

时间:2024-06-27 10:45:00 智聪 技巧 我要投稿
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  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mirutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence"As is known to all, gaining a sound knowledge of the basics is of vital importance for students to master an academic subject."You can make comment, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write al leasti 150 wonds but no more than 200 wonds (not including the sentence given).



  As is known to all, gaining a sound knowledge of the basics is of vital importance for students to master an academic subject. This principle is not only applicable to academic pursuits but also to life in general.

  The foundation of any subject is its bedrock, and without a firm grasp of the fundamentals, it becomes difficult to progress further. For instance, in mathematics, a student who lacks a solid understanding of algebra will struggle with calculus. Similarly, in language learning, mastery of vocabulary and grammar lays the groundwork for reading comprehension and writing skills.

  I personally experienced the importance of a solid foundation when I first started learning a foreign language. Initially, I neglected the basics and jumped into reading advanced texts, resulting in frustration and poor retention. However, when I devoted more time to building a solid foundation by memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules, my language proficiency improved significantly.

  In conclusion, a sound knowledge of the basics is crucial for success in any field. It provides the foundation upon which we can build our knowledge and skills, ultimately leading to mastery of our chosen subject.






  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence"Nowadays parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence."You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words (not including the sentence given).



  Nowadays, parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence. This shift in parenting philosophy is not without merit, as it recognizes the importance of self-discovery and autonomy in a childs growth.

  Personal experience has taught me the value of this approach. As a child, I was given the freedom to choose my extracurricular activities and hobbies. This allowed me to explore various interests, from music to science, and ultimately develop a passion for writing. The sense of ownership and responsibility that came with making my own choices not only strengthened my self-esteem but also fostered a deeper understanding of the subjects I pursued.

  By granting children freedom within reasonable limits, parents can empower them to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. This process is crucial in building resilience and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in life. Moreover, allowing children to chart their own learning paths fosters a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

  In conclusion, parents should embrace the concept of giving their children more freedom to explore and learn. This approach not only fosters independence and confidence but also lays the foundation for a lifetime of self-directed learning and growth.






  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence"With their valuable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society."You con make comments, cite examples or use yowr personal observations t0 develop your essay. You should write al least 150 words but no more than 200 words (not including the sentence given).



  With their valuable skills and experience, elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society. Their wisdom and perspective, honed over decades, are invaluable resources that should be harnessed to benefit the younger generation.

  I have observed many elderly individuals in my community actively participating in volunteer work, sharing their knowledge and expertise with those who are eager to learn. For instance, an elderly neighbor, Mr. Smith, volunteers at the local library, assisting children with their homework and reading. His patience and enthusiasm have inspired many young readers to develop a lifelong love of learning.

  Furthermore, elderly peoples experiences can provide valuable insights into historical events and societal changes. Their first-hand accounts are invaluable in educating the younger generation about the past and preparing them for the future. By listening to and learning from the elderly, we can gain a deeper understanding of our society and culture.

  In conclusion, elderly people play a crucial role in our society. Their contributions, both tangible and intangible, are essential in shaping a more informed, compassionate, and resilient society. We should embrace their knowledge and experiences and use them to enrich our own lives and the lives of those around us.








  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence"Today there is agrowing awareness that ment alwell-being needs to be given as much at tention as physical health."You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  Mental well-being is regarded as a state of health where a person is able to address normal stresses in daily life. Recently, this state has been grasped as much attention as physical health.

  Obviously, there are several factors that affect peoples mental well-being. Firstly, a strong contributor to mental well-being refers to the state of a persons usual environment. Adverse environmental circumstances can lead to negative effects on psychological wellness. Living in a positive social environment, in contrast, can provide protection against mental challenges. Secondly, peoples lifestyle can also impact their mental health. Smoking, a poor diet, alcohol consumption, substance use, and risky sexual behavior may result in psychological harm. Smoking, a poor diet, alcohol consumption, substance use, and risky sexual behavior may result in psychological harm. Worse, such behaviors have been linked to depression.

