初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesso

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初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson)(通用30篇)

  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编帮大家整理的初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson),希望对大家有所帮助。

初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson)(通用30篇)

  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 1

  Last friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind english teacher ,mr tang.

  When mr tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.

  We all listened attentively to every word he said .If only we had done like this before!The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.

  It was obvious that all of us had the common feeling that we wouldnt let him go.

  though we didnt want our good cteacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."

  At last,with the bell ringing,mr tang looked at us all soulfully(深情地) and epressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

  What an unforgettable lesson!






  最后,随着铃声响起,唐先生深情地看着我们大家(深情地) 并表达了他的想法。他希望我们在学习上取得进步,成为社会上的'好公民。


  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 2

  With enthusiastic applause, a middle-aged man walked steadily into our classroom. He sat down on the podium with a smile. At this moment, we began to scrutinize him carefully: he was probably around 40 years old, with a rosy face, shiny black hair, a pair of frameless glasses on the straight bridge of his nose, and not too big eyes shining with wisdom. He was wearing a brown coat, appearing calm and capable. He is Dr. Cao from 530.

  From Dr. Caos deep and reasonable words, I understand a lot: in fact, speaking too much is not bad. We dont need to change this habit forcefully, we can make use of it. For example, raising your hand more in class and discussing with others about learning and life can turn waste into treasure and become your unique strengths.

  Dr. Cao told us to make full use of our interests and hobbies. I naturally thought of myself. I really like Chinese because I am better at doing preview work than those classmates who are not good at Chinese. Preview the new lessons to be taught in advance, so that you can master them more solidly and thoroughly than other students. Therefore, Chinese has become one of my major strengths.

  "The potential that a person can unleash in their lifetime is only about 20%, just like an iceberg. Most of it sinks to the bottom of the sea, and what we see with our eyes is only a small part of the iceberg." Dr. Caos words made me realize that we need to fully tap into our own potential, work hard to turn potential into strength, and strive to be a person who develops in multiple aspects. As the saying goes: No effort, no gain. I cheer for myself, and I firmly believe that human potential is infinite!

  In addition, Dr. Cao also told us his childhood stories, and while telling the stories, he combined his own life philosophy to explain many life truths that we cannot understand or have not thought about, which has benefited us greatly.

  Today, Dr. Cao gave us an unforgettable lesson!







  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 3

  Around 3pm on Friday afternoon, the "Red Scarf Flea Market" ended, and our cleaning work had just begun.

  The crowd dispersed, and the garbage on the field was exposed in its original form. Some beverage stalls even left many strange water stains, which were very unsightly. It seems that it wont work if you dont mop and wash it.

  So, we began the arduous project of dragging the playground. At this point, the sun has already tilted westward. Although the sunlight is not strong, it is still scorching and unbearable after being exposed to it for a long time. After dragging on for a while, my mind became more dizzy like I had suffered from heatstroke, and my whole body was bound by sweaty clothes, feeling very uncomfortable. Occasionally mopping up a stain gives a sense of accomplishment. Standing up straight, one can see the mottled stains in the distance, and it becomes even more apparent that mopping up the playground is a long way off. Half of my motivation has also been lost, and I only know how to mechanically swing the mop left and right with my head buried. Whats even worse is that at this moment, the playground floor was like dry and cracked soil, desperately sucking on the water on the mop. Therefore, after mopping for a while, I had to go and wet the mop again. This time, I also sweated a few times.

  I dont know how long it has been, but I have moved three "positions". The total area of mopping may not be as much as one twentieth of the playground, but it seems to be the limit of my labor - I even wish I could walk with a mop as a crutch, and the same goes for the other dozen or so people. Looking back, the playground had been dragged by us unconsciously, and even the color of the ground had brightened up a lot. I suddenly felt a sense of pride.

  I think many years later, perhaps I wont remember the unprecedentedly grand flea market that day, but I will definitely remember the feeling of desperately mopping the floor that day, as well as the playground that exhausted me to the death. This "harsh teacher" on the playground gave me an unforgettable lesson. I also began to understand why every time I stepped on a freshly mopped floor, the cleaning lady would loudly scold me - every piece of labor should be respected and cherished because it is not easy to come by.






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 4

  This semester is coming to an end, and we have experienced many things and learned a lot of knowledge. In every class of learning knowledge, the most unforgettable one for me was the oral communication class.

  When we were in the fourth year of the school year, we encountered whether opening the book was beneficial or not. My classmates are arguing fiercely below, and you wont let me, and I wont let you either. The teacher said, "In this class, lets discuss whether opening a book is beneficial or not.". The teacher divided both sides into two teams and started the competition. I support that opening a book may not necessarily be beneficial, as there are now many bad novels and books. There are still many bad books. But I dont know why they support the benefits of opening a book? Perhaps its because they firmly believe that opening a book is beneficial.

  The two teams competed brilliantly, neither allowing the other. Someone was convinced by a member of another team, and this team added another member and pushed them down again. Two pairs keep talking like this. Finally, our team won. Later on, the teacher said that both of these statements were correct, but opening a book may not necessarily be beneficial or more appropriate. The students were very excited in this class and kept telling the students on the podium that I have it here, and here it is. You see, this is it. Get it.

