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  人教新目标英语八年级上期末综合检测试卷 1


  —Are these your runners, Lin Tao?

  —No, ____ are white. Maybe they're Jenny's.

  A. IB. myselfC. mineD. my

  We choose Tom ______ our leader. But he doesn't have confidence _____ himself.

  A. as; inB. for; inC. as; ofD. to; in

  He is _____ becuuse he made a mistake.

  A. embarrassedB. enjoyableC. knowledgeableD. patient

  Please ______ the TV. I want to watch the news.

  A. turn onB. turn offC. get onD. get off

  My father usually ______ us to work hard and never to give up.

  A. makesB. talksC. thinksD. encourages

  ______ Bob is very tal, ______ he can't play basketball.

  A. /; butB. Although; butC. Because; soD. /; although

  Jack is the third ______ in our class.

  A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. much taller

  He has ______ a huge body that this coat doesn't fit him well.

  A. soB. veryC. suchD. too

  ______ all the candles before you cut the birthday cake.

  A. Blow outB. Look outC. Find outD. Take up

  I ______ Japanese twice.

  A. have been toB. have gone toC. am toD. was to

  ______ do you visit your grandparents?

  A. How muchB. How longC. How soonD. How often

  Li Mei is a ______ girl and she can pass the exam easily.

  A. smartB. stupidC. strongD. strict

  ______ riding our bikes to the beach?

  A. How aboutB. Why notC. Would you likeD. Let's

  We couldn't agree with him because his words didn't______ .

  A. give upB. make senseC. make a dealD. grow up

  Light comes in ______ the window.

  A. because ofB. acrossC. all kinds ofD. through


  My hobby is playing chess — one of the greatest games in the word. My mum taught me ____ to play when I was seven years old. She ____ me every time for the first year, But then,on my ____ birthday. I won for the first time. Now I am always the winner between us.

  It takes about a day to learn the rules. ___ if you want to be good, you have to practise for years. You don't need much to play chess — just a chess set and someone to play with. Chess sets ____ very cheap, or quite expensive. Some people collect chess sets as hobby, but I ____ to play better.

  There is a chess club in our school. We meet every week to play with each other. I am the best ___ in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we ___ the All English School's championship. I had to go up on stage(台子)in front of the whole school to collect the prize. I'm saving up my money to buy a chess __. It's very good for practice. That way I'm sure I'II ___ have someone to play with. and I'm sure I'll make more progress.

  1.A. whatB. whyC. howD. where

  2.A. hitB. lostC. beatD. discussed

  3.A. seventhB. eighthC. ninthD. tenth

  4.A. AndB. SoC. OrD. But

  5.A. canB. mustC. ShouldD. will

  6.A. wantB. wishC. likeD. have

  7.A. playerB. fanC. leaderD. learner

  8.A. receivedB. wonC. lostD. accepted

  9.A. computerB. bookC. dictionaryD. game

  10.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. alwaysD. never


  Life is not easy, so I'd to like to say "When anything happens, believe in yourself. " When I was a young boy, I was so shy that I dare not talk to anyone. My classmates often laughed at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, something happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My English teacher asked me to take part in it. What a terrible idea ! It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school !“  Come on, boy, believe in yourself, You are sure to win. " Then my teacher and I talked about many different topics. At last I chose the topic “Believe in yourself". “I tried my best to remember all the speech and practised it over 100 times. With my teacher's great love, I did well in the contest. I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked down on me, now all said “Congratulations!" to me. My teacher hugged me and cried excitedly. Since then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I'11 try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.

  1.The boy did well in the contest. Because __________ .

  A. he did his best before the contestB. he was very clever

  C. his classmates helped himD. the contest was easy

  2.What changed the boy's life?

  A. The topic he chose.B. The students'congratulations.

  C. The classmates'cheers.D. The English speech contest.

  3.The story tells us when we do anything, we must ______

  A. believe in ourselvesB. choose a good topic

  C. practise it over 100 timesD. look down on ourselves

  We live all around the world. We like to have celebrations. In China, people celebrate New Year. New Year is in January or February. They wear red clothes because red is a colour that will bring joy. Chinese children get money in a red packet for the New Year. They save the money that is inside. In Gambia. people celebrate Independence Day. It is in February. They wear bright clothes and play music at the celebration. In England, people celebrate May Day. May day is in May. They wear pretty clothes to celebrate the arrival of spring. The children dance in and out around the maypole. They weave their ribbons into a colourful braid. In India, people celebrate Raksha Bandhan. It is in August. The children wear new clothes and celebrate their love for each other by exchanging things they have made. In the United States, people celebrate Thanksgiving Day, the firet harvest in America in 1621. It is in November.

