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  Unit 4 Fact and Str

  一. 教学内容:


  第四单元 第一部分


  二. 本周教学重点和难点:

  1. T use culd t tal abut abilities in the past.

  2. T describe past events using the past cntinuus.[:]

  3. Se ver iprtant expressins.

  三. 具体内容:

  (一)Culd- abilities

  1. 基本用法:表示某人在过去某一时期所具备的某种能力。

  He culd pla the vilin when he was seven.

  She culdn’t dress herself when she was three.

  Culd the spea French?

  es, the culd.

  2. 基本构成: culd d sth.

  He culd ride a bie when he was a little b.

  He culd nt (culdn’t) ride a bie when he was a little b.

  Culd he ride a bie when he was a little b?

  es, he culd. N, he culdn’t.

  3. Cplete the blans with culd r culdn’t.

  Albert Einstein(1879-1955) was a Geran-brn Aerican phsicist, the creatr f the relativit. He tal until he was three ears ld.

  Tiger Wds, the Aerican glf chapin, was brn in 1975. He pla glf as sn as he culd wal.

  Hrati Nelsn(1758-1805) was a British naval cander during the Naplenic Wars. He spent all his life at sea but he swi.

  (二)Past cntinuus

  1. 基本用法:


  I was watching TV at nine ’clc esterda.

  Last wee we were wring in the cuntrside.

  (2)可以表示过去预计将要发生的动作,但只适用于start, fl, ce, g, leave, arrive, sta, return等动词。

  N ne was cing as it was a rain da.


  He was alwas wring hard.

  The bs were aing nise all the tie.


  ane was dancing. When she saw e she stpped.

  2. 基本构成: I/He/ She was

  plaing basetball.

  We/ u/ The were

  3. 过去进行时与一般过去时区别:

  前者表示“正在做某事”, 后者表示“做过了某事”。

  I was translating an article last night.

  I translated an article last night.


  I was running dwnstairs, when I slipped and fell.

  The wind blew the windw pen while I was writing a reprt.


  I et cusin as/when/while I was ging he.

  四. useful expressins:

  1. be gd at 擅长

  Ma Lin is gd at ath, s he lies taing part in ath cntests.

  ud is gd at languages, s she speas Chinese ver well.

  2. at the age f 在……岁

  Children g t schl at the age f six in China.

  I will graduate fr a high schl at the age f 18.

  3. l lie 像

  The little girl desn’t l lie her father.

  The rc ls lie a ne.

  4. l at 看

  L at e when I a taling t u.

  She led at the blacbard but she culdn’t see anthing.

  5. l fr寻找

  Last night Mrs. White led fr her pet dg everwhere, but she culdn’t find it.

  —What are u ling fr?

  —I’ ling fr ball pen.

  6. in the stle f 以某种风格

  She lies t d her hair in the stle f the 30’s.

  in stle 赶时髦,讲排场

  He is alwas in stle: wearing hand-ade clthes, driving a nice car, ging t the best parties.

  7. respnd t 响应

  Hw did ac respnd t ur suggestin?

  The class respnded badl t his teaching.

  五. 课堂练习:


  1. is ncing n the dr. Wh’s that?

  A. Sene B. Anne C. N ne D. Everne

  2. M English teacher a class when the plice arrived.

  A. gives B. gave C. is giving D. was giving

  3. When Mzart was six, he culd pla vilin.

  A. a B. the c. an D./

  4. he waiting fr u? es, he was.

  A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Did

  5. I was hewr when u called last night.

  A. d B. ding C. did D. des

  6. u use a cputer when u were six?

  A. D B. Can C. Culd D. Des

  7. He wrte stries the stle f ac Lndn.

  A. at B. in C. n D. t

  8. I culd ride a biccle the age f eight.

  A. at B. in C. n D. t


  invent write pla be cunt attend

  1. He a lng piece f usic.

  2. He lies the vilin.

  3. Albert Einstein a Geran-brn Aerican phsicist.

  4. Mrs. Sith an iprtant eeting esterda.

  5. T can’t t 100 because he is t ung.

  6. Mzart culd pieces in the stle f faus cpsers b the age f six.


  1. It was cld and it (rain) and there (be) n peple in the street.

  2. We (pla) gaes when the teacher cae int the classr.

  3. What u (d) at seven ’clc esterda evening?

  4. She (can) dress herself when she was three.

  5. He (write) a letter when suddenl the phne rang.

  一. 教学内容:

  第四单元 第二部分


  二. 本周教学重点和难点:

  1. 句型:He was driving alng when suddenl a wan appeared.[:Z+xx+]

  While I was ding hewr the light went ut.