  This is truly an unforgettable oral communication class!





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 5

  The class last week was unforgettable to me.

  That afternoon, the teacher walked into the classroom as usual. But she didnt attend class, instead she held a family test. The teacher said, "Take the cleanest piece of paper from your notebook and write down the five people you love the most." When I reached the fifth point, I hesitated because I didnt know whether to write about my grandfather or sister. Unconsciously, time had arrived, and in desperation, I had to write about my sister.

  Then the teacher spoke again, "Cross out one of the five." I thought to myself, "Whats the difficulty of this?" So I crossed out my sister. But after finishing the stroke, the scenes of my sister and I playing appeared one by one, and my eyes couldnt help but become moist. At this moment, the teachers voice rang out again: "Cut one more out of the four people." I hesitated, unsure whether to cut off my grandmother or brother. I really dont want to take action, but I have to scratch! I had to cross out my brother. At this moment, I cried, my heart like an overturned bottle of five flavors, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, with all flavors present. But there are even more terrifying things ahead. The teacher actually asked us to cross one more out of the three people. Just as the teacher finished speaking, it was like a bolt from the blue. Many students cried, and I also cried. Enduring the pain, I crossed off my grandmother. However, the teacher still refused to let go and asked us to cross out all the names. At this moment, my heart was twisted like a knife. Twenty minutes later, the game came to an end, and with the teachers multiple comforts, the students slowly eased up.

  Through this family test, I have learned what family love is and also understood the importance of cherishing the love of loved ones.





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 6

  ”"The class bell rings. The sound of the bell is the command. Everyone reluctantly enters the classroom.".

  ”Class, stand up, sit down. “

  After finishing the ceremony, the teacher wrote seven big characters on the blackboard, "How to write a narrative essay". It was only then that the students knew what the teacher was going to talk about in this class. Everyone sat upright. I thought to myself, "Finally, this is the time. I used to always struggle with my essays, which directly affected my exam results!"!

  The teacher also seemed to see everyones interest in the composition class, and the lecture appeared more energetic.

  The teacher first talked about the six elements of a narrative, telling us that we must explain or imply clearly, especially the cause and effect of the event, which is the most important, and it is even more important to write it clearly. Continuing on, it was emphasized that the focus of the essay should be clear and prominent, so as not to make people feel like they have written everything, but it seems like they havent written anything well. It was also mentioned that in order to write a good essay, one must be a conscientious person in daily life, pay more attention to the people and things around them, observe and accumulate writing materials, and experience life more. Only in this way can one prepare for detailed descriptions and depictions. Finally, it was mentioned that writing should be done in one go and the language should be concise and simple.

  The teacher gave us many examples of excellent compositions and even gave us full marks in the middle school entrance examination while still discussing each stage. He also encouraged us to sprint towards this aspect in order to improve our language proficiency.

  In this composition class, everyone listened very attentively and attentively. It can be seen that this class is not only unforgettable for me, but also for everyone.



  礼毕,老师在黑板上写下七个大字”怎样写叙事作文“。同学们这才知道老师这堂课要讲的内容。个个坐得端端正正的。我心里暗自想道:终于等到这个时候了。以前我的作文老是写不好,它可直接影响 考试成绩啊!


  老师先讲了记叙文的六要素,告诉我们,一定要交代或暗示清楚,特别是事情的前因后果,即事情的`起因,经过和结果最为重要,更要写清楚。接着讲了作文中心要明确突出,不要让人读了觉得好像什么都写了 ,但好像什么都没写好。还讲了要写好作文,必须在平时做生活的有心人,多多留意身边的人和事,多观察积累写作素材,多体验生活,这样才能为细致描写刻画作准备。最后还讲了习作时要一气呵成,语言要 简洁朴实。



  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 7

  This afternoon, we will have an open class. We first lined up in the class and arrived neatly at the classroom on the fifth floor.

  When we arrived at the classroom, we quickly sat down and then the school leaders, as well as other Chinese teachers, came to listen to our class. The classroom was packed, and we first read famous quotes about parental love that we found ourselves reading. However, a few classmates spoke too softly, possibly due to time constraints. The teacher asked us to stop in advance and start the formal class. The teacher first asked us to read the topic together, then let us practice vocabulary. Then, the teacher selected a group of students to take over the words and read them very evenly, with very loud voices.

  I feel very well prepared this time. I wanted to speak more during this class, but I didnt expect the teacher to call me back. I was a bit disappointed. After a while, the teacher asked, "What information did you find about the author?" The opportunity finally came, and I quickly raised my hand. The teacher finally clicked on me, and I was both happy and excited. I thought to myself: at this critical moment, I must answer well and seize this opportunity. I hope the teacher can give me more opportunities to answer questions and perform well.

  In this class, the teacher created beautiful visuals, the music was also very beautiful, and the students spoke actively. The voice of the reading was also very emotional. In this class, I learned a lot of knowledge, such as how to understand sentences with profound meanings, understanding the meaning of words, and so on.

  This class is truly unforgettable to me.






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 8

  On Monday, the teacher told us some good news: Liu Xianhua, the editor of "Theme Reading", is coming to our class to listen to the lesson. My classmate Wu Jie and I will recite the poem "Birds, Please forgive me". I am both happy and nervous. Fortunately, I was selected, but nervously, I am afraid that my recitation will not be good and will tarnish the class.

