英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-08-15 16:08:41 英语试题 我要投稿




  ( ) 1. A. shorter B. longer C. younger

  ( ) 2. A. cm B. kg C. m

  ( ) 3. A. thinner B. bigger C. taller

  ( ) 4. A. tired B. excited C. bored

  ( ) 5. A. angry B. very C. happy

  ( ) 6. A. better B. sick C. sad

  ( ) 7. A. think B. than C. then

  ( ) 8. A. I have a headache.

  B. I have an earache.

  C. I have a toothache.

  ( ) 9. A. How does Amy feel?

  B. How do you feel?

  C. How are you feeling?

  ( ) 10. A. My nose is sore.

  B. My nose hurts.

  C. I have a sore nose.


  ( ) 1. A. Have a headache. B. Have a toothache

  C. Have a fever.

  ( ) 2. A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Bored.

  ( ) 3. A. Tired. B. Angry. C. Sad.

  ( ) 4. A. 49 kg. B. 48 kg. C. 46 kg.

  ( ) 5. A. I’m 2 years older than you.

  B. You’re younger than me.

  C. You’re 2 years older than me.


  1. ________ are you, Wang Lin? You look so tired.

  2. How ________ are you? I’m 50 kg.

  3. A: Do you have a ________?

  B: No, I have a sore nose.

  4. A: Are you ________ than Tom?

  B: No, I’m not.

  5. A: How does Amy feel? B: She’s ________.


  ( ) 1. It’s sunny on Sunday morning.

  ( ) 2. I’m very happy because I can swim in the park.

  ( ) 3. I don’t do a lot of homework.

  ( ) 4. I jump and sing in the park.

  ( ) 5. I’m sad because I fall into the river.



  /te??/ /ha?s/ /'t?:??/ /b??/ /sa?θ/

  type boy tail know day

  house taller south tired hole

  /'ta??d/ /n??/ /ta?p/ /de?/ /h???/


  ( ) 1. boat A. show B. how C. now

  ( ) 2. rain A. tail B. and C. what

  ( ) 3. fly A. yellow B. kite C. usually

  ( ) 4. take A. angry B. matter C. they

  ( ) 5. dive A. kick B. size C. this

  ( ) 6. toy A. point B. fail C. goat

  ( ) 7. count A. snow B. mouse C. slow

  ( ) 8. boy A. rain B. strong C. noise

  ( ) 9. south A. city B. nose C. close

  ( ) 10. flu A. little B. tail C. goal



  ( ) 1. g a r y n(生气的)______________

  ( ) 2. i d t e c x(兴奋的)______________

  ( ) 3. e h r a e v i(更重的)______________

  ( ) 4. r h t u(疼痛)______________

  ( ) 5. r d o e l(年龄更大的)______________

  ( ) 6. d b e o r(无聊的)______________

  ( ) 7. e s o r(疼的)______________

  ( ) 8. e e f r v(发烧)______________

  ( ) 9. a r e m t t(事情)______________

  ( ) 10. p a p y h(高兴的)______________


  1. thin __________ 2. happy __________

  3. angry __________ 4. heavy __________

  5. short __________ 6. old __________

  7. long __________ 8. sad __________

  9. small _________ 10. big __________



  1. -What’s the matter? -My hands _________ ( hurt ). (考查hurt第三人称单数形式)

  2. My brother is _________ ( heavy ) than your uncle.

  3. How _________ ( do ) your grandmother feel? (考查句型How does...?)

  4. How old _________ ( be ) your sister?(考查句型How old...?)

  5. Bai Ling is 3 years _________ (old ) than Chen Jie.

  6. _________ ( not worry ), please! (考查祈使句否定句用法)

  7. My desk is longer than _________ ( you ).

  8. -How _________ ( old ) are you?

  -I’m 10 years old.

  9. She tells me to _________ ( take ) some medicine. (考查词组tell sb. to do sth.)

  10. Tom is _________ ( young ) than Mike.
