
时间:2022-08-05 02:01:50 初三 我要投稿
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  一、 翻译下列短语


  3、听磁带_______________ 4、查字典______________________

  5、处理_________________ 6、把……变成……_______________

  7、请某人帮助___________ 8、生某人的气__________________

  9、结束 10、(指时间)过去

  11、抱怨 12、尽力做某事

  13、犯错误 14、将……视为……______________

  15、首先 16、做某事有乐趣

  17、随后 18、害怕做某事

  19、突然中止 20、为……担忧


  1、——你如何复习应对考试? _______________________

  ——我通过听磁带的方式来复习。I study____ ______ ___ tapes.

  2、很难听懂那种语言。It is ____ hard ______ understand the voices.

  3、你曾经参加过小组学习吗?_______ you ________ ________ with a group?


  I don’t ______ a _______ to practice English _______.


  She had ________ _________ _________ complete sentences.


  1.It is already 10 o’clock. Can you finish your homework as q________ as possible?

  2. Jim did not agree with us. He thought d________.

  3.It is our d______ to study hard.

  4.—Miss Li, I can’t follow you. Can you speak s_______? —OK.

  5. The student’s p_________ isn’t good, but it is better through his reading a lot.

  6. He can’t p_______ the new words.

  7.I will study hard and get an A at the end of this t______.

  8.Don’t be a_______ to speak in class.

  9.Let’s f_______ the challenges together!

  10.This problem is very difficult. He can not solve it e_______.


  1. Do you learn English by _________(ask) friends for help?

  2.He enjoys ________(help) others in trouble.

  3.Miss Liu said that ________(read) was good for us.

  4.What is the best way _______(study) physics?

  5. He has trouble _______(work) out the math problems.

  6. What about _______(go) out for a walk?

  7. It is _________(important) for me to know his story, because I don’t know him.

  8. Thousands of people _______ (lose) their lives in the earthquake last year.

  9. Can you tell me the __________(different) between the two words?

  10.We are ________(take) notes while the teacher is giving a lesson.

  11. My son is_____ (terrify) of the dark. He always slept with the bedroom light on.

  12. He is a ________ (fun) person. He always tells jokes to us.

  13. The man is very ________ (quietly). He never talks too much.

  14. She ______ (use) to have short curly hair, but now she has long straight hair.

  15. Anyone interested in _____ (join) the club should contact us at the address below.

  16. When I was a child, I used ________ (go) out for a picnic.

  17. Be sure ________ (give) your family my regards.

  18. I am afraid of ______ (take) exams. What about you?

  19. His teacher asked him to practice _______ (listen) whenever he had time.

  20. My father used to swim in the river when he ______ (be) in Shanghai.




  1. Which subject did Mr Wu teach?

  A. English. B. Chinese. C. Math.

  2. What are they talking about?

  A. Spiders. B. Mice. C. Snakes.

  3. How old was the boy when he went to school?

  A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.

  4. Did the girl use to like Jay Chou?

  A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know.

  5. Where are the girl’s parents?

  A. In the office. B. In the hospital. C. At school.




  6. What is Cindy’s favourite subject?

  A. English. B. Math. C. Science.

  7. Is only working hard enough to study English?

  A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It isn’t mentioned.

  8. Which way to learn English isn’t mentioned in the conversation?

  A. Keeping practicing. B. Taking notes well. C. Reading English aloud.


  9. How many people are there in the photo?

  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

  10. Who is in the middle of the photo?

  A. Tim. B. Brenda C. Elia.

  11. What does Tim look like?

  A. Pretty.

  B. Strong and handsome.

  C. Helpful.



  12. How much salt do you need for the experiment?

  A. A full spoon.

  B. Half a spoon.

  C. About 6 spoons.

  13. What do we need to pay attention to when doing the experiment?

  A. Not mixing the water.

  B. Not adding salt.

  C. Putting the egg into the water.

  14. If you do the experiment successfully, what can you see?

  A.The egg sinks to the bottom.(底部).

  B.The egg stays in the middle of the glass.

  C.The egg stays at the top of the glass.