  On Wednesday afternoon, the teacher told us to go to the multimedia classroom for class. Before we could get ready for class, many listening teachers walked in and sat at the back of the classroom. After reading it, I was startled. Quickly stabilize your mood, and youll feel nothing scary anymore. Teacher Du naturally began his class. First, one minute of training. Then, its our turn to recite. We quickly walked onto the podium and began reciting to our classmates, "When you lie quietly in my hands..." I struggled to overcome my nervousness and recited with a loud and emotional voice. We worked together to successfully complete the recitation and then bowed in gratitude. We recited the poem "Bird" together, and our resounding voices echoed in the classroom. Next, Teacher Du began to give a vivid lecture, and we listened attentively, answering questions enthusiastically. Unconsciously, it was time for class to end.

  This lesson has deeply inspired me: to shine, one needs to have the courage to overcome oneself. This class has given me strength and will be unforgettable for a lifetime.




  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 9

  On Wednesday morning, the weather is sunny, and the third class is Chinese. Teacher Li taught us "The Invention of Paper". This class is unforgettable to me. Because of this class, Teacher Li and we jointly made a piece of paper.

  In that class, we learned how paper was invented. Classmates all say that Cai Lun is really amazing. I think Cai Lun can make paper, why dont we make one? So I stood up and asked, "Teacher, can we make a piece of paper?" The teacher said, "Of course we can." The classmates shouted, "Thats great! Thats great!"

  We can do whatever we say. No, after lunch. We brought some waste paper, everyone started tearing it up, threw it into a basin filled with water, and a pair of small hands reached into the basin to crush the shredded paper into pulp. Next, Teacher Li brought a towel, and we spread it on the table tennis table under the sun. Then, we poured the pulp onto the towel and smoothed it out as much as possible, forming a thin layer. Everyone gathered around and kept asking, "When will it be done?" The teacher said, "Im afraid it will take one or two days."

  Two days later, the pulp on the towel dried. We carefully tore it off, Yeah, we really made a piece of paper! Although this paper is rough, we are still very happy. Everyone take a pen and sign their names on new paper as a souvenir. This class is really unforgettable!





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 10

  For us students, attending classes is nothing but ordinary, but everyone has different preferences. Some like physical education classes, while others like art classes. For me, that essay class was the most unforgettable.

  Before class, the composition teacher brought a large black bag into the classroom and soon rang the class bell. The teacher said to us, "Before writing today, lets do an experiment. How can we prevent a needle punctured balloon from exploding?" The teacher first asked Xiaoshan to blow a balloon. He was full of confidence, took a balloon, took a deep breath, puffed his cheeks, and blew hard. In a few seconds, with a "bang", the small and thin balloon exploded. The teacher saw that people were unreliable and filled two balloons with an air pump. The teacher took another needle and pricked the small balloon inside, causing it to explode into pieces with a bang. The teacher took out a black tape, cut some off, and divided the tape into four small sections. On the swollen balloon that was blown, the tape was used to stick it into a small square, and a needle was ed into the gap in the middle of the square. With a "whoosh" sound, the small hole in the middle of the square leaked air and quickly shrunk into a ball. The red balloon suddenly turned into a wilted little apple. The teacher unfolded the broken balloon, but it did not become several pieces, only the small square leaked air in the middle.

  Under the teachers explanation, we finally understood that the tape tightened the circle of the balloon, preventing the air pressure from running elsewhere, which is why it did not explode.

  This is truly an unforgettable lesson for me.





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 11

  The most unforgettable lesson for me was todays extracurricular activity, and I was almost laughing to death. Do you want to know why?

  At the beginning, our event was held according to the original plan, with a meeting before the event. The ethics officer gave me instructions on the relevant matters, and we started the event. My good brother Xiao Zhang came to play with me, and after playing for a long time, we found it boring and drove to Xiao Hu. I jumped with the elder and then jumped towards Xiaohu, saying, "Attack Xiaohu! Charge!" We only jumped twice before tripping, sigh! Its okay, its like a horse, it grows and ripens twice. When we jumped back for the second time, it was better than the previous time. Xiao Hu was not foolish and he wouldnt stay still.

  We had been jumping for a long time in vain, and then Xiao Hu came to us and asked, "What are you doing? Add me." We shook off Xiao Hus jump rope with Xiao Zhang, and Xiao Hu picked inside, but for some reason. Xiao Zhang and I shook and the half of the jump rope in Xiao Zhangs hand flew away, causing us to burst into laughter. "Mmm hmm! Be serious! Were starting," I reminded.

  On the second throw, Xiao Hu didnt pay attention to skipping rope and didnt go over again. On the third try, I wanted to encourage them and said, "Savadika, come on! Xiao Zhang, come on!" It made them laugh so hard. On the fourth try, I wont say that kind of thing anymore. I said, "Come on! I want it!" "I want it!" "Jump up!" This time, I laughed myself.

  After the extracurricular activities, our faces were all red and smiling.






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 12

  For us, attending classes is a common occurrence, and everyone has their own favorite classes. The most unforgettable class for me was definitely that math class.

