词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-27 18:06:50 词汇 我要投稿


  英语中表示“当作”意义的单词有很多,如:regard, refer, remember, count, look on, see等。以下为大家整理出“当作”单词及其解析,希望对大家有所帮助!

  1. 一般必须加as

  1) regard

  Though 20 years old, the book is still regarded as the authority on the subject. 20年了,这本书仍然被认为是这个学科中的权威。

  2) refer

  Medieval texts refer to it as one of the fifty-one most sacred p;aces for Hindus. 中世纪的文献称这里是印度51个最神圣的地方之一。

  3) remember

  Johnson wanted to be remembered as “the education president.” 约翰逊希望被人们纪念为“教育总统”。

  4) count

  I think Mexico should be counted as part of Central America. 我认为墨西哥应该被算为中美洲的一部分。

  5) look on

  You’ve got to remember that at the time, deregulation was looked was looked as an open cash-register. 你必须记住,在那个时候违反常规被认为是摇钱树。

  6) see

  Climbers see the Himalayas as the final frontier. 攀登者们视喜马拉雅山为最后的'边界。

  7) choose

  The company has chosen London as its base. 公司选这里作为根据地。

  8) intend

  The Ministry of Agriculture statement said that the warning had been intended as preventative advice. 农业部的声明称这个警告只是一个预防性的通知。

  2. 特殊,可以没有as

  1) consider

  He is currently considered the best British athlete. 他被认为是眼下英国最好的运动员。

  Nevertheless, green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth. 但是,绿色施肥不应被认为是一种刺激植物生长的方法。

  2) make (不加as)

  The President has made Lloyd Bentsen his Secretary of the Treasury. 总统任命劳埃德本森为财政部大臣。

  3) name

  The magazine has named Bonnie Fuller as deputy editor. 邦妮富勒被任命为杂志副主编。

  It named Thomas Ashmore president of the top-10-market organization, which will be based in Dallas. 托马斯阿施莫被任命为将建立在达拉斯的top-10-market机构的主席。

  4) label

  Campbell has labeled the commission’s recommendations as sheer nonsense. 坎贝尔称委员会的推荐纯属废话。

  The newspapers had unjustly labeled him a troublemaker. 报纸不公正地称其为麻烦制造者。

  5) appoint

  They have appointed Jane Green as their new East Coast manager. 他们任命简格林为东海岸的新经理。

  The board appointed her the chief operating officer of the company. 董事会任命她为公司的首席执行官。

  6) ordain

  The church voted to allow women to be ordained (as) priests. 教会头片批准妇女成为牧师。











