

时间:2022-10-26 16:48:53 关于生活的作文 我要投稿




  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇1

  Ive been in my middle school for four years.Four years school life plays an important role in my life.

  I enjoy making friends,getting knowledge and having interesting time in my school.I have also made friendship with lots of classmates,and I have also been taught different lessons by lots of different patient teachers.I have grown up a lot in the past four years.

  I will never forget my four years school life.

  The most important things in life

  You may be doing what you think is important, but you don't realize that there are more important things in the world.

  In order not to be reprimanded and to hand in the homework before quickly "borrow" the homework of others, but the accumulation of knowledge points do not understand to make you tired;In order to cheat his girlfriend and promise, but did not realize the promise to let her double disappointment;For a moment of bravado to drink a few glasses of white wine, but alcohol can make people lose themselves, ugly.

  In many cases, a coin in front of a person's eyes can be obscured, so that people do not see their own foot hundred dollar bill.And those great men are often the ones who can see further.

  Washington was an honorable man. After serving two terms, he resolutely resigned the presidency.This, of course, did not make sense to many people: Washington was far and away the best and most popular candidate in the circumstances, and there was hardly anyone better suited.But yes, just because he was the best candidate, he was a great man, so he got to see a lot.He looked to the past: countless nations that had fallen because of the corruption of power;He sees now: America has just been built and needs to be laid.He even sees the future: a rising state with a strong political base and little corruption.It may be important for many to think that since he is the best person to do it, he should do it for the sake of development, but history has shown us that Washington is right and what he does is more important.

  When foreign enemies attack, whether to fight or surrender, one judgment determines the fate of a region, one for temporary comfort, the other for national honor, national power.In 208 AD, when Cao Cao was on a southern expedition, the state of Wu felt the crisis, and Zhuge Liang came to lobby for an alliance to fight against Cao. When the generals were ready to surrender, Lu Su, an advisor, stood up and analyzed Sun Quan from the perspective of Sun Quan's personal and national interests:If he surrendered, Lu Su could still be an official, and perhaps he would get a good position. However, in the face of his national interests, Lu Su gave up his own interests and gave advice to the Lord. It can be said that the beautiful battle of Chibi, Lu Su bureau won the first victory.And the Southern Song that faces a foreign enemy to invade likewise, the ruler is at ease for a while however, pay tribute for peace every year, disregard the achievement of Yue's army, kill Yue Fei, divide Yue's army, make army heart lax eventually, Qin Hui Zhao constructs leave everlasting curse, and the Southern Song still soldier is weak, encounter Mongolian iron horse, can walk on subjugate road only.Perhaps the ruler blinded himself to the path of salvation for the sake of immediate comfort.

  Often marveled at Lu Xun's writing style, glad to see such a pithy language, admire him for the interests of the country, in order to save the soul of the nation to abandon medicine from writing.Yes, perhaps for many people, most of them can only achieve self-cultivation and support the family, few people have the ambition of running a country and leveling the world, they think that the important thing is to learn medical skills, hard work, can heal the wounded and save the dying, but also self-cultivation and support the family, and the great Lu Xun is to see the limitations of medical skills: can only cure the body, not the soul.So he abandoned medicine and participated in the ideological revolution to save the country and the people.And history has shown that this is indeed more important.

  Youth is strong, the country is strong, the young should have the world, know what is light.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇2

  The man standing next to Lansrudine in the bow proudly asked him about his education.

  "Have you ever read astronomy?"Asked the proud professor.

  "I can't say I have.""Replied Lansrudine mysteriously.

  "Then you have wasted your life, because according to the horoscope, an experienced captain can get the ship to any -- corner of the world."Then he asked, "Have you ever studied meteorology?"Readers read online

  "No.""Replied Lansrudine.

  "Then you've really wasted your life," the professor scolded. "Systematically following the wind speeds up the ship."Then he asked, "Have you ever studied oceanography?"

  "Not at all."

  "Oh my god!What a waste of your time!Knowing the terrain is what sailors do, because that's how they find food and help."

  A few minutes later Lansrudine began to walk to the stern.As he walked slowly along, he asked the professor coldly, "Have you ever learned to swim?"

  "There is no time."The professor answered proudly, throwing up his head.

  "Then your life will be in vain -- the ship will sink."