  15. From the experiment, we know that _________.

  A it’s exciting to do experiments

  B.Salty water is heavier than drinking water

  C.water can’t be mixed




  16. To ______ surprise, I got an A in my English test.

  A. I B. me C. my D. mine

  17. — Please turn off the light.

  — OK, Mom. I won’t leave the room ______ the light _____.

  A. when; on B. with; on

  C. with; off D. when; off

  18. — I’m not the dark any more.

  — Oh, you’re brave now. Great!

  A. proud of B. worried about

  C. angry with D. terrified of

  19. — If you like the new car, why not buy it?

  — But it’s really expensive. I can’t ______ it.

  A. afford B. cost C. spend D. pay

  20. The man could ________ hear the speaker. So he came to the front.

  A. really B. hardly C. badly D. nearly

  21. — What do you think of Beijing?

  — Wonderful. It ________ changed a lot during the last few years.

  A. have B. has C. is D. was

  22. — What was your brother like when he was young?

  — He _______ be quiet, but now he’s very outgoing.

  A. was used to B. used to

  C. used by D. was used for

  23. Smoking is bad for your dad’s health. You’d better ask him to ______.

  A. give up it B. give it up

  C. take out it D. take it out

  24. ________ they were not rich, they tried their best to send their child to the best school.

  A. However B. Because

  C. Even though D. So

  25. — You didn’t use to play tennis, ______?

  — Yes. I still like playing tennis now.

  A. didn’t you B. did you

  C. weren’t you D. were you

  26. — Nina, don’t _________ speaking in public. You are not a small girl.

  — I know. I’ll try my best to be brave.

  A. be terrified to B. be afraid of

  C. be afraid to D. be terrified in

  27. The teacher told me to pay more attention _______my pronunciation. So I made a_________

  to practice it every day.

  A. to; decision B. to; idea

  C. at; plan D. for; feeling

  28. Her new company is far away. She _________ take the subway to work.

  A. must B. are going to

  C. has to D. would like to

  29. There were a lot of problems with his bike. ________ he sold it and bought a new one.

  A. At the end B. In the end

  C. By the end D. To the end

  30. With the teacher’s help, Ted is ________ in English than before. So he had made much


  A. interested B. interesting

  C. more interested D. more interesting



  It was raining as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the _____31____ that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon. Across the street from the church was a Pan American gas station where the Greyhound bus stopped. It was ____32___ for Christmas, but I noticed a family standing outside the locked door to keep dry. I ___33____ why they were there but then forgot about them as I had to keep up with Jill.

  When we got home, there was ____34____ time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents’ house for our annual Christmas dinner. ____35____we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.

  My father was driving very ____36____ down the highway. The closer we got to the turn-off for my grandparents’ house, the slower the car went. Suddenly, my father U-turned in the middle of the road and drove back.

  When my father ____37____ the service station, I saw that there were five of them: The parents and three children—two girls and a small boy.

  My father rolled down his window and asked the man, “Are you waiting for __38____?” “Yes.” He answered.

  “Well, you’re getting wet standing here. The stop is just a few miles up the road.” My father said. “ Why don’t you all ____39____ the car and I’ll run you up there.”

  The man thought about it for a moment, and then he beckoned to his family. They climbed into the car. They had ___40___ with them, only the clothes they were wearing.

  Once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if Santa had found them yet. Three ___41___ faces gave him his answer.

  “Well, I didn’t think so,” my father said, looking at my mother, “Because when I saw Santa this morning, he told me that he was having trouble finding all, and he asked me ___42_____ he could leave your toys at my house. We’ll just go and get them before I take you to the bus stop.”

  All at once, the three children’s faces lit up, and they began to bounce around in the back seat, laughing and chattering.

  When we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran ___43____ the front door and straight to the toys that were under our Christmas tree. One of the girls kept her eyes on Jill’s doll and immediately hugged it to her breast. I remember that the little boy ___44____ for Sharon’s ball. And the other girl picked up something of mine. All this happened a long time ago, but the ___45_____of it remains clear. That was the Christmas when my sisters and I learned the joy of making others happy.

