
大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media

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大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media

  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media

  大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media 篇1

  With the development of science and technology,it is much more common for people to buy goods through different kinds of media than before.People can buy things such as computers and necklaces through TV,radio,the Internet,etc.

  Shopping through media is welcomed by most people due to various reasons.From the perspective of consumers,it can save time for people who don’t have much spare time.For retailers,it can cut costs for those without much circulating funds.However,there are still some defects in shopping through media.First,compared with face-to-face deal,it seems less reliable and trustworthy.Second,people will lose the fun of bargaining.

  In my view,although shopping via media brings great convenience to us,we still should be brings great convenience to us,we still should be careful when we “go shopping” through media.We should check the information released by the media.Only in this way can we fully enjoy the convenience brought by media shopping without the concern of being cheated.

  大学英语四级写作范文:Shopping through Media 篇2

  Will network media replace traditional media?If you want to stay on a remote island for a month,you are only allowed to take one thing.If you are smart enough,you should bring a laptop with WiFi for the younger generation.A computer with internet access can become everything that traditional media represents,and even more powerful than the Internet in people's lives.

  Many people believe it in the near future It will replace the traditional mass media.With the Internet,you can watch TV,listen to music,sing songs,make friends,chat with your friends,read news and books,send and receive e-mails,make comments,and even shop.Any traditional media can serve you.

  I think it is better for you.The Internet media has indeed brought great convenience to people's lives People who understand world news reduce time and cost.No matter how powerful the Internet is,some traditional media are still worth preserving.

  For example,paper newspapers and books are more visual,while radios are more portable than computers.

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