  After finishing physical education class that day, everyone walked back to the classroom panting heavily. The next class was math class, and everyone sat listlessly in their seats, listening only to the sound of footsteps coming from far to near. The math teacher walked into the classroom with a smile on their face, holding the textbook.

  "Class!" The teacher shouted with wide eyes. The students were feeling weak and powerless, like an old ox pulling a broken car. "Old teacher, good!" The teacher not only did not scold us loudly, but also replied in a more comical and interesting voice, "Hello fellow students." Then he asked us if this sound was good?

  The classmates laughed and looked at the teacher who made such a sound, saying, "This sound is also quite pleasant." Some even said, "Its truly the sound of heavenly music!" The laughter in the entire classroom almost flipped the roof.

  The teacher remained silent.

  Five minutes later, the whole class suddenly realized that their tone of voice was like something, taking away the impatience and lethargy of the whole class, giving everyone energy and excitement. "Stand up again and repeat in a spirited tone." "Hello teacher!" This time, everyone finished the lesson with full energy.

  This class filled me with energy, so I will never forget it.








  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 13

  That was a class team activity class, and it was also my most unforgettable class.

  That day, the teacher walked into the classroom with a smile and said to us, "Today, lets play a game!" As soon as the words fell, the classroom was filled with excitement and chatter, so lively! At the teachers request, we finally calmed down.

  With the teachers instructions, we came downstairs and closed our eyes.

  10 minutes, for discerning people, is brief and may slip away unintentionally; But for us who close our eyes, these 10 minutes are like a century long. Darkness is so terrifying. I cant see the tender green grass, the flying birds, the azure sky... Everything can only be felt through my nose and ears. We can only smell the fragrance of flowers, we can only hear the sound of birds flapping their wings, but we cant see anything, we cant see the colorful world, we cant catch a hint of happiness, everything sinks into the boundless darkness! 10 minutes, exactly 10 minutes, we are helpless, we are afraid

  Time has finally arrived, and we opened our eyes and gazed at this seemingly unchanged campus, filled with infinite joy in our hearts! Im really afraid that the only right to appreciate the world will be taken away by someone!

  Returning to the classroom, the teacher had written a few words on the blackboard - cherish every moment of life, protect the window of the soul!







  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 14

  Yesterday was Friday, and it was also the most unforgettable day in my life. Because many teachers from other schools are coming to our class to listen, and there are still two consecutive classes.

  Early self-study, while the students were eagerly reciting, teachers from other schools had already arrived on campus. When they heard that more than thirty teachers had arrived, the students were a bit nervous.

  The first section is our class Chinese teachers class. The Chinese teacher put on the most beautiful dress to teach us everlasting longing for each other.

  Before the class bell could ring, the teachers had already walked into our classroom one by one. At that moment, my heart seemed to tense up, and I couldnt help but think to myself: What should I do if I answer incorrectly with so many teachers? At this moment, Teacher Hua smiled and asked us to recite ancient poems and sing the Song of the Seven Sons. My mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

  After class, we carefully read Nalan Xingdes word everlasting longing for each other with teacher Hua, and felt the poets mood with heart. It wasnt until the group collaboration and communication that I remembered the teacher behind me. It turned out that under the guidance of the teacher, my classmates and I crossed the time tunnel and arrived at the poets camping tent, forgetting where we were? After understanding the poetry, I felt as if I had seen Nalan Xingde, who was homesick and insomnia in the tent, picking up a pen and writing poetry in the midst of a snowstorm

  In this class, some students answers made the teachers who were listening to the class burst into laughter, while others answers moved the teachers hearts. In the teachers affectionate reading, I was also moved by the poets homesickness.

  This class passed very quickly and ended in the blink of an eye. I really hope that time can turn back and I can once again enter Nalan Xingdes lonely and sad heart to comfort him.








  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 15

  Ding Lingling, class is starting. This is a legal class. We walked into the classroom and sat obediently, waiting for the teachers arrival.

  Not long after, the teacher walked into the classroom with agile steps. The teacher stood on the podium and said seriously, "Class!" The class monitor shouted, "Stand up!" We stood up together and said, "Hello teacher!" The teacher nodded and gestured for us to sit down.

  "Classmates, lets watch a video in this section. After watching it, think about what you have learned yourself," the teacher said.

  The teachers lecture is called "The First Lesson of School", mainly focusing on the topic of "filial piety".

  A young man renovated a motorcycle. Why did he renovate a motorcycle? Originally, his father had never been anywhere and wanted to travel to various parts of the world. And his father also got motion sickness, so he wanted to take his father on a motorcycle to travel while he was still healthy and able to walk. They have gone to many places, even riding motorcycles to Tian an men Square in Beijing. They take a photo every time they go, and there are many photos posted on the walls of their houses.

  There is also a video of Qin Yong, a rock lead singer who stopped singing for his own son and became an ordinary dad. Qin Yongs son fell ill at the age of four, which is different from a normal person. And Qin Yongs father died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage just as his concert was about to end. He felt abandoned by the world and couldnt pick himself up all day, but he thought: Now that I am a father, I should support this family for a long time. So he stopped being a singer and chose to be an ordinary dad. He taught his son Pearl how to play ball and ride a bicycle. It took his son three years to learn how to ride a bicycle, and halfway through, he wanted to give up. However, every morning when Big Pearl shouted, "Father, go, learn to ride a bicycle." He regained his spirit. After persistent efforts, Big Pearl finally learned to ride a bicycle. When the father and son appeared on the program, Qin Yong even composed a song for Big Pearl called "Growing Big Together", which was very beautiful and touching. And Big Pearl also wrote a letter for his father, which was very touching. After Big Pearl finished reading it, everyone was moved to tears.

