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公共英语一级考试作文 感谢父母

时间:2020-08-04 12:25:55 一级 我要投稿

2015年公共英语一级考试作文 感谢父母

  I am the most happy is mom and dad brought me to this colorful world. From every time when I was born, a warm hug, every time a gentle voice, I feel they are very hot love for me, from toddler to baby young pioneers of I, they paid a lot, let me grow in the relaxed and happy environment. Father is a very humorous person. Often out some brain teaser questions let me guess. When I guess, he always say come on, don't give up. He often also told me some revolution martyr's story, let me learn from them, let me read more books, grew up to become a useful person to society. Mother is a very careful person. Is usually very concerned about my study and body. Always said to me: I have a healthy body to go to better learning, so she do my favorite things every day, and told me to play basketball every day, rope skipping, etc. Also taught me to let me to protect yourself. I am proud I have such a mom and dad, so I am in the heart said to myself I must to study hard, don't live up to their expectations of me.

2015年公共英语一级考试作文 感谢父母

  I love you, dear mom and dad!

  我最快乐的就是爸爸妈妈把我带到这个五彩缤纷的世界。从我呱呱落地的时候,每一次温暖的拥抱,每一次轻柔的呼唤,都让我感觉到他们的对我无比炙热的爱,从蹒跚学步的婴儿到成少先队员的我,他们付出了许多许多, 让我在轻松快乐的环境中成长。爸爸是个非常幽默的人。经常出一些脑筋急转弯的题目让我猜。当我猜不到的时候,他总是说加油,不要放弃。他平常还会给我讲一些革民烈士 的故事,让我向他们学习,让我多读书,长大后成为对社会有用的人。妈妈是一个很细心的人。平常很关心我的.学习和身体。总是对我说:有一个健康的身体才能去更好的学习,所以她每天都做我最爱吃的东西,而且叫我每天坚持打篮球,跳绳等运动。还教会我让我保护好自己。 我为我有这样的爸爸妈妈而骄傲,所以我在心里对自己说我一定要好好努力学习,不辜负他们对我的期望。


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