  Every one of us is faced with a life choice. We have to decide what is important and worthy of our full attention. Then we have to set aside other things and concentrate on satisfying our soul.When we are done, we remember all the good times and forget everything else.Don't let other things get in the way of your soul's true needs. Focus on what matters to you and God will take care of the rest for you.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇3

  "Stop, look, and listen" in everything you do, or you will cause a lot of regrets, such as walking on the road, taking a train or bus, driving a car or riding a bike, and dealing with people in your daily life.

  When you take transportation, you can't rush, you can't push each other, and you can't break the rules, for example: you can't go beyond the red and yellow lines, away from the incoming train or MRT, this is "stop", stop and think, you can't always compete to take advantage, because often the advantage of the people are the most vulnerable.Then it is to "see", to see whether the train has come, should stay away from the train first, so as not to cause danger;On the road, also want to look at the traffic lights, red stop, green line.Don't forget to "listen", listen to whether the car is coming, there is a "long long long" sound, then need special attention.Transportation is like "water", can carry a boat, can also overturn the boat, as long as we do "stop, look, listen", the contribution of transportation to human beings is great.

  In the school, the students will inevitably quarrel or cold war because of misunderstanding, at this time the most important is to do "stop, look, listen", "stop" ---- don't get angry, first cool down, otherwise the two sides war, friendship will be destroyed by the smoke fly ash out.Then "look" ---- calm down to think about it, see if I have done anything wrong, let the other party so angry, if there is, should put down the dignity to apologize to him, if it is not their own fault, but also "listen" ---- listen to other students, because sometimes we can't think of their own mistakes, people say:"Every man is born with two bags, one carried in front of him, containing his merits, which he can see;One is to carry it on the back, to hold its own faults, which it cannot see."

  At home is the same to "stop, look, listen", think of no home can help, to reduce the parents of hard work, and then look at the home neat clean, if not, do not have to explain to parents, we will automatically start to clean, but also listen to the voice of parents, whether there is a place to improve me.In the home "stop, see, listen", not only can reduce my brother and I dispute, eliminate unnecessary noise, also can know the sorrow at home, so in the home to do "stop, see, listen" is concerned about everything in the home.

  So do everything to "stop, look and listen", to avoid trouble to find you, people say to seek good luck and avoid evil, is the wise way, I think the best way to avoid bad luck is to "stop, look and listen".If you did not do before "stop, see, listen" words, then calculate, but from now on must do, "to the person has passed away, the comer can chase."", "It's never too late to mend.I hope everyone can "stop, look and listen" to reduce the occurrence of unfortunate events.

  生活中最重要的'事英文作文 篇4

  When I was young, I always thought that life was a game, just play it to the fullest, so that life would not be full of gray but vibrant. As I grew older, reading became the biggest thing that occupied my thoughts and time.

  In my this age, the school should be the location of the "most important" in the heart, but to be honest, I don't like to study about this, but my grades can be "good" to describe, no special reason, just ought to study to me, a replacement for his family, so I don't like reading do not represent results have to be bad, I think so.

  The most important stage for everyone is not the school, but the adult society. I don't like to limit myself to do things I don't like, so I really hope that when I grow up, I can spend every second of my time to be full and make myself feel no regret.School is a process, in the process of partial which step you far from the more dream to, although reading boring, but it can find their own aspirations, even in school reading and teachers to discuss their interests, if this step can't shored up at school, the society will be more difficult, after all, reading at best only accounted for 15 years, the society is for the rest of you all.

  Study is the second most important thing for me now. It is not enough to have a firm academic backing. One must have a brave heart to pursue one's dreams.There is nothing like the courage to prepare for what you are interested in, to seek opportunities, to have a quiet discussion with your parents, and to let them know about yourself from your school days. Of course, the premise is to pursue your dreams, grasp them steadily, and be fully prepared for the colorful life that lies ahead.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇5

  Each stage of life has its own most important things, for many people, "filial piety" is always placed first, second is according to their age and arrangements.

  In addition to being filial to my parents, now I think the most important thing is to "enrich myself".They say, "Don't leave nothing blank when you are young."To take advantage of their young, do something meaningful, don't to the old to regret.So in order to enrich myself, I will be a volunteer during the holiday, helping others and helping myself.In addition, I will take part in clubs or other activities, such as dancing.