  Both of these videos are very touching. The host said, "Parents cant accompany us forever, lets not wait."

  This legal class really moved me and made me unforgettable.









  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 16

  Before the teacher could finish speaking, there was a commotion in the classroom. Everyone wanted to be the first to see a cell, but his desk mate snatched a microscope from the podium. Before he could finish his pride, the crowd overwhelmed him.

  Im not interested in cells, so Ill just leave it all to my desk mate to observe. Watching him swing here and there, I couldnt help but feel a strange feeling, so I quickly ran to help him with it.

  Isnt it really bad? I couldnt help but think when I saw those cells with blue and purple eyes. Cells are like houses, yet they seem to have life beating, unbelievable. Suddenly, a chill surged in my heart, and I couldnt help but curl up and shiver. Its really strange. I looked left and right in confusion. There was no wind just now, so why did that cool feeling run up inexplicably?

  I sighed and since there was no result, lets focus on the matter at hand first. I closed one eye and looked into the mirror, where a blue and purple hue reappeared before my eyes. The coolness came again. I gritted my teeth and hugged my body, trying to reduce it a bit. It was too strong, and soon my body was out of control, trembling again. I dont think hallucinations are so realistic, nor do I think classmates who are solely attracted to cells will have the leisure to tease me. So, its simply fear. I thought of it this way and shrunk even smaller.

  I sat trembling and groping on the chair alone, while my classmates were busy with their own affairs and didnt pay attention. This was also a fortunate opportunity amidst misfortune. However, I gritted my teeth and lowered my head. The scene just now seemed to have countless eyes staring at me, with an indescribable taste - cold and devoid of any emotion, yet possessing life. As soon as I thought of this, the feeling like ice cubes came back. I looked at my classmates who were showing off their research results in horror, maybe they were accidentally pulled away. I dont want to suffer this kind of crime again. At this moment, I want to shrink into a corner, please dont see me.

  "Are you okay?" Obviously, someone noticed my abnormality and asked. "Its just a bit cold." My honest mouth actually revealed the truth. He might have laughed at me, but he didnt take it seriously. Thats great. This is the first time I am looking forward to finishing class like this.

  "Cells are so fun." Someones voice sounded, and my body became stiff. If I see it again, maybe that strange feeling will come again. Thats why I wouldnt actively approach it. Strange feeling, please stay away from me!








  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 17

  When I was in the second year of junior high school, I still remember a Chinese class.

  In the classroom at that time, I knew the answer to the teachers question, but I didnt have the courage to raise my hand. So, I am recognized as the "worst student". In class, underperforming students will be looked down upon and bullied by others. So I decided to take the initiative to raise my hand and answer questions in class.

  When the bell rang, I couldnt help but look at my hand. My heart is also very fast. I saw the teacher enter the classroom with a smile on his face.

  The teacher talked about the text with great interest. After speaking for more than ten minutes, he asked everyone hopefully. Upon hearing this question, I thought to myself, its so simple. Raise your hand to answer the question.

  So, my hand trembled as I raised it above my head. The scene before me shocked me. I thought the problem was simple, and many people raised their hands. However, I was the only one raising my hand, and the others seemed to be still thinking.

  I was extremely embarrassed and immediately put down my hand. But still didnt have time, the teacher saw it. The teacher happily named me. I slowly stood up, lowered my head, blushed like a big apple, holding hands together and stuttering non-stop while smoking.

  The classmates seemed to be watching a joke when suddenly burst into laughter. I vaguely heard someone say "cut". I cant do it. Can she still do it? Formal attire. Hahaha. Its really funny. Haha. This is the tears I shed. The teacher saw it and called everyone to be quiet. He said to me, "Xiao Dong, look up at my eyes. I know you will. Tell the teacher what your answer is."“

  After listening to the teachers words, I dont know what force pushed me. I miraculously lifted my head, looked into the teachers eyes, and fluently said my answer.

  This is, the whole classs gaze is fixed on the teachers mouth. I only saw the teachers mouth in the shape of "right", and then heard the word "right".

  The whole class burst into thunderous applause, which was of great significance to me. This is truly an unforgettable lesson.











  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 18

  People say, "Learn Chinese well and travel all over China." However, I dont really enjoy taking Chinese classes, but one class completely changed my view of Chinese.

  "Bell..." A hurried bell rang and class began. This class is about Chinese language. I walked into the classroom calmly because I didnt like Chinese classes. As soon as I arrived at class, I was startled. There were all parents behind me, and thats when I remembered that parents were listening to the class today. This class was about "The Story of Deer and Wolf".