  31. A. food

  32. A. open

  33. A. saw

  34. A. hardly

  35. A. After

  36. A. slowly

  37.A.pulled into

  38. A. the bus

  39. A. get on

  40.A. something

  41. A. happy

  42. A. what

  43. A. through

  44. A. reached

  45. A. story B. candy


  B. knew

  B. still

  B. Before

  B. happily

  B. put into

  B. the train

  B. get in

  B. anything

  B. sad

  B. which

  B. for

  B. brought

  B. experience C. presents

  C. safe


  C. almost

  C. As

  C. politely

  C. came into

  C. the car

  C. get off

  C. everything

  C. worried

  C. if

  C. with

  C. took

  C. result D. books


  D. wondered

  D. nearly

  D. While

  D. carelessly

  D. ran into

  D. the taxi

  D. get up

  D. nothing

  D. good

  D. how

  D. to

  D. carried

  D. memory




  I am a writing teacher at a middle school.

  At the end of a writing class, I asked the students to share what they had written. We had a new student at the school, Al. Al had been with us for only a short while and was still trying to fit in(适应), so I was a little surprised when he volunteered to read. I asked him to read, but inside I wished that the other students would not laugh at him.

  Al began to read, “If I had one wish, it would be to meet my dad ...” He started out loud and clear. He told how he had never seen his father. He told how he tried to be the only man in the house at such a young age.

  I took a look at the students. I knew some kids liked to laugh at others. However, all of my students were listening. They were letting him do this, I thought. They were allowing him to share something.

  “If I had one wish, it would be to meet my dad, so I wouldn’t have to close my eyes every night just wondering what he looks like,” Al finished. The class stood up and applauded(鼓掌). They all ran to Al with hugs. My eyes got wet.

  This is why I teach. I teach because I can watch kids grow and laugh and learn and love.

  46. The writer is ________ at a middle school.

  A. an English teacher B. a writing teacher

  C. a listening teacher D. a reading teacher

  47. Al was ______ student in that school.

  A. the youngest B. the best

  C. the worst D. a new

  48. From Al’s article we knew that ______.

  A. Al lost his father when he was a baby

  B. Al had never seen his father

  C. Al knew what his father looked like

  D. Al looked like his father

  49. What does the underlined word “hugs” mean?

  A. 停靠 B. 拥抱 C. 缠紧 D. 紧靠

  50. The teacher and all the students were ______ Al.

  A. surprised at B. interested in

  C. moved by D. worried about


  This sad story happened on a cold winter evening. It was so cold and snow was falling so heavily that the roads were covered with ice and a strong wind was blowing. Being outside in such weather was very unwise. However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work. Peter walked with difficulty along a country road, the cold wind beating against his chest. He thought, “If I wear my coat backwards, maybe, it will be a little bit warmer for me.” He stopped walking, took off his coat, and put it on backwards. “That’s much better,” he said to himself happily. Walking on through the thickly falling snow, he was thinking about drinking a cup of warm coffee by the burning fireplace.

  A few minutes later, a car knocked down Peter. The driver hadn’t seen him soon enough. When he tried his best to put on the brakes (刹车), the car skidded (打滑) on the icy road. The frightened driver got out of the car and ran to see how the poor man was.

  After a while, a police car arrived. A policeman went up to see Mr Lee who was lying on the ground. He told the driver, “I’m afraid he’s dead.”

  The driver was so surprised. “This can’t be the case, because I hardly touched him. Check my car carefully. There’s not a mark on it.”

  The policeman said, “I’m sure he’s dead.”

  “It’s impossible,” the driver said anxiously. “As soon as I hit him, I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood.”

  “Did you touch him?” the policeman asked.

  “Yes, but only to turn his head around the right way,” the driver answered.

