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  五年级下册英语期末质量检测试题 1



  1.( ) A. beef B. beer C. bread

  2.( ) A. celery B. cherry C. cherries

  3.( ) A. delicious B. dumplings C. drink

  4.( ) A. hobby B. hamburger C. habit

  5.( ) A. milk B. menu C. meat


  1.( ) A. On foot. B. Once a month.

  2.( ) A. Reading is my hobby. B. I like blue best.

  3.( ) A. Rice and fish. B. I want a sweater.

  4.( ) A. I don’t like coffee. B. Yes, I do.

  5.( ) A. Forty yuan B. You’re welcome.



  1.( ) A. bike B. big C. nice D. kite

  2.( ) A. hot B. nose C. coke D. hole

  3.( ) A. me B. she C. desk D. we

  4.( ) A. cake B. bag C. tape D. snake

  5.( ) A. meat B. peach C sweater D. meal


  1.( )Thank you. A. She is going to school.

  2.( )What is your favourite fruit? B. No, he isn’t.

  3.( )Where is she going? C. No, there isn’t.

  4.( )Would you like some more soup? D. You’re welcome.

  5.( )What do you want? E. It’s sunny.

  6.( )Is he your father? F. Yes, please.

  7.( )What is your hobby? G. My favourite fruit is peach.

  8.( )Does he like cakes? H. I want a green sweater.

  9.( )How is the weather today? I. No, he doesn’t.

  10.( )Is there any meat? J. Reading is my hobby.


  ( ) 1.What’s _____ dinner? A. in B. for C. At

  ( ) 2.---What ____he like? ---He likes hamburgers.

  A. do B. does C. does

  ( )3._____there_____milk? A. Are; many B. Is; any C. Is; any

  ( )4.We are from Shaanxi.We like______.

  A noodle B noodles C a noodle

  ( )5.Bob is from ______.He speaks ____.

  A. England; English B. English; England C. Chinese;Chinese

  ( ) 6.Look!They are ____ping-pong.

  A. play B. plays C. playing

  ( )7.She gets up ___ 6:30_____ the morning.

  A, at; in B, on; in C, at; in

  ( )8.I like ______in my free time.

  A. draw B. draws C. drawing

  ( )_9. ___ newspaper is my hobby.

  A. read B. Reads C. Reading

  ( ) 10. He wants to _____a football player.

  A. am B. is C. be


  1. I going the to greengrocer’s am(.)


  2. comes Li Lei north from China of the(.)


  3. dumplings she much likes very(.)


  4. like my I drawing free time in(.)


  5.often hiking you do go how(?)



  A: Linda, what are you doing? B:____________________

  A: Oh, you shouldn’t read in bed. ______________

  B: I’m tired.

  A: If you are tired,____________

  B: Please, Mum,___________

  A: No.__________________

  B:OK. Mum.


  1. He __________(like) dumplings very much.

  2. Look! The boys _______________ (play) football on the playground.

  3. Would you like __________(go) with us?

  4. He is from Japan. He speaks __________(Japan).

  5. They like__________(read) books.


  ( A )阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

  Today is Saturday. It’s sunny and windy. Tom does not need to go to school. He gets up early. He wants to go outside to play with his parents.

  ( ) 1. Today is Sunday. ( ) 2. It’s sunny and cloudy.

  ( ) 3. He doesn’t need to go to school.

  ( ) 4. Tom gets up early. ( )5. He doesn’t want to go outside.

  ( B )阅读短文,选择最佳答案完成句子。(10分)

  Tom is eleven. He likes doing sports in his free time. On Sunday morning, he runs in the park. On Friday afternoon, he goes swimming. Sometimes he goes bike riding. And he is also a player in the school basketball

  team. He doesn’t go to the computer club.

  ( ) 1.Tom is _____ years old. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13

  ( ) 2.On Friday afternoon, he_____.

  A. goes hiking B. goes bike riding C. goes swimming

  ( )3.He is also a player in the school_____

  A. football team B. basketball team C. volleyball team

  ( ) 4.Tom likes _____ in his free time.

  A. doing sports B. seeing films C. reading books

  ( )5. He doesn’t go to the _____.