  The class started, and the teacher greeted the students as before. The students greeted the teacher, and so the class began. As soon as I open my Chinese book, my mind gets bigger The teacher said, "What is the most common animal in the forest?" The students answered together, "Deer and wolf." The teacher said, "By the way, today we will talk about" The Deer and the Wolf. "Before we talk about this lesson, please have each group play a small segment about the deer and the wolf. Each group began to discuss. Finally, we formed a small story called" The Little Sheep Drinks Water. "The performance was particularly exciting. I dont know why, but since I finished this program, I have started to like to raise my hand and speak. The last content is to play the wolf and the deer without using textbooks. I actively raised my hand high, but the teacher didnt call me, but my classmates performed. It can make people burst into laughter and hurt their stomachs, and each group is often performed brilliantly. The little lamb and the wolf are portrayed vividly, and one group of little lambs even got into a fight with the old wolf.

  "Bell..." The bell rang after class. I really dont want to finish, but I still have to finish. Since then, I have developed an interest in Chinese.

  A class passed so brilliantly, and it made me fall in love with Chinese. This is "an unforgettable class."






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 19

  One hour before the final exam, the Chinese teacher gave us a class that I will never forget.

  At that time, the students were preparing for the exam and planning to give it a last resort. The Chinese teacher walked into the classroom and looked at each student with deep affection, saying, "Today I will give you the last class of this semester. I will not talk about the text or composition, but only three words."

  Before exams, Chinese teachers would always emphasize some content related to exams. Today, the teachers unusual words make me feel very strange. What would the teacher say? I perked up my ears and listened carefully. "The first word is honesty ."

  The teacher wrote the words "honesty" neatly on the blackboard, "Honesty means not lying. Only honest people can gain the trust of others, and gaining their trust is more valuable than anything else." I understand that the teacher is going to teach us something more important than knowledge in the last class - being a good person.

  The classroom was extremely quiet, and the students listened attentively. "The second word I want to say is treat others well ."

  The teacher continued, "Being kind to others is equivalent to being kind to oneself. If you hold onto a grudge over a small matter, its punishing yourself for someone elses mistakes."

  The teacher said meaningfully. He is telling us that a person with an open mind.

  The teacher is really well intentioned! "The third word is down-to-earth . Only through down-to-earth learning, laying a solid foundation, and not giving up when facing difficulties, can we achieve success."

  After the teacher finished speaking, the students were deeply moved. These three profound words are the most precious gifts that the teacher has given us, and I must "keep them and not lose them.".

  This last lesson has benefited me greatly, and I will always remember the teachers teachings.



  以前考试前语文老师总会强调一些与考试有关的内容,今天老师这段不同寻常的话让我感到很奇怪,老师会说些什么呢?我竖起耳朵,仔细地听着。 “第一个词是‘诚实’。”


  教室里安静极了,同学们都听得格外认真。 “我要说的第二个词是‘善待他人’。”






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 20

  I like Chinese class. I remember one Chinese class. The class bell rang, class started, and Teacher Wang quietly walked into the classroom. Her eyes were large, bright and lively, and very amiable. Teacher Wang taught us new words. When it came to "naked", in order to make us remember, Teacher Wang said, "If anyone writes this word wrong, I will -" "Tear up the notebook and rewrite it." We rushed to answer. Wrong, Teacher Wang continued, "I took off his clothes."! No, there is a lot of discussion in the classroom.

  After speaking the new words, Teacher Wang sent us a notebook and we started writing one after another. I finally finished writing it and checked the word "naked" to see if it was written incorrectly. If it was, I had to take off my clothes. I put the notebook in the corner of the table and waited for the teacher to approve it.

  Teacher Wang paused at Xiao Lis place, then pulled him to the podium and said, "I didnt say dont make a mistake with this naked character, but someone made a mistake and said to Xiao Li, I didnt say that the bare character is the side of the clothing character, and you wrote it as the side of the display character, doesnt that mean youre not wearing anything? Ill help you, and then Ill unbutton Xiao Li. Some girls below whispered, Dont look, cover your eyes. Xiao Li refused to take it off, and Teacher Wang asked us if we could take it off. We all said in unison, Take it off. Xiao Li was about to cry, and Teacher Wang softened his heart and said, " Youre the first one, whoever made a mistake in writing the second one, Ill take it off for him. "I dont know why? Some people are laughing happily. Teacher Wang said again, "What are you laughing at? The second one is you." We are all right.

  An unforgettable lesson taught us not to be careless in anything we do.





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 21

  This Saturday is the most unforgettable day for me because it is the annual Parent Open Day.

  That morning, I went to school with a nervous heart. I always feel very worried because there are so many parents sitting at the back. If I make a slight mistake, my parents will find out.

  Chinese class has started, and Teacher Luo is teaching us with a smile on his face. Watching the teacher smile so brightly, my mood slowly calmed down.

  Gradually, I found Teacher Luos questions more and more interesting, and I listened more and more attentively, raising my hand more and more actively. While reading the text freely, I secretly looked at my mother and she was giving me a thumbs up! I knew it was my mother encouraging me, so I quickly turned around and started reading the text seriously.

  So, while everyone was listening very attentively, "Ding Xue, Ding Xue..." class ended!

  How fast this class passed!







  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 22

  I attended the first Chinese class of this week today.