  In conclusion, because mental health is so important to general wellness, it s important that you take care of your mental health. Talking therapy, meditation and maintaining a positive outlook on life all contribute to peoples mental health. With a positive mental state, all areas of life will go towards active development.





  Today there is a growing awareness that mental well-being needs to be given as much attention as physical health. More and more people are suffering from various psychological problems, which have led to many serious consequences and even caused many tragedies. Therefore, we should pay more attention to our mental health.

  To begin with, we should make mental health a priority. Mental health affects our overall health and quality of life, so we cannot value it too much. Otherwise we will have serious problems with our physical and mental state. Secondly, when we have mental health problems, we can turn to teachers, relatives and friends around us for help. If necessary, you can also seek psychological counseling from a psychologist. Last but not least, regular exercise or reading an interesting book or listening to a song are recommended ways to relieve our psychological problems, for these ways can make us calm down.

  In conclusion, we should realize that mental health is an important part of our happiness and should be given enough attention. As long as we deal with mental problems with the right attitude and method, then mental problems will not be a problem.





  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence“when faced with differing opinions,we should try to reach agreement through friendly discussion and reasonable argument."You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150words but no more than 200 words.



  When faced with differing opinions, we should try to reach agreement through friendly discussion and reasonable argument. In our daily life, it is common to see college students struggling in a polite and logical way when their views differ from others. Apparently, this issue has sparked public concerns.

  Friendly discussion allows individuals to share their perspectives and opinions in a respectful manner. This can lead to a better understanding of each others viewpoints and potentially even finding common ground. In addition, reasonable argument allows individuals to present evidence and logic to support their position, which can help persuade others to see their point of view. However, it is important to note that not all disagreements can be resolved through discussion and argument alone. In some cases, compromise may be necessary to reach a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

  To sum up, friendly discussion and reasonable argument, to a large extent, are of great use. We should be open-minded and engaged in such practices.





  When faced with different opinions, we should try to reach agreement through friendly discussion and reasonable argument. In todays society, where different people have different ways of thinking, differences of opinion can easily lead to conflicts and disputes.However, rather than resorting to hostility and aggression, it is important to approach these situations with an open mind and friendly debates.

  For example, in a group project, each member may have his or her own ideas about how to accomplish the task. What we should do is to have a full discussion so that each member can express his or her ideas instead of dismissing each other. Through this process, the group can reach an agreement that takes into account everyones point of view, resulting in a better outcome. The same principles apply to larger social issues, such as political or social debates. People should engage in productive discussions and avoid using derogatory language or attacking others.

  In short, when we encounter differing opinions, it is vital to approach them with an open mind and engage in a friendly discussion with reasonable arguments. In this way, we can reach consensus, which can lead to greater understanding and better results.





  For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begin swith the sentence" It is widely accepted that an important goal of education is to help students learn how to learn."You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  Education has played an increasingly crucial role in modern society. We aim education on different levels at cultivating the to-be successors of our global village. One important goal that education is trying to achieve is help students master the ways to acquire knowledge.

  Of all the capabilities, one can develop to acquire knowledge in being educated. Three sorts are of the greatest significance. First of all, students who are receiving education definitely know that they are always ignorant of some branches in the ocean of knowledge, which can keep them modest and more willing to explore their unfamiliar realms, even deeper if theyve already done so. Moreover, students can imitate what their teachers or professors do in or out of class and then gradually acquire the ability to undertake more scientific research and intellectual inquiries alone. Last but not least, youngsters who are accustomed to being educated at school or college are more likely to keep studying as a life-long habit, which will have a substantially positive effect on their own life and the future of the human world.

  From my perspective, education is one of the most marvelous social inventions that ever existed in human history. Without it, the whole globe can never continue developing further in a civilized and prosperous direction.





  It is widely accepted that an important goal of education is to help students learn how to learn. It’s undoubted that learning methods are of considerable significance for one’s success in learning. With the advancement of the society, there is an increasing necessity to have a good command of learning methods.