  A. English club B. computer club C. Japanese club


  一、1. beef 2.celery 3.dumplings 4.hamburger 5.menu

  二、1.How often do you go hiking? 2.What is your hobby?

  3.what is for lunch? 4.Do you like grapes? 5.How much is it?


  一、1、A 2、B 3、B 4、B 5、B

  二、1、B 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、A


  一、1、B 2、A 3、C 4、B 5、C

  二、1-d 2-g 3-a 4-f 5-h 6-b 7-j 8-i 9-e 10-z

  三、1、B 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、A

  6、C 7、A 8、C 9、C 10、C

  四、1、I am going to the greengrocer’s.

  2、Li Lei comes from the north of China.

  3、She likes dumplings very much.

  4、I like drawing in my free time.

  5、How often do you go hiking?

  五、F C D E A

  六、1、likes 2、are playing 3、to go 4、Japanese 5、reading

  七、(A)F F T T F (B) A C B A B




  ( )1、A鱼 B鸭 C鸡蛋

  ( )2、A电脑光盘 B 收音机 C明信片

  ( )3、A龙 B狮子 C老虎

  ( )4、A报纸 B字典 C书

  ( )5、A电视机 B电脑 C照相机

  ( )6、A 面条 B 糖果 C三明治

  ( )7、A圆圈 B黑板 C瓶子

  ( )8、A老师 B舞蹈演员 C医生

  ( )9、A面包 B 蛋糕 C汉堡

  ( )10、A大象 B 马 C熊猫

  ( )11. A. 图书馆 B.电影院 C.学校

  ( )12. A.书 B.信 C.照片

  ( )13、A 教室 B 办公室 C 餐馆

  ( )14、A 爬 B 跑 C 走

  ( )15、A 农场 B 田地 C 公园


  1、小房子 Yes No

  2、语文 Yes No

  3、农民 Yes No

  4、蛋 Yes No

  5、三明治 Yes No


  ( )1、Sam A、马

  ( )2、Daming B、报纸

  ( )3、Lingling C、公园

  ( )4、Amy D、看电视

  ( )5、Tom E、踢足球

  四、根据你所听到的句子,将其字母代号填入题前括号内。每题念三遍。(2分/题 共10分)

  ( ) 1. A. Where are the books about computer?

  B. Where can you find out about animals?

  ( ) 2. A. It’s big and light

  B. It’s too big for you.

  ( ) 3. A. Sam ate six hamburgers.

  B. Sam went there last year.

  ( ) 4. A. Let’s sand an email.

  B. Let’s drink milk

  ( ) 5. A. She didn’t have a telephone.

  B. She didn’t have a television.



  ( )1、卡片 A、CD-ROM

  ( )2、圆圈 B、dragon

  ( )3、字典 C、card

  ( )4、电脑光盘 D、lady

  ( )5、龙 E、field

  ( )6、女士 F、circle

  ( )7、蛋 G、dictionary

  ( )8、喝 H、library

  ( )9、田地 I、egg

  (( )10、图书馆 J、drink


  1、 A、heavy B、light

  2、 A、big B、small

  3、 A、new B、old

  4、 A、long B、short

  5、 A、easy B、hard


  ( )1、Why don’t you give him a kite?

  ( )2、Did your grandma learn English?

  ( )3、What did Daming do?

  ( )4、When did you go to Xinjiang?

  ( )5、Where is Yinchuan?

  A、Yes , she did.

  B、It’s in the north of China.

  C、That’s a good idea.

  D、He made a cake.

  E. We went there in July.

  五年级下册英语期末质量检测试题 2

  Ⅰ 听力部分(40分)

  一. 听录音,选出你所听到的'一项。(10分)

  ( )1.A.going B.doing C.playing

  ( )2.A.talk B.pick C.read

  ( )3.A.write a book B.write a letter C.read a book

  ( )4.A.birthday B.Wednesday C.Friday

  ( )5.A.find B.write C.like

  二. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

  ( )1.A.We’re going to find information.

  B.We’re going to write a report.

  ( )2.A.They’re in the reading room.

  B.They’re in the living room.

  ( )3.A.He is playing football.

  B.He is playing games.

  ( )4.A.My birthday is on the first of February.

