

时间:2021-11-29 14:07:05 初三 我要投稿





  一.听力 (共20分)

  I. 根据所听到的句子选出相应的答语。(5分)

  ( )1. A. Thanks for asking me. B. Certainly. Here you are. C. Yes, I’m OK.

  ( )2. A. Have a good time. B. What a busy day! C. It’s cloudy.

  ( )3. A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. Bad luck.

  ( )4. A. She is a teacher. B. She’s my sister. C. She is English.

  ( )5.A. I’d like a pair of shoes. B. No, I don’t need your help. C. Do it, please.

  II. 根据所听到的对话和对话后的`问题选出正确答案。(5分)

  ( )6. A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot.

  ( )7. A. At 3:15pm. B. At 3:15am. C. At 3:45pm.

  ( )8. A. Miss Brown. B. Tom. C. Mr. White.

  ( )9. A. Doing his homework. B. Turning on the TV. C. Watching TV.

  ( )10. A. Gas. B. Water. C. Electricity.

  III. 根据所听到的句子,选择与其意思相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分)

  11.__________ 12.___________ 13.___________ 14.___________ 15.___________

  IV. 根据所听到的内容选择正确答案。(5分)

  ( )16. Most Chinese have _________ meals a day.

  A. two B. three C. four

  ( )17. Chinese usually have __________ for breakfast.

  A. fish, oranges and tofu B. rice, cakes and meat C. eggs, milk and bread

  ( )18. Why do the people in big cities have a light lunch now?

  A. Because they like Chinese take-away food better than home cooking.

  B. Because they want to finish their lunch quickly.

  C. Because they are busy with their work and they have no time for a big lunch.

  ( )19. Most Chinese usually have their supper ____________.

  A. at home B. at their work places C. in restaurants

  ( )20. People living in the north of China like __________.

  A. sweet food B. hamburgers C. dumplings and noodles

  二.基础知识 (共25分)


  1.The (噪音) on the street alway makes me feel terrible.

  2.Monkey King draw a c in order to protect his teammates.

  3.There used to be lots of (狼) in Inner Mongolia.

  4. Please call the (警察) for help when you are in trouble.

  5.I couldn't see a dog or anything else, (也)


  6.The strange noises at night made the people in that community feel___________ (easy).

  7.They had little fun (learn) all those subject.

  8.Not all (lead) are right. Sometimes they make mistakes, too.

  9.One woman saw something (fly) over her head just now.

  10. What's your purpose by (say) this?


  11.He live in the north, but now he ________ living in the south.

  A.used to; is used to B.is used to; used to

  C.used to; used to D.is used to; is used to

  12.It be a plane. It's too big. It must be a UFO.

  A.can't B.shouldn't C.might D.must

  13.Don't be about your mother. She's better now.

  A.worry B.worried C.worrying D.to worry

  14.— Whose backpack do you think ?

  — I think it's Lucy's.

  A.is this B.this is

  C.is it D.it belongs to

  15.I saw the thief to the school when I was walking along the street.

  A.run B.running C.to run D.ran

  16.— Shall we go with you?

  — you ___ _____ your sister can go with me. One of you must stay at home to look after your grandma.

  A.Not only; but also B.Either; or

  C.Neither; nor D.Both; and

  17.They want to hold a swimming competition the hottest day in summer.

  A.on B.in C.at D.from

  18.We don't know who they are. But we're sure they be very kind because they have helped us so much.

  A.must B.might C.may C.can

  19.When will you Wuhan? Please call me when you ________ here.

  A.arrive; get B.arrive in; get to

  C.arrive at; get to D.arrive in; get

  20.Some historians believed Stonehenge was a temple. ,_most common people didn't think so.

  A.But B.However C.Though D.So

  21.Nobody can Liang Shangbo and Zhu Yingtai ________ each other.

  A.prevent; from love B.prevent; to love

  C.prevent; from loving D.prevent; love

  22.Not only the beautiful woman but also the lovely baby killed in World War II.

  A.is B.was C.are D.were

  23.When I passed her house, I heard her the song “My Heart Will Go on”.

  A.to sing B.singing C.sang D.sings

  24. —September 10th is__________ in China. I usually bring some flowers to my

  teachers on that day.

