

时间:2023-03-28 01:40:04 英语单词 我要投稿
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  人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 下面,小编为大家搜索整理了初中英语词汇同步练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!



  ( ) 1、goodbye A你好 B再见

  ( ) 2、name A名字 B我的

  ( ) 3、afternoon A上午 B下午

  ( ) 4、hi A 熊猫 B你好

  ( ) 5、my A我 B我的

  ( ) 6、good A好的 B你的

  ( ) 7、morning A早晨 B下午

  ( ) 8、your A你 B你的

  ( ) 9、what A 什么 B是

  ( ) 10、it A 它 B这个

  ( ) 11、is A是 B去

  ( ) 12、yes A是 B不是

  ( ) 13、I A我的 B我

  ( ) 14、I'm A我是 B我的

  ( ) 15、open A 关上 B打开

  ( ) 16、colour A 颜色 B白色

  ( ) 17、no A是 B不是

  ( ) 18、point A听 B指

  ( ) 19、Ms A女士 B先生

  ( ) 20、a A一(个,件)B一些


  1、two + six = ( ) A seven B eight

  2、ten - three = ( ) A five B seven

  3、five + one = ( ) A six B ten

  4、eigh - five = ( ) A two B three

  5、three + six = ( ) A nine B ten

  6、seven - six = ( ) A one B three

  7、one + one = ( ) A two B four

  8、four + six = ( ) A nine B ten

  9、nine - four = ( ) A five B six

  10、three + one = ( ) A four B ten


  1 2 3 4

  red pink green blue

  5 6 7 8 9

  orange purple yellow white black

  红 粉 黄 绿 蓝 紫 橙 黑 白

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  1. I had _____ unusual experience on Sunday.

  A. a  B.an  C.the  D./


  2. Tom will visit our farm_____ two weeks.

  A.in  B.after  C.during  D.on


  3. I had a hard time with science, so I wasn’t ___ to receive a disappointing result from my science teacher.

  A. surprised  B. boring  C.relaxed  D.unhappy


  4. We will visit the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.

  A. will rain  B.rains  C. won’t rain  D. doesn’t rain


  5. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can ____ it ____ because he is always hard-working.

  A. turn; over  B. get; over  C. take; over  D. look; over


  6. – Would you mind closing the window? It’s very cold outside.

  -- ______. I’ll do it right away.

  A. Yes, I would  B. No. thanks  C. Of course not.  D. Of course.


  7. _____ you are in trouble, you can call me, even at night.

  A. Wherever  B. Whoever  C. Whatever  D. Whenever



  1. Nothing in the world is i答案 if you make up your mind to do it.

  2. How long have you been C 答案 stamps?

  3. I love Italy, e答案 its summer.

  4. Lisa made great p答案 with the teachers’ help.

  5. Many f答案 tourist will come to watch the Olympics in August, 2008.