  I like to dance modern popular dances, because most popular dances are lively and energetic, can show strength and beauty, like Jolin Tsai, Luo Zhixiang and the Korean group Girls' Generation, their dance style is my favorite.Of course, dancing is not only my interest, but more importantly, I can forget my worries and worries by dancing, so that I can relax my mood in addition to fitness.And after mastering a dance, you can perform on stage or participate in competitions on behalf of your school.The goal is not to get a bonus, but to make life more colorful.

  You must be wondering why I don't think the most important thing right now is to read well.Yes, at my age, schoolwork is very important, but personally, I think it's better to know the outside world than what's in the textbook.But my family still wants me to study well, in order to find a good job in the future.

  I am not a student myself, so I still want to enrich myself through competitions, performances or other activities outside, and then step by step towards my dream -- dancer.I want to be a dancer in the future, often go to foreign performances, have a stage of their own, let dance carry forward, this is the present stage I think the most important thing.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇6

  The most important thing in a man's life is to think of a good dream and to accomplish it.


  A person has a dream, to fight for the dream, this life will be sufficient.If a person thinks nothing, does nothing, every day as a walking dead, it must be wasted time.

  "Some people live, he is dead;Some people died, but he lived."This sentence we will not be unfamiliar, have a dream to struggle must belong to the latter.I still remember that when Dr. Sun Yat-sen spoke out his dream under the big banyan tree. After years of efforts, he led the people to carry out the Revolution of 1911, overthrowing the rule of the Qing Dynasty and ending more than two thousand years of feudal rule in our country. Having a dream will inspire people to fight more or less.

  Dream, dream, should be understood as "dream imagination".Some people because of this dream of imagination, become a great generation.In front of his classmates and teachers, Zhou Enlai resolutely said "study for the rise of China", this dream, because his efforts made him become the first Premier and foreign minister of China and lead China to establish diplomatic relations with many countries.

  Dream is like a mountain, a peak, must need to pay the price, in order to complete it, get its fruits.Because the process is so hard, many people have fallen down on this journey, maybe some people have picked up again, maybe some people have been unable to stand up.Dream this road is always difficult, there can be no shortcut!

  My dream is to be a glorious army special forces, to defend the motherland, to defend the people.Although the dream is far away, although the dream is very difficult, but this can not break my yearning for this dream.

  Thousands of dreams, it is really difficult to choose, if someone with the method of daydreaming to choose, it is better to say to him with a sarcastic tone: "dream is beautiful, reality is cruel, go back to reality, do not pay efforts, can not achieve the dream in a lifetime!"

  Life is hard, young people, set up your beautiful dream!

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇7

  What's the most important thing?Study, love, friends, or play?No, none of this is an "important headline" for me.

  As my vision progressed, I realized that "eyes" were irreplaceable to me.I need it, I rely on it, it is impossible to imagine without the detection of small and small things, how dim and colorless, I do not dare to imagine, more difficult to imagine the loss of sharp vision will miss how many surprises.

  Eyes play the most important role, but I often forget.Sometimes can't help embed unconventionally gnawing 蠧 knowledge into a book, sometimes unable to extricate themselves into exquisite French open in the textbook, eager to unlock the shackles, but owing to test of the test is not finished, but behind the eyes feel, continue to fight back with tired to meet after the break of dawn's test paper.Ignored it has always been strong to accompany me "pillow pen to Dan", until the eyes of a fuzzy......

  'Oh no!My shrill wail.Eyes dim, that is not the tears dry mark, it is the death note it takes away health left.Regret can not change the fact, can only let this relationship by me, but how I hope that a miracle can soothe the eyes of the imbalance of emotions, so that the future days because of its keen and laugh, now the only thing I can do is to let it have a good rest, to make up for the debt to it.

  Again valuable jewelry can not change back to the bright "pearl", the eyes is priceless treasure, it let me clearly recognize the loss and feel the pain of loss, also let me steadfast understand: happiness is not far away from the sky to pursue but not the blue bird, but the side of all.Safety and health is the most important thing for me at this stage.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇8

  For nearly three years, my mother stayed in the motherland alone, and my father and I lived in a different country.

  Father had worked hard to buy a house here that was big enough for three people, let alone the two of us -- he was obviously preparing for Mother to come too.

  I opened the heavy door and turned on the light. The light was warm, but the home was cold.

  A week is the most looking forward to the weekend mother over, even if only a day and a half of time, the taste of home is also thick many, the temperature continues to rise.

  This is my home, a cloudy or sunny round home.