  The children make up a play about what went on at the first celebration. They eat turkeys, too.

  1.How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

  A. 4.B. 5.C. 6.D. 7.

  2.In _______, people celebrate the arrival of spring.

  A. GreeceB. IndiaC. EnglandD. China

  3.In Gambia, Independence Day is celebrated in ______ .

  A. FebruaryB. AugustC. NovemberD. September

  4.According to the passage, which of the followings is true about what children do at their celebration?

  A. Children in India exchange red packcts to show love for each other.

  B. Children in the USA put on a play about their country's Independence.

  C. Children in England dance around the maypole to welcome spring.

  D. Children in China send lucky money to their parents.

Dear Donna,

  Help! I'm a 15 —year — old high school student in New York, In eight months, I'm going to take an entrance exam. To prepare, I'm studying six hours a day. I want to do well, but I'm really stressed (焦虑不安的) these days. I can't sleep. What can I do?



Dear Mary,

  Many students around the world have the same problems as you. Here is some advice to help you deal with the stress (压力) .Good luck !

  1. Make a study plan for yourself, but don't study too much in one day. You remember more by studying one hour each day for six days, than six hours in one day. Also, don't study late at night.

  2. Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours. Go outside and walk. Doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress.

  3. Don't drink a lot sugar or coffee Eat food high in vitamin (维生素) B (for example ,eggs, milk, green vegetable and rice). These give you energy and help you think more clearly.

  4. A student partner can help you practice for the test. When you're worried about the exam, you can talk to your partner. This can reduce stress, too.



  1.Donna thinks Mary's problem is ______

  A. greatB. commonC. wonderfulD. serious

  2.The underlined word “reduce" in the passage probably means ______ .

  A. 减少B. 排除C. 加强D. 增加

  3.Donna thinks that _____ can help Mary think more clearly.

  A. eating a lot of sugarB. studying six hours every day

  C. drinking a lot of coffee.D. eating foods high in vitamin B

  4.Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna's letter?

  A. The besl time to study is from 10p. m to 1 a. m.

  B. Walking outside can make you remember more.

  C. It's good to tell a study partner about your feeling.

  D. It's necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.

  Mrs. Janes didn't have a husband, but she had two sons. They were big, strong boys, but they were lazy. On Saturdays they did not go to school, and then their mother always said, “Please cut the grass in the garden this afternoon, boys. " The boys did not like it, but they always did it.

  Then somebody gave one of the boys a magazine, and he saw a picture of a beautiful lawn mover(割草机) in it. There was a seat on it and there was a woman on the seat.

  The boy took the picture to his mother and brother, and said to them, "Look, that woman's sitting on the lawn mover and driving it and cutting the grass. We want one of these."

  “One of these lawn - movers?" his mother asked.

  “No. " the boy said, "We want one of those women. Then she can cut the grass every day."

  1.Mrs. Janes had _______ .

  A. a husband and two sonsB. two big and busy sons

  C. two sons, big, strong and lazyD. two strong but busy sons

  2.What did somebody give one of Mrs. Janes'sons?

  A. A picture.B. A magazine.C. A lawn - mover.D. A phone.

  3.Which of the following is true?

  A. One of the two sons liked the woman.

  B. The two sons saw a woman cutting the grass in the garden.

  C. One of the two sons saw a picture of a lawn mover in the magazine.

  D. One of the two sons saw a beautiful woman sitting on a lawn mover in the garden.

  4.What did one of Mrs. Janes'sons really want to have?

  A. The picture.B. The magazine.C. The lawn mover.D. The woman driving the lawn mover.



  Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude (态度).A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

  Speak loud

  When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

  Play sports

  Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

  Encourage yourself

  Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you ? 69? done; well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

  Get rid of (消除)fear

  Fear comes along with failure (失败). But it's easy to overcome if you know that failure is part of your life. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

  Pick up a hobby

  If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.