  —Me, __________ .

  A. Teacher’s Day, too B. Teachers’ Day, too

  C. Teacher’s Day, either D. Teachers’ Day, either

  25. The story happened __________a cold night of last October.

  A. at B. on C. in D. to

  26.A boy Zhang Feng made a phone call to you just now.

  A.names  B.calls  C.called  D.is named

  27.My new iPhone6 when I took a bus yesterday.

  A.stole B.stolen C.is stolen D.was stolen

  28.It's said that another big oil field was in Shandong.

  A.invented B.discovered C.created D.founded

  29.The house is for four people to live in.

  A.big enough B.enough big C.nice enough D.enough well

  30. ,_he finished the work by himself.

  A.At the end B.By the end C.In the end D.At the end of

  三.交际运用 (共5分)将答案写在题后横线上,否则不给分。

  IX. 根据对话内容及方框内所给的句子,补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。(5分)

  A: What’s up, Peter? ______1_______. B: It is the news report.

  A: ______2_______ B: It’s about our water resources (水资源).

  A: ________3________ B: Yes, you are right.

  A: And I know people are always trying to protect the water resources

  B: Yes, _______4________Some people have been polluting water around us, especially some chemical factories.

  A: You are right. We should do more on this problem. _______5_______

  B: OK. Let us have a try.



  XI. 完形填空(15分)

  My life is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always ___41___it bravely.

  Last year, I couldn’t believe the ___42___that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my ___43___. But my father didn’t seem as ___44___as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help ___45___.

  I knew very well what my family was ___46___. My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a ___47___ life and I couldn’t continue my schooling. I felt so upset but I could say ___48___to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work ___49___my family.

  To my surprise, things completely changed ___50___the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which had been __51____by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” ___52___tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.

  I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always ___53___ my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter ____54__ hard life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, ___55___opens in life.”

  41. A. solve B. meet C. face D. make

  42. A. idea B. news C. story D. thought

  43. A. teachers B. parents C. grandparents D. brothers

  44. A. nervous B. interested C. excited D. worried

  45. A. laughing B. crying C. saying D. shouting

  46. A. about B. before C. like D. against

  47. A. hard B. happy C. nice D. rich

  48. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

  49. A. to leave B. to stop C. to support D. to fire

  50. A. after B. since C. before D. on

  51. A. spent B. raised C. planned D. saved

  52. A. From B. Between C. With D. Without

  53. A. think of B. dream of C. hear of D. talk of

  54. A. what B. which C. how D. that

  55. A. other B. others C. the other D. another

  XII. 阅读理解 (30分)

  (A ) Liu Xiang, born on July 13, 1983, is a national hero, a singer, and he will even become a movie star. He won the 110m hurdles gold medal equaling the world record of 12.91 seconds in the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

  In 2002 Liu broke Renaldo Nehemiah’s 24-year-old world junior record for the 110m hurdles. The following year he got a bronze medal at the World Championships of Athletics. Liu was the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal in Athletics.

  However, something bad happened to him. “ We got so many calls every day. It will be bad for Liu. Training is the most important.” His coach Sun said.

  Sun also warned him that he would become “nothing” from “everything” without victories(胜利)from the coming games.


  ( )71. How old was Liu Xiang when he won the 110m hurdles gold medal in Athens?

  A. 25 years old. B. 23 years old. C. 27 years old. D. 21 years old.

  ( )72. Now Liu Xiang is __________.

  A. a national hero B. a singer C. a movie star D. A and B

  ( )73. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

  A. The text doesn’t tell us what the newest 110m hurdles world record time is now.

  B. Now the newest 110m hurdles world record time is 12.91 seconds.

  C. Liu was the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal.

  D. Everything went on well with him after 2004.

  ( )74. When did Liu Xiang get a bronze medal at the World Championships of Athletics?

  A. In 2002. B. In 2003. C. In 1998. D. In 1983.

  ( )75. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?

  A. He would fail in the coming games. B. He would become nobody again.

  C. He wouldn’t have any money to buy everything.

  D. He would become poor as before.

  ( B ) David has had such a terrible time this year that he should be in the Guinness Book of Records(吉尼斯纪录大全). The trouble started one morning last January when David found that his car had gone from outside his house.