  As far as Im concerned, there are several methods contributing to improving learning efficiency. First and foremost, making a plan according to your own conditions and arranging your time reasonably. Hence you are able to focus on the important matters everyday rather than wasting time on dealing with trifles. What’s more, fostering the habit of taking notes. In daily life, you should keep a record of what you heard, thought and studied and sort them out in time. As the saying goes, when three are walking together, I am sure to find teachers among them.It is also beneficial to learn from your classmates so that you are able to make up for your weaknesses and enhance your strengths.

  In brief, taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that learning how to learn is indispensable for us in modern society.








  Part I Writing (30 minutes )

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence "Nowadays more and more people keep learning new skills to adapt to a fast-changing world." You can make comments, cite examples, or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  It is a truth universally acknowledged that we are living in a constantly changing world. What seemed absolutely right yesterday may prove wrong today. Therefore, it is essential for everyone to keep learning new skills, so they can keep up with the pace of modern world.

  This mentality counts in almost every stage of our life.First, when a student keeps learning new skills, he/she always asks for more and desires to explore the unknown world. Therefore, there is an excellent chance that he/she stands out in peer groups. Second, in the workplace,office workers with such attitude generally finish his/her tasks in a higher quality, and they are more likely to climb up the ladder more quickly than their colleagues who content themselves with the skills they already have.Besides, in our daily life, people who keep learning new skills are more positive, and everyone around them must be fond of making friends with them.

  In all, we must keep learning new skills so as to adapt to the fast-changing world. On the one hand, we should make friends more with people who have such attitude,and let their positive energy influence us.On the other, we should bear in mind that what remains unchanged is change itself, so we should never stop learning new skills.





  In contemporary society, the phenomenon of cultivating new skills has been brought into attentive public concern. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to enumerate. The most notable instance might be that the elderly is gradually learning how to use smart phones to absorb innovative ideas. It is evident that the causes are diverse.

  Numerous illustrations can be given, but this will suffice. The idea that the development of new skills plays an essential role in our daily life. Take the elderly for example, if these senior citizens intend to travel around freely, it is advisable for them to learn how to use smart phones, as all residents need mobile phones to provide health certificates when visiting large shopping malls or other important places. Meanwhile, with the high-speed development of contemporary society, competitions and challenges impose high pressure on everyone, especially for those young adults who are in need of decent jobs, thus leading them to improve their personal abilities by keeping learning new skills.

  By and large, it is of utmost significance to put great emphasis on the cultivation of new skills. For students, it is beneficial for them to better adapt to the society and improve their competitiveness. Only by doing so, will we have more opportunities and a bright future.






  Part I Writing (30 minutes )

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence "Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle." You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay,You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. They tend to produce less rubbish in their daily life and try to recycle anything that can be reused.Some even, become enthusiasts and encourage more people around them to change their lifestyles into the more environmentally friendly ones.

  Simon, one of my best friends, is a typical youngster who lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. He tries not to buy products during the manufacture of which much pollution may be caused. After using up the goods he bought, he would always reuse the packages of the goods for other purposes. He also tries to reduce the pollution from human-made machines. No matter in very hot summer or in freezing cold winter, he never uses air conditioners. He believes that it does us good to stayin a natural environment and reducing the use of air conditioners can save more electricity as well.

  As people’S awareness of protecting and guarding the earth becomes stronger, an increasing number of people from different fields will join to live sustainably and eventually make the world a more worthy place to live.






  Part I Writing (30 minutes )

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence Nowadays more and more people take delight in offering help to the needy." You can make comments, cite examples,or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  Currently in our society, it is quite prevalent for citizens to give a hand to those who are in need of help.Apart from this trend, what encourages people is that people in growing numbers find it delighted to help the needy. The reasons, from my per-spective, can be listed as follows.

