

时间:2021-12-05 16:09:50 初三 我要投稿







  1. Why is Scott unhappy?

  A. His team lost the soccer game. B. He fought with his teammates.

  C. He had to leave the soccer team.

  2. Who is the girl going to see?

  A. Her grandfather. B. Her father. C. Her mother.

  3. Where are the speakers?

  A. At a flower shop. B. At a party. C. At a post office.

  4. How often does the woman go swimming?

  A. Always. B. Sometimes. C. Never.

  5. What does the man mean?

  A. The concert was good. B. Other people liked it. C. The concert was a failure.

  6. How is the environment in Yan’an?

  A. Much worse. B. Much better. C. No change.



  7.Where will they have lunch after studying English ?

  A.At the man’s house.

  B.In a restaurant near the man’s house.

  C.At the woman’s house.

  8.What are they going to do after lunch ?

  A. They will go to the park. B. They will go on learning English. C. They will go to the seaside.


  9.What color does the man like ?

  A. Black. B. Brown. C. White.

  10.How much does the man pay for the shirt?

  A. 200 yuan. B. 230 yuan. C. 245 yuan.


  11.What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time in Canada ?

  A. To shake hands. B. To kiss. C. To give a loud cry.

  12.What time do you go if there is a birthday party at eight o’ clock ?

  A. At 7:45. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15.

  13.What does the conversation tell us to take when we visit someone?

  A. Some drinks. B. Some flowers. C. Some toys.


  14.What does the boy want for Christmas?

  A. A bike. B. A volleyball. C. A toy.

  15.Who acted Joseph last year?

  A. The boy. B. The girl. C. Anne.

  16. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. Anne is the boy’s mother. B. The girl doesn’t like Claus.

  C. The speakers are looking forward to Christmas.


  17.Mr. King is welcoming the students from_______.

  A. Canada. B. Australia. C. China.

  18.The students will be in the classroom learning___ every morning from 8:30

  to 11:30.

  A. Chinese. B. English . C. math.

  19.Who is the school doctor?

  A. Mr. King B. Mr. Johnson. C. Mrs. Johnson.

  20.We can know that the exam is very ____.

  A. difficult. B. boring. C. easy

  C) 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每小题1分)

  21.Many families go away________ during the summer months in the west.

  22.Their ________ can be talked about if the holiday has not yet taken place.

  23.Where they went, whether they enjoyed themselves and so on can be ________.

  24.Foreigners living and ________in China often have many opportunities to travel.

  25.Places that are a little less ________ can especially attract people’s attention.

  二、单项填空 (10分)

  26. --You just hum alone. Why not sing with us ?

  --I’d love to, but I don’t know the ___.

  A. vocabulary B. lyrics C. story D. musician

  27.Can you make yourself _____ in English?

  A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. to understand

  28.I don’t want to buy the suit because I don’t like the color.____, it costs too much.

  A. Instead B. Except C. Besides D. However

  29.The Internet is really useful for us in our daily life. But we should use it ______.

  A. wisely B. clearly C. gradually D. widely

  30.David invites us to take part in a party tomorrow evening.

  _______ Is tomorrow his birthday?.

  A. What for? B. What a good idea! C. Why not? D. That’s all right

  31.—You look so ____ in this picture. You usually don’t dress like that.

  — Oh, I was at a party. I took the picture just for fun.

  A. serious B. different C. worried D. friendly

  32.This novel ____ be Sandy’s . It has Amy’s name on it.

  A. needn’t B. shall not C.can’t D.mustn’t

  33.In the shop, I tried on three dresses, but ____ of them fitted me.

  A. all B. both C. none D. neither

  34.The girl was upset, because she _____ a chance to show herself in class.

  A. doesn’t give B. won’t give . C. wasn’t given D. isn’t given

  35.Uncle Li ______ I worked three years ago has retired now.

  A. who B. whom C. at whom D. with whom

  三、完形填空 (25分)


  A husband, dressed in a homemade suit and a lady in an ordinary cotton dress, got off a train. They walked into a university president’s office without an appointment. The secretary(秘书) saw them but said ___36____

  “We want to see the president,” the man said softly. “ He’ll be__37__ all day,” the secretary said. “We’ll wait,” the lady replied. For hours, the secretary didn’t pay any attention to them, hoping the couple would __38__and go away, but they didn’t. The secretary _39____decided to talk to the president.