  1.Confidence can help you develop _____________________________.

  2.How many suggestions can help you to be more confident?


  3.How can you encourage yourself ?






  There was a boy named Johnny. There was something wrong with his legs. When he ran races with his friends, his legs would tremble (颤抖) and he could never win.

  This made him feel very bad. He didn't want to race 1.(再也不). Then one day, 2. boy in another class asked him, "3.I tell you how to win a race?" "Yes, please! I want to win at least once," answered Johnny. So they went to the school playground, and the boy 4. (teach) him a few 5. ( way) to exercise his legs. They trained (训练) three h6.every day, and soon Johnny found he could run 7.(更快地). After two months, Johnny asked his friends 8.( have) a race with him. “Johnny,you will be the last one!" said one of his friends. Johnny didn't say anything. When the race bagan, Johnny tried his 9. (good) to run. He remembered everything he learned from that boy. He ran so fast that n10.could catch up with him. In the end, Johnny won his first race.



  1.my, collecting, is, hobby, stamps


  2.known they, each other, yeare, for, have, throe

  ___________________________________________________________ .

  3.personal, what, your, strengths are ?


  4.lots of, there, farm, are, on, chicks, the

  ___________________________________________________________ .

  5.a, me, send, he, photo, will, of, the Great Wall ?



  假如你叫Sam,你们班将在下周举行一次主题为:“How to relax ourselves atfer the exam"的讨论,请你用英语写一70词以上的发言稿。

  要求:1. 去旅游,亲近大自然;2. 参加娱乐活动,如听音乐、看电影等;3. 进行体育锻炼;4. 你的建议

  要求:1. 必须包括所列要点的内容,可适当发挥;2. 不得出现真实的校名、人名和地名。

  How to Relax Ourselves after the Exam


  人教新目标英语八年级上期末综合检测试卷 2

  第一部分 选择题 (共75分)

  一、 听力 (共两节,计25分)



  ( ) 1.A.Once a month. B.Twice a month. C.Three times a month.

  ( ) 2. A.For a week. B.Last week.  C.Next week.

  ( ) 3.A. To Guangzhou. B.To Hainan.  C.To Dalian.

  ( ) 4.A.5th.  B.13th .  C.8 days.

  ( ) 5.A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn't. C.I don't know.

  ( ) 6.A.He has to study for a test.  B. He has to look after his grandparents.C.He has to visit his grandparents.

  ( ) 7.A.Jim  B.Jim's cousin  C. Both of them

  ( ) 8. A.He has a headache. B. He has a toothache. C.He has a cold.

  ( ) 9. A.She has an art lesson. B.She is going to a piano lesson.C.She is playing sports.




  ( ) 10.What did Mike buy for Kate?

  A. A nice watch. B.A new coat. C.Some beautiful cards.

  ( ) 11.How will they get to Kate's house?

  A.By bus. B.By subway. C.By car.


  ( ) 12.Does Bill walk to school every day?

  A.Yes,he does. B.No, he doesn't. C.Hardly ever.

  ( ) 13.Where does Bill have breakfast?

  A.At school. B.At home. C.On the way.

  ( ) 14.How long does Bill read English every morning?

  A.For forty minutes.B.For half an hour. C.For twenty minutes.


  ( ) 15.Who is not feeling well in the conversation?

  A .Mrs Brown.B.Mrs Brown's son. C.The little girl.

  ( ) 16.What did Jim have for supper?

  A.Some hamburgers. B.Hot water. C.Milk and bread.

  ( ) 17. Mrs Brown is _____________in the conversation.

  A .in a hotel. B.at school. C.in a hospital.


  ( ) 18.Where is Lin Tao going for vacation?

  A. Beijing  B.Hong Kong C. Shanghai

  ( ) 19.What is Lin Tao doing for vacation?

  A. He's going sightseeing.B. He's visiting his cousin.C. He's going to the beach.

  ( ) 20.Who is Wang Xia going for vacation with?

  A.Lin Tao B.Yang Ying C.Her cousin

  ( ) 21.Which is RIGHT about Yang Ying in the conversation?

  A.She is LinTao's best friend. B.She is shorter thanWang Xia.

