

时间:2023-04-03 05:40:13 英语单词 我要投稿
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  ◆1. 疑问词 + 动词不定式与宾语从句的互换。


  ⑴ I will show you where you should go .= I will show you _____ __________ .

  ⑵ Idont know what to do . =I dont know what _____ .A should I do B I should do

  ⑶ Could you tell me how I can get to Summer Palace ?= Could you tell me how _____ _____ _____Summer Palace ?

  ※宾语从句应该用陈述语序。如:Could you please tell me ____ ____ ____ ____ (天气如何)in Chongqi?

  ◆2. 问题/难题 question由于疑惑不解而提出的问题,多和ask / answer搭配使用。

  problem指有待解决的较难的问题或物理/数学方面的题等,多与solve /work out 搭配。

  ⑴ Please answer my________ in English . ⑵ I cant work out this maths _______.

  ⑶ Thisis a difficult_______ to answer .

  ◆3.family家/家庭(强调家庭成员,与居住的房子无关)My family are kind people .

  home 家(指人出生或居住的地方,带有一定感情色彩)Welcome to my home .

  house 房子/住宅(居住的建筑物)They moved to their new house last year .

  ⑴ How many people are there in your _____? ⑵ I want to save money and buy a big ____.

  ⑶ Ilove Chengdu , I looked Chengdu as my ______ .

  ◆4.in front of (在前面) 在某一范围以外的前面There is a tall tree in front of our classroom .

  in the front of (在前部) 在某一范围内的前面Twopersons are sitting in the front of the car .

  ⑴ The policeman stands____________ the car . ⑵ The driver sits ____________ the car .

  ◆5. 在晚上,在夜里 at night

  on + a +adj + night

  ⑴ You shouldnt go out _____ night. ⑵ He met a thief_____ a cold night .

  ◆6. 在之间 between (两者之间)多与and连用。


  ⑴ She is sitting______ Lucy and Lily . ⑵ He built a house ______ the trees .

  ◆7.sometimes不时;有时(是一般现在时的标志词)Sometimes I go to school by bus .

  sometimes 几次(此时time是可数名词,意为次数)He hasbeen to Shanghai some times .

  sometime 某个时间(表示在过去或将来的某个时候) I saw him sometime last year .

  some time一段时间(此时time是不可数名词) He will stay here for some time .

  ⑴ Weare going to havea party ________ next week .⑵ _______ the boy is late for school .

  ⑶ He spent _________in cutting hair .So he missed the early bus .

  ⑷ LiJun has been to Birds Nest_________ .

  ◆8.wear +衣服/鞋帽/眼镜等(强调状态)Our teacher often wears a pair of glasses .

  put on +衣服/鞋帽/眼镜等(强调动作)Kateputson her hat and goes out .

  be in + 颜色/服饰(强调状态)The girl in red is my sister .

  dress + 人/反身代词 (给某人穿) She dressesher daughter every morning .

  ⑴ Youd better ______ yourcoat . ⑵ She was_______ aflower in her hair .

  ⑶ The boy ______ white is my friend . ⑷ He is too young to______ himself .

  ⑸ Miss Li often _____the white sports shoes .

  ※ dress当表示状态时常用be dressed in + 衣物(穿着颜色的衣服)He is dressed in a black coat .他常穿着黑色的外套。

  ◆ 9.play+ 球类、棋类名词(不加the )play badminton/ play chess / play computer games

  play the+乐器名词。(必须加the) play the violin

  ⑴ -Do you like toplay ______ football after class , Li Lei ?

  - Yes ,Ido . A .a B .the C . /

  ⑵ Samcant play ________(piano), but he can play ________ (chess) .

  ◆10.There be 强调某处有 have 强调某人有

  ⑴ ________two computers in the room . ⑵ My uncle _______ a car .

  ※当表示整体与局部的关系时,there be与have可互换使用。如:There are twelve months in a year .= A year has twelve months . 一年有十二个月。

  ◆11.speak 指说话的能力,也可表示演讲、发言。其后可以接语言类词汇。

  say强调说的内容。say sth.to sb.Please say hello tohim .

  talk指相互之间的谈话。talk to /with sb表示与某人交谈,talk about sb / sth 表示谈论某人 / 某事。 She is talking with her boss .

  tell侧重指告诉,后接双宾语或复合宾语:tell sb.sth. Pleasetell me thetime .

  tell sb(not) . to do sth . She told me to wait for her .

  ※ tell可以和lie ,story搭配。如: tell alie / tell a story / tell a joke / tell a truth .

  ⑴ From his face we could see that he was _____ a lie . ⑵ Sheis______ at the meeting .

  ⑶ Fangfang_____ she is at home . ⑷ They are______about the weather .

  ⑸ He cant _____ it in French, but he can _____ English .

  ◆12. if引导条件状语从句真实条件状语从句 主句是将来时,从句用现在时代替将来。

  虚拟条件状语从句 虚拟语气

  ⑴ IfI _____ (be) abird , I would ______ (fly) in the sky .

  ⑵ Ifit _______ (not)rain ,We will climb the hill .

  ⑶ IfI _____ (win) amillion dollars , I would ______ (travel) aroundthe world .

  ⑷ Ifhe _____ (study)hard , he will get good grades .

  ◆13. 强调动作强调结果

  找 look for寻找 find找到

  看 look(at)看 see看见

  听listen(to)听 hear听见

  look for/ find

  ⑴ Iam _______ my watch , but I cant _______it anywhere .

  look at /see

  ⑴ Please_______ your books , boys and girls . ⑵ ______ !What a playful monkey it is !

  listen to/ hear

  ⑴ Dont shout ! I can_______ you .

  ⑵ Ann likes _______music with her friends on weekends .

  ◆14.ago 副词,以前,一段时间后接ago .


  ⑴ Ihave never been there _______ .

  ⑵ Please call me______ you go .

  ⑶ My brother joined the army two years ______ .

  ⑷ Longlong ______ ,There was seven dwarfs(小矮人)in theforest .

  ◆15. 别的,其他的other 修饰名词,用于名词前。What other animals do you like ?

  else修饰不定代词/疑问代词/疑问副词,放它们的后面。What else do you have to do ?

  ⑴Youd better ask some______ people .

  ⑵ There is nothing_____ on the desk .

  ◆16.everyday 每天,作状语。


  ⑴ We go to school at7:00 ________ .

  ⑵ Whats your______activity ?


  take place 表示预先决定的事

  ※ happen 和take place都不用于被动语态

  ⑴ Atraffic accident_______ yesterday .

  ⑵ The May FourthMovement (五四运动)_________ in1919 .

  ◆18.one the other一个另一个

  some others 一些另一些 (另一些并不包括全部)

  some the others一些其他的(其他的包括剩下的全部)

  ⑴ Ihave two brothers,_____ is a teacher , _______ is a doctor .

  ⑵ _____students are in the classroom , ________ are out .

  ⑶ At the party ,______ are dancing , ______ are singing

  ◆19.bealive 作后置定语

  living +n. 作前置定语

  The old man is a great and ______scientist.He is still ______ .

  ◆20. on ones + 序数词 +birthday (在某人几岁生日时)

  in ones + 整十的基数词的复数 (在某人几十多岁时)

  ⑴ Edison invented many things in his _______ (twenty) .

  ⑵ On my ______(twenty) birthday . I got a new mobile phone .










讲解英语单词every 与 each 的用法区别07-27