  “Maybe if they see you just for a few minutes, they’ll __40___,” she told him. He agreed. But obviously, he didn’t want to meet them. When the couple went into the president’s office, the lady said: “We had a_41 _ who attended this university for one year. He loved it very much. He was__42_ here. But about a year ago, he became ill and died. My husband and I would like to give a__43_____ to the university.”

  The president glanced(瞥) at the cotton dress and homemade suit, and then said: “A building! Do you have any idea how much a building __44__? We have over seven and a half million dollars worth of buildings at the university.” For a moment the lady was _45__. The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now.

  The lady turned to her husband and said quietly: “Is that all it costs to start a __46__? Why don’t we just start our own?” Her husband ___47____

  The couple walked _48__and traveled to another city __49__ they established their own university, as a memorial to their son.The university they made later also became very popular.

  From the story, we know that Do not judge a person by his or her appearance. A rich __50__ may be under a poor coat.

  36.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

  37.A busy B. tired C. happy D. helpful

  38.A. give out B. give off C. give up D. give back

  39.A. firstly B. strongly C. finally D. luckily

  40.A. come B. buy C. leave D. start

  41.A. son B. friend C. teacher D. worker

  42.A. happy B. sad C. interesting D. moved

  43.A. school B. house C. prize D. building

  44.A. costs B. spends C. pays D. has

  45.A. excited B. silent C. interested D. stressed

  46.A. club B. cinema C. university D. city

  47.A. agreed B. said C. thought D. explained

  48.A. into B. away C. off D. down

  49.A. when B. how C. what D. where

  50.A. money B. heart C. body D. wallet


  THE golden autumn season means it’s harvest (收获) time and summer is ___51__ .But on Sept 16, our school held the __52___annual Reading Report where we shared the reading we did over summer vacation. It lasted for two days. Each speaker gave a _53___about his or her favorite book. About 1,200 students took part in the activity.

  My speech was about a book _54____ “A General History of China”(《中国通史》). It introduced Chinese history from __55__ times all the way to the modern era (时代). __56___ this book helped me understand the pride we have in our country. What’s more, it encouraged me__57___ hard.

  Through this activity, we improved our speaking__58___. Wang Yinan, 14, even stayed up__59___ to prepare for his speech. “Keep reading and improve your Chinese,” he said in the speech. I think this activity was 60 for everyone.




  61.How many hours is the service longer on Saturday than on Friday?

  A five B six C. seven D. eight

  62.When Chris ordered ten large California pizzas for his workers, she has to pay___.

  A. $178 B. $220 C. $228 D. $240

  63.Bobby wants the digital watch. What must he buy first?

  A. Five pizzas or more. B. Forty pizzas.

  C. Half a dozen chicken wings. D. Something over eighty dollars.


  Are you an introvert (内向的人) or an extrovert? If you find neither of those fit your personality, perhaps you are an “ambivert” (中间性格者).

  Experts say there’s a middle ground between introvert and extrovert personality types. They are called “ambiverts”, according to The Wall Street Journal.

  Introverts don’t like crowds and enjoy keeping their thoughts to themselves. Extroverts, on the other hand, like meeting new people and being the center of attention. Ambiverts, as the name suggests, have both introverted and extroverted characteristics (特征). But neither set of characteristics is completely in control.

  As a result, they can move between being social and being alone very easily. For example, ambiverts often enjoy being with other people. But after a long day of work, sometimes they prefer reading a book or watching a TV series at home alone instead.

  “It is like they’re bilingual (双语的),” Daniel Pink, the host of Crowd Control, a US TV series on human behavior , told The Wall Street Journal. “They can connect with a wider range of people the same way someone who speaks both English and Spanish can.”

  Ambiverts have gotten more attention in recent years. In fact, about two-thirds of people in the US are ambiverts, according to a personality survey by Adam M. Grant, a professor of psychology(心理学) at the University of Pennsylvania.

