’s next

  to the school. (不远。只要笔直走,然后左转。它在学校的旁边。)

  2) B: The museum? That’s easy. You can go right, then go straight ahead. It’s the building opposite the park. (博物馆?很简单。你可以向右走,然后笔直走。在公园对面的建筑就是了。)

  A: Thank you. (谢谢!)

  B: That’s OK. (不用谢!)

  3) 一定记住书上66页7的练习。

  11. 记住这样的表达方式:

  It must be hard to live in the desert.

  It must be interesting to climb up the mountain.

  It must be boring to live in the jungle.

  It must be stupid to sail across the Atlantic.

  12. 询问时间的两种表达方式:

  What’s the time?

  What time is it?

  It’s ….

  o’clock 整点 quarter 15分钟 half 过一半

  past 过。。。 to…表示差几分 (钟面过了30分钟后用to来表示)

  英式表达 (书上内容) 美式表达

  12:00 It’s twelve o’clock It’s twelve.

  3点15分 It’s quarter past three. It’s three fifteen.

  6点半 It’s half past six. It’s six thirty.

  7点40 It’s twenty to eight. It’s seven forty.

  11点50 It’s ten to twelve. It’s eleven fifty.


  1.What are you going to do at the weekend? 谈谈你的周末计划。


  范文: My weekend

  I am going to a party on Friday evening. On Saturday, I am going to watch TV and do some homework. My dad is going to clean his car, and my mum is going to do some cooking. We are going to visit my grandparents on Sunday. I love the weekend.

  2.Talk about your dreams. 谈谈你的梦想或梦境。


  范文: My dream

  I have lots of nice dreams. I often dream of my friends. I like friends very much. But sometimes I dream of monsters. I don’t like monsters. I never dream that I can sing. I like to sing. I dream of being a good singer.

  3.1)Talk about your daily life. 谈谈你的日常生活。



  范文: My day

  I often get up at half past six. Then I go to school at half past seven. I always have 4 classes in the morning. I have lunch at school. I often go home at five. After dinner, I do homework from seven to eight. I go to bed at ten. I love my day!




  范文: Peter often gets up at seven.

  He sometimes goes to school at half past seven.

  He has four classes in the morning.

  He always has lunch at school.

  He often goes home at five. Then he does homework from seven to eight.

  He goes to bed at ten.

  4.What do you or your friends collect? 谈谈你和你的朋友们的收藏。


  范文: My collecting

  I like collecting. I collect many stickers, because I like stickers very much. I stick the stickers on my books and in my room. I don’t collect football pictures, because I don’t like football. But my friend Jim likes football, so he collects lots of football pictures of super stars.


  范文: My favourite programmes

  I often watch TV on Sunday. I often watch nature programmes. I like nature programmes very much. Because I think they are very interesting. My father often watches football. My mother doesn’t like sports programmes. She never watches them. She likes romantic films. But I don’t like them. Because I think they are very boring.

  6. 写一首小诗描述你害怕什么或不害怕什么。

  范文: I’m not afraid of monsters.

  I’m not afraid of ghosts.

  I’m not afraid of the dark.

  And I’m not afraid of many things.

  But there’s one thing I’m afraid of:

  Spiders under my bed.

  7. 描述图上的人物正在做什么?


  Look! Three girls are listening to the music. A boy is collecting shells. A girl is flying a kite. Two children are riding horses. Four children are playing football. Three children are swimming. A woman is riding a jet-ski. And a man is fishing. They are very happy on the beach!

  (以上范文仅供参考,希望同学们根据自己的情况来书写作文,争取写的更加的丰富和流畅。其中,5, 6, 7为下学期学习的作文主题。)