  In February David won $200,000 on the football polls(选票). But his joy didn’t last long—he had forgotten to post the letter. In March he bought a new car, but he hadn’t had it more than a week when someone crashed into the back of it. Two days later David sat on a seat that someone had finished painting only minutes before.

  August has been the worst month so far this year. David spent three days of his holiday at the airport because of strikes. When he arrived home, he discovered that someone had broken into his house. His video-recorder and television had disappeared. David doesn’t know what he has done to deserve all this bad luck. He just hopes this bad luck will change soon.


  ( )76. David has found his car which was stolen one night last January.

  ( )77. David won $200,000 on the basketball polls.

  ( )78. David couldn’t find his video-recorder and television because they were stolen by somebody.

  ( )79. David bought a pair of new trousers two days after he bought a new car.

  ( )80. David should be in the Guinness Book because no one would have such bad luck as he had.

  ( C ) According to the Xin hua News, from September 17, 2008, Chinese government decided to give up the rules of food with no checking. Many people said yes to it. The officer said that these days, the food safety accident about children milk of Sanlu made the government decide to give it up.

  A young expert of food safety said, “ The department of government should take the food from the shop or supermarket and check, not ask them to send. In that way, we can get the real checking.”

  But in order to keep people’s health, the government asks the officers to check all the food before they are sent to the shop or supermarket. That means all the food must be checked before they are sold. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5分)

  ( )81. This passage most probably comes from _________.

  A. letters B. books C. magazines D. Internet

  ( )82. Chinese government decided to give up __________ from September 17, 2008.

  A. the safe rules of food B. the rules of food with no checking

  C. food check rules D. checking all the food before they are sold

  ( )83. Many people ____________ to give it up because of Sanlu children milk.

  A. agree B. disagree C. are angry D. are worried

  ( )84. A young expert of food safety gives a good idea to keep the food safe. It is ___________.

  A. to select food from shop or supermarket to check, not to ask the companies to send

  B. to make some strong rules to manage the companies

  C. to try our best not to give them chances to make untrue food

  D. to send more officers to the company to check the food

  ( )85. According to the offier’s idea, all the food _________ before they are sold.

  A. must be heated B. can be stored for a long time

  C. must be checked D. must be handed in

  ( D )

  Long long ago there lived a beggar(乞丐) and a banker in New York. You may think that the banker would be happier than the beggar. In fact, the poor man was happy but the banker was not, the banker couldn’t sleep well at night, while the begger could sleep very well.

  One day, he decided to find out why the beggar was a happy man even if he was poor, so he came to the beggar and asked him his income(收入).

  “I really don’t care how much money I have. I live each day as it comes and never worry about the next.”

  The banker was pleased with the answer and gave the beggar a bag of gold coins.

  These coins were a great fortune(财富)for the beggar. He decided to hide a big hole in a garden and put the bag into it.

  But from that day on, the poor man’s life changed--- he began to worry about the safety of his money. Every night he slept a little and he didn’t feel well every day.

  Finally, he couldn’t bear his unhappiness. He went to the garden, dug up the coins and returned them to the banker.


  86. The banker was a/an _______man.

  A. happy B. unhappy C. poor D. tall

  87. The banker was pleased with the begger’s answer, so he gave him ______.

  A. some food B. some clothes C. some gold coins D. a house

  88. What happened to the beggar after he had gotten a bag of coins?

  A. He was still poor. B. He couldn’t sleep well

  C. He was happy. D. He felt good.

  89. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word?

  A. 出生 B.熊 C.忍受 D. 享受

  90. From this passage, we can know that____________.

  A. to be rich is more important than to be happy.

  B. to be happy is more important than to be rich

  C. to be healthy is very important

  D. to be rich is very important

  ( E ) Last year I went to Australia to study and travel. I stayed there for 16 days in Sydney. The home stay parents and brothers were very friendly to us. To me, the best place in Australia is the Opera House. On my second day in Sydney, we went there. The Opera House is great. You can look at it from different sides. It is beautiful to look at.

  Time flew while I was in Sydney. Soon came Christmas, then the New Year. I had never spent the New Year without my family. But this year, I was so far away from them. I missed my parents very much. In the evening, I couldn't wait to phone my family. When I heard their voices, I began to cry. My home stay mother held me in her arms and told me not to cry. This made me feel better. I was so lucky that I had a good family in Sydney. Now those days in Australia have become the sweetest time of my life.