  B.My birthday is on the first of September.

  ( )5.A.I’ll buy a dress for her.

  B.I’m going to buy a dress for her.

  三. 听音,给下列图片标序号。(10分)

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( )

  四. 听音,选词,补全句子。(10分)

  June throw listen card study

  1. We’re going to ______to interesting stories.

  2. We’re going to _______and think.

  3. Don’t _____waste paper on the floor.

  4. It’s on the first of ______.

  5. On the ____I’ll write “Happy Mother’s Day”


  五、独树一帜。(选出不同类的单词) (10分)

  ( )1.A.talk B. write C. story

  ( )2.A.collecting B. playing C. interesting

  ( )3.A.May B. Friday C. April

  ( )4.A.book B. rose C. short

  ( )5.A.we B. they C. me

  六、 单项选择。(20分)

  ( )1.Bob ____like noodles.

  A. do B. don’t C. doesn’t

  ( )2.Boys and girls, do you know how___a kite?

  A. making B. make C. to make

  ( )3.Mrs Chen ____ Dongdong to the library now.

  A. is taking B. taking C. take

  ( )4.___pick flowers in the park.

  A. Isn’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t

  ( )5.He always ___ loudly.

  A. sing B. singing C. sings

  ( )6.My birthday is ____May.

  A. on B. in C. at

  ( )7.Anne’s birthday is on the ____ of June.

  A. five B. fifth C. fifth

  ( )8.Mother ____me a nice present on my next birthday.

  A. will gives B. will give C. give

  ( )9.They_____an English test(测试) next Sunday.

  A.are going

  五年级下册英语期末质量检测试题 3


  ( )1. A. holiday B. who C. which

  ( )2. A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. National Day

  ( )3. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. May Day

  ( ) 4. A Monday B. June C. March

  ( ) 5. A. April B. autumn C. August


  ( )1.A. class B. card C. March

  ( )2.A.China B. lunch C. child

  ( )3. A. rain B. April C. May

  ( )4.A.fish B. sheep C. cheap

  ( )5. A. fly B. why C. July


  1. November______(缩写) 2. August________(缩写)

  3. September______(缩写) 4. 一月 ____________(汉译英)

  5.十二月_______(汉译英) 6.sports meet (英译汉)


  ( )1.-- When is Tree Planting Day?

  --It’s ___________ March.

  A. at B. in C. on D. of

  ( )2. ___________ is the first month of a year.

  A. February B. December C. October D. January

  ( )3. ___________ is Childrens Day?

  A. When B. What C. Which D. Why

  ( ) 4. ——Whats the date?


  A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th

  ( )5. ——Is your birthday in June?


  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it isnt. D. No, it is.

  ( ) 6. ——How old are you?

  —— Im ______________.

  A. first B. twelve C. second D. fifth

  ( )7. ——When is your birthday?

  ——Its in ____________.

  A. third B. January C. 20th D. 8:30

  ( )8.When _______ your birthday?

  A. am B. is C. are D. be

  ( )9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Marys birthday is in July,_________.

  A.either B. to C. too D. two

  ( )10.——When is National Day?


  A. Its September 10th. B. Its March 12th.

  C. Its December 25th. D. Its October 1st.

  ( )11. My birthday is ___________ May.

  A. at B. in C. on D. of

  ( ) 12. I often play ping-pong ________ my friend.

  A. for B. in C. on D. with


  ( ) 1.When is your birthday? A. It’s Monday.

  ( ) 2 Does she have a computer? B .My birthday is in October.

  ( ) 3. When is the trip this year? C. It’s in June.

  ( ) 4. What day is it today? D.Cool.

  ( ) 5.We’ll go to the Great Wall. E. No, she doesn’t

  ( ) 6. What do you do on the weekend ? F. Yes, it is.

  ( )7.Which season do you like best? G. I often watch TV.

  ( )8. Is Christmas in July? H. Winter.

  六、Read and choose.(选词填空。) (6分)

  1. China’s National Day is ______ October.

  2. Let’s have lunch ______ 12:00.

  3. I often watch TV ______ the weekend.

  4. What do you have ______ Sundays?

  5. I can make a snowman ______ winter.

  6. I get up 7 o’clock every day.


  1. Teacher’s is Day when (?) __________________________________________________________

  2. It usually June in is (.)


  3. favourite is my Autumn season (.)