  C.She likes doing sports.


  ( ) 22.How old is Mr Liu?

  A.17  B.70  C.60

  ( ) 23.Where does Mr Liu exercise every day?

  A.In a park. B.At home. C.At school.

  ( ) 24.What does Mr Liu sometimes play with his friends?

  A. Games  B. Cards  C. Chess

  ( ) 25.Which is NOT right about Mr Liu?

  A.He has a good eating habit. B.He goes to the library twice a week.

  C.He often has a walk in the afternoon.

  二、 语言知识运用(共二节,计35分)

  第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

  A) 从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项。

  ( ) 26.You should eat a balanced diet to stay healthy.

  A.keep B.live  C.turn D.get

  ( ) 27.Her lifestyle is not the same as yours.

  A.different in B.have differences from C.different from D.difference in

  ( ) 28.Lisa has to help her mum from Monday to Friday.

  A.at weekends B.often  C.on weekdays D.hardly

  ( ) 29.Li Lei leaves for school at around six forty.

  A.round B.about  C.usually  D.sometimes

  ( ) 30.Show me your photos when you return to school.

  A.be back B.go away C.come back D.went back


  ( ) 31.----________ do you have a sports meeting?

  ---Twice year.

  A.How many B.How long C.How often D.How much

  ( ) 32.If you want to be healthier, you must eat ______junk food, I think.

  A.more  B.less  C.fewer  D.much

  ( ) 33.Drinking hot tea ______ honey is good _____ a sore throat.

  A.with;for B.with;at C.and;for D.for;at

  ( ) 34.---It's a fine day. Would you like to go bike riding?


  A.It's boring. B.No,I don't.C.Sure, you can. D.Yes,I'd love to

  ( ) 35.I'm glad to have a ___________vacation.

  A.relax  B.relaxs C.relaxed D.relaxing

  ( ) 36.This is my new pen. Let me ________________.

  A.show you to it B.show it at you C.show it to youD. show you it

  ( ) 37.---______ are you going with for vacation? ---My parents.

  A.How  B.Whom C.What D.Why

  ( ) 38.My uncle is easy to get angry. He may have _________ yang.

  A.too much B.too manyC.much too D.a lots of

  ( ) 39.________important for everyone to have a healthy lifestyle.

  A.It's  B.He's C.They are D.That's

  ( ) 40.---How are you? ---I'm not _______________.

  A.feel well B.feel good C.feeling well D.feeling good

  ( ) 41.His father often ___________to work.

  A.takes a bike B.by bike C.on foot D.rides a bike

  ( ) 42. ---Whose book is it?

  ---look! Jane's name is on the cover(封面). It _________ hers.

  A.can't be B.must be C.should be D.must is

  ( ) 43.Jack and Kate came back 2 hours ago. But _________ students in the class aren't here.

  A.the other B.others  C.another D.the others

  ( ) 44.Thanks a lot for ________ me ________your dancing party.

  A.invite;for B.invite;to C.inviting;for D.inviting;to

  ( ) 45.________my mom the whole afternoon to do the housework last Sunday.

  A.It takes B.It spent C.It took D.I help

  第二节 完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  Sunday,June 1st       Fine

  Great weather today! It's 46 . It's also my 47 birthday. My mother decided to 48 for me, so I wrote some 49 and sent them to my good friends . I also invited a few on the phone. But Kate said she couldn't come because she 50 visit her aunt, and John said he might(也许) come 51 later.

  Ten of my friends came to my home. They 52 me nice presents. I liked them very much. The party began 53 six thirty. My friends sang the song "54 birthday to you!" We ate, talked and laughed happily. I feel that I am the happiest girl in the world today. I will 55 forget today.

  ( ) 46. A.Teacher's Day B.Children's Day C.Mother's Day D.Father's Day

  ( ) 47. A.fifteenth B.fifteen  C.fifteenths D.the fifteenth

  ( ) 48. A.make a cake B.have a party C.sing a song D.buy a bike

  ( ) 49. A.postcards B.books  C.invatations D.letters

  ( ) 50. A.mustn't B. needn't C.could  D.had to.

