英语短语 百文网手机站


时间:2022-07-28 14:15:32 英语短语 我要投稿




  初二英语短语 篇1

  1.a moment ago 刚才

  2.agree with 同意…意见(想法)

  3.all the time 一直、始终,总是

  4.all the same 仍然,还是

  5.all the year around 一年到头

  6.ask for 请求,询问

  7.at breakfast 早餐时

  8.at first 起先;首先

  9.at the end of 在…结尾,到…尽头

  10.at the same time 同时

  11.at times 有时,偶尔

  12.be late for 迟到

  13.by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下

  14.come over 过来;顺便来访

  15.fall down 倒下;跌倒;从…落下

  16.field trip 野外旅游

  17.get married 结婚

  18.get together 相聚

  19.give a concert 开音乐会

  20.given first name名字

  21.go back 回去

  22.go boating 去划船

  23.go hiking 去徒步旅行

  24.go on 继续

  25.go out 外出;到外面

  26.go skating 去滑冰

  27.grow up 长大;成长

  28.had better 最好

  29.have to 不得不;必须

  30.help oneself to 自取;随便吃

  31.hurry up 赶快

  32.in a hurry匆忙地

  33.in front of 在…前面

  34.in the open air 在户外;在野外

  35.just now 刚才;不久以前

  36.later on 后来;稍后

  37.less than 不到;少于

  38.more than 多过;…以上

  39.morning paper 晨报

  40.next to 相邻,靠近

  41.not…any more 再也不;不能再…

  42.on the left side 在左边

  43.on the right side 在右边

  44.on time 准时

  45.put on 上演;放(唱片)

  46.ring up 打电话

  47.say goodbye to 告别;告辞

  48.take/leave a message 捎(留)口信

  49.take out取出

  50.the day after tomorrow 后天

  51.the day before yesterday前天

  52.the same as 和…相同

  53.trip over (被…)绊倒

  54.turn…over 把…翻过来

  55.up and down 上上下下;来来回回

  56.a waste of time 浪费(自费)时间

  57.write down 写下…记下…

  58.a bit (of ) 少量(的);一点

  59.a few 一些;几个

  60.a moment later 片刻之后

  61.a pair of 一对;一双

  62.after a while 过了一会儿

  63.again and again 再三地;反复地

  64.all by oneself 独立;单独

  65.any more 再;更

  66.as…as… 与…一样

  67.as soon as 一…就

  68.as usual 像平常一样

  69.at midnight 在半夜

  70.at once 立刻;马上

  71.at the head of 在…的前头

  72.at the moment 此刻

  73.be angry with 对(某人)…生气

  74.be awake 醒着的.

  75.be famous for 因…而有名的

  76.be fed up with 厌倦

  77.be interested in 感兴趣

  78.be/get lost 迷失(道路)

  79.catch up with 赶上

  80.come along 来;随同

  81.come to oneself 苏醒;恢复、知觉

  82.do one’s best 尽最大努力

  83.either…or… 或者…或者…

  84.enjoy oneself 过得快乐;玩得痛快

  85.fall asleep 睡觉;入睡

  86.fall behind 落在…后面

  87.fall off (从…)掉下

  88.find out 找出,查出

  89.first of all 首先;第一

  90.get back 回来;取回

  91.get off 下来;从…下来

  92.get on 上(车)

  93.get on well with 与…相处融洽

  94.get on doing (sth) 继续做某事

  95.go wrong 走错路

  96.have a cold (患)感冒

  97.have a cough (患)咳嗽

  98.have a good time 过得快乐

  99.have a headache (患)头痛

  100.here and there 到处;处处

  101.high jump 跳高

  102.hold a sports meeting 举行运动会

  103.in fact 实际上

  104.in front 前方;正对面

  105.in the end 最后

  106.in the future 将来

  107.in time 及时

  108.instead of 代替

  109.just then 正在那时

  110.kinds of 各种各样的

  111.knock a t 敲(门等)

  112.knock on敲(门、宿等)

  113.ladies’ room 公共厕所

  114.laugh at 嘲笑

  115.leave … behind 把…遗留在

  116.long jump 跳远

  117.look out 留神;注意

  118.look over (仔细)检查

  119.look up 向上看;抬头看

  120.lots of 许许多多的

  121.make a noise 吵闹

  122.make faces 做鬼脸

  123.make one’s way to 往…走去

  124.make room for 给…腾出地方

  125.mouth – to – mouth 口对口的

  126.neck and neck 并驾并驱

  127.no longer / more 不再

  128.neither…nor… 既不…也不…

  129.not as/so…as 与…不一样

  130.on one’s way to 在…途中

  131.on watch 值班;守望

  132.out of 从…向外奇速英语

  133.the Summer Palace 颐和园

  134.pass on 传递;转称到…

  135.play a joke on 戏弄人;对人恶作剧

  136.quarrel with (和某人)吵架

  137.100-metre race 100米赛跑

  138.reading room 阅览室

  139.run away 逃跑

  140.set off 出发;动身;启程

  141.sooner or later 迟早

  142.stand in line 站(在)队里

  143.starting line 起跑线

  144.finishing line 终点线

  145.stop…from… 阻止…做…

  146.take a seat 坐下;就座

  147.take an active part in 积极参加

  148.take-away 可拿走的

  149.take care of 照顾,照料;注意

  150.take exercise 做运动

  151.take one’s place 坐某人的座位

  152.take turns 轮流

  153.teach oneself 自学

  154.throw about 乱丢;抛散

  155.to one’s surprise 令(某人)惊讶

  156.too…to… 太…而不能…

  157.turn on 打开(电灯、收音机等)