  The teacher asked those who had not watched the micro lesson to stand up while checking the homework. I stood up because I had to use my phone to attend micro classes when I came after vacation. Dad happened to have something to drive out, and he said he would give it later. I was very anxious and wanted to go to my mothers house as soon as possible, so I went straight to her house. I was coming back after school started, and the school bus was urging me. When I opened QQ, I saw that my account had expired. My father said I would use the entire account again next time, so I didnt write it down. I originally thought this way in my heart, but when I spoke, I dared not say it anymore. I hesitated and said, "My account has expired."

  The teacher said to tidy it up when doing things. Last time, the teachers QQ account was stolen and he didnt do anything in half a day, so he found his QQ account. The teacher misunderstood me, but when I think about it again, Im actually quite right. Why didnt I wait for that moment when I got home. We need to work hard now, and by the time we reach sixth grade, we will regret not being able to get into junior high school because there was no second college entrance exam. So if we dont work hard now, we can only grow up as scavengers and street sweepers.

  This class left an unforgettable impression on me, reminding me to always finish my homework.





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 23

  Among many unforgettable things, the most unforgettable one for me is the first class at the beginning of the school year.

  On the first day of school, the teacher entered the classroom holding a stack of textbooks. After putting the book on the podium, the teacher said, "Classmates, there is some damage on the back of a book here. I think everyone definitely doesnt want to break the book. So who do you think this book should be given to?" As soon as the teacher finished speaking, the students were eager to answer. The teacher called my name, and I didnt hesitate for a second. I said, "Throw the textbook into the air, whoever you go to will be yours." The teacher shook his head imperceptibly. Then the teacher asked Zheng to answer. Zheng said, "Give me that book." After finishing, the teacher nodded thoughtfully and said, "This is the answer the teacher wants." In an instant, applause rang out in the classroom. And I was so shy that I didnt even dare to lift my head, thinking to myself, "Why didnt I come up with such an answer?" But in fact, I really dont want to take a broken book. Starting from today, I will also learn to let others know and have a spirit of integrity, just like her.

  There are many unforgettable things, but this one alone has benefited me immensely. This lesson is unforgettable to me.




  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 24

  This is an unforgettable lesson that will make you laugh heartily. If you want to know, take a look!

  Today, lets draw lots to decide on each character. The funniest thing is that "Snow White" was actually drawn by a boy. I drew "Queen" and I plan to give him a red apple to "poison" him.

  The performance has begun. In my mind, the environment in the story is simply too scary, but in an environment like Ben, I not only dont feel scary, but also find it very funny because you wouldnt have thought that when Snow White collapsed in bed, he actually hid his face. So, we gave him a nickname - "Snow White Boar". Looking at his bewildered expression, we laughed heartily once again.

  At the end of the performance, the princess and the prince were getting married, but when they looked at each other and wanted to hold hands, the prince ran away. Think about it, how ugly this princess should be! The prince actually escaped marriage, the princess is also too miserable!

  Todays class was both fun and interesting, and it was an unforgettable one for me!






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 25

  Every class in Yinghua Garden holds significant importance! Everyone also has an unforgettable lesson.

  The most unforgettable lesson for me was the one near the final exam for review. At that time, besides going to the bathroom during breaks, we were just memorizing things. We didnt waste any seconds. In the dormitory, restaurant, break time, and standing in line, we all memorized the three words! Back! Back!

  Class is starting, and the bell suddenly rings! Teacher, come and dictate the new words for us! We are preparing the language text, and every student is full of confidence! The teacher read me new words one by one, but several classmates were wrong. The teacher was very angry and said, "I forgot all the new words I talked about before, but now Im still wrong!" The teacher picked up the long little stick! The classmates looked at it with pitiful expressions, and no one wanted to be beaten! But I only heard a bang! Pop! Pop! These people who are wrong are all hurting their hands! I have always felt that the teacher is too strict in my heart! After careful consideration, yes! The book says: A strict teacher leads to a high disciple! The teacher also thinks for us! In the end, I only got beaten 4 times! Its really painful, but the teacher also said he loves us! We are gradually getting better!

  I will definitely cooperate well with the teacher in the future and not let the teacher worry! This is really an unforgettable lesson!





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 26

  In the morning, the math teacher walked in with a pile of test papers. Walking to the podium and looking at us with stern and serious eyes, my mood became tense.

  The teacher spoke up and said, "I did very poorly in this unit test, with an average score of less than 90." After speaking, the teacher looked at me with a stern gaze, and I couldnt help but tremble.

  After the paper was distributed, I looked at it and lowered my head, tears swirling in my eyes - I actually got the worst score this time -82 points. I cant even think of it, I lowered the average score of the whole class! The teacher said, "Tang Ziyuan, you did very poorly this time and didnt meet the calculation standard." After receiving criticism, the teacher asked me to go to the office after class. I thought to myself: Do you want to chat with me alone, or should you criticize me more harshly?

  After class, I came to the office with a nervous heart. The teacher said to me, "You need to study hard. If you dont know, you need to ask. After class, you can ask your classmates or the teacher, and you cant just write randomly." After speaking, the teacher pointed at my wrong question, looked up at me, and then lowered his head to help me analyze the reason for my mistake.

  This is the most unforgettable class for me. If I dont know, I have to ask. Grades are not important, but a positive learning attitude is the most important.






