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  商务英语中级阅读题型模拟试题 1

  The secret of success in electronic commerce lies in placing a new emphasis on a well-established area. That area is customer service, which is now the only point of (19) between a business and the buying public.

  There are a number of factors in a real-world shop that (20) people's perceptions of a business: these (21)the location and the appearance of the premises,the quality and the pricing of the merchandise or services’and the behaviour of the staff.

  However, if a company is trying to make a good impression with online customers,most of these factors do not (22) a part. In the (23) of these factors, the way customers are (24) when they have a reason to call has a fundamental effect on a company's ability to retain them as customers. Even more than regular telephone or in-person customers, web customers are impatient,easily frustrated and always conscious that they have other places where they can (25) their business.Preventing them from doing that means meeting them on their own(26)and providing them with what they want.

  This necessity, in(27),means that companies that sell over the net must get back-end functions right. Imposing(28) requirements on customers will not work; a business that (29) on customers emailing for assistance instead of using the phone, for example, will lose repeat custom.

  If the phone is used, it must be answered (30), and the staff should look for ways of helping even the most awkward customers(31), as is more usual,trying to find some(32) to blame the customer for any problem.

  An important,final point is that it is vital that all addresses,web links and phone numbers work properly and efficiently. This ought to (33) without saying.Experience,however, shows that it does not.

  19、A relationship B association C. meeting D contact

  20、A force B determine C decide D fix

  21、A enclose B consist C include D contain

  22、A get B run C play D have

  23、A absence B lack C need D scarcity

  24、A cared B treated C dealt D considered

  25、A deliver B bring C move D take

  26、A policies B standards C terms D conditions

  27、A turn B sequence C line D order

  28、A dense B rigid C deep D solid

  29、A demands B insists C expects D instructs

  30、A punctually B precisely C promptly D presently

  31、A apart from B other than C except for D rather than

  32、A case B excuse C fault D purpose

  33、A do B make C go D come

  商务英语中级阅读题型模拟试题 2

  Do you know how to play a game called "Musical Chairs"? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.

  Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.

  The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.

  The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.

  At last, there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.


  1. If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _______.

  A. nine chairs B. ten chairs

  C. eleven chairs D. one chair

  2. Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs? _______.

  A. A piano B. A radio

  C. A tape recorder D. A telephone

  3. The chairs should be put _______.

  A. with the desks B. before the winner

  C. all over the room D. in a line

  4. When the music starts,the players must _______.

  A. run about the room

  B. get down

  C. walk around the chairs

  D. sit on the chairs

  5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. The game "Musical Chairs" is not difficult to learn.

  B. The last one can sit on the last chair.

  C. The winner can sit on the chair.

  D. If the person plays music,he cannot be the winner.


  1. 选A.因为在第4段有这样一句If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out.那么肯定是椅子比人数少1,这样才会有人没得坐,故选A.

  2. 选D.在第1段中提到了A、B、C三种可以播放音乐的器具,而D项没有,因为一般来说电话是不能播放音乐的`,所以选D.

  3. 选D.第2段的Put the chairs in a row就是"把椅子排成一排"这意。选D.

  4. 选C.由第3段中的句子When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs.可知答案为C.

  5. 选B.本题可用排除法,由第1段第2句It is easy to play 可知道A项正确;由最后一句The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.可知C项是正确的;由第4段的句子The person playing music cannot see the people in the game可知D项也是正确的。故答案选B.

  商务英语中级阅读题型模拟试题 3

  AIDS programs in developing countries put too little emphasis on treatment, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, asking for more small community-based clinics to be opened to treat HIV-infected people. An estimated 36 million to 46 million people are living with AIDS, two-thirds of them in Africa, but only 440,000 people in developing countries were receiving treatment by the end of 2003, the UN health agency said in its annual report.

  “Without treatment, all of them will die a premature and in most cases painful death,” the WHO said in the 169?page World Health Report.

  WHO Director General Lee Jong-wook said community-based treatment should be added to disease prevention and care for sufferers in AIDS programs.

  “Future generations will judge our time in large part by our response to the AIDS disease,” Lee said.

  “By tackling it decisively we will also be building health systems that can meet the health needs of today and tomorrow. This is a historic opportunity we cannot afford to miss,” he added. Antiretroviral drugs enable people hit by AIDS to live longer. The annual cost of treatment, which was about $10,000 when the drugs were first developed, has dropped to about $150.

  Treatment programs also help AIDS prevention efforts, the report said, citing great demands for testing and counseling where treatment has been made available.

  Good counseling in turn leads to more effective prevention in those who are uninfected, and significantly reduces the potential for HIV carriers to pass on the infection, the report said. Since its discovery in the 1980s, more than 20 million have died of AIDS, mostly in poor countries.

  1. Which is true of many AIDS sufferers in developing countries?

  A. They put too little emphasis on treatment.

  B. They are not receiving any treatment.

  C. They refuse to be treated.

  D. They live longer than those in developed countries.

  2.The WHO publishes its World Health Report.

  A. once every two years.

  B. once a decade.

  C. once a year.

  D. twice a year.

  3.According to Lee, our response to the AIDS disease is

  A. a matter of great significance.

  B. a matter of little significance.

  C. overemphasized.

  D. timely

  4.AIDS treatment programs may also result in

  A. better drugs.

  B. lower yearly cost.

  C. more effective prevention.

  D. greater emphasis on treatment.

  5.How many people have died of AIDS so far?

  A.36 million.

  B. 46 million.

  C. Around 440,000.

  D. More than 20 million.











