寒假作业 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-26 10:48:36 寒假作业 我要投稿




  1. We had great _______learning English together. (funny)

  2.The day after tomorrow will be _____(sun)

  3.It snowed _________ here in Beijing.(heavy)

  4.Thanks for ______me to your birthday party.(invite)

  5.I’m sorry _________the sad news.(hear)

  6.I saw my parents in the ____ room.(live)

  7.Becky went to the study in a ________.(hurried)

  8.She ______her present on her desk (find)

  9.It was cold yesterday and today it is much ____.(cold)

  10.I’m ____happy on my birthday.(real)

  二. 句型转换, 在每个空白处填写一个适当的词使该句符合要求

  11. I will go to spend the holidays in the north.(否定句)


  12. She will go on learning English after middle school.(反意疑问句)


  13. My parents and I attended the concert last Sunday.(否定句)


  14. There is one band I like very much.( 一般疑问句)


  15. Wasn’t your little brother born in 1992?(肯定回答)


  三. 单项选择题

  ( ) 16. —Why not ___an English name, Li Hong?

  —I have one .

  A. to find B. to see C. find D. see

  ( ) 17.—Would you like to go to Huashan?

  —Yes, ______.

  A. I’d like B. I’d like to C. I’d love D. I would

  ( ) 18.Today he is _____ than yesterday.

  A. very better B. very well C. much better D. much well

  ( ) 20 My job is _____ the cows.

  A. feed B. to feed C. feeding D. feeds

  ( ) 21. —Shall we go to climb that hill?


  A. Yes, I shall B. No, I shan’t C. Good idea D. Right

  ( ) 22. Who is standing _____ you?

  A. next to B. next C. near to D. in the front of

  ( )23.Why doesn’t he use a lift ____ the last three floors?

  A. to B. for C. with D. near

  ( ) 24—Now I can write a letter in English.

  — _______.

  A. That’s great B. That’s large C. That’s big D. That’s well

  ( )25.After breakfast, he ____ yesterday morning.

  A. goes on working B. goes on to work C. went on work D. went on to work

  ( ) 26. Do you do sports ___ Sunday morning?

  A. on B. in C. at D. for

  ( ) 27. Don’t ____. There’s still a little time left.

  A. worry B. worried C. be worry D. worry about

  ( ) 28. I’m afraid I may _____ a little late.

  A. am B. be C. was D. is

  ( ) 29. Help _____ to some delicious food.

  A. yours B. you C. your D. yourself

  ( ) 30.Everyone in our class _____ going hiking.

  A. likes B. liking C. like D. like to

  ( ) 31.I’m feeling much ____ now.

  A. good B. well C. better D. best



  32. ---Why don’t you come with me?

  ---___? Let us go .

  A. Why B. Why not C. Not at all D. Yes, please

  33. ---Can I play games with you?


  A. Yes ,thank you B. Oh ,do not you know

  C. No ,that is right D. Sure !You are welcome

  34. ---____?

  ---They are going to get there by bus .

  A. When are they going to get there B .How are they going to get there

  C. What are they going to do D. Where are they going to get

  35. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

  ---____ .Why?

  A. Nothing very B. Very nothing C. Nothing much D. Much nothing

  36-Would you like one of the moon cakes?


  A. Yes, please B. Yes, I would C. No, pleases D. No, I don't


  (A)Alice was twenty-three years old , and she was a nurse at a big hospital . She was very kind , and all of her patients (病人) liked her very much .

  One day she was out shopping when she saw an old woman .The old woman wanted to cross( 通过) a busy street .Alice wanted to cross the street ,too. So she went over to help the woman .When Alice was near her , she suddenly laughed (笑) and said , “ Mrs. Herman .You were my patient in the hospital last year .”Mrs. Herman was very happy to see her .“I’ll help you cross the street ,Mrs. Herman .” Alice said . “ Oh , thank you very much ,Alice . ” Mrs. Herman said ,and she went forward (向前进) . “ No ,Mrs. Herman .The light’s red .” Alice said quickly . “ Oh, ”Mrs. Herman answered as she went back . “ I can easily cross the street alone (独自) when the light’s green.”

  37. Alice was _______ .

  A. old B. young C. a doctor D . patient

  38. ________ liked Alice .

  A. The doctors B. The patients C. The students D. The men

  39. Alice ______ Mrs. Herman before they met on the street .

  A. didn’t know B. knew C. wrote to D. played with

  40. _________ Mrs. Herman wanted to cross the street .

  A. When the light was green B. When the light was red

  C. When she saw Alice D. When she was out shopping

  41. Alice wanted Mrs. Herman to cross the street _________ .

  A . when the light was green B. when the light was red

  C. when Mrs. Herman wanted to cross D. when Alice saw the light

  (B). Mr. Jones had a nice, brown coat. He loved it very much, but his wife did not like it, because it was old. She often said. “ Give it to a poor man. ” But Mr. Jones always said. “No. I like this coat.” Then a cigarette(烟卷)fell on it and made a hole(洞)in it. So Mrs. Jones said. “Please don’t wear it again. ” Mr. Jones took it to a small tailor(裁缝),”Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor made the coat very carefully. Then he lit(点着)a cigarette, and made a hole in it in the same place.

  42、Mrs. Jones didn’t like the coat because___ .

  A. It was nice and brown B. It was not nice

  C. It was very old D. It was not old

  43、Mr. Jones always said, “__________ .”

  A. I like this coat B. Give it to a poor man

  C. No, I don’t like this coat D. No, I don’t give it to a poor man

  44、 ______made a hole in the coat.

  A. Mr. Jones B. Mrs. Jones

  C. Mr. and Mrs. Jones D. A cigarette

  45、Mr. Jones asked the tailor to_______ .

  A. make a new hole in the coat B. make a new coat

  C. make more money D. make a hole in the new coat

  46、Who do you think was foolish(愚蠢)?

  A. The tailor. B. Mr. Jones.

  C. Mrs. Jones. D. Nobody.

  (C). Mike was a small boy and he didn't like water. When his mother asked him to wash his hands, he never washed them really. He only put them in the water for a while and then took them out again. Mike's uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they came to stay with Mike's parents and they brought their small son, Tim, with them. Tim was one year younger than Mike, and didn't like water, either (也).

  The two boys went out to play. After an hour, Mike looked at Tim's hands and said proudly (骄傲的'), "My hands are dirtier (脏的) than yours." '' Of course," Tim answered angrily (生气地), " You are one year older than me."

  47 Mike and Tim were _____________.

  A. friends B. sisters C. brothers D. classmates

  48. Tim and Mike didn’t like ______________ .

  A. water B. juice (果汁) C. milk D. dirty hands

  49. Tim was one year __________ Mike.

  A. older than B. younger than C. as old as D. young than

  50. Mike's hands were dirtier than Tim's because ______________ .

  A. he liked playing B. he didn't like water

  C. he never really washed his hands clean

  D. he didn't wanted to wash his hands

  51. Mike's father was Tim's father' s ______________.

  A. friend B father C. grandfather D. brother




