  4. have we school a trip(.) __________________________________________________________

  5. love I Great Wall the(.)


  6. we an Easter have party in April will (.)


  7.party is when the (?)


  8. like really I colours the (.)


  9. is the when this trip year (?)


  10. we’ll Great Wall to the go (.)



  My name is Peter. I have a happy family. My father is a doctor. He is tall and strong. His birthday is in March. My mother is a teacher. She is kind. Her birthday is in November. I am a student. My birthday is in May. I love my family very much.

  ( )1. There are three people in Peters family.

  ( )2. Peter is a student.

  ( )3. Peters mother is a nurse.

  ( )4. Peters birthday is in May.

  ( )5. His mothers birthday is in March.

  九、 Read and finish.(读短文,完成下面各题。)(10分)

  Hello, my name is Li Ming. My birthday is June 9th. My mother’s birthday is June 14th. My grandpa’s birthday is June 23th.My grandpa is in America, my grandpa lives with my uncle Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I usually make an e-card to him for his birthday. My grandma’s birthday is in July, it is very hot and sunny in July, then when her birthday is coming ,we often go swimming for her birthday.

  ( )1.His grandpa lives with his uncles in ______ .

  A. China B. UK C. America

  ( )2.How many birthdays are there in June?A. 2 B. 4 C.3

  ( )3.What will Li Ming do for his grandpa’s birthday?

  A. send an e -mail B. send an e-card C. send a birthday cake

  4.When is Li Mings birthday__________________________________ .

  5.What do they often do on his grandma’s birthday? They_____________________ .

  十. Read and write.(书面表达。10分)


  提示词: dance, play games, make a wish, sing birthday song, eat noodles, eat a birthday cake, cook…..

  My birthday is in ___________. If I have a birthday party, I’ll


  五年级下册英语期末质量检测试题 4


  1、许多出租车司机 ___________________ 2、听音乐_______________________

  3、一只猴子面具______________________ 4、在每周六_____________________

  5、买一些东西________________________ 6、look young____________________

  7、Helen and her parents_____________ 8、have a Music lesson____________

  9、the clock on the wall _________________

  10、play basketball with their friends________________________________













  1、___________ is the toy car? It’s 100 yuan.

  2、___________ do you like? I like skating.

  3、___________ flowers are there in the vase? There are eighteen.

  4、___________ can you do? I can make a puppet.

  5、___________ is your new sweater? It’s white.

  6、___________ is on the wall? There are some pictures.

  7、___________ are the cakes? They are in the fridge.

  8、___________ book is this? It’s Betty’s.

  9、___________ is the man in black? He’s my father.

  10、__________ are you? I’m eleven.


  1、Li Lei and Lin Tao _________ ( be ) good friends.

  2、Are there __________ ( some ) plates on the table?

  3、This is ___________ ( Helen ) toy doll.

  4、What do you like? I like ___________ ( tiger ).

  5、I like ___________ ( play ) table tennis very much.


  1、What are their job? They are teachers.

  2、Where are your shoes? It’s under the bed. ____________________

  1、He can swimming, but I can’t. ___________ ____

  4、There are an elephant and some monkeys in the zoo.


  5、Come here and play the football with us.



  1、for(同音字)_________________ 2、by(同音字)_______________________

  3、me(主格)___________________ 4、let’s(完全形式)___________________

  2、family(复数)_______________ 6、he(复数)_________________________

  7、have(现在分词)_______________ 8、big(反义词)______________________

  9、these(单数)_________________ 10、Nancy(名词所有格)______________


  1. 一张新的世界地图________________ 6、两昨旧的大楼_______________

  2. 一间大书房______________________ 7、所有的.医生_________________

  3. 桌上的电话______________________ 8、下午四点___________________

  4. 买一只玩具猪____________________ 9、互相_______________________

  5. 一些红色的灯笼___________________10、第一天____________________


  1.Listen to the teacher. (改为否定句)


  2.I like singing. (改为一般疑问句)


  3.They like tiger masks. (改为否定句)


  4.We like reading. (对划线部分进行提问)










