
英语stop down用中文怎么样翻译

时间:2021-06-10 18:45:41 翻译 我要投稿

英语stop down用中文怎么样翻译

  我们不能就字面意思来理解stop down这一英语的,应该要知道它准确的中文翻译。下文为大家收集了英文stop down详细标准的中文翻译形式,欢迎大家阅读!

英语stop down用中文怎么样翻译

  stop down的中文翻译

  英 [stɔp daun] 美 [stɑp daʊn]

  stop down 基本解释


  stop down的单语例句

  1. They cannot afford to stop, and risk slipping down the popularity ratings.

  2. Failing to stop the construction, a group of law enforcement staffers went to the shanties attempting to tear them down.

  3. In a bid to stop the reactors at the nuclear plant from melting down, engineers have been injecting seawater as a coolant of last resort.

  4. He said that pharmacies that count on state reimbursements could shut down, and suppliers could stop delivering food to Illinois prisons or letting state troopers buy gasoline.

  5. The administration told local authorities to rigorously crack down on safety violations and forbid operations of mines which have been ordered to stop operation.

  6. Drivers will be fined if they do not slow down or stop to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to cross the student passageways.

  7. Many motorists do not stop or slow down when they approach a zebra crossing for pedestrians.

  8. Even if the injury slowed her down this time, she assured it would not stop her.

  stop down的双语例句

  1. In the field we tested the drag throughout its range by adjusting the clicking drag star. At each setting, the performed as expected? smooth and consistent with no hesitation. Cranked down, the drag can easily haul in big bass or put a dead-stop to big stripers on the run.


  2. You're so siow, you'ii never stop me.- sit down


  3. Warm tears slid down his cheeks but he did nothing to stop them.


  4. Italian authorities say it is a race against time to stop a massive oil slick flowing down Italy's longest river.


  5. A force called friction acts on the ball to make it slow down and stop.


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