期中考试 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-29 13:13:13 期中考试 我要投稿





  1.hobby(复数)_______________ 2.fly(动名词)___________ 3.knife(复数)__________ 、4.these(反义词) _______________ 5.we(宾格) _______________ 6.Chinese(名词) _______________

  7.collect(现在分词) ____________ 8. French (国家名) __________ 9.address(复数) ______________

  10.please(形容词)____________ 11.America (形容词) ______________ 12. can(否定形式) __________

  二. 英汉互译。

  1.发一封电子邮件_______________ 2.元宵节___________________

  3.思念中国__________________ 4.成为我的笔友______________

  5. 见到你很高兴______________ 6. 在加拿大的唐人街______________

  7. 给……写信 __________________ 8.拉小提琴__________________


  11. eight million people__________________ 12. ride bicycles to work__________________

  13. write emails and stories in English __________________14. carry flags__________________

  15. the Tian’anmen square _____________ 16. have a special meal__________________

  17. Dragon Boat Festival __________________ 18. picture books__________________

  19. American festival__________________ 20. a big family dinner__________________

  三. 单项选择

  ( )1. I ___a big toy ship from my mother. A、has got B、have got C、hasn’t got

  ( )2.. -------______ is Shanghai ?

  -------It 's got about 16 million people . A.How many B. How big C. How long

  ( )3. Now you can have _______ Chinese stamp. A. another B. other C. the other D. the other of

  ( )4. It 's a picture ______ the Huangshan Mountain . A. of B. with C. /

  ( )5. Do you like _______ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming

  ( )6. Beijing __about fourteen million people . A. have B. have got C. has got

  ( )7. -------What are you doing Daming?

  -------I’m _________ an email to my friend. A. send B. sends C. sending

  ( )8. Is there a letter ____ me ? A . in B. to C. for

  ( )9. All of these postcards are ____China. A. from B. with C. for

  ( )10. I am ____an email now . A. send B. sending C. sends

  ( )11. I can’t ____ now .It’s nine o’clock. A、 goes B、going C、go

  ( )12. My hobby is____. A fly kites B、to flying kites C、flying kites

  ( )13. _______ stamp is my hobby. A. Collect B. Collects C. Collecting

  ( )14. Have you got _______ stamps from China? A. some B. any C. much

  ( )15. We always have a special meals _______ Thanksgiving Day. A. on B. in C. at


  1. Daming ______________ ( visit ) America now .

  2. __________ ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .

  3.There _____ (be) a book and two pens.

  4. ______ you ________ ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .

  5. We ______________ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

  6. They ______________ ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .

  7. Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?

  8. Let’s ______________ ( go ) to Chinatown now .

  9. Look ! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

  10. I _______ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning .


  1.Sam likes go swimming in summer.(改成一般疑问句)

  _______Sam _____ go swimming in summer?

  2.I’m playing with dolls. (对划线部分提问)

  _____are _____doing?

  3.I’ve got some chopsticks.(改成否定句)

  I ___________ got _________ chopsticks.

  4. These are orange buses. (改成单数)

  This is _____orange _____.


  1. these, great, are, postcards (.)

  2.be, Chinese, can, friend, pen, you, my, (?)

  3. Day, what, do, Thanksgiving, on, you, do (?)

  4. festival, your, what’s, favourite (?)

  5. you, American, have, got, stamps, any (?)

  6.there, lots of, are, shops, there, restaurants, and(?)

  7.in, American, New, York, the, is, of, east(?)

  七、以“My favourite festival”为题,写一下自己喜爱的节日,不少于40词。











