寒假作业 百分网手机站


时间:2020-10-26 10:51:03 寒假作业 我要投稿




  Unit 1

  I. 汉译英(词组翻译)

  1. write to sb. 2. match sth with sth 3. welcome to... 4. come from / be from

  5. live with... 6. close to 7. elder sister 8. be good at

  9. make friends with sb. 10. all over the world 11. I have long hair

  12. My dream is to be a ... 13. be friendly (nice, kind) to sb. 14. pay attention to

  15. would like to do sth 16. on the Internet 17. be far (away) from…

  18. Best wishes 19. hear from sb. 20. ask sb to do sth

  21. in one’s spare time 22. help sb . (to) do sth. / help sb. with sth.

  II. 根据 句子的意思,用所给单词的.适当形式 填空。

  1. German; 2. age; 3. hobbies; 4. mountains; 5. friendly; 6. thinnest; 7. to be;

  8. engineer;9. playing; 10. scientists; 11.to go; 12. running; 13. sounds; 14. yourself; 15. Japanese; Chinese; 16. travelling; countries 17. Germany; 18. to ride; 19. completes; 20. twice

  III. 选择填空: 1-5 D B A C A 6-10 D A C B D 11-16 B C B A B A

  IV. 完形填空: 1-5 A B D D B 6-10 C A C C B

  V. 阅读理解: A 篇 --- B C D C D B 篇 --- B D C A D

  Unit 2

  I. 汉译英

  1. a junior high school student

  2. go … on foot

  3. from … to …

  4. run to the playground

  5. the morning break

  6. take part in

  7. have a good time

  8. enjoy doing sth.

  9. know about

  10. the school band

  11. make music

  12. after-school activities

  13. daily life

  14. ride a bicycle

  15. keep a diary

  16. be late for …

  17. after dinner

  18. between … and …

  19. prepare one ’ s lesson

  20. arrive at (小) / arrive in (大)

  21. help sb. with sth.

  22. in the end=at last/finally

  II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空

  1.are 2.daily 3.talk 4. bells 5.gives 6. guitar 7 takes 8.has

  9.usually 10.cooks 11.is 12.rang 13.goes 14.practice 15.daily

  16.being 17.usually 18.our 19.watching 20.do 21.learn / to learn

  22.to go 23.singing 24.friends

  III. 选择填空:1-5 ABAAC 6-10 BABBA

  IV. 完形填空:1-5 CADBC 6-10 ABCDA

  V. 阅读理解: (1) ADBDC (2)BBCAD

  VI. 书面表达

  One possible version:

  Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they aren’t the same. Pleasant Goat runs faster than other goats. He is happy and outgoing. He always has smiles on his face. Force Goat is stronger but more careless than others. He exercises every day to keep healthy, but he gets angry easily. He always disagrees with others.


  I. 汉译英(词组翻译 )

  1. on Earth 2. on the land 3. in the sky 4. under the water 5. put … into 6. throw … into …

  7. on the beaches 8. in the sea 9. throw away 10. take a trip 11. get warm

  12. turn green 13. be covered by 14. a glass of water 15. make energy

  16. one quarter 17. protect the Earth 18. provide … with … 19. stop doing …

  20. ask sb. t o do sth.

  II. 根据 句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式 填空。

  1. sunny 2. to have 3. kites 4. brightly 5. talking 6. Is 7. go 8. pollution

  9. interesting 10. snowmen 11. interesting 12.. are 13. women

  14. to have 15. funny

  III. 选择填空: 1-5 B B D A B 6-10 A C B D C 11-15 C A C B D

  IV. 完形填空 : 1-10 A D A B C D C C B A

  V. 阅读理解: A) A B D C C B) C D A C B

  Unit 4


  1. in spring 2.start to get warm 3 The wind blows gently.

  4. turn green 5. take a trip 6. The sun shines brightly.

  7. like to go to the beach 8.in a hot weather 9.Everything changes.

  9. start falling from trees 11.go on a picnic 12. at this time of year

  13.make snowmen 14.spend … with sb. 15.during the Spring festival

  Ⅱ 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1. sunny 2.to have 3.flew 4. strongly 5.talking

  6. go 7.interested 8.snowmen 9.windy 10.boring

  11. windy, wind 12. kind, to help 13.amazing, to read

  14. colourful, funny 15.dangerous 16.problems, to understand

  17.gently, gentle 18.sunny 19.to have 20.heavily

  Ⅲ 单选:1-5 BBAAC 6-10 DBBDA

  11-15 DCAAC 16-20 CCDBA

  Ⅳ.完形填空 1-5 ACADD 6-10 BCBDA

  Ⅴ阅读理解 1-5 CBCAD 6-10 BADCC


  It is important for us to protect the Earth. As students, what can we do?

  First, we shouldn’t throw waste paper on the ground. Second, we should turn off the lights when we leave the room. Third, we should save water. For example, we should turn off the tap when we brush our teeth. Fourth, we can go to school on foot or by bike.

  We have only one Earth. Let’s do our best to protect it!


  I. 汉译英(词组翻译 ):

  1. more than 2. one of the first students

  3. leave sp. 4. l eave sp. for sp.