  ( ) 51. A.a few  B.some  C.a little  D.so

  ( ) 52. A.took  B.spent  C.sold  D.brought

  ( ) 53.A.for  B at  C.in  D.on

  ( ) 54. A.Happy B.Good  C. Nice  D.Great

  ( ) 55. A.always B.ever  C.never  D.often

  三、综合阅读 (共两节,计34分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共10小 题;每小题2分,满分20分)



  Do you like winter? What do you like to do in winter? In summer when is rains, we can't go out and play sports outside. We just stay at home, it's very boring. But in winter if it snows we have a lot of things to do. For example, we can make a snowman(雪人)with our friends. It's not difficult to make a snowman. We just let a snowball roll(滚动)on the ground until it's big enough. Next we roll another snowball as the head of the snowman. Then put the small snowman on the big snowball. Last try your best to make your snowman beautiful. You can also have snowball fights with your friends. After the snow a lot of people come to the playground. They throw small snowballs to each other. This is a very exciting game in the cold winter. It makes people warm and healthy. A lot of people like it especially boys.

  ( )56.What can people do when it snows?

  A.Make a snowman. B.Go swimming. C.Have snowball fights. D. Both A and C.

  ( )57.Who like having snowball fights best?

  A.Old people.  B.Children. C.Parents. D.Teachers.

  ( )58.What does the underlined word "especially"mean?

  A.尤其  B.十分  C.非常  D.有时

  ( B )

  In our big city there are a lot of shops near the Department Store. They make a big shopping center and sell all kinds of things. You can always buy everything you want here. Here is a list (目录;列表) of big shops.


  Department Store41853051No.189 Yonghua Road

  Mobile Phone Store41653789No.67 Xiangyang Road

  Old Wang Shoemaker41861736No.180.Yonghua Road

  Shanghai Sweater Shop41615789No.75 Xiangyang Road

  Yiwu Shopping Market41836547No.190 Heping Road

  Zhiyuan Computer Company41653786No.68 Xiangyang Road

  Xiwang Toy Shop41586327No.195 Heping Road

  Yang Liuqing Painting Store41861861No.192.Yonghua Road

  ( ) 59.If you want to buy a pair of shoes, where will you go?

  A.Xiwang Toy Shop.  B.Mobile Phone Store.

  C.Shanghai Sweater Shop. D.Old Wang Shoemaker.

  ( ) 60.What's the telephone number of Shanghai Sweater Shop?

  A.41861736 B. 41853051 C.41615789 D. 41586327

  ( ) 61.Which shop is beside Zhiyuan Computer Company?

  A.Mobile Phone Store.  B.Department store.

  C.Yiwu Shopping Market. D.Shanghai Sweater Shop.

  ( ) 62.How many big shops are on Yonghua Road?

  A.Eight. B.Three.  C.Two. D.Six.


  Look in the bedrooms of young people in the world. Maybe you will find a pair of blue jeans in each room. Jeans are very popular all over the world.

  Jeans give you the feeling of comfort(舒适), youth(青春)and energy(活力). Every person likes them very much.

  Levi Strauss is an American company. It first made blue jeans. The company was founded(建立) in 1853 by 24-year-old Levi Strauss. Twenty years later, he made first blue jeans in the world. The jeans were used as working trousers for the cowboys(牛仔) of American West. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought blue jeans to Europe and Asia. People there began to wear jeans. Little by little, they become cool.

  People from different countries like different styles of jeans. Americans like to wear simple and single-colored jeans, but many Chinese people like to wear jeans with lots of different colors.

  Now we can see jeans everywhere. However, in many places, it's not always good to wear jeans. No matter how good they may look, or what color they are, it's often not right to wear jeans in formal(正式的) places. But when you are out, relaxing or having fun, jeans are the best choices.

  ( ) 63.The story is talking about _________________ .

  A.Levis Strauss B.young people C.clothes' history D.jeans

  ( ) 64. Levis Strauss made the first blue jeans_________________.

  A.when he was 44 B.when he was 24 C.in 1853  D.in 1924

  ( ) 65.When you_________________, you'd better not wear a pair of jeans.

  A.go to an important meeting  B.go to a trip

  C.have a party   D.are having fun

  第二部分 非选择题(共45分)

  第二节 任务型阅读(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)

  Most people like having a picnic. But what does the word mean? Where does it come from? What is a picnic?

