
时间:2024-03-31 18:40:00 关于英语的作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays,it is a fashion for college students to living-off campus.Moving on to wider themes,"every coin has its two sides";living-off campus is no exception.Some students think that as a college students should living alone.There are several reasons for this. First , in college student comes from different place and have own life-style;they think it is difficult for them to get along with their classmates or roomates.Second, they can throw themself into study and avoid thinking of how to get along with their roomates.

  But some students hold opposite opinion for this.They think they can learn how to cooperate with others and make more friends.At the same time, they can share coiorful college life with their classmates and roomates.

  For my part of view,as a student I think that living campus is a good choice . We should take care of our safety and we can make a good relationship with our teachers and classmates.We can share the colorful college life get together.

英语作文 篇2

  It is quite often seen that many students choose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behind this is that they don’t like the subject. On the contrary, they would go to the class which they are interested in. However, in some college, change major midway is not permitted. Hence,people are discussing hotly that whether students can change major during college.


  On the one hand, people are for allowing students to change majors believe students will do better in their favorite fields. In fact, many students go to college and choose their major randomly, with time going on, they may find what they chose was not their favor and lose interest. Consequently, they will learn nothing. But if students are allowed to study their interested knowledge, they will get more.


英语作文 篇3

  Scene I, I select a course of Western Economics。 I open my textbook。 It's a work of a famous American economist, written in English。 My teacher is speaking in a high mood, also in English。

  Scene II, I select a lesson of Chinese literature。 I open my textbook only to find all the famous people of China labeled with their names in letters。 Furthermore, there is not a single Chinese character in the book and my teacher is reciting a poem of Tang Dynasty in English。

  Now, given the question "Do you agree that in Chinese higher education, textbooks should be written in English and the language used in class should also be English?" Can you answer it just by "yes" or "no" simply?

  As is known to all, English is gaining an increasingly important position in today's China。 Even kids in kindergarten have begun to learn simple words。 That's a good phenomenon, for English is essential nowadays。 As we college students are concerned, one benefit of learning this language is that we can read the original works directly。 This is because even the most excellent translator is no more than a person, who can never totally a void adding his own opinion to the original。 Therefore, the Chinese versions we read usually differ from the original ones, and in some cases the two versions are even opposite in meaning。Learning English provides us with a possible tool to solve this problem as we master the writer's language, we can explore his thoughts on our own。

  Then, can we just say "yes" to the question given above?Just imagine the second scene at the beginning, will you agree to replace all our books with their English version? That's more than a joke。

  English does help us read English original works, but Chinese helps us learn a true China。 Chinese characters are an inseparable part of Chinese culture。 Only by characters can Chinese literature send off its brilliance。 Some modern translators have tried to translate classical Chinese literature into English。 I was unlucky enough to have heard a so called "poem" of Li Bai。 I still doubt even now whether it is a poem of Li or just a prose created by the translator himself。 I want to cry, for Li Bai, for Chinese literature and also for the ignorant "translator"。 Maybe, he just wanted to introduce Chinese culture to the whole world, but what he has done is just killing it。 To learn a country's culture,especially its classical culture, the first thing is to learn its language。 Opinions through translators sometimes can be helpful,but sometimes, they can be fatally misleading。 Since we are Chinese, why do we give up our mother tongue and learn our own culture through a foreign language? If so, several years later,not only the foreigners but we ourselves will be unable to understand our culture。 By that day, Chinese culture will die, China will die, and we will just be a group of "foreigners" with dark eyes and yellow skin。

  By now, I think I have found the answer to the question。We had better use the English original works when we learn courses like western economics and western philosophy。 As for the Chinese culture or the Chinese history, we should stick to our own language。

  简 评




英语作文 篇4

  As is shown in the pictures, with the rampancy(猖獗) of commercial fishing, the number of fishes dramatically(sharply) decreased. In one pictures, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in1995 there was only one fish, with many fishing-boats.

  The purpose of this picture is to show us that due (great enough) attention has to be paid to the decrease (decline) of ocean resources. Owing to over-fishing the number of fishes has obviously dropped. If we let this situation go (continue) as it is, we do not know where fish will be in the future .By that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction.

英语作文 篇5


  Create Your Own Life


  Create Your Own Life

  Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but upon reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you never would have realized yourpotential, strength, willpower, or heart.

  Illness, injury, lost moments of true greatness, andsheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of yoursoul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

  If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helpedyou learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

  Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everythingthat you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

  Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say. Youcan make anything you wish of your life.

  Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.