  The first motivation behind this trend lies in the growing abili-ty of average people to help others. Unlike those in the early 21st century, people in current society are equipped with knowledge,skills, and even economic strength to provide more assistance to help the needy. What is more, this trend is largely associated with the sense of satisfaction of the public. When offering help on time, those who lend a hand realize their own value and thus part of the meaning of their life, which further strengthens similar behaviors in their daily life. The last factor is about positive energy in the mass media.In China,a country with traditional virtues of helping the disadvantaged, matters of the help among common people are great ingredients for the publicity of both tradition virtues and modern values.

  For me, it is much delighted to see that the public are more likely to lend a hand to others voluntarily.With peoples growing ability, the sense of satisfaction, and the spread of good deeds in the mass media, this trend will inevitably become a norm in our society.








  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China s achievements in higher education. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  The bar chart above explicitly demonstrates that the gross en rollment ratio in universities in China, according to the data from Ministry of Education, has increased dramatically from 3.4% in 1990 to 51. 6% in 2019. Obviously, the past thirty years have witnessed China s great achievements in higher educa- tion.

  Firstly, higher education in China has become approachable to most Chinese citizens. This is partly due to the fact that Chi na s economy has been developing at a marvelous speed, but also because Chinese government has launched a wide range of favorable policies to support rural students to get admitted to colleges. Moreover, the quality of China s universities has showed a marked improvement. Now, several seats of learning in China are among the top universities world-wide, and every year they draw numerous foreign students to come to China for higher education. Besides, Chinese government and a mass of big enterprises have been investing heavily into upgrading the campus sites, introducing the most advanced equipments, and increasing the faculty s salaries.

  In all, the China s achievements in higher education are re markable. I believe that this trend will surely continue, and will in turn benefit our great country.






  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the graph below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China s achievements in urbanization. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  The chart above displays the progress of urbanization in China over the last four decades. We can see that, in less than 40 years, the number of people in China who lived in cities had more than tripled. From 1980 to 2010, the share of urban population had grown from 19.39% to 49.96%, which was a record high worldwide.

  As far as I am concerned, China’s extraordinary urbanization has gone hand-in-hand with its economic boom. Since its reform and opening-up in 1978, China’s economy has taken off. During the past four decades, China underwent vast changes to its economic system and abundant opportunities emerged in the coastal area. As a result, people living in the rural areas came to big cities in the costal area to pursuit a better life, which speeded up the progress of urbanization.

  Urbanization, in return, contributes to the development of China’s fast-growing economy. Take, for example, the basic infrastructures in big cities. The government has invested a lot of money in buildings and facilities, which enables people to live and work in high-density in tall buildings, which greatly improvs efficiency and productivity.

  In conclusion, the urbanization in China not only enables people to enjoy a better living condition, but also lays foundations for sustainable economic growth. It is a great achievement and has far-reaching benefits.







  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China s achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



  We can see clearly from this chart that the rural population in poverty in China has decreased sharply from the year of 2012 to 2020, from around 95 million, consisting of 12 percent population of the whole country in 2012, to almost none. Such achievements in poverty alleviation are marvelous and must have gone beyond the imagination of many.

  The cold hard data depicted on the graph might be a little abstract, but the real changes happening in the life of the Chinese people over the past decade are much more eloquent. For example, in the past, people were very much concerned about whether they have enough food to eat most of the time, but now they are more interested in whether the food they eat is healthy enough. Whats more, in the last decade, an increasing number of students have had the chance to go to college, which was impossible for them to do in the past.

  Id like to express my heartfelt thanks to the central government of China and the whole people of the nation. Had it not been their joint efforts in the past decade, China could never have achieved such a success in poverty elimination.







  Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence"The use of translation apps is becomging increasingly popular. "You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.



  The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Admittedly, in the contemporay society, an increasing number of people, with the help of translation apps, find it convenient to read foreign literature or essays.On the one hand, these apps can bring users greater efficiency and help them save more time or energy, particularly for those who have no knowledge of a foreign language. For instance, a host of people may have a variety of difficulties or troubles in learning English, but with the assistance of these apps, it will not be difficult for them to read and understand English materials. On the other hand, it is these apps that cuase some learners to lose motivation for studying. With Apps in hand, they are not willing to do their utmost to memorize new words, pratice speaking or writing skills every day. Fianlly, they will fail to get a good command of any foreign language.

  as a college student, deem that it is of great necessity for youngsters to use translations apps in a rational way. We should bear in mind that any translation app is merely a tool. Provided that one intends to master a foreign language, it is advisabel to practice each day instead of relying on translation apps.