  91. How long did she stay in Australia?

  92. What is the best place to be in Australia to the writer?

  93. Did the writer spend the New Year with her parents in China last year?

  94. What did the writer do when she missed her parents?

  95. Why have the days in Australia become the sweetest time to her life?


  XIII. 每个人都有自己的烦恼,小丽也是,下面是她写给自己朋友的一封信,请帮助她完成,每空一词。(5分)

  Dear Frank,

  How is it going? I hope that you are well now.

  Things are fine here. But I have a 96.__________now. Last Saturday evening I had a big fight97. ______ my mother. I wanted to 98._________ TV after I finished my homework. But my mother didn’t agree, and she asked me to 99._________ some books or go over old lessons. I did as she told me although I was not happy. What should I do with my mother? Please give me some 100.___________.

  Write to me soon.


  Xiao Li

  XIV. 每个家庭都有相应的家规,父母可能对我们要求很严格。例如十点前必须睡觉、家里不能养宠物,不能玩电脑等等。谈谈你的家规,对于这些家规你有何看法,请发表感想。写一篇80字左右的短文。(15分)



  一.听力 (共25分)

  I. 根据所听到的句子选出相应的答语。(5分)

  1. Excuse me, may I use your dictionary?

  2. What’s the weather like today?

  3. What a fine day!How about going hiking?

  4. Who is the woman with a book in her hand?

  5. What can I do for you?

  1—5 BCBBA

  II. 根据所听到的对话和对话后的问题选出正确答案。(5分

  6. W: Dad, my bike is broken. Could you drive me to school this morning?

  M: It’s still early. Why not walk there?

  W: OK.

  Q: How will the girl go to school?

  7. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane arrives in London?

  W: At 3:15 in the afternoon.

  Q: What time does the plane arrive in London?

  8. W: Tom, will you go and get some pictures, please?

  M: Sure, Miss Brown. I’ll get back in a minute.

  Q: Who is going to get some pictures?

  9. M: Please turn on the TV.

  W: I think Bill has turned it on. He has finished his homework.

  Q: What is Bill probably doing?

  10. M: Is that the electricity bill?

  W: No, it’s the water bill.

  M: Is it very big?

  W: Not as big as last time.

  Q: Which bill has just arrived?

  6—10 CABCB

  III. 根据所听到的句子,选择与其意思相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分)

  11. The three Chinese astronauts were warmly welcomed by all of the Chinese people.

  12. The Olympic Games was held in Beijing in the year 2008.

  13. Most people were moved by the policewoman in the picture from Sichuan.

  14. Junzilan, the city flower of Changchun, is very beautiful.

  15. Next week we’re going to the aquarium to see sharks.

  11—15 EACBD

  V. 根据所听到的内容选择正确答案。(5分)

  In the past, most Chinese ate three meals. They had breakfast in the morning, a big lunch at noon, and a light supper at night. They often had their meals at home.

  Now in the morning, they have a good breakfast---bread, eggs, milk and porridge. But in big cities people only have one hour for lunch. So Chinese take-away food is very popular, and more and more people get a quick lunch in their work place.

  After work in the afternoon, they have more time for supper. They usually have a big meal at home. Wives often cook meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and rice for their families. In most families of northern China, you can find dumplings and noodles on the table, too.

  16—20 BCCAC

  二.基础知识 (共25分)

  VI. 26- 30 noise circle wolves police either .

  VII. 31-35 uneasy learning leaders flying saying


  三.交际运用 (共15分)IX. 51-55 DBCEA

  四.阅读(共40分) XI.完型 41—55 CBBCB CADCC BCACD

  XII. 阅读理解(30分)( A ) 71—75 DDABB ( B )76—80 FFTFT

  ( C ) 81—85 DBAAC( D ) 86—89 BCBCB

  ( E ) 91. 16 days. 92. The Opera House. 93. No, she didn’t.94. She phoned her parents.

  95. Because she had a good family in Australia.

  五.书面表达 (共15分) XIII.96.problem 97. with 98. watch 99. read 100.advice