  As a native of southern Shaanxi, the local customs and customs of my hometown have been branded on my body and become the mark of my life. Every time my mother came over, I would take the opportunity to savor the taste of my childhood. She will try to meet me, bring me a variety of food, see I happily eat, her mouth is also filled with a happy smile. For me, eating has become a routine, a way of remembering.

  The mother is a teacher. In her opinion, the most important time of the week is to talk to her son about learning and life philosophy. This is also my most enjoyable part. After all, such existence is much less painful than nagging. Whenever my mother spoke, I would listen carefully, afraid to miss a word.

  Days so look forward to, together, temporarily, and look forward to, and together to live. Before I came here, I lived with my mother in southern Shaanxi, and my father was in a foreign country. He was also looking forward to the coming of the weekend. I cherish every chance of reunion.

  The most important thing, is reunion, the most important feeling, is warm, and these are the beginning and source of home.

  So simple, so important.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇9

  You must think that schoolwork, health, and family are the most important, I think so too.

  Before my schoolwork is always the end of the crane, the teacher has been reminding me to study hard, or later regardless of junior high school, high school, will be more and more bad! So I made up my mind! Everything starts from junior high school! I must refueling, admitted to a good junior high school, admitted to a good university! I won't be unable to find work in the future to do hard labor, but... I'm really afraid I can't work hard! Besides, when I study, I usually only have a minute enthusiasm, and I don't know how to solve it.

  Besides schoolwork, the most important thing is family and friends! My mom and dad in a small time, for me to excrement urine, feed me to eat, in my primary school, has been encouraging me, when I cheer group, going to junior high school, teach me the truth of life, how to get along with people! I owe them a lot, but I owe them more and more! It means my love for them.

  My friend, the best friend is not who first know who, but after knowing who will never leave who, but at least, we must know how to get along with people. I have a friend, his behavior is very annoying, I always try to accept him, but I found that really can't accept, so we gradually alienated from him as I do, and light in my heart secretly a little sympathy for him, want to ask him to change the habit, I can do it again with him to a friend, but in the end it's too late! He had found out! He regretted it! But I'm embarrassed, and I've lost a friend.

  In fact, these things, are only a part of the most important thing, in fact, is closely related to their own and life, without these, where to come to friends? Where do you get the schoolwork? The most important thing is to cherish what you have now.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇10

  Shape. From small to large, every minute, every second, is constantly shaping, creating an image, making a conclusion, will go out of the scope, pull back to the right set up, is determined to be the same frame, but in the invisible, is restricted, the so-called unrestrained, broken wings, narrow sky. From the instinct, the youth deep in the soul, there is an invisible force, is out of the routine, breaking the scope, but the expectation everywhere outside, with a tangible force, is pulling back to the track, defining the scope. This is the difficulty we face at this stage -- the strangled self.

  I have read countless news, reporting all kinds of talent, reporting all kinds of ideas. Also have read a lot of articles, about all kinds of rules, describe all kinds of listen to others, with the prescribed pace of the road step by step, go to the established height. Only learn to follow the plan, do not think about their own opinions, can not have subjective ideas, in the face of unexpected blow, but often like a broken wing of the bird, falling into the abyss but can not think of how to remedy; And once rebelled, once thought for themselves, in the blow, think is not finished, think is how to solve. The "good" students who have been obedient since childhood are more vulnerable to the so-called competition than the "bad" students who are not used to the discipline of creation. What is the use of this "good"?

  Mr. Hou Wenyong has a book - "Misbehaved: More important than the standard answer" to describe his childhood all sorts of "misbehaved" behavior, and the importance of "misbehaved". Life should be very wide and broad, we should not live the situation, can only walk in the life of the teacher paved road development? It's too restrictive. No one is qualified to limit themselves, only "I" can decide the future of "I", blindly imitate others, only to achieve the expectations of others, invisible, lost myself, this is the life I want?

  Now, junior high school, and some talent the show, but in the so-called important stage, everywhere is defined, I don't want that, don't expect his own way can shine, can smoothly, but I want to go is wanted, interested in things to do than the lack of appetite to willingly, in the period of the most important, I want to seize the self, meet the expectations of others at the same time, Give yourself benefits, too.

  At this stage, I ask for a piece of my own day, too much for granted, why should be constrained by these "granted"? Sing an opposite tune, pay attention to the path buried by the roadside grass, out of the different scenery. Don't be limited by standards, at this stage, need some implementation, this is the most important thing I think!