  Grant believes ambiverts have the advantages of both introverts and extroverts. But he also points out they struggle (挣扎) too. They are often unsure which side of their personality should lead them in a given situation. So do you think you are an ambivert?

  64.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of introverts?

  A. They don’t like noisy places. B. They don’t like sharing their thoughts.

  C. They like to be the center of attention. D. They don’t like meeting new people. 65. Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about _____.

  A. the activities ambiverts do B. the characteristics of ambiverts

  C. the advantages of ambiverts

  D. the relationship between being bilingual and an ambivert

  66.What does the underlined pronoun “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

  A. Introverts. B. Extroverts. C. Bilingual people. D. Ambiverts.

  67.According to Grant, _____.

  A. ambiverts don’t need much attention nowadays

  B. about 70 percent of American people are ambiverts

  C. ambiverts are quite sure about themselves

  D. ambiverts have more advantages than other personalities


  Perhaps Vincent van Gogh (1853 -1890) isn’t the most famous artist in the world, but his personal story is probably the most well-known. The paintings he created didn’t become famous until after he died. And this year marks the 126th anniversary of his death.

  Van Gogh was born to a rich family in Netherlands (荷兰). He started his career working for an art dealer (艺术品商). But then he tried other things like teaching in England. He also tried to become a priest (牧师) but failed the exams.

  Finally, he found something else to believe in when he lived in Belgium (比利时) – art. He returned to his childhood love of painting and drawing.

  He was an important artist in a generation that challenged the Impressionist (印象派) style. Post-Impressionists, like Van Gogh, wanted to show the world as it felt to them, not always as it looked.

  Van Gogh used different forms and colors to make his art more abstract (抽象的). The way he used colors was especially impressive. In Wheatfield with Crows (1890), the colors are very intense (强烈的). Corn is yellow, grass is green, and crows (乌鸦) are black. But the colors are used in such a way that it looks better than a photograph.

  Unfortunately, Van Gogh’s art wasn’t very popular while he was alive. He was poor and was thought to have mental problems, which led to his death. What had made him so sad? It could have been the troubles he faced working as an artist in a practical world.

  68.Van Gogh did the following jobs EXCEPT ______.

  A. work for an art dealer B. teach C. be a priest D. be an artist

  69. According to the story, Van Gogh _____.

  A. started to love art when he lived in Belgium

  B. wanted to show the world exactly as it looked

  C. became famous for his painting Wheatfield with Crows

  D. impressed people deeply by how he used colors

  70. We can learn from the story that _____.

  A. Van Gogh got rich thanks to his paintings

  B. Van Gogh lived a sad life in his latter years

  C. Van Gogh’s art was popular during his lifetime

  D. Van Gogh died because of mental problems

  71. What does the story mainly talk about?

  A. Impressionists. B. Post-Impressionists.

  C. Wheatfield with Crows. D. Vincent van Gogh


  Years ago, a very rich man and his young son shared an interest in collecting art. They traveled around the world, collecting priceless works of art by famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.

  The man became very lonely and sad. When war broke out, the son left to serve his country. After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital. One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting – it was a portrait of his son. Though the world would never consider it a great work, the painting was important to the man.

  The painting of his son became the old man’s most valuable item. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received. The following spring, the old man became ill and passed away.

  All of the old man’s paintings would be sold at an auction. The auction began with a painting that was not on any of the buyers’ lists ... it was the painting of the old man’s son. “Who will open the price at $100 ?” the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or raised their hand. Someone said: “Who cares about that painting? Let’s get on to the good ones.” More voices followed in agreement. “No, we must sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the portrait of the son?

  Finally, a good friend of the old man spoke: “Will you take $10 for the painting? That’s all I have.” “Will anyone go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more silence he said: “Going once ... going twice ... sold!” The auctioneer looked at the crowd and announced that the whole auction was over. “According to the father’s will, whoever takes the son’s portrait gets the whole collection,” the auctioneer said.

  Because of the father’s love, whoever took the son got it all

  72.Both the man and his son were interested in _____.

  A. collecting artwork B. selling paintings

  C. drawing famous artists D. reading stories about famous artists

  73.What did the letter say?

