

时间:2023-03-29 15:06:36 英语试题 我要投稿
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  ( )1.一 ____________ -I'm a reporter.

  A.What do you do? B.Who are you?

  C.What are you? D.Both A and C.

  ( )2.It's __________ to climb the tall tree,be careful.

  A.danger B.dangerous

  C.busy D.difficult

  ( )3.The woman can speak __________ Chinese.

  A.a little B.a few

  C.lot of D.many

  ( )4.He wants to be a policeman __________ it's an exciting job.

  A.and B.so C.because D.why

  ( )5.My sister often __________ his friends.

  A.play with B.play C.plays with D.plays

  ( )6.Is there a library near here?

  A.Yes,it is. B.No,there aren't.

  C.Yes,there is. D.Yes, there are.

  ( )7.He wants _________ to movies with his friends.

  A.to go B.go C.going D.goes

  ( )8.We live in a house __________ a small garden.

  A.has B.with C.have D.there is

  ( )9.She is 13 years old and her birthday is __________ September.

  A.in B.on C.at D.of

  ( )10.Just ___________ straight and turn right.

  A.going B.go C.to go D.goes

  ( )11.I want to eat __________ bananas,are there _________ bananas here?

  A.any;some B.any;any

  C.some;any D.some;some

  ( )12.You can __________ to get to the zoo.

  A.take a bas B.sit a bus C.catch a bus D.have a bus

  ( )13.How can he __________ the new school?

  A.gets to B.get to C.arrives D.arrive to

  ( )14.My house is _________ the garden.

  A.across in B.cross from C.across from D.across at

  ( )15.Please ____________ during the tour.

  A.have a fun B.have full C.have funs D.have funny


  1.Dongshan Park is a good P_________________ to have fun.

  2.The pay phone isn't in front of the bank, it's b___________________ the bank.

  3.He comes from Australia.He can speak _____________________.

  4.They v_________________ their grandparents every week.

  5.If we are hungry,we can go to the r_____________________.

  6.The hospital is very far.you can ___________________________ a taxi.

  7._______________________ are afraid of(害怕)policemen.

  8.Tom is a nice boy, he wants to be an _______________ when he grows up.

  9.The sunlight(阳光)goes _______________________ the windows.

  10.__________________ are the king of the forest and like to eat meat.


  1.Are there any ___________________ (library)in the new city.

  2.Miss White is really __________________ (friend),she always has a smile on her face.

  3.Let _________________ (she)tell you the answer.

  4.Here is ___________________ (Japan)dictionary for you.

  5.Go ____________________ (cross)the bridge and you'll find it on the left.

  6.A good ____________________ (begin)makes a good ending.

  7.Let's see the penguins _______________________ (one).

  8.Koalas like to eat _______________________ (leaf).

  9.My job is a policeman, _______________________ (thief)don't like me.

  10.I like my work,it is interesting,but it's ____________________ kind of(danger).

  四 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)

  1.Can you________________ (come)to China one day.

  2.The animals enjoys ___________________ (sleep)during the day.

  3.This is a good place _________________ (visit).

  4.My sister and I dislike __________________(swim).

  5.We want a music teacher ________________ (teach)guitar,piano and violin.

  6.He usually ________________ (sleep)and relaxes 20 hours every day.

  7.I know you will _________________ (arrive)next Sunday.

  8.I hope you ___________________ (have)a good trip.

  9.She _________________ (teach)math in a middle school.

  10.He's a writer.He ___________________ (write)many stories every year.

  五 句型转换 (10分)

  1.My mother works in a restaurant.(划线提问)

  __________________________ does your mother ______________________?

  2.Mary likes singing.(变一般疑问句)

  __________________ Mary ________________ singing?

  3.What's her job?(同义句)

  __________________ is _____________________?

  4.I like koalas because they are cute.(划线提问)

  _________________ _________________ you like koalas?

  5.Pandas are from China.(同义句)

  Pandas ____________________ ____________________ China.

  六 交际运用(15分)


  A:Many Hew animals are in the zoo.Do you know?


  A:Pandas,lions,monkeys,giraffes and elephants.

  B:Let's go and see them.

  A:OK. ________________________.

  B:I want to see pandas first.


  B:Because they are very cute.________________.

