
小城市吸引毕业生 Small Cities Attract Gradua

时间:2022-07-19 09:37:44 生作文 我要投稿

小城市吸引毕业生 Small Cities Attract Graduates-英语作文

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小城市吸引毕业生 Small Cities Attract Graduates-英语作文

  Many years ago, working in the big cities was many graduates’ choice But now, the situation changes, as the government put forward some welfare, more graduates trend to work in the small cities In order to lure more talents to join the building of small cities, the local government has provided much welfare, such as the fund to do the project, the nice house to live and so on But the problems will come as they live for a long time It seems to be lacking vitality for them So when graduates make decision, they need to make further consideration, or they will waste the best years to search the right place.


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