  For most people a picnic is a meal they eat outside the home, usually in a park, by a river, or even sitting in a car if the weather is cold and wet. At one time, however, (66)people had picnics at home at their own dinner tables.

  The word http://p.kongkongji.com/1ces from the French words piquer which means “to pick" or “take" and pique-nipue which means “a small coin". (67)Everyone who came to a picnic brought something to eat. They took or picked small pieces of food from each plate. They had a pique-nique. This kind of meal was popular in Britain, The British used the French words for it but changed the letters to make “picnic". This is the way we write it today.

  (68)In some countries there are big picnics on special days. Lots of people go to parks on these picnics. For most people, however, a picnic is a family party. The family puts some food and drink in a basket, gets in the car and goes off to a nice place in the country or by the sea.








  Hi, I'm Tina. I'm an office worker in a downtown(城区市中心) office. I live on a small island, so I take a boat from the island(岛)to the city every day. The boat leaves every 20 minutes and it takes about 35 minutes to get to the city. Then I have a short walk to my office. Sometimes when the weather is bad, I can't get to work on time by boat.

  My name is Sarah and I'm a teacher. I take the train to work every day. The train is quick and cheap, and there are hardly any delays(延迟). The trains run every half an hour and run until 00:30. The train station is near my home. It only takes 20 minutes from my home to school.

  Hello, I'm Maria and I'm a college student(大学生). I live in the college. The college is very big, so I usually walk a lot. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes to get from one building(楼房)to the next. When I want to shop with my friends outside the college, we take a bus. The buses stop running after 10:00 pm. So if we come back after that time, we have to take a taxi.

  WhoHowHow long

  Tina (69)___________get to the city (70)__________35 minutes

  Sarah (a teacher)go to work by train(71)______________

  Maria (a college student)(72)____________ inside(在…里面) the college15 minutes from one building to another

  take a bus outside the college

  四、 写 (共三节,计31分)

  第一节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分11分)



  ______ ______ watching TV, only a few students watch it every day.


  He feels ______ ______. Because he will take an exam.


  I _______ go home______ the concert was over.


  My father _____ ______ ______ this afternoon.


  It was cold yesterday. She ______ ______ put on her heavy coat.

  第二节 补全对话。在空白处各写一个句子,使对话完整正确。(每小题2分,满分10分)

  A: Hi !Wang Yu. Nice to meet you here.

  B: Hi!Zhang Qing, Nice to meet you too.(78)________________________________?

  A: Next vacation? Oh, I'm going to Kunming.

  B: (79)_______________________________?

  A: It's always warm and sunny. You know, people call it the spring city.

  B: (80) ____________________________?

  A: Yes, I want to go there by plane. It's far away from here.

  B: That sounds great. (81)__________________________?

  A: Maybe for a week.

  B: (82)______________________________.

  A: Thank you.

  第三节 书面表达(共1题,满分10分)






  要求: 1.文中不能出现真实的`班级和姓名。



Dear Xia Lei,

  Thanks for______________________________________


  Huang Yan

  人教新目标英语八年级上期末综合检测试卷 3


  We always get together  Thanksgiving Day.

  A. in B. at

  C. on D. with

  I feel very tired. , I can hold on.

  A. So B. And

  C. Because D. However

  Thank you for such a good gift for me.

  A. choose B. chose

  C. chosen D. choosing

  This river is very , so we're afraid to swim in it.

  A. clear B. deep

  C. bright D. wet

  My mother still keeps in with her old friends now.

  A. touch B. copy

  C. enemy D. talk

  — Who's the greatest man

  — Stephen Hawking, I think.

  A. alive B. living

  C. lively D. live

  It's difficult for us the work by tomorrow morning.

  A. finish B. to finish

  C. finishing D. to finishing

  Some animals, rabbits and deer, are active all winter. They look for food everywhere.

  A. in fact B. add up

  C. such as D. as usual

  On , children sing and dance happily to celebrate their own festival.

  A. Mother's Day B. Father's Day

  C. Children's Day D. Teachers' Day

  Don't forget to the lights when you leave the office.

  A. turn off B. turn on

  C. turn down D. turn up

  It is about walk to get to the new library.