  158.turn off 关(电灯、收音机等)

  159.wait for 等候

  160.waiting room 候诊室

  161.wake up 醒来

  162.well done 做得好

  163.work out算出;制订出

  164.stop …from doing 阻止…做…

  165.every five minutes 每五分钟

  166.by oneself 单独、独自

  167.spend…on 在…上花费

  168.review lessons 复习功课

  169.off watch 不要值班

  170.go on a picnic 去野餐

  171.go fishing 去钓鱼

  172.go swimming 去游泳

  173.go dancing 去跳舞

  174.go climbing 去爬山

  175.go sailing 去航行

  176.Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

  177.all the same 还是;仍然

  178.put…right 使…恢复正常

  初二英语短语 篇2


  be absorbed in…

  bury oneself in…

  acquire (obtain) knowledge

  put one’s heart into…

  be interested in…

  be fond of…

  be good at…

  be poor at…

  do well in…

  be weak in…

  make progress in…

  fail in…

  be tired of…

  improve oneself in…

  get 90 marks

  have a good command of…

  pass the exam

  major in history

  be getting on well with one’s study

  take several courses at school

  have English every other day

  work hard at…

  live up to one’s hope

  get a doctor’s degree

  learn about…

  succeed in…

  be active in class

  take an active part in

  learn sth by heart

  work out a problem

  improve oneself in…

  have a good command of…

  lay a good foundation in…


  give sb. a passing grade

  examine the students’ homework

  stand on the platform

  raise a question

  like to be with students

  be gentle with us

  be kind to us

  be a strict teacher

  be strict in one’s work

  We think of…as…


  praise sb for sth…

  blame sb for sth

  give sb advice on sth

  question sb on…

  be satisfied with…

  correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day

  give sb a lot of work

  try to teach sb to develop good study habits

  make one’s lessons lively and interesting

  teach sb sth

  teach sb to do sth

  devote all one’s time to one’s work

  admire sb for his devotion to the cause of education


  have a swim

  have dance on weekends

  have a picnic over the weekend

  go to the cinema

  have a party

  hold a sports meeting

  spend one’s time in many different ways

  enjoy doing sth by oneself

  go swimming

  go for an outing

  have an outing at (the seaside)

  see the sights of Beijing

  play the piano

  play chess

  do some reading

  help sb do sth

  enjoy a family trip

  get everything ready for…

  ride one’s bike to the park

  There are a lot of activities at the beach

  We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city

  She would like to bring sth to the picnic

  It was a very relaxing Sunday

  There are good programs on TV on weekend。


  tell sb to do sth

  get information about…

  express one’s idea (feeling) in English

  write sb a letter saying…

  apologize to sb for …

  thank sb for…

  make a speech at the meeting

  take a message for sb

  send a message to sb

  hear from sb

  talk about / of sth

  explain sth to sb

  look upon sb as…

  think sb to be…

  take one’s side


  feel bored (embarrassed, nervous)

  would like to do

  be unforgettable

  show one’s thanks

  have fears for…

  my heart beats fast

  hesitate for a few minutes

  give sb a meaningful smile

  allow sb to do sth

  keep/ prevent sb from doing

  call on sb to do sth

  be afraid to do sth/ of sth

  feel like doing…

  insist on doing sth

  drive sb off

  speak highly of sb

  speak ill of sb

  think highly of sb

  force sb to do sth

  offer to do sth

  refuse to do sth

  agree to do sth

  regret doing sth

  prefer to do sth rather than do sth

  had better do sth

  would rather do sth than do sth


  be woken up by the phone

  set out without a delay

  do sth as usual

  do what he wants us to do

  set about doing sth

  try one’s best to do sth

  go all out to do sth

  get into trouble

  help sb out

  do one’s bit for sb

  have the habit of doing sth

  have no trouble doing sth

  make up one’s mind to do sth

  prepare sb for sth

  give up doing sth

  wait for sb to do sth

  find a way to do sth

  make friends with sb

  show (tell) sb how to do sth

  take (send) sb to …

  I’m trying to find…

  I’m afraid we are out of…

  pass the time doing sth

  feel a little excited about doing sth

  can’t help doing sth

  do some good deeds to people

  be prepared for more hard work


  be pleased with…

  be delighted in doing…

  take a pleasure in doing…

  be worried about…

  feel surprised at…

  be sorry for…

  be angry with sb for sth

  be angry about…

  look forward to doing…

  wish to do…

  expect to do sth

  long for sth/ long to do sth

  be sick for one’s home

  have a strong desire to do sth

  look around for…

  look up/ down at…

  catch sight of…

  take a look at…

  hear sb doing…

  take notice of…

  take view of…

  have a good understanding of…

  consider sb to do sth

  come to know…

  realize that…

  know that


  develop a disease

  enjoy good health

  be in good health

  be in poor health

  feel well ( weak, sick, terrible)

  fall ill

  have got a fever

  have got a cold

  take one’s temperature

  have got a pain in…

  be good for one’s health

  It’s nothing serious.

  stay in bed

  save one’s life


  go down this street

  turn right/ left at the first crossing

  it’s about… miles from here.

  go straight ahead till you see…

  You can’t miss it.

  at the corner

  pass two blocks









