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  1. Tal abut first aid and edicine. 谈一谈急救和医药。(p.57 Gals N.1)



  (1) aid n.帮助,援助 ① She cae t  aid. 她会帮助我。② We shuld give se ecnic aid t the Third Wrld. 我们应当给予第三世界一些经济援助。

  (2) aid v. 帮助,援助,支援 ① I aided her t cntinue her stud. = I aided her in cntinuing her stud. 我帮助她继续做研究。② ur advice aided her t succeed. 你的忠告使她取得了成功。

  【短语归纳】 传说泰尔后来果真用这支箭射死了那暴君。④ The fact that his plan aes sense shuld be recgnized. 应当承认他的计划是有道理的。

  2) experience

  (1) experience n. 经验,常与in,f搭配。如:① He has had t 若你真的要来,请让我知道。

  (2)用于否定句,加强否定语气,意为“根本不,全然不”。如: ① The bx is t heav, I can't ve it at all. 这箱子太重,我根本搬不动。② I can't see anthing at all n the Eperr. 我看皇帝身上什么也没穿。

  14. When Edisn died, it  到现在他们也许已经到了。④ I tld Sall h -- N, it can't have, because the grund is dr. — 昨晚一定下雨了,因为我的膝盖疼。— 不,不可能,因为地上很干。

  17. If u are bitten b an anial, wash the wund with cld water. Then see a dctr as sn as pssible. 如果被动物咬了,快用凉水清洗伤口,然后尽快地去看医生。 (p.63 Integrating Sills 第二段 第1行)

  1) bite v.

  (1) cut int with the teeth. 咬 如:① The dg bit e in the leg. 那狗咬了我的腿。② The dg has bitten a hle in  pants. 那只狗把我的裤子咬了一个洞。③ He bit ff a large piece f the apple. 他把苹果咬下了一大块。④ Unless u wear bts, u a get bitten b snaes. 除非你穿鞋子,否则会被蛇咬。

  【注意】“咬某人的脸”是bite sb. in the face,其中in后面的the不可换成his或her等。再如:hit sb. in the face打某人的脸;pat sb. n the shulder拍某人的肩膀;lead sb. b the hand牵着某人的手;catch sb. b the cllar抓住某人的领子

  (2) bite n. 吃一口,随便吃点东西 如:① He t a bite at the apple. 他咬了一口苹果。② I haven't had a bite since this rning. 从早晨到现在我还没吃过一点东西。③ u ust wait and have a bite with us. 你必须等一下和我们一起吃点东西。

  【拓展】be bitten with 热衷于;bite bac 咬住嘴唇不说出来;bite a persn's head ff 严厉斥责,口气凶猛;bite ne's lips 咬嘴唇,压抑怒气;bite ff re than ne can chew 贪多嚼不烂;bite the dust 阵亡,一败涂地;bite the hand that feeds ne 恩将仇报;bite at 向……咬去,对……叫骂;bite ff 咬掉,停止讲话

  2) see a dctr 看医生u are s seriusl ill and u shuld see a dctr at nce. 你病得那么厉害,应该立刻去看医生

  【拓展】see a dctr 看医生;send fr a dctr 派人去请医生;call in a dctr 请来医生

  【注意】see可以作及物动词,意为“发生某一情况,经历……,体验……”。如:① It cae abut that the ear 1849 saw a great war in Hungr. 结果1849年匈牙利发生了一场大战。② The fllwing ear Saw the death f bth his sisters. 第二年他的两个姐姐都死了。③ The 5th centur saw the end f the Ran Epire in the west. 第五世纪西罗马帝国灭亡了。④ This ld building had seen better das. 这栋老房子曾有辉煌的日子。⑤ This centur has seen tw wrld wars. 本世纪经历过两次世界大战。

  【拓展】as far as I can see 就我所知;see int 调查,领会;see sb. ff 送行;see (t it) that... 务必;I see. 原来如此,我明白了。I'll see. 我考虑考虑。Let e see. 让我想想看。See u later / sn / again. 再见,再会。u see. 你知道,你想,(可是)事实上……

  3) as...as pssible = as... as ne can 可能的/地…… 如:① D it as quicl as pssible. = D it as quicl as u can. 尽快做完它。② I'll stud as hard as pssible. = I'll stud as hard as I can.我要尽力学习。③ He tried t be as patient as pssible. = He tried t be as patient as he culd. 他尽量表现得耐心。

  18. If a persn is bleeding badl, u ust tr t stp the bleeding. 如果这人流血不止,你必须设法止血。(p.63 Integrating Sills Cuts 第2行)

  badl adv.

  (1) 坏地,不好地,拙劣地,其反义词是well。如:① He behaved badl. 他行为不端。② The wall was badl decrated.这墙装饰得很差。

  (2) 严重地,非常 如:① The car is badl in need f repair. 汽车急需修理。② She went n wring thugh her ar ached badl. 虽然她的`手臂疼得厉害,她仍坚持工作。③ I was badl inured in the accident. 那次意外事故我伤得很重。

  【注意】badl表示程度时,意为“非常,很”,通常与need,want等词连用。如:He wants t g abrad badl. 他很想出国。

  【拓展】be badl ff 生活穷困;be well ff 生活富裕;be badl ff fr 缺乏

  19. If the persn is cnscius and breathing, tr t get hi r her t spit ut an pisn that a still be in the uth. 如果这人还有知觉能够呼吸,要设法让他吐出嘴中的东西。(p.63 Integrating Sills ‘Pisning’ 第2行)

  1) cnscius ad.

  (1) 神志清醒的,有知觉的,其反义词为uncnscius。如:① The patient was perfectl cnscius. 病人神志非常清醒。② Man is a cnscius being. 人是有意识的动物。

  (2) 意识到的,觉察到的。如:① I becae cnscius f a an ling at e. 我觉察到有人注视着我。② Are u cnscius f ur faults? 你没发觉自己的缺点吗? ③ I was cnscius that I was istaen. 我意识到我错了。

  【拓展】be cnscius f 意识到;be cnscius that-clause 意识到;a cnscius lie 蓄意的谎言;cnscius activit 自觉行动,能动性;with cnscius superirit 抱着优越感;fr atter t cnsciusness 从物质到意识;lse cnsciusness 失去知觉;recver cnsciusness 恢复知觉 class-cnsciusness 阶级觉悟

  【辨析】cnscius; aware:cnscius 表示内心所意识到的感觉;aware指感官上的知觉。如:① One ust be cnscius f ne's shrtcing.人要有自知之明。② I' quite aware f hw u ust feel.我很能理解你的感觉。③ One a be cnscius f fear,but nt altgether aware f the danger which is ging n abut ne. 人们可能会心感恐惧,但并不能全然觉察到周围将发生什么危险。

  2) spit

  (1) spit v. 常与ut连用,意为“吐出唾液,口水等”。如:① I spit ut the pips f the range. 我吐出橙子的子。② Dn't spit n the grund. 不要随地吐痰。

  (2) spit v. 口出恶言,粗话等 如:① He spat ut hateful wrds at his father. 他对父亲口出恶言。② She spat ut curses at e. 她尖刻地咒骂我。

  【拓展】spit it ut 全盘说出,坦白说出;spit up 吐血,呕吐;spit and plish (军队装备等)擦亮;spit in sb's face 啐唾沫于某人脸上;spit ut curses at sb. 尖刻地咒骂某人spit n/at/upn 对……表示藐视









