试题 百分网手机站


时间:2020-09-25 19:26:47 试题 我要投稿


  1. Great efforts to increase wheat production must be made if bread shortages ____avoided.

  A. will be B. can be

  C. are to be D. were to be

  2. According to official statistics, retail sales in China rose 10% and12.2% in the first and the second quarter ____ this year.

  A. accordingly B. correspondingly

  C. respectively D. individually

  3. If he ____ on tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.

  A. depends B. will depend

  C. depended D. has depended

  4. The wealth of a nation should be measured____the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.

  A. in regard with B. in line with

  C. by means of D. in terms of

  5. Because of the complexity of the modern machine, most offices require secretaries ____.

  A. to have specified training B. specified in traing

  C. to train specifiedly D. training specified

  6. Mrs. Nancy was wakened midnight by the ringing of the phone several hours after the ship that her husband was on had been____.

  A. fired B. decayed

  C. wrecked D. collapsed

  7. In order to be a good scientist, ____.

  A. mathematics is urgent

  B. one should have the mathematics

  C. one must understand mathematics

  D. mathematics is important to be understood

  8. We may often be puzzled by ways of expression that the native speaker of English does not even have to____, as English is not our first language.

  A. think out B. think for

  C. think over D. think about

  9. “Did the audience participate in the play?” Yes, those actors ____to involve the audience.”

  A. whom it was the function

  B. of whom the function was

  C. whose function it was

  D. whose were the function

  10. It is a legal____for parents to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

  A. sympathy B. obligation

  C. impulse D. influence

  11. The newly-built principal museum seems____ enough to last a hundred years.

  A. steady B. substantial

  C. sophisticated D. spacious

  12. Victor certainly talks a lot and he’s never interested in what____has to say.

  A. anyone else B. no one

  C. nobody else D. somebody other

  13. The mayor didn’t have time so far to go into it____, but he gave as an idea about his plan.

  A. in conclusion B. at hand

  C. at length D. in turn

  14. “What can I do for you, sir?” “I want ____.”

  A. a dime’s worth of candy B. candy a dime’s worth

  C. a dime worth of candy D. a dime-worth candy

  15. When traveling, it is possible that you may be advised to take the travelers’ checks, which provide a secure____ to carrying your money in cash.

  A. selection B. preference

  C. alternative D. substitute

  16. Old Chinese are not used to buy things on____ and are likely to save as much money as possible.

  A. deposit B. debt

  C. credit D. sale

  17. “Eric nearly always wins the science award.” “That’s because his project are____.”

  A. extremely presented well B. well presented extremely

  C. presented well extremely D. extremely well presented

  18. As the group of persons ____ together in a conversational knot, each individual expressed his position in the group by where he stands.

  A. squeeze B. pack

  C. pad D. cluster

  19.____he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives at the office.

  A. So far as B. So long as C. In case D. Meanwhile

  20. In 1776 the United States announced the Declaration of Independence to____from the British Empire and became an independent country.

  A. pull down B. break away

  C. get off D. dropp off

  21. The students in the dormitories were forbidden, unless they had special passed,____ after 11 pm.

  A. staying out B. stay out

  C. from staying out D. to stay out

  22. Because of the bad food he had eaten, his stomach began to ____.

  A. pain B. be hurt C. acheD. harm

  23. While in bed the doctor was telephoned to go back to the hospital because of ____case.

  A. a treatment B. an operation

  C. an incident D. an emergency

  24. “Who won the election for mayor?” “A man____to represent every minority group in the city.”