  51. Why did the writer say this story was a sad one?

  A. It was rather cold that day.

  B. Snow was falling heavily that day.

  C. The man in the story was made dead by mistake.

  D. An accident happened on the road.

  52. According to the writer, Peter Lee _______ .

  A. was wise

  B. didn’t need to walk home in such bad weather

  C. was in bad need of going home

  D. had difficulty in finding the road leading to his home

  53. Peter Lee wore his coat backwards _______.

  A. to keep himself a little bit warmer

  B. to help walk forward more easily

  C. not to let others know him

  D. not to let the cold wind blow

  54. The driver failed to see Peter Lee soon enough, ______.

  A. so the car skidded on the icy road

  B. so he tried his best to put on the brakes

  C. and he had to get out of the car

  D. so his car knocked him down

  55. What did the driver do to make Peter Lee die?

  A. He touched him carefully.

  B. He turned his head around the right way.

  C. He helped him to sit up.

  D. He turned him over gently.


  Resumé (简历)

  56. He is a Chinese hurdling athlete and Olympic gold medalist who holds the present world record in the 110 meter hurdles with a time of 12.88 seconds. He is also the world junior indoor record holder in the 60 meter hurdles with a time of 7.55 seconds. Besides a longer race he also set the world junior indoor record in the 50 meter hurdles with a time of 6.52 seconds. These records are not officially recognized by the IAAF(国际业余田径联合会).

  57. He is a popular professional Chinese basketball player. He plays center for the Houston Rockets in the National Basketball Association at present. He is the 4th tallest player in NBA basketball history at a height of 2.30 m. He played well in the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympics.

  58. She was born in Beijing in 1981. She was ranked No. 1 in the International Table Tennis Federation rankings in 2005, in both women’s singles and women’s doubles. She took part in the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens and won gold medals in both singles and doubles with her partner.

  59. He is the most popular Chinese diving prince and Olympic champion. He has won two Olympic golds, three world titles and 15 World Cups in his career, but he took part in too many commercial(商业的) and social activities after the Athens Games in August, 2004.

  60. She is from Zhejiang Province. She won the women’s 50 and 100 meter breaststroke events at both 2001 and 2003 world championships. She got the 50m title at the Athens Olympics in 2004, which was China’s first Olympic swimming gold in eight years.

  A B C D E

  56 ______ 57. ______ 58. ______ 59. ______ 60. ______

  七、词语填空 (共10小题,计10分)


  he, second, what, translate, something, be, have,life, find, catch, write,first

  Joseph, a lazy person whose job was a writer, had trouble raising his children because the books written by him never sold well. He had no idea 61 to do, and nor did his wife. He was so upset that he just stayed home without 62 . His wife was not satisfied with 63 because he was such a lazy man.

  Feeling bad and worried, he knew that he had to do 64 about it. To make money for the family, he would go out and look for a 65 job besides writing. One day, an ad on the wall 66 his eyes when he was on his way home. He then called the boss and 67 glad when he succeeded in 68 a job which was to translate foreign movies into Chinese ones. He decided not to be lazy and started to work hard for the family. He 69 one movies for more than five thousand dollars.

  Since then, he had tried to translate as many foreign movies as possible. In the end, his family lived a happy 70 because they never had to worry about not having enough money.



  71. Take two of the pills three times d before meals.

  72. The d of a friend is always sad.

  73. I think he will work out the problem, because he is quite a p person.

  74. Food and water are n to man. We can’t live without them.

  75. If you want to get a good result in the exam, you must pay a to what your teacher says in class.

  76. It’s our d______ to clean up the city parks so that our city looks more beautiful.

  77. Marie and I are good friends and we think our f______ will last forever.

  78. My bike was l______. I have to buy a new one.

  79. By the end of last t______, we had learned more than 2,000 words.

  80. I won’t go to the party u______ I am invited.


  现在的.中学生纷纷感到学习负担重,压力大。为此,你校的校刊举办了课后放松方式的调查。请你以Learn to relax yourself为题写一篇80词左右的短文,向校刊投稿。




  1. 学生压力大及其表现;

  2. 学会放松很重要;

  3. 常见的放松方式举例;

  4. 最适合我的放松方式;

  5. 我的建议。

  Learn to relax yourself




  1、read aloud 2. laugh at sb. 3. listen to tapes 4. look up words in a dictionary

  5. deal with 6. change…into 7. ask sb for help 8. be angry with sb

  9. end up 10. go by 11. complain about 12. try one's best to do sth.

  13. make mistakes 14. Regard…as… 15. first of all 16. have fun doing sth.

