
时间:2024-05-02 08:31:46 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Today’s technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the cloning technology is the example. What is cloning? Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regular body cell. Different from the common propagate cloning need only one cell and without sex. In 1997 the great news shocked the whole world that the British scientists created a lamp named Dolly from a single cell miraculously; the cell had been taken from the udder of adult sheep which show the first cloning experiment was successful.

  When the cloning technology improves so quickly many scientists and doctors have different opinions someone think it is good but someone think it is bad. Cloning can bring many benefits to the human such as rejuvenation helpful for Defective genes Liver failure Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order so we can save lots of people.

  But cloning still has some problems. The scientists found that the cloning animal’s Gene has a little different from the original animal. So the life will shorter than the real life. The fact proved that the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.

  In my own opinion I agree to clone the endangered animal and disagree with cloning human. Because I think the cloning technology should be respected. It really can bring us many benefits; further more it can develop the science of human. If clone the human there will however be many problems the population is the biggest problem. May be some people will use the cloning people to start the war. So I am against cloning human.

  Also many countries disagree to clone people. The government makes the laws about cloning. There are laws against human cloning in Canada Denmark England Norway Spain and the UK. Even in the USA the government doesn’t allow to clone human. (Because in USA the human right is higher than everything)

  In the end I think cloning is new technology it should be accepted how to look upon this technique first we should know the advantages and disadvantages then we should know the effect of cloning for human and the animal third we will take the action: To advocate the animal cloning but be against with the human cloning.

英语作文 篇2

  cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel ware, known as the "blue of jingtai" in china, with a history of over 500 years. it was so called "blue" was the typical colour used for enamelling and "jingtai" was the reign title of the 7th ming emperor. enamel ware became very popular during the emperor's reign. there is a great variety of products, such as vase, jar, bowl,plate, box and ash-tray. they are brilliant in colours and splendid in design.cloisonne is one of the famous arts and crafts of beijing.the making of cloisonne requires rather elaborate and complicated processes; base-hammering, copper-strip inlay, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding. the products are featured by excellent quality. the skill and workmanship have been handed down from the ming dynasty. quite a number of new varieties have been created. it enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. they are mostly for export.


  the first step is body making. the material used for making the bodyis copper, because copper is easily hammered and stretched. this step requires a sound judgement in shaping and uniformity of thickness and weight. it is in fact the work of the copper smith. the only difference is that when an article is well shaped, the copper smith‘s work is finished, whereas the cloisonne craftsman’s work is just on the the start.

  the second step is filigree soldering. this step requires great care and high creativeness. the artisan adheres copper strips onto the body. these strips are of 1/16 inch in diameter and of lengths as the artisan desires. the strips or filigree thus adhered make up a complicated but complete pattern. the artisan has a blueprint in mind and he can make full use of his experience, imagination and aesthetic view in setting the copper strips on the body.the third step is to apply the colour which is known as enamel filling. the colour or enamel is like the glaze on ceramics. it is called falang. its basic elements are boric acid, saltpetre and alkaline. due to the difference in the minerals added, the colour differs accordingly. usually one with much iron will turn grey, with uranium, yellow, with chromium, green, with zinc, white, with bronze, blue, with gold or iodine, red. in time of filling, all the colours, ground beforehand into minute powder and contained in plates, are placed in front of the workers and are then applied to the little compartments separated by filigree.the fourth step is enamel firing. this is done by putting the article, with its enamel fillings, to the crucible. after a short moment, the copper body will turn red. but after firing, the enamel in the little compartment will sink down a bit. that will require a refilling. this process will go on repeatedly until the little compartments are finally filled.

  the fifth step is polishing. the first polish is with energy. its aim is to make the filigree and the filled compartments even. the whole piece is again put to fire. polish once more with a whet stone. finally, use a piece of hard carbon to polish again so as to obtain some lustre on the surface of the article.

英语作文 篇3

  "Books are the ladder of human progress", this is a famous saying of golgi, we should be no one know no one knows all. Some people think that reading is a distress thing, but I'm not, I think reading is very happy, and feel good.