  Directions:For this part,you areallowed30 minutes towrite an essay on the sayingThe best preparation for tomorrow isdoing your best today.You should write at least150 words but no more than200 words.



  People often say, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. This saying reveals the enormous influence of acting in time on our future. The importance of doing our best today is beyond doubt, Ironically, it is easier said than done.

  How we can focus best on today is a thought-provoking question. The following methods need to be taken into consideration. Firstly, such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to dream about the great tomorrow instead of doing what they need to do at the moment, which is absolutely mistaken. What we should clearly know is that it’s impossible for us to enjoy a better future without today’s hardworking. It might also be noted that it is the elaborate plans that can prompt us to finish what we should do today. Making plans should be a necessary habit in this completive and rapidly changing society. The last methods to be taken seriously is that the more we learn from other experienced and successful people, the more easily we can pay attention to the present and be down-to-earth and strive for practical results in our work Instead of going for ostentation.

  Considering every method that has been discussed above, we can agree with the idea that it is high time that we took effective actions to do our best today. If we work on it from now on, in the near future, we will not be regretted for what we haven’t done today.





  As the old saying goes “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”, it is the gems of wisdom from generation to generation. The saying still inspires a lot of people nowadays. By the proverb, we can know the significance of preparations in advance.

  The implication of the saying can be illustrated by the following evidences. First, doing our best today means that it is necessary for us to work hard and finish all tasks which should be completed today. Only when we take advantage of the present, can we have a better tomorrow. As we all know, “Opportunity prefers the prepared mind”. In addition, we can make full use of today because it is under our control, compared with tomorrow that is never controllable and predictable. Just as you want to make great progress in your learning, you have to start from today to study hard.

  To sum up, today is the foundation of tomorrow; therefore, it is highly suggested that we should grasp chances from today and make full preparations for tomorrow.





  The old saying goes that “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing best today.”, which means that present action means much in our daily life. However, a flood of people are ignoring its importance and emphasizing on the current pleasure. As for me, it is suggested that great significance should be paid to the importance of doing best today.

  To be more specific, doing best today needs us to set an aim for the tomorrow. We fail to deny that without the motivation from the aim or the deadline, most of people are more likely to put things off till tomorrow. It is the human’s nature of laziness that hinders people’s steps to make preparation for the future. In addition, doing best today might enable people equipped with possibility to grasp the opportunities and overcome the unpredictable challenges. When confronted with the uncontrollable factors from the tomorrow, people with a prepared mind will win the success and embrace the victory.

  From what we have discussed above, a safe conclusion will be drawn that seizing today and preparing for tomorrow is the best option for us.





英语六级写作真题及作文 1

  Why I Take the College English Test Band 6

  Some students think it unnecessary to take CET-6. They hold this views because CET-6 is not compulsory and they can get a degree so long as they pass CET-4. However, I think it necessary and beneficial to take CET-6. The reasons are obvious.

  First, if I decide to take CET-6, natually, to pass CET-6 becomes a goal I set myself and with a goal to strive towards I will continue to study English hard. Of course my English will not be neglected in the third and fourth years. Besides, if I pass CET-6, I can get a certificate which, to some extent, shows my experience and qualification so that I can compete with other in job-hunting. Most important of all, a good knowledge of English will help my work and scientific research in the future.

  All in all, taking CET-6 does good both to my studies and to my personal advancement.





  英语六级写作真题及作文 2

  Perhaps there is something you dont know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

  Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you.

