报考指南 百分网手机站


时间:2020-11-01 14:24:06 报考指南 我要投稿




  在雅思考试的听说读写当中,写作无疑是众多考生最薄弱的环节。而取得雅思写作高分,也是众多考生梦寐以求的目标。从论证的角度来看,一篇高分作文要紧扣主旨,立场清晰;论证有力,逻辑性强。我们常用的论证方法有:解释说明法、举例论证法、比较对比法、让步反驳法。其中, 能够大大提高文章的论证力度和逻辑性的就是让步反驳法。


  雅思写作题目:In many countries students have a break to travel or work for a year fromstudy after they graduate from school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  这篇文章的话题是gap year,在范文的正方段中,考官支持gap year, 认为这种做法好处多多,应该鼓励,然后考官写反方段,也就是gap year的弊端,这个段落就是一个典型的让步反驳段,具体如下:

  However,there are certainly dangers in taking time off at this important age. Young adultsmay end up never returning to their school,or finding it difficult to readapt to an academicenvironment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job or to dosomething completely different from a university course.But overall,I think this is less likelytoday,when academic qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.

  分析一下,考官首先承认gap year有弊端和问题,因为经历了gap year之后,有些学生有可能改变人生方向,不愿回到学校学习了,或者即使回校学习,也很难适应学术环境。然后,考官笔锋一转,说但是在如今的社会,上述情况和问题不太可能发生,因为如果想找到好工作、事业有成,学历是至关重要的。这个让步反驳段就写的非常好,使得整篇文章论证更加有力,逻辑性更强,这篇文章无疑是高分之作。


  1) 当我们反驳弊端时,我们可以说弊端和问题发生的可能性小,正如刚才分析的考官范文。此外,我们还可以说弊端是可以解决或者可以转化的。

  比如这个题目:Some people believe that time spent on television,video and computer gamescan be beneficial to children. Others believe that this has negative effects on a child. Discussboth views and give your own opinion. 这个题目是关于儿童看电视打游戏的利弊,假设我们的反方是看电视打游戏的弊端,那么让步反驳段可以这么写: 不可否认,儿童看电视、打游戏存在弊端和问题(如影响视力和学习、容易上瘾),但是这些问题是可以解决的:只要父母帮助儿童提高自控能力,合理分配时间,他们就可以从这些休闲活动中受益。范文如下:

  However,spending too much time on TV and games may affect children's study andhealth. Deeply attracted by entertaining TV programs and thrilling computer games,childrentend to watch TV or play games for hours, neglecting their homework or coming exams.Also,too much time spent on TV or games could result in weakened eyesight and lack ofexercises.Nevertheless,with parents' help and instructions,children can enhance their self-control and time-management,which means they are able to use time in the proper way andbenefit from these leisure activities.

  2) 当我们写让步反驳段时,我们可以说反方观点适用于一些人或情况,但是不适用于另一些人或情况。

  比如这个题目:Many people can now study at home through distance-learning programs viathe Internet or television. Some people say this kind of education cannot be compared toattending a college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  On the other hand,we cannot deny the obvious benefits of remote education whichprovides people with more flexibility and convenience. People could choose their favoritecourses and decide when and where to study,following their own paces. Instead of wastingtime on commuting,students could comfortably sit at home and learn a course on line.However,those students who lack self-control and self-discipline cannot learn efficiently inthis way,as they might be distracted by various kinds of things,such as games and videos online.