  A. ten minutes B. ten minutes'

  C. ten minute's D. ten minute

  Tom, I bought a new shirt for you. Come here and .

  A. try on it B. try it on

  C. write down it D. write it down

  Mother gave them a big hug as soon as they arrived home.

  A. Tom and Jenny

  B. Tom's and Jenny

  C. Tom and Jenny's

  D. Tom's and Jenny's

  — Happy Thanksgiving Day, Linda!

  —_______ .

  A. All right B. The same to you

  C. No, thanks D. Yes, please

  — _______, sir

  — I'm looking for a basketball for my son.

  A. Can you help me

  B. How much is it

  C. What can I do for you

  D. What size do you wear


  Hello, I'm John. I come from America. I like _________ very much, because they always make me happy.

  Mother's Day is _________ the second Sunday of May. It's a day to _________ mothers. On that day, mothers usually receive flowers or cards from their _________. Fathers and children do the housework so that mothers can have a good rest.

  _________ is on the fourth Thursday of November in my country. It's a day _________ people give thanks for the harvest and _________ health. It's also a time to return home_________ families and friends. Families usually get together and have a big dinner.

  Christmas Day comes on _________ 25th. It's the most important festival in a year. People exchange (互换) gifts and visit friends.

  January 29th is a special day for me. It's my birth date. Every year, my friends give me lots of birthday presents,____books, models and clothes.

  1.A. sports B. collections C. festivals D. games

  2.A. in B. on C. at D. for

  3.A. record B. help C. thank D. celebrate

  4.A. parents B. friends C. classmates D. children

  5.A. Children's Day B. Teachers' Day C. Thanksgiving Day D. The Spring Festival

  6.A. when B. where C. how D. what

  7.A. bad B. good C. rich D. poor

  8.A. see B. saw C. to see D. seeing

  9.A. December B. November C. October D. September

  10.A. at all B. for all C. such as D. so as


  Everyone needs a vacation (假期). So does US President (总统) Barack Obama. Now, he is trying to share one of his experiences with us.

  “My family traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii, in December last year for Christmas. Of course we went there by plane. We spent 17 days there. Hawaii is my hometown. We had a wonderful time there. It was one of the greatest vacations in my life."

  “My wife Michelle and I visited the US Marine Corps (海军陆战队) and their families in Hawaii on Christmas Day. I even held the eight-month-old baby of a captain (上校) in my arms."

  “I also spent part of Christmas Eve playing golf with my old friends from Hawaii and some White House workers."

  “I went to Hanauma Bay Nature Park with my two daughters. That's our favourite place. We dived there, and set four sea turtles (龟) free. We all had a good time."


  1.Barack Obama shared his experience of traveling with his family last summer.

  2.Obama and his family went on a trip to Hawaii.

  3.Obama and his family spent half a month in Hawaii.

  4.On Christmas Day, Obama and his daughters visited the US Marine Corps.

  5.Obama and his daughters liked Hanauma Bay Nature Park.

  Our shop also has a lot of useful books on sale. You can come and buy what you need. Our shop is on the second floor of Shopping Centre. The shop is open from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm every day.


  1.What's the price of a pen

  A. 4.5 yuan. B. 5 yuan.

  C. 7 yuan. D. 9 yuan.

  2. and  have the same price.

  A. Pencils; rulers

  B. Rulers; erasers

  C. Erasers; notebooks

  D. Pencils; erasers

  3.If Lucy wants to buy two pencils and one notebook, she should pay  yuan.

  A. five B. six

  C. seven D. eight

  4.You can save  yuan if you buy two rulers at a time.

  A. one B. two

  C. five D. four

  5.Which of the following is NOT true

  A. Four kinds of school things are on sale in the shop.

  B. The shop also sells lots of books.

  C. The shop is in the Shopping Centre.

  D. The shop opens for ten hours a day.


  1.Lisa moved to a new city. Do you know her new a_______

  2.The strong wind b_______ out all the candles.

  3.This blue dress f_______ me well. I'll take it.

  4.Wang Hong was ill, so she didn't a_______the meeting yesterday.

  5.Look at the moon! It is big and r_______ tonight.


  celebrate choose live conversation turn off

  1.There are so many T-shirts. I don't know which one to _______.