  A. War broke out. B. The son was safe.

  C. The son was sent to a hospital. D. The son had died.

  74.At the auction, the painting of the man’s son _____.

  A. was popular B. was sold for $100 C. was sold for $10 D. wasn’t sold

  75.What did the story want to tell us?

  A. Artwork is valuable. B. A father’s love is priceless.

  C. Don’t look down at small works of art. D. Nobody knows what will happen next



  __ 76______Well, Chengdu is at the top of the 2015 rankings (排名) for China’s Happiest Cities released by Xinhua News Agency and the China Association of Mayors. This is the second year in a row that the capital city of Sichuan was chosen.

  77 As People’s Daily said, “part of the reason is the relaxing and slow-paced (慢节奏的) lifestyle that many people in Chengdu live.”

  To find the pleasures of the Chengdu lifestyle, 78 Chengdu cuisine is famous for the use of the tongue-numbing (使舌头发麻的),Sichuanese peppercorn (花椒) and hot chillies (辣椒). “Nothing is more important to Chengdu people than food,” said Du Li, a professor at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine. 79 There are around 40,000 restaurants in Chengdu.

  Another important part of Chengdu life is the teahouses. Found everywhere in the city, 80 Teahouses are also a place to do business, meet with friends, show off pet birds, listen to Chuanju (Sichuan opera), and most importantly, play mahjong. As a local saying goes, “If you cannot find someone, he or she is either playing mahjong, or on their way to play mahjong.”

  五、补全对话 (5分)

  请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理、意思完整。并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。 (每空一句,每句1分)

  M: Have you lived in America for many years?

  W: Yes, I have lived there for 10 years, why?

  M: Tomorrow I will go to an American’s friends home to cerebrate Christmas. _81_

  W: Ok, no problem.


  W: Arriving on time or five to ten minutes late are OK. Don’t get there early.

  M: _____83_____.

  W: If you’re going to be more than fifteen minutes late because of terrible traffic. I advise calling your hosts to tell them.

  M: ___84_________

  W: Certainly! Flowers are always nice


  W: Just watch the other guests and follow them at the dinner table.

  M: Thank you.



  1. W: Where is Scott?

  M: He is in his bedroom. He is unhappy.

  W: What happened? Have you talked with him?

  M: Yeah, he told me that he was kicked off the soccer team.

  2. W: Are you waiting for your mother, Jane?

  M: No, I’m waiting for my father. He’s going to take me to visit my grandfather.

  3. W: Excuse me, I’d like to send some flowers to my friend.

  M: Let me see. These fresh roses are very nice.

  4. M: How often do you exercise?

  W: I keep running every day.

  M: What else?

  W: Sometimes I go swimming, but I never play ball games.

  5. W: Did you go to the concert last night?

  M: Sure, I did.

  W: Some people said it was good, wasn’t it?

  M: I do feel it the same way.

  6. W: Where have you been these days?

  M: I have been to yan’an.

  W: I hear more and more trees are planted on the mountains there. Is it true?

  M: Yes. The environment now is much better than in the past.


  W: When and where shall we meet?

  M: What about seven at my house?

  W: Ok. We can learn English until twelve. After that we can have lunch in the restaurant near your house. I hear their food is delicious and cheap.

  M: Yes, you are right . what an we do after lunch?

  W: We can go to the park near my house, and have a good time. What do you think?

  M: Perfect.

  请听第二段材料, 回答第9,10 小题。

  W: What can I do for you, sir?

  M: Thanks. I want to buy a shirt.

  W: Which shirt do you like?

  M: I can’t decide. Could you give me some advice, please?

  W: My pleasure. What color do you like, sir?

  M: I prefer brown to black.

  W: Well, what about this one ? it’s the most popular style.

  M: It looks nice. How much is it?

  W: 245yuan.

  M: It’s expensive. Can you give me a discount?

  W: I’m sorry sir. This is the lowest price.

  M: Ok. I’ll take the brown one.


  W: Tom , I have some questions about your country, Canada.

  M: Okay. What do you want to know?

  W: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?

  M: You’re supposed to shake hands.

