英语试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-30 15:33:07 英语试题 我要投稿





  ( )1.Where are they talking?

  A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In a library.

  ( )2.What’s the boy going to do tonight?

  A. He’s going to see a film. B. He’s going to study for a test. C. He’s going to have classes.

  ( )3.What’s the boy’s favorite subject?

  A. Math. B. History. C. English.

  ( )4.Why is the man studying English?

  A. Because he likes English. B. Because he has a good job. C. Because he wants to get a good job.

  ( )5.What does Tom feel difficult in learning English?

  A. Memorizing new words. B. Grammar. C. Making sentences.



  ( )6.What’s the boy’s problem?

  A. He forgets a lot of new words. B. He can’t cant the pronunciation right.

  C. He doesn’t get much writing practice.

  ( )7. How does the girl study English?

  A. She joins an English club. B. She listens to tapes.

  C. She writes the words in a notebook and study as often as she can.


  ( )8. How many languages in the world?

  A. 1,500. B. 150. C. 2,000.

  ( )9. How many words does a large dictionary have?

  A. 200,000 or 300,000. B. 300,000 or 400,000. C. 400,000 or 500,000.

  ( )10. When can you learn about three thousand words?

  A. After you leave collage. B. When you start middle school. C. Before you leave high school.


How to listen carefully in class

Sit near the (11)______________the classroom.

Keep these in mind. After class you can tell (15)_____________of what your teachers have said.

Clear your mind. Look at your (12)________. It’s easier for you to follow him/her.

If you can’t (13)_____________something, ask a question.

Don’t talk to the others or (14)______________

with something.