
英语call away怎么样翻译好

时间:2021-06-08 17:12:15 翻译 我要投稿

英语call away怎么样翻译好

  英语短语call away的用法极其重要,这就要求我们要知道它的翻译形式了。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文call away实际的翻译形式吧,欢迎大家阅读!

英语call away怎么样翻译好

  call away的翻译

  英 [kɔ:l əˈwei] 美 [kɔl əˈwe]

  call away 基本解释

  叫走,叫到别处; 转移(某人的.注意力等)

  call away 相关例句


  1. Two doctors have just been called away to an emergency case.


  2. Nothing can call away his attention from the project he is now working at.


  call away的单语例句

  1. President Obama also repeated his call to do away with tax laws and deductions for the wealthy.

  2. He could easily walk away from the game, but he's just not quite ready to call it quits.

  3. After answering the call, my friends appeared just a short distance away.

  4. For Beijingers, a fluffy friend is just a phone call away.

  5. A phone call away, Zhang is a dog lover herself and acquired a pet grooming certificate last year.

  6. Participants would also receive counselors'phone numbers, ensuring help was just a phone call away.

  7. The girls are so pleased for her and have said they're only a phone call away to pass on any parenting tips.

  8. Chinese embassies or consulates general are only a call away for a Chinese national who needs help.

  9. That's why when they see anything suspicious, they call us right away.

  10. Seeing that the woman had received a call, a stewardess repeatedly told her to put her phone away.

  call away的双语例句

  1. If you can`t handle this job by youself, I`m just a phone call away.


  2. Don`t worry. I`ll call a plumber right away.


  3. Please call Helpdesk to report the data loss disaster happened on the department file server right away.


  4. But if you in your pain call birth and affliction and the support of the flesh accurse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away that which is written.


  5. I hastened to call off the disconcerted dog, and went away, full of reverence.


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