  W: How about times? For example, when a party is at eight o’clock , do you go at seven forty-five?

  M: No, you can go about fifteen minutes late.

  W: Ok. It is the same for business meetings?

  M: Oh, no. for a business meeting make sure you’re on time.

  W: mm. I heard that it’s rude to make sounds when you eat. Is that true?

  M: Yes, it is. You shouldn’t do it.

  W: One more question. Are you supposed to take a gift when you visit someone?

  M: Yes, it’s polite to take a few flowers.

  W: Thanks. Now I’m ready


  W: What do you want for Christmas this year?

  M: I hope Santa Clause can bring me a bike. What do you want Santa Clause to bring you?

  W: I want a volleyball . I didn’t do very well in volleyball this year. By the way, are you going to be in the Christmas program this year?

  M: Yeah, I’m supposed to be one of the shepherds. My sister anne is going to be mar and her doll is going to be the baby Jesus. Aren’t you going to be one of the three wise men?

  W: Yes, I am. I was Joseph last year.

  M: I like being in the Christmas program. I like the Christmas songs and I like the wa I feel at Christmas time.

  W:I like the presents we get at Christmas time, but it is nice to remember that we have Christmas to celebrate the day Jesus was born.

  M: It seems that everyone is especially nice and happy at Christmas time. I like Christmas.

  W: So do I


  Mr. King is the headmaster of a language school in Canada. Now he’s welcoming his new foreign students from china.

  Hello, everybody. My name is Sam King. Welcome to our school. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. Every morning from 8:30 to 11:30 , you will be in the classroom learning English. Lunch will be ready at school at 12:00. In the afternoon and evening, you are free to do what you like. There will be lots of time for speaking English.

  If you need to see a doctor, someone at the school will take you to a hospital .or if it’s not too serious , you may get some medicine from our school doctor ,Mr. Johnson..

  Next, you’ll take an exam in three weeks. You can take a dictionary into the classroom when you have the exam. But, you are not allowed to take newspapers, books or our notebooks. The exam is not very difficult, so please don’t worry about it. Your results will be sent to you four weeks after the exam. Finally , I wish you have a nice stay in Canada. That’s it,thank you.


  In the West many families go away on holiday during the summer months and so it is very usual to ask about this. If the holiday has not yet taken place, their holiday plans can be talked about. And if it is already over, where they went, whether they enjoyed it and so on can be discussed. Similar questions are asked before festivals and public holidays. Foreigners living and working in china often have many opportunities to travel. either at weekends or during their holidays. They may be particularly interested to hear comments on which places are worth visiting and why, especially if these places are a little less well-known and not clearly described in the tour guides.



  1-5 CAABA 6-10 BBABC 11-15 ACBAB 16-20 CCBBC

  21. on holiday 22. holiday plans 23. discussed 24. working 25. well-known


  26-30 BBCAA 31-35 BCCCD


  36-40 BACCC 41-45 AADAB 46-50 CABDB

  51.over 52. third 53. speech 54.named 55. ancient

  56. Reading 57. to work 58. skills 59. late 60. meaningful


  61-63 ABD 64-67 CBDB 68-71 CDBD 72-75 ADCB

  76-80 CEAFD

  五.补全对话 答案仅供参考

  81. Could you give me some advice?

  82. Should I arrive on time or five to ten minutes late?

  83. I worry I might meet terrible traffic./ I’m afraid I might be late.

  84. Should I bring a gift?

  85. What should I do at the dinner table?

  六.书面表达 答案仅供参考

  Dear editor,

  Our country calls for everyone to try their best to build a harmonious society. As a student , I think it’s our duty to work hard to build a harmonious school. What

  Should I do to achieve goal?

  First of all ,we should try our best to protect the school environment. We should pick up

  the litter on the road and throw it into the dustbin. We mustn’t pick flowers or step on the grass. We are supposed to plant more trees and flowers to make our school more beautiful.

  Second, we should fill the world with love, we should show respect to our teachers. And

  also care for each other and help those in need. The most important point is that all of us must be

  honest in our daily life.

  Finally , we should obey the school rules and play an active part in school activies,

  Let’s start right now to build a harmonious school.


  Zhao Ming