  5. do exercise 6. get to /arrive in/at /reach sp.

  7. get there 8. in space

  9. in the/a spaceship 10. float around

  11. have to do sth. 12. tie … to …

  13. so that 14. as many/much … as

  15. that is 16. be able to do sth.

  17. take photos/pictures 18. solve the problem

  19. a large amount of air 20. keep diaries/keep a diary

  21. get weak 22. a trip to space

  23. such as 24. space hotels

  25. as … as 26. on the moon

  II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空:

  1. be able to, 2. breathe, 3. without, 4. themselves,

  5. books, 6. to get, 7. to make 8. to have

  9. moving 10. to give 11. telling 12. machines

  13. ourselves 14. important, 15. leaves 16. to finish

  17. doesn ’ t 18. fails

  III. 选择填空:

  1-5 DCBCD 6-10 DCBBC

  11-15 CACBB 16-20 BCCBC

  21-22 BD

  IV. 完形填空: 1-5 ABDCA 6-10 CBCAD

  V. 阅读理解: 1-5 DBCAD 6-10 BADBC


  Ⅰ. 汉译英

  1.travel guide 2. walk along 3. in the centre of 4. in every direction 5. light up 6. have a good time 7. such as 8. in the north-west of 9. place of interest 10. one of 11. the Bund 12. Ocean Park 13. a traditional garden 14. natural beauty 15. across the Huangpu River 16.outside the park

  Ⅱ. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

  1.beauty 2.sightseeing 3.to have 4. friends 5.bridges 6. places 7.take 8. beauty

  9. building 10.directed 11. tourists 12. direction 13. built 14. traditional

  15. beautiful 16. natural 17. Asia 18. Asian 19. traditional 20. to make

  21.riding 22. Visitors 23. nature 24. watching 25. easily 26. to do 27. shopping

  Ⅲ. 单选填空从选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  1-5 CDDAA 6-10 BACDB 11-15 ADCAC 16-17CD

  IV. 完形填空

  1-5 ABDCD 6-10BCAAD

  V . 阅读理解

  1-5 ABCDD 6-10BCCBA

  VI . 书面表达

  Beijing lies in the north of China. As the capital, it ’ s one of the biggest cities in China. Beijing is famous for its long history. In Beijing, you can visit places of interest such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and so on. And you can visit many famous universities. It ’ s also wonderful for you to go shopping and enjoy some delicious food, such as roast duck. I hope you will have a good time in Beijing.


  I. 汉译英(词组翻译 )

  1. last month 2. attend the f air 3. teach you how to do sth

  4. launch into the sky 5. all the way 6. of course

  7. disappear into the sky 8. join the Solar Power Club

  9. learn about 10. take… from … 11. can ’ t wait to do sth / can ’ t wait for sth

  12. make a machine 13. use … to do … 14. all around

  15. at the fair 16. It ’ s time for sth / It ’ s time to do sth.

  17. listen to a talk 18. give a talk 19. look sth up in the library

  20. go for a walk 21. go on an adventure 22. hurry to school

  23. leave for

  II. 根据 句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式 填空。

  1. to play, 2. amazing, 3. to write, 4. to begin 5. water, 6. surprised,

  7. unusual 8. studying 9.came, 10. joined, 11. sent 12. was, 13. had, 14. stay, 15. left

  III. 选择填空: 1-5 BDBDB 6-10BADDD 11-15 DBBCD

  IV. 完形填空: 1-5 DABCA 6-10 DBDBC

  V. 阅读理解 1-5 DABAC 6-10 DCBCD

  Unit 8


  1. attend an interview 2. interview sb. (about sth.) 3. a pile of newspapers

  4 . follow sb. (into … ) 5 . hardly any = almost not/no 6 . a long time ago

  7 . the front door/ garden 8 . in front of 9 . in the front of 10 . as soon as

  1 1 . unusual collections 1 2 . three days/weeks/years ago 1 3 . go inside 14 .(be)bad for

  15 . (be)good for 16 . (be)interested in 17 . work of art 18 . almost everyt h ing

  19 .on the front door 20 . collect sth. / a collection of sth. 2 1 .have some tea

  2 2 .both… and … 23 . have sth t o do 24 . spend time /money (in) doing …

  25 .send…to sb. 26 .make sb. interested in 27 . be educational

  28 .as a result 29 .introduce sb. to…

  II. 1. hers 2. interviewing 3. amazing 4. hard; hardly 5. to begin

  6. follow 7. surprised 8. usually 9. collection 10. studying

  11. make 12. to do 13. unusual 14. cutting 15. collection

  16. to sail 17. Riding 18. to learn 19. places 20. sentences

  III.1-5 DBBDC 6-10 ACAAC 11-15 CABAA

  16-20 CADCD 21-25 BABDA

  VI.1-5 ABDBC 6-10 DBCAA


  VI. My hobby is collecting stamps. I have many kinds of stamps. How do I get them? First , I save the money to buy stamps from the shop. S econd, my parents bring me stamps from many countries of the world. T hird, I have friends who send me stamps in return for the ones which I send to them. In this way, my collection becomes larger and larger. Each stamp has a story and you can learn a lot from it .














3.初一 寒假数学作业答案精选