  A:I like elephants.


  A:Because they are big,but they are very friendly.

  1____________ 2___________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________


  A:Excuse me,sir.Where is the nearest post office?

  B:Sorry,____________________________.I am new here.

  You can ask the policeman over there.

  A:__________________________________.(The girl goes to the policeman)

  A:Excuse me, ___________________________________?

  C:No.there isn't a post office near here,but there is one near the supermarket.

  A:How far is it from here?

  C:It's about two kilometers away.It's very far.________________________

  because there aren't any buses.


  C:Not at all.


  I work in a small shop.It's near an English __51__.Every day, students come to __52__things.In the morning,I get up __53__ six and then have breakfast.I go to __54__ by bike.I__55__ to the shop at about six forty.The shop __56__ at seven.We sell things __57__ food and drink.We have school things,too.So there __58__ often many people in our shop __59__ morning to evening.

  I have __60__ in the shop.At seven in the evening the shop is closed.

  ( )51、A.farm B.factory C.school D.river

  ( )52、A.buy B.sell C.take D.want

  ( )53、A.on B.in C.at D.from

  ( )54、A.school B.bed C.class D.work

  ( )55、A.go B.get C.stay D.look

  ( )56、A.opens B.open C.is opening D.is opened

  ( )57、A.with B.like C.for D.about

  ( )58.A.are B.have C.see D.come

  ( )59、A.in B.on C.at D.from

  ( )60、A.supper B.breakfast C.tea D.lunch



  It's Saturday morning.Betty is having her breakfast.Betty's mother and father are with her.On Saturday morning Betty doesn't go to school.She helps her parents do some housework.This morning she says to her mother."Can I help you,mum?"Yes,you can help me."her mother says,"You can go to Mr.White's shop.Something is wrong with our clock.Mr.White mends(修理)clocks.Our clock is in his shop.""Is he mending our clock?"Betty asks."Yes."her father says."And this morning it is ready." "Yes, it is ready."Her mother says,"Go to Mr.White's shop.Take this bag.You can put the clock in it."Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home.

  ( )1.What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? ___________

  A.She goes to school.

  B.She is having her breakfast.

  C.She is cooking with her mother.

  ( )2.Betty often helps her parents ___________ on Saturday.

  A.do some cleaning

  B.do some shopping

  C.do some housework

  ( )3.There is something wrong with their ___________.

  A.radio B.clock C.car

  ( )4.__________ is mending their clock.

  A.Mrs.White B.Mr.White C.Mr.Brown

  ( )5.Which is correct in the following?

  A.The clock is ready this morning.

  B.Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack.

  C.Betty and her mother go to the shop together.IV.Writing.



  Look at the picture.Where are the children now? They are in the zoo.They are looking at the monkeys(猴子).The monkeys are in a large cage(笼子).Are the monkeys walking or jumping? They are jumping up and down in the cage.But one monkey is not jumping. It's sleeping.It is ill.Where are the children now? The children are standing next to a small cage.What's in the small cage? There is a fox(狐狸).What is the fox doing? The fox is walking in the cage.It's looking for something to eat.It wants to go out of the cage to play and wall Now the children are looking at the wolf(狼).Is the wolf sleeping? No,it isn't.It is not sleeping at all.The wolf is eating.What is the wolf eating? It is eating meat.There is a bone(骨头)in its mouth.

  ( )1.The children are in the zoo.

  ( )2.All the monkeys are jumping.

  ( )3.The ill monkey lives in a small cage.

  ( )4.The fox is looking for the meat.

  ( )5.The fox wants to go out of the cage to play and walk.but it can't.


  Welcome to the zoo! Come and see the African elephants and the lovely pandas from China.The koalas from Australia and lions from South Africa are waiting to meet you.The dolphins are waiting to throw balls at you.And the giraffes are waiting to look down on you.

  1.How many kinds of animals are there in the passage(短文)?


  2.Mr.Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is 15 and the other is 9,how much are the tickets together(一共)?


  3.Can we visit the zoo at 3:30 on Friday?


  4.Where are the lions from?


  5.What can't we do in the zoo?



  请以My pen pal为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你笔友的情况。


  提示词:Australia,thirteen,Chinese,middle school,basketball,maths,

  play games,classmates(同学),know about China.



