  However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 3

  Decline in Morals In modern society, the decline in morals is becoming more and more severe. For example, there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and then blackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl was hit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

  To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace of modern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience to care for others. For another, with technology developing, its much easier for people to know what is happening in the world today. In order to draw peoples attention, some media would lay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

  To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for the others, while the media should treat negative news more properly.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 4

  Nowadays there are more and more advertisements on TV ,they appear either before a tv program or after it ,and sometimes even ed between episodes of a tv serial plays,and the time of which is becoming longer and longer ,which is so boring ,and many watchers cannot wait but switch to other channels. but why this phenomenahas appeared ,the reason may be two .at the first place ,it is a methodforbusinessmen in such a highly competitive market to make their goods known by customers ,which will improve the sales amounts .

  At the second place ,it is a chance for the tv station to earn money to support their programs .if i am given the chance to meet the leader of tv station ,i would like to suggest them decreasethe amounts of the advertisements relatively .maybe doing this will lose some profits, but instead,the audience rating will be improved largely.



  英语六级写作真题及作文 5

  Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in the big cities. To them, big cities mean more experiences, more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development. At the same time, higher salary is another temptation.

  But some other graduates want to start in small towns. Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management’s attention and may win promotion earlier.

  As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in a metropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle, and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 6

  Im delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long vacation. My parents will also be happy to see you again. Im sure you will enjoy every minute here.

  I know you are fond of swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner. We can watch TV, play CDs or read books very comfortably at home.

  A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth touring. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird-eye view of the whole village.

  Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything. Ill prepare everything for you.

  I am looking forward to seeing you soon.






  英语六级写作真题及作文 7

  Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that

  individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

  As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

  In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.





  英语六级写作真题及作文 8

  Nowadays, the blind-date show is definitely popular. This kind of show has hooked many pretty, outstanding and young people to take part in finding his princess or her Mr.right.. Whats more, the blind-date show has been the enthusiastic topic in our free time.

  Why is this kind of show so attractive? On one hand, young people are so busy in working that have no time to meet new friends and develop further relationships. On top of that , maybe someone is quiet strick with the lover ,so he or she will have more chances to meat different kind of people then choose the best one .On the other hand , some youth has the arm of becoming a pop star to join the show instead of dating sincerely .

  In my opinion ,the blind -date show provides a new kind of enthusiasm for audience to choose ,it can make our life more colorful and to some degree ,it truly gives some singles a new way to date. However, i hope that the show can be pure and innocent . Fewer lies ,more truths.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 9

  It is reported that there are more and more people sharing flat with others in major cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai and so on. This is especially true for many fresh graduates.

  There are two main reasons concerning this phenomenon. Firstly, the price of house renting goes higher and higher day by day. Therefore, it is not easy for common people to afford an apartment in the cities. Secondly, most people sharing the flat with others are those who have just graduate from the university. They dont have enough money to afford the flat and dont want to borrow money from their parents neither.

  Every coin has two sides, so does flat sharing. On one hand, flat sharing can help people save money on renting. On the other hand, it may bring up some problems such as who pays for what, and in what proportion. However, in my view, that wont be a problem as long as one deals with the problems kindly and fairly.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 10

  Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.

  People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people’s right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What’s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.

  In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 11

  In recent years, psychologically healthy has become quite a serious problem. As for the reasons psychologically healthy, there are many factors contributing to it.

  It is conceivable that it has mainly arisen from the two following factors. For one thing, with the speedy development of our society, people will go through many kinds of challenges. Thus, some people often are in pressure. For another, in this day and age, some people feel reluctant to approach. They lack the skill of interpersonal communication.

  Taking all the above-mentioned factors into consideration, it is imperative of us to take effective measures to keep psychological healthy. To begin with, we should appeal to authorities to cultivate the awareness of people that keeping psychological healthy is of great significance. For another, people should try to develop the ability of interpersonal communication. Only in this way can we have a brilliant future.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 12

  With the rapid development of the society, more and more people begin to realize the importance of innovation. Such as, a lot of new things appear in our daily life.

  There are many reasons for the importance of innovation. Firstly, for a person, if he has the spirit of innovation, he can be not satisfied with his current situation, and keep going until he succeeds. Secondly, for a team, creation can increase its efficiency. Thirdly, this kind of spirit can help the society develop faster and faster, so that there are more and more new things which can enrich our daily life.