  One Saturday morning, I got up early, take a book from a bookcase the submarine two miles ". Read with relish, unconsciously followed the author came to the sea world, adventure together with him. Under the force of the submarine huge propeller, we across the Pacific, Atlantic ocean, Indian Ocean, and finally arrived in Antarctica. When we want to return, I heard someone Shouting. I thought the author, a turn back in the real world, was originally called my mom to eat breakfast, my fascination with books too. After breakfast, I picked up his book again. Follow the author through the English channel, came to the world's lowest place of the mariana trench. Captain finally because of waterspouts and lost contact, back to the real life.

  Reading let me understand a lot of truth, a lot of knowledge, it's nice to read.

英语作文 篇4

  My Little Cousin

  My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.

  He likes computer games and he is crazy about music. When he is free, he always listens to music. He likes many kinds of music, like country music, pop music, jazz and classical music.

  He hates noise, when it is very noisy, he will be very angry and shout until people become quiet. So of course, he doesn’t like public places.

  One day, I went shopping with him. On our way we saw a beggar. He thought the beggar was a drunk, and he wanted to tell him not to drink too much wine. But I told him that he was a beggar, he is very poor. To my surprise, he came in front of the beggar and gave him $5. Isn’t he kind?

  He is like his father. They are both very kind and friendly, and a little funny. They both have big eyes and little mouth.

  Although he is ten, his room is full of toy planes and toy buses.

  This is my little cousin. Is he lovely?

英语作文 篇5


  1、以MY Future plan为题目,100字左右

  2、我决定大学毕业后当一 名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想

  3、我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一 起可以使自己永保青春



  我未来的打算(My future plan)

  I decided to be a middle teacher after college. There are many reasons contribute to this decision.


  Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true.


  And, I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence.


  The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.


英语作文 篇6

  my class my class is like a big family.i love it very much.in the big family has my favourite teachers and my lovely classmates.the f llowing is something aboout my class. in the class time,we all listen to the teac hers carefully,after class ,we play toget her.sometimes the teachers will take pa rt in our activities.in our part time ,we will do something meaningful,such as li sten to the music,drawing pictures,mak eing some cards and so on.after school ,we often go home together if we have the same way to go .so ,i think our clas s is not only a class ,but a big family. this is my class,a big family,i love it fore ver.

英语作文 篇7

  A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard. They did not have their umbrella with them, and there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so they were soon very wet, and the small boy did not feel very happy. For a long time while they were walking home through the rain, the boy was thinking. Then at last he turned to his father and said to him,“Why does it rain, Father? It isn't very nice, is it?” “No, it isn't very nice, but it's very useful,Tom,”answered his father.“It rains to make the fruit and the vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep.” Tom thought about this for a few seconds, and then he said,“Then,why does it rain on the road too, Father?”

  一个小男孩和他的父亲正在乡间行走,突然下起了大雨。 他们没带伞,加上四下无处可以躲雨,所以很快他们浑身上下被淋湿了,小男孩感到很不好受。 他们在雨中朝家走去,有好一会儿,那个男孩一直在思索着什么。后来终于他朝父亲转过脸去,问他说:“爸爸,为什么天会下雨呢?下雨可不太好,是吧?” “是呀,下雨是不太好,可是下雨也有很多有益的`地方,汤姆。”父亲回答说。“老天爷下雨促使了为我们所食用的水果和蔬菜的生长,同样也促使牛羊所吃的青草的生长。” 汤姆对父亲的这番话想了一会,然后说:“那么,父亲,老天爷为什么还要把雨下在路上呢?”

英语作文 篇8

  Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creature. For many years people have used the strength of these powerful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be impossible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power will forever be useful to man.


英语作文 篇9

  wherever i am, i find it hard to resist the tempting call of my hometown. situated at the north-western tip of in-zhu county, bordering tao-yuan county with a small winding stream is my old hometown, the humble and bleak fishing and farming village. the residents there used to make their living by fishing in their boats on the nearest waters of the taiwan strait. later, those boats were heavily outrun by modern ships. since then, life has never been easy for the villagers, as they have to live off the tiny pieces of land. i often feel that they are peasants rather than farmers. the village is famed for its windy weather, bad for farming but good for the strengthening of character. i can still recall how those salty winds howled all the way through my childhood. but as i now look back upon those tough days and drab rural lives, i feel blessed; i seem to have gone through the ordeal and am capable of facing any hardships. as i am growing older, in my heart, my hometown has become the symbol of the deepest nostalgia and stood for an everlasting affection. i, in turn, can always seek solace through visualizing my lovely hometown.