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 27

  On Saturday, I came to Little Orange Lanterns classroom. The teacher said, "Lets play an interesting game. The name of this game is drawing circles with the left hand and squares with the right hand."

  At the beginning, the teacher asked us to draw circles and squares with our right hand. I immediately picked up my pen and started drawing with a swish. In no time, the circles and squares were all drawn. Looking at my own work, I feel happy in my heart. At this point, the teacher said, "Next, lets have a more exciting drawing method. Draw a circle with your left hand and a square with your right hand."

  Everyone answered in unison, "No problem." So, I couldnt wait to pick up my pen and start drawing again. Ah, its really difficult to reach the sky. My hands dont listen to my commands at all. At last glance, the circle turned into an apple, with a handle added to the apple, but the square was drawn by me as an uneven little potato. The teacher burst out laughing, and I couldnt help but burst out laughing.

  This is really an unforgettable composition class. Through this incident, I also understand that one heart cannot be used for two purposes.





  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 28

  I have the most unforgettable class every day, and of course, today is not surprising.

  The most unforgettable lesson for me today was the extracurricular activity.

  At the beginning of extracurricular activities, we first went to the gathering place to gather. After the gathering, we started preparing for the activities. After finishing, we started skipping rope. Jumping rope was the most unforgettable time for me. I started jumping rope with Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang as a group.

  At the beginning, I was jumping on both of their throwing ropes. While I was jumping happily, Xiao Zhang deliberately caused trouble. It was me who interrupted the jumping rope, and then Xiao Zhang began to jump. I had intended to teach him a lesson this time, but I didnt expect that when I threw the rope, he would stand there with his head in his hands, because he had already known that I would cause trouble for him. So he decided not to jump, which really made Xiao Wang and I laugh. After he finished jumping, Xiao Wang should have jumped, but he was different from Xiao Zhang. Although he jumped, he made some funny noises while jumping. Xiao Zhang and I laughed a while later. No more dumping.

  So I looped back and forth until the end of class, savoring the joy of jumping rope.






  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 29

  A drawing board, a piece of paper, and a few pencils, they will host a fun sketch.

  Sitting on chairs, we waited for the teachers arrival. My mother enrolled us in a painting class at home. Actually, I was reluctant, but it wasnt until the class ended that I realized how interesting drawing was.

  The door opened and a kind and amiable female teacher came in. My younger siblings and I looked at the teacher as if we were being attracted by a magnet. "Hello classmates, everyone will call me Teacher Wang in the future," the teacher said. We all said in unison, "Hello Teacher Wang."

  The teacher said again, "Today we will learn sketching and draw this triangle." I thought to myself, drawing a triangle is too simple. Is it still necessary to learn? "Do you think drawing this triangle is easy? Actually, its difficult for you," the teacher said. I was surprised how the teacher understood what I was thinking. It seems that drawing this triangle is not an easy task.

  We started learning. The teacher placed the triangle on the table and asked us to observe it from different angles. After discussion, we found that the appearance of the triangle observed from each angle was different. As expected, what the teacher wanted us to say was that.

  I started drawing, including the necessary methods and materials for drawing triangles such as lines, shadows, auxiliary lines, and backgrounds. Thousands of troops rushed towards me, leaving me at a loss. However, after the teachers careful explanation, I managed to control them all. Now, I will use them to deal with triangles. After all, I have practiced them and the texture is better. I didnt expect that drawing a triangle would be so interesting. I became more and more serious. Soon, a triangle appeared in front of me. The teacher looked at it and praised me. I carefully appreciated my work and felt happy.

  This class made me fall in love with drawing and will never forget it.








  初中英语作文:难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson) 30

  In a persons life, there will be many classes, and the most unforgettable one for me is the handicraft class.

  That day, the teacher took us to the classroom and saw bananas, chocolate sauce, flour... The teacher said, "In this class, I will take you to make cookies." When I heard the word "cookies," my mouth watered down three thousand feet. Looking at the classmates next to me, I saw that they were also discussing. The teacher first asked us to put on gloves, and then we followed the steps to mix bananas, water, flour, chocolate sauce, etc. together. But before it could finish stirring, a classmate said, "Im going to vomit." It turned out that the biscuit making paste was too disgusting, and the color was like urine. Fortunately, the teacher is very gentle, otherwise he would definitely be scolded if it were another teacher.

  Next, its time to shape the cookies. The teacher gave each of us a mold and a plastic wrap, and asked me to put the paste into the plastic wrap before shaping it. But my operating skills are not good. When I took it out of the cling film, the paste that was mixed into skin was disobedient and stuck to the film, causing the banana shape to turn into a snake and the heart shape to turn into a triangle. It was simply unbearable.

  After a while, the teacher circled around us, and at this moment, we were experiencing lower back pain and leg pain. Suddenly, the teacher smiled deceitfully and said, "Hehe, everyone is really serious about making egg yolk pastries. Ill reward everyone with making one!" At this moment, all the students screamed, "No!" The teacher used a motivational method: "You guys are so lazy, the teacher doesnt feel tired working all day!" As a result, most of the students agreed to make egg yolk pastries, and a few obeyed the majority. We had to accept a new round of "storms".

  This handicraft class taught me how hard it is to be a pastry chef, and we should cherish the pastries they make with their own sweat!






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