  Thus, it is very important for us to encourage innovation. On the one hand, we students should learn to be innovative in our daily life. On the other hand, governments could set some laws and regulations to encourage innovation. Only in this way can we have a better life.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 13

  In modern society, the decline in morals isbecoming more and more severe. For example,there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and thenblackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl washit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

  To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace ofmodern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience tocare for others. For another, with technology developing, it’s much easier for people to knowwhat is happening in the world today. In order to draw people’s attention, some media wouldlay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

  To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for theothers, while the media should treat negative news more properly.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 14

  It is really a common scene in college classroom and lectures: students are engaged in whatever they can think of except listening carefully to their teachers and reflecting actively on what is taught. For example, they are busy with sleep, playing games with the phone, communication with friends through short messages. Some students even are absent from classes.

  This phenomenon is worrying and attracting a lot of discussion among the people concerned. There is an opinion that class attendance should be optional. Firstly, the students have the freedom to choose their universities, their majors, and definitely are free to choose whether or not to go to classes. Secondly, the teaching quality has a great influence on the students choice. Thirdly, if the students are forced to the classroom, their careless attitude hurts both the teacher who may feel his effort is not worthy and other hard-working classmates who may be distracted.



  英语六级写作真题及作文 15

  Some people tend tostick to their positions all the time,as they think the longer one works in a particular field,the more skillful one will be at it.Some have been teachers all their lives.Some devote all their energy to scientific research.Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own fields.They are usually high achievers.

  Some are different.They are in the habit of job-hopping,for they always purpose what is new and stimulating.They never seem content with their present situations.They like to meetmore people,make more money and new acquaintances,so they hop from job to job.

  As far as I am concerned,I am not in favour of constant job-hopping.I believe in a famous proverb,A rolling stone gather no moss.I want to be professionally strong.And I respect those who devote themselves to their affectionate jobs throughout their life.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 16

  About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation. But now, things are different. Todays university students usually experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. They often complain that graduation means joblessness. What is the cause of this phenomenon?

  Firstly, with the enrollment extension of universities, the supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. Secondly, university students tend to spend most of their time at school in studying academic subjects and lack relevant job experience. Thirdly, some students dont study hard during the college. After four years of university life, they havent gained the knowledge those fairly good jobs or positions require.



  英语六级写作真题及作文 17

  As a general rule, people like to help others, but there are occasions when you should say no to requests for favors. For instance, it is better to refuse when a child pesters you for sweet food and drinks or for too many toys. Another example is when a relative asks you to use yours influence to get him or her a bank loan or work promotion.

  However, we cannot ignore the fact that many people are reluctant to say no. They feel that if they turn down a request from a relative or friend, they will cause ill-feeling within the family or become unpopular with their acquaintances. A notable case in point is when the boss asks them to do something which they feel is unreasonable.

  It is important to keep in mind that not saying no when you should say no can sometimes have harmful consequences. If children are giver everything they ask for, not only may their health be damaged, but they may grow up selfish and spoilt. Again, in the long run it is kinder to re fuse to lend money to a person who has a gambling or alcoholism problem.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 18

  There is an old saying goes like this :“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. It implies the great significance of working hard at the present instead of putting things off till tomorrow.

  This argument can be proved by the following facts. First and foremost,only if we make the full use of the present can we grasp the opportunities that we fail to predict, as it is said that chance favors the prepared mind. Additionally, today is under our control while tomorrow is always unpredictable and uncontrollable. We need to set a goal for tomorrow and put it into action today.For example, if you want to win the first prize in an English contest, what you can do is to take advantage of every “today” to practice to ensure a victory.

  Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that it is very essential for us to seize the day and be prepared all the time for tomorrow.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 19

  There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorrow is to do good work today. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that one doesn’t need to worry about the future if he can seize the moment.