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇11

  Life will encounter many big and small choices, big to the future; As small as a trivial matter, I think I am now facing the problem, may be the most important decision in my life.

  As a junior high school student of me, because we are different from the problems facing junior students before, let me a little unprepared, do not know how to deal with the final big devil - "entrance examination". Standards and rules are different from the basic test, and the questions will be more difficult than the monthly test, more test our strength, its purpose is to hope that we study harder, harder, knowledge than others slightly better, the hands hold more chips to win again starting point. To have good results, must first work hard to cultivate, but, I always can't follow the original plan, because I love to play, my heart has not settled, this is my biggest trouble at present!

  However, these are only the second, the most important thing is, I still can not find my future direction, may be a lamp light is covered by the black cloth curtain, increase their own energy, light can penetrate the cloth curtain, I can easily go to the future, maybe the lamp is not in front, but in the rear...... ? Choose the department I am interested in, and then see which school this department is stronger than others, there is a direction, can not choose me no interest, because reading is boring, even after finishing high school for the future is still the same, no direction.

  At the present stage, I have to concentrate on reading, review without distraction, and find the way to the future. It sounds very painful and tiring, but it is worth it for the ideal life!

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇12

  As a junior high school students, I is also full of shame, because I am not sure what is the most important thing, always feel that either friendship, our friends, playing, and school are important, because friendship can in their own individual character, can also make their way from the heart to treat others, more can learn to see people's eyes.

  Friendship is the foundation of good interpersonal relations, if not laid a good foundation will be with him figure estrangement, and do not communicate. Fun because when you get to high school you don't have time to relax! Time always feel insufficient, so have to reproduce the stage can play then play! As for school, it's to prepare for high school, to get into college, so it's all important.

  But at this stage there is one more let me deeply believe is the most important! That one thing is to have a good skill, because in this society where everything needs technology, without skills, the world is not only out of track, equal to give up the opportunity of high salary, but also lost the opportunity to compete with others.

  The idea of having skills is that without them, they will not be able to face the reality and cruel society, and they will be called "useless people". So with a skill will let oneself and the world on the line, but also will let their future have a glimmer of hope.

  生活中最重要的事英文作文 篇13

  As a student, the most important thing, of course, is to read it! But I don't think so, because I don't like reading, and when the youth period, ignorant I play heart is heavy, curiosity is exuberant, a lot of things will want to touch, take a look, open the horizon, explore this colorful world. So the teacher often tells me: "Happiness in reading, wisdom life." The teacher was trying to persuade me to like reading, but my ignorance turned a deaf ear to it and threw it away like a broken kite.

  What the teacher says, we always have to listen to, after all, we are students! What's more, I know that "good advice tastes bitter, good medicine tastes bitter". As for how much you listen to, it is "Master led in the door, practice in the individual"! I listened to what the teacher said, but not completely. I read books, but I didn't read very well. My grades were not among the best, and I didn't have the tail of the crane. Now I think that when I study, I should be happy to go to school. When it comes to the school competition, I am also very willing to participate, but I ah, "aim to participate in, not to win." Even so, every step I take is not careless.

  Think carefully, "at this stage I think the most important thing", I think the final or good reading! Recently, I also silently made a wish, I hope I can grow up on the road, with my own brush in my heart, for my life in the three years of junior high school, on the beautiful and brilliant dribs and drabs, I also hope my achievements, can progress by leaps and bounds! These are just my little wishes, can be achieved on the thank God, after all, "personnel, listen to the fate of heaven"! Some things cannot be forced.

  "All the parents heart", every parents don't want their children to lose in the starting points, my parents think so too, so they will let me mend a east west, their writing ability has not been very good, but sometimes will write a small essay in the to relieve stress, if it is his angry, will write full of anger or articles of "vengeance" effect, When you see the gas disappear, you will feel that your mood suddenly brightened, so it also has the effect of making yourself laugh. It's finally time for the ending! At this time the mood is really "suddenly open" ah!

  Though he is very fond of writing, but he will drag, drag was quite serious, oneself also know to strive to fight, but busy academic pressure, is to squeeze out time ah, I'm sorry the teacher's ear problem face life, three "five order, piles of books waiting for me, serve a terrible examinations is waiting for me to fight, or reading a book!