  2. 学习副词的构成及在句子中的使用

  3. 重点词组的使用

  三. 具体内容:


  1. M grandparents were watching TV when I left the huse.


  The were plaing ftball when it began t rain.

  The were ding the experient in the lab when a fire bre ut n the flr.

  2. While he was driving alng the street he saw a wan.


  While he was taing the picture, the phne rang.

  While T was riding his bie he, he saw a b fall t the grund.

  3. 根据提示,完成练习。


  at the bus stp, he saw ne f his ld friends.


  when u gt he?


  The were plaing basetball n the plagrund


  While , the light .


  While , the teacher .



  1. 方式副词构成:


  slw-slwl graceful- gracefull sad-sadl sft-sftl thic-thicl

  different-differentl difficult-difficultl hpeful-hpefull serius-seriusl


  happ-happil eas -easil bus-busil laz-lazil


  fast-fast gd-well late-late terrible-terribl fun-funnl

  2. 使用:副词主要是用做状语的,修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,有时也用作表语、定语。

  A gd student shuld listen t the teacher carefull in class.(修饰动词)

  A gd student shuld help thers happil.(修饰动词)

  Obviusl she is wrng.(修饰全句)

  I nw hi quite well.(修饰副词)

  3. 副词的位置:


  She sings fairl well.[:学。科。网Z。X。X。]

  Their pinins are quite different.

  The b is ld enugh t g t schl.

  4. 副词的比较等级:

  和形容词同形的单音节词fast, slw, quic, hard, lud, high, wide的等级变化是加er,est。

  fast- faster- fastest quic- quicer- quicest

  以l结尾的方式副词的等级变化,是前置re, st。

  quicl- re quicl-st quicl

  slwl-re slwl-st slwl


  we ll-better-best badl-wrse-wrst uch-re-st little-less-least

  far-farther-farthest /further-furthest

  5. 用下列词的正确形式填空:

  (1)This questin is . I can answer it (eas).

  (2)T is a b. He ften des things (slw).

  (3)She is a girl. She alwas des her hewr (careful).

  (4)Miss White is a wan. She ften tals t us (serius)

  (5)Mr. Sith is a an. He ften tells us stries (funn).

  (6)Mie is a student. He studies ver (gd).


  1. have a a(special) talent fr 有特殊能力做某事

  She h as a talent fr writing b feet, thugh she has n hands.

  Mzart had a special talent fr writing usic.

  2. put ut扑灭……

  The fireen helped t put ut a fire.

  3. tae care f 照顾……

  We ust tae care f urselves.

  四. 课堂练习。

  1. 汉译英。


  He was ______ ______ and ______ ______ ging bac he ______ suddenl a wan ________.


  He ______ ______ a b _____ _______ the phne rang.


  The _____ ______ ftball _____ the plagrund _____ it _____ t rain.


  While he was ______ ______ custers, he ______ a wan.


  ______ he ______ _____ his taxi, he ______ the wan’s suitcase.


  ____ ____ u ding when I ____ last night?

  (7) 有人偷他的金戒指时,艾文利先生在干吗?

  What ___ Mr. Aver ____ while _____ was _____ his gld ring?

  2. 用词的适当形式填空。

  (1)A gd student is ________(careful) with everthing.

  (2)He ges t bed and gets up ________(earl).

  (3)He answers thers’ questins _______(patient).

  (4)He taes part in class activities ______(active).

  (5)He helps thers ________(happ).

  (6)He ass questins ________(plite).

  (7)He taes the schl rules ________(serius).

  (8)He dresses the schl unifr _______ (neat).

  (9)He des hewr ________ (careful).

  (10)He alwas wals int the classr _________(quiet).





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