  It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good work today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student who is indulged in his wishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam with a high score without any efforts and hardwork,and he will be devastated to accept the reality when he fails. The same thing may be said of some grown-ups who aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.

  Therefore, by some means or other we must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look down upon those little tasks. Only in this way can we fulfill our dreams.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 20

  As we all know, the best preparation for tomorrow is doing best today. Since yesterday was all history and tomorrow is a mystery, today is all we actually have. However, there is a prevalent phenomenon that a host of people are now paying less attention to it. From my perspective, it is sensible for everyone to give priority to doing best today.

  There are various reasons that can account for this, and the following ones are the most typical. In the first place, it is worth mentioning that no individual can easily get access to success without taking immediate action. When devoting ourselves to the present task, we can achieve our goals more efficiently. What is more, we should always bear in mind that it is today’s efforts that contribute to our future.To put it another way, our chance to go ahead will be slim if we fail to live in the present.

  From what have been illustrated above we can draw a safe conclusion that we should not aim too high, and we’d better try our best to do what we are doing now, only in this way can we have a bright future.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 21

  When asked about the question of idols,the overwhelming majority of most answer that "Yes". Nowadays, idol worship is a popular phenomenon among young people. In my opinion, idol worship is like a coin has two sides,there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect .

  There are some positive aspects .Idols are our excellent examples, we can learn the spirit of never give up from their life. The idols works can help us relaxing the pressure. In contrast, idol worship is a not good phenomenon. Many young people will spend too much money to buy the HOBBY in order to support the idols. Once there is a chance for them to meet their idols, they will go at all costs and forget about their study or work. Whats more, some of them make the cosmetic surgery to look like the idol he or she likes.

  There is a standard when we were a fan, we should in our senses. Young people should learn to explore the real factors of stars success and get self-improvement by learning from their idols.




  英语六级写作真题及作文 22

  Happiness is them most precious thing in life. Without it, a man will feel that his ill fate has taken charge of him and the world is utterly dark and dreadful. On that account,his body grows weaker, his work slackens, and above all, he thinks he would rather die than live. ”How to be happy, then?” you may ask. Now, this is the very puzzle that we are going to solve.

  First, do things in accordance with your conscience; that is, do to others, as you would have other do to you.

  Secondly, pay more attention to your health, which is the root of success, for a sound constitution enables you to succeed.

  Thirdly, worry and sorrow are of no use at all! in case you meet with some hard situation, you must try to overcome it without any hesitation. Willpower is essential to happiness.

  And the last, but not the least, adopt an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it . In this way, true happiness can be obtained.






  英语六级写作真题及作文 23

  Nowadays, various kinds of reference books for college students have come into existence. And many students gain so much that they soon find themselves totally relying on these books.

  It should be admitted that reference books have brought great convenience to students. And conversely, over瞨eliance on these books has also caused negative effects. Firstly, students who have got reference books are more likely to believe all the contents in the books and neglect teachers instructions.

  Secondly, with reference books, many students tend to be absent from class and become lazy to think about how to solve problems on their own. Last but not least, there are so many different kinds of reference books that a great number of low quality ones are also among them, which will lead to students confusion.

  As a college student, I agree that reference books are of great use in our pursuit of knowledge. However, it is not sensible to rely on them too much. After all, reference books will never replace what we are able to obtain from teachers and classes.





  英语六级写作真题及作文 24

  Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human being’s life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Undeniably, computers have taken the place of humans in many areas and it seems that computers begin to think like man, but this does not necessarily lead to the danger that man will think like computers.

  The reasons, in my opinion, are as follows. Firstly, when computers release human from repetitive tasks, humans themselves can spend more time on creative works, such as scientific research, which require imagination and cannot be completed by computers. Meanwhile, thanks to computers, humans get more spare time with their friends and family, which enhances their happiness. Moreover, even though computers can work automatically, the premise is that the program, which is written by humans, has been installed in it.

  In conclusion, humans, unlike computers, have creative ability, emotional desires and social bounds. Thus, I don’t think that there will be the danger that man will begin to think like the computer.













