英文forget oneself的汉语翻译与用法

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英文forget oneself的汉语翻译与用法

  英文forget oneself具体的中文意思有多种,我们要知道每一种汉语翻译与正确的用法。小编为大家精心准备了英语forget oneself详细的汉语翻译形式以及用法,欢迎大家前来阅读!

  forget oneself的汉语解释

  英 [fɡet wnself] 美 [fɡt wnslf]

  forget oneself 基本解释


  forget oneself 相关例句

  1. He forgot himself and hit her.


  2. He always forgets himself


  forget oneself的用法如例句所示

  1. But again frightened oneself the one fine day will forget........


  2. Flee Buddhist enter road, with this free oneself from vast life bitterness, temporarily forget all dust coarse lifetime vexed.


  3. She say that oneself have already married to be person Fu, the husband also is regarded as juniority capable, living comfort and ease happy, originally early should forget it.


  4. So technical personnel scarcely can forget his corvine identity, because ear root is soft, did not forgo oneself profit, be used thereby.


  5. The day for stop over for a time in Washington make I difficult forget, because your hospitality with with concentrated effort of care, make us be like at oneself the home be similar.


  forget oneself的单语例句

  1. Tying up of pain and sufferings rounds to let I can not need not happiness to disguise oneself, let oneself happy, let oneself temporarily forget.

  2. After chasing a substantiating busy, do not forget to reward oneself with bounties, at leisurely afternoon, put pieces of plain log furniture, mix some afternoon tea, come between field and soul that world combine offer to the dinner, enjoy the baptism of the nature.

  3. Sorry, I forget oneself of.

  4. Let me chase this affection, save carefully, dont let oneself forget, I like you so.


  1.Ah, youth is always a good thing, but the real youth, only belong to the race to the top of the people, alwaysforget oneselflabor, always modest man.───青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人。

  2.If not drink drunk, do notforget oneselfnot anything to do.───如果不喝酒喝醉了,不要忘记自己不要做任何事情。

  3.To know oneself is wisdom, toforget oneselfis folly.───了解自己是聪明的,忘乎所以是愚蠢的。

  4.To know oneself is wisdom, toforget oneselfis folly.───自知之明是智慧, 忘乎所以是愚蠢.

  5.Good, lets the humanforget oneself.───好的, 让人忘乎所以.


  1.To be free of desire one mustforget oneselfand serve others, meditate, and above all live with-out passionate attachments to worldly things.

  2.Good, lets the humanforget oneself.

  3.Sometimes happy arrive tow ant an explosion, sometimes solitude arrive want to grow crazy. The sometimes is peaceful toforget oneselforiginally always lonesome.

  4.If not drink drunk, do notforget oneselfnot anything to do.

  5.Sometimes, you oftenforget oneselfmeet snow.

  6.To know oneself is wisdom, toforget oneselfis folly.

  7.If one day, Iforget oneself, please send me to stay in, in this time.

  8.Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

  9.I gave a good class: there is nothing like teaching well for making oneforget oneselfand ones petty troubles.

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