
高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Acc

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高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文

  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的.思想,聚集在一块。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文,希望对大家有所帮助。

高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文

高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文1

  tom and i drove to tainan last month. as it was a holiday, traffic on the freeway was heavy. i asked tom to fasten the safety belt, but he said it couldn’t do any good in emergency and turned a deaf ear to my advice. about thirty minutes later, the accident happened. the car before us suddenly slowed down, but tom couldn’t stop ours in time and the result was a bumper crash. i screamed to find that tom’s face was covered with blood. he suffered a slight brain concussion, but i, thanks though scared to death. the scar left on tom’s forehead could still be seen when i called on him yesterday. “i wish i had taken your advice. what a fool i was to doubt the use of the safety belt!” said tom with a wry smile. “why on earth didn’t i insist that you fasten it? if only i had insisted! the injury could have been reduced to a minimum,” i also blamed myself.

高中英语作文:A Car Accident-一场车祸,A Car Accident-一场车祸范文2

  a car accident of which i was the victim occurred a few months ago at hoping road and chiho road. the memory of that harrowing eperience can still make my heart go pit-a-pat. one day when crossing a street intersection i was suddenly enthralled by the sight of a beautiful girl in miniskirt walking on the sidewalk. for a moment i was oblivious of the onrushing traffic then shrills of alarm arose and i woke up from my daydream with a start. but it was too late, i was hurtled to the ground by a passing car. i can’t think why i was so careless at that point. what a fool i was to cross a busy intersection when i was dangerously distracted by the sight of an attractive girl. if only such a terrible eperience had never happened to me! i wish i could see her again, but certainly not at a street intersection and not when i was behaving like a fool.

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