

时间:2023-03-19 07:54:55 报考指南 我要投稿
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  根据能量守恒定律(Law of energy conservation),即“各种能量形式互相转换是有方向和条件限制的,能量相互转换时其量值不变,表明能量不能被创造或消灭”,人们在使用语言描述事物变化时,应尽可能避免语言过于绝对化,尤其是在使用第二语言进行正式的书面表述时,更应该注意该语言中非绝对化表达方式的学习,这样才能尽显文章内容的客观性。


  This tends to occur whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.

  This occurs whenever there is a downturn in commodity prices.

  A child learning a foreign language at primary school causes confusion between their native language and the foreign one.

  A child learning a foreign language at primary school is likely to cause confusion between their native language and the foreign one.

  为解决该问题,一些表达委婉语气的用语和句式,考生可以尝试使用,如:may, might, would, could, largely, possibly, probably, be likely (unlikely) to, be inclined to, tend to, to a large (some) extent, there is a higher probability/possibility that…等。

  错误二: 只回答部分问题










  Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on yourhappiness than your social life does.


  1) 人是否幸福和经济状况有关。而对大多数人来说,工作是经济来源。一般来说,当人没有经济上的忧虑的时候,人就会比较幸福。

  2) 幸福还意味着强烈的成就感。一般来说,工作比社交生活更容易带来成就感或者挫败感。当一个人工作做得好,得到同事和老板认可的时候,他会觉得很幸福,因为觉得自己有用。而当一个人工作做不好,被批评的时候,就会不开心。

  3) 工作占据一个人大部分的时间和精力。当你享受工作的时候,你的大部分时间都会很开心。而当你做一份自己讨厌的工作时,你一天都不会开心。


  I tend to believethat one’s job exerts influence on one’s happiness. Inother words, whether you enjoy your job or not determines your happiness. Threereasons can be used to justify my opinion.

  To begin with, aperson’s happiness has something to do with 和…有关his/herfinancial conditions and generally speaking, job decides a person’s economicconditions. So if you have a well-paid job, you are less likely to suffer from financial cares财政忧虑. Although we are told that happiness has nothing to do with money,I still believe that without basic necessities, it is next to impossible forpeople to be really happy. Take many Chinese youngsters for example. A majorityof young people aging from 18-30 are unhappy nowadays. The reason is simple:housing prices in nearly every city, large or small, areescalating 增长: ten yearsago, 100,000dollars could buy an apartment in Beijing. Now to buy the sameapartment, you have to pay 500,000dollars. To rent a well-equipped apartment,you have to pay at least 500dollars, while the average salary in Beijing is1000dollars. Rising housing prices, coupled with和...一起 stagnant停滞的 wagesplague困扰youngsters and their parents. If those youngsters had a job whichcan bring them at least 50,000dollars a year, they would have the opportunityto rent or buy a decent apartment, therefore living a better life.

  Second, happinesshas a strong correlation with a sense of fulfillment 满足感. It isour job that produces most of our achievement. When we finish our workflawlessly 完美无瑕地, we aremore likely to be happy, for the perfect work means a strong capacity that noteverybody has. But messing up 把…弄糟a work isdefinitely frustrating. It is true that social life can also have some impacton our happiness, but this effect is minimal and will not last for a long time.The reason is obvious: in our society, people evaluate a person by his/herability to perform job-related tasks. A doctor will be excited with a completerecovery of his/her patient; a teacher feels perfect when his/her studentsachieve academic success. Nothing brings a person genuine 真正的 happinessthan his/her job does.

  Last but not least,it is your job that consumes much of your time. In this highlycompetitive modern society 高度竞争的现代社会, to maintain our competitive edge 保持竞争优势, wehave to do our best. Spending 8 hours on one’s work is normal andmost of us actually spend at least 10 hours on work on a daily basis 每天. If youlove your work, then you are happy to get up early and enjoy the whole day, butif you hate your job, then the process would be a nightmare and you have tosuffer. I consider myself happy because I choose my job and I enjoy the wholeprocess. Even if I have to work overtime, I do not complain. But my sister isnot so lucky. Despite the fact that her social life makes her happy, thehappiness istransient 短暂的. When she goes back to work, she has to suffer.

  From the discussionabove, I firmly 坚定地 believe that a person’s happiness links with his/her job. A happy person is a person witha well-paid job, and at the same time, he/she does the job with passion and enthusiasm 热情.