  17. later on 18. be afraid to do sth.19.break off 20. worry about


  1.How do you study for a test? 2. by, listening, to 3.too,to

  4.Have, ever, studied 5.have, partner, with 6.trouble, in, making


  1.quickly 2.differently 3.duty 4.slowly 5.pronunciation

  6.pronounce 7.term 8.afraid 9.face 10.easily


  1.asking 2.helping 3.reading 4.to study 5.working

  6.going 7.unimportant 8.lost 9.differences 10.taking

  11. terrified 12. funny 13. quiet 14. used 15. joining

  16. to go 17. to give 18. taking 19. listening 20 was




  Text 1

  M: Mum, don’t you remember him? He used to teach me Chinese and now he is my boss.

  W: Oh, he is Mr Wu. I think he taught you well then.

  Text 2

  W: I don’t like biology, because we have to watch spiders. They are terrible. I am afraid of them.

  M: I like watching them. They are funny. Don’t you know Spiderman? Is he funny?

  Text 3

  W: My six-year-old sister is going to school tomorrow.

  M: She is so young. I remember that I was seven years old when I went to school.

  Text 4

  M: Jay Chou will come to Zhengzhou. Do you like him?

  W: Me? I used to hate listening to his songs because they are unclear. But now, I like him, because he can write his songs well.

  Text 5

  W: Jack, can you come to my home? My parents went to look after my grandpa in hospital. I am afraid of dark.

  M: Don’t be afraid. I’ll go right away.

  1-5 BACBB




  B: What’s your favorite subject, Cindy?

  G: I like English best. What about you, Jet?

  B: You girls always like English. But I think English quite difficult. I prefer math.

  G: Don’t think so. In fact, English is not so difficult. You will find it easy if you put your heart into it.

  B: Maybe. I’ll try my best to work hard at English.

  G: But only working hard isn’t enough. You should be careful with your ways to learn English.

  B: What do you mean?

  G: I mean you must choose good and right ways to learn English such as keeping practicing, listening carefully in class, taking notes well and so on.

  B: I see. I will ask you and other classmates for help with my English.

  G: I hope you can learn English well.


  W: Come on, Dad. Look at my photo with my two friends.

  M: Oh, Elia! You look pretty in the middle.

  W: Thanks, Dad.

  M: Who’s the boy on your left?

  W: He’s Tim. He’s strong and handsome. He’s always friendly to others.

  M: Who’s the girl on your right?

  W: She’s Brenda. She’s good at singing and dancing.

  M: What’s she like?

  W: She’s helpful. She’s going to be a teacher when she grows up.

  M: I’m glad to hear that. I’m sure you can get on well with them.

  W: Thank you, Dad. I’ll try my best.

  6—11 ABCBCB



  An egg sinks to the bottom if you drop it into a glass of drinking water, but what will happen if you add salt? The results are very interesting and we can learn something from the fact.

  First pour water into the glass until it is about half full. Then put lots of salt into the water(about 6 spoons).

  Carefully pour in drinking water until the glass is nearly full. Be careful not to mix the salty water with the drinking water.

  At last, put the egg into the water and watch what happens.

  Salt water is heavier than drinking water. When you put the egg into the water it drops through the drinking water until it reaches the salty water.

  There the water is heavy enough for the egg to stop. So the egg will stay there. If you do the experiment carefully, you’ll see the egg stay in the middle of the glass. Fun? Have a try!

  11—15 CABB

  四、单项选择16-20 CBDAB 21-25 BBBCB 26-30 BACBC

  五、完型填空31—35 CBDAC 36—40 AAABD 41—45 BCAAD

  六、阅读理解46-50 BDBBC 51-55 CCADB 56-60 DEBCA

  七、选词填空61. what 62. writing 63. him 64. something 65.second

  66. caught 67. was 68. finding 69. translated 70. life


  71. daily 72. death 73. patient 74. necessary 75. attention

  76. duty 77. friendship 78. lost 79. term 80. until

  九、(One possible version)

  Learn to relax yourself

  Now many students are under too much pressure. They always feel too tired to listen to teachers carefully in class.

  It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax yourself. For example, you can try sleeping enough, or you can listen to your favorite music. You can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often hang out with my friends.

  While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You may study better after a good rest.