  2.Mr. Lin has a special way to make his class _______ and interesting.

  3.What about _______ your birthday in a new way

  4.Sally _______ the lights, closed the door and left.

  5.My son had some problems, so we had a long _______.


  1.think, past, did, of, Mark, his


  2.pictures, she, taking, enjoys


  3.for, did, what, buy, her, present, you


  4.any, touch, hot, more, don't, pan, the


  5.can, arrives, when, you, home, she, go



  On Thanksgiving Day, my friend Jenny invited Jack and I to her house for the traditional festival.

  Jenny was gullible (易上当的), so Jack and I decided to play an interesting joke. We said we needed some fruit, so Jenny went shopping.

  After Jenny left, I took the turkey out of the oven. I took away the stuffing (填料) and Jack put a partridge (山鹑) in it. Then we put the turkey carefully in the oven.

  When Jenny came back, she took the bird out of the oven and started to cut it. You couldn't imagine how surprised Jenny was! She found the partridge. At that moment, Jack spoke loudly, “Jenny, you've cooked a pregnant (怀孕的) bird!" Hearing it, Jenny started to cry.

  Later, Jack and I told Jenny that turkeys laid eggs (下蛋) and they didn't give birth to young turkeys. But it took us the whole day to make Jenny believe that.

  1.When did the story happen

  It happened on______.

  2.What did Jack and the writer decide to do that day

  They decided to ______ on Jenny that day.

  3.What did Jack put in the turkey

  He put ______ in the turkey.

  4.How did Jenny feel when she found the partridge

  She was very______.

  5.What can we learn about Jenny

  Jenny is______.


  with change year tradition holiday find

  give month celebrate for turkey luck

  How much do you know about Thanksgiving Day, boys and girls Thanksgiving Day is a national 1. of the United States and it is closely connected 2. the early history of the country. Americans 3. it on the fourth Thursday of November.

  The pattern (形式) of the Thanksgiving celebration has never 4. through the years. People plan the big family dinner a few 5. ahead. On the dinner table, people will6. apples, oranges, grapes and walnuts (胡桃). There will also be pudding (布丁), pie and other food. But the best among them are 7. and pumpkin pie. They have been the most 8. food on Thanksgiving Day through the years.

  Thanksgiving today is a national holiday in America. All the Americans 9. their thanks for the year's harvest and ask for blessings (祝福) and good 10.


  A.It sounds interesting!

  B.How do you usually celebrate it

  C.I'm sorry to hear that.

  D.I can't wait for it!

  E.What did you do

  F.We usually eat moon cakes on that day.

  G.Why do you celebrate it

  A:We celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) last week.

  B:The Dragon Boat Festival 1.

  A:To remember a Chinese poet Qu Yuan.


  A:We usually eat rice dumplings on that day. And we did something interesting last week.


  A:Our school had a dragon boat race.

  B:4. Who won the race

  A:Our class. I hope you can take part in our celebration next year.





  traditional 传统的;get together 相聚;Lunar New Year's Eve 除夕夜;the Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会;lucky money 压岁钱




Dear Judy,

  I'm glad to receive your e-mail last week. You said you were interested in traditional Chinese festivals. ______________________________________________________________________



  Can you tell me something about your holidays


  Zhang Ying

  人教新目标英语八年级上期末综合检测试卷 4











  1.What about___________(buy)this one?

  2.They get together ___________ (watch)the moon

  3.He is a ___________(honest)boy.

  4.If you listened____________(careful),you could answer the question..

  5.I can have something ________(eat)when I am hungry at school.

  6.It ____________(be)warm the day after tomorrow.













  As students of modern times, we have c1. school life. Every day, we get lots of knowledge on different s2. in class. And our school o3. many activities. In this way, they can help us put what we have learned into p4.. After class, we take part in all kinds of activities, such as p5. football, basketball, badminton and so on. They are good for our health. Besides, we are a6. to join in the music group or other a7. groups. There we can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures. There are chances for us to use computers and talk with some foreign teachers about a8. we are interested in at the English corner.

  Now, most of us may play computers freely and have a good s9. of spoken English. In addition to these after-school activities, there are still many other activities, such as sports meeting and social investigation. All those activities make our school life attractive and i10.. I am sure they are very useful for us.









