

时间:2022-11-18 09:22:45 妇女节 我要投稿




  妇女节英语作文 篇1

  On March 8th,1975,the United Nation started to celebrate the International Women’s Day.In China,the women’s day also called “March 8th”day.Why we celebrate women’s day?There is a long story.

  Women’s Union of Chicago demonstrated against the inequality between men and women.They demanded that they should have the same payments,the same working hours as men had,and they should have the rights to vote.They even put forward a slogan:Bread and Rose,which stood for equal payment and a better living standard.This demonstrated had caused international attention to the women’s rights.A year later,a critical meeting was held in Demark,in order to promote the women’s liberation and equal rights,the council members decided to establish the Women’s Day on March 8th.Then March 8th,1911 just became the first Women’s day.

  妇女节英语作文 篇2

  Yesterday was the 38 womens day,and my mother should have had this wonderful day,but something unexpected happened.

  Mother rented a noodle shop and spent 50 thousand yuan.Originally,mom should play with other aunts for free,but the money that mom rent the store is borrowed from the public,aunt and two aunt,so mother cant spend 38 idle days.

  While I was still in my sleep,my mother had already got up and washed her teeth.Suddenly,I woke up from a dream,know Mom went to the shop to do business,I get up from the bed,his ears pricked,carefully listen to what my mother said,my mother to my grandfather said,I want to go to the store,you get up late called Qian qian.When I heard such a word,I was three and five except two clothes.The two of us were in a hurry.On the way,the cold,dark road,to the store,the mother can not wait to start work at 6:30,after junior high school,high school brother sister to eat noodles.I watched them eating noodles,greedy DC slobber.After finishing,the mother cooked me a bowl of noodles.I said,the noodles eat a hundred tire.

  Its the same as noon.In the afternoon,it was even more busy.Dad,the mother-in-law came to help.It is half an hour after.After a day of hard work,finally a good harvest of smile.

  Mother said it was her happiest and most special "38" festival.

  妇女节英语作文 篇3


  Its finished! Looking at the bear that I made by myself,thinking of the happy appearance after my mother received the gift,I feel beautiful in my heart.


  Finally,in the evening,I asked my mother to close her eyes,take out the bear I made by myself,and let her open her eyes.My mother opened her eyes and said,"Wow!" with a smile to me,"what a beautiful bear! Daughter,is this a gift for me?" I saw my mother so surprised and I was a little embarrassed.I said to my mother with a red face,"Mom,this is the first gift I gave you.I will give you another gift for the holidays in the future." My mother put me in her arms and said gently,"daughter,my dear daughter,as long as you have some filial piety." I listened to my mothers words,and a warm current came to my heart.The touching scenes that my mother took good care of me in the past all came to my mind like movies.I dont know where I came from.I took this opportunity to summon up my courage to say something to my mother that I never said.


  Its an unforgettable Festival.I found that even though the things I made are not particularly beautiful,they are the most precious gifts in my mothers eyes.

  妇女节英语作文 篇4

  Today March 8,International Womens Day to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy,womens liberation struggle holiday.

  Since yesterday,I dcussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday.I would first make a suggestion:"Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment,said:"Mom bought a mobile phone soon,you can use,there no need to change." Dad said:"We go out to buy some cosmetics,her mother there." I am opposed to:"Moms cosmetics too much,many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious,and in the end what got her point?

  However,I and Dad are determined to give my mother,"International Womens Day" gifts,things came back to buy her mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow,my mother smiled.

  I wh Mom "Womens Day" Happy

  妇女节英语作文 篇5

  Tomorrow is March 8th.It is Womens Day,so I want to give my mother a surprise.First I am going to the supermarket and buy something,such as vegetables,fruits and some beautiful flowers.Then I will come back home to clean the house and do some cooking.

  When Mum comes back from work,she will be really excited.She will say that I am a nice boy and have grown up.I will be happy,too.I think Ill help my mother more in the future.

  妇女节英语作文 篇6


  Today is March 8 womens day.Er Mao and his father are going to surprise his mother.


  "Dad,the house is too dirty.Lets clean it up." 20 Fen said.


  "Well,dad goes to wash clothes and you go to sweep the floor.We have to clean the house before mom gets off work."


  "Well,lets clean up now."

  二毛先扫地,从卧室到客厅,又从客厅到书房… …“呼,累死我了,一会儿还要拖地,不想拖了。”二毛躺在沙发上说。这时传来了爸爸的声音:“二毛,加油!为了妈妈!”“嗯,加油!”二毛费了九牛二虎之力,终于拖完了地,正好爸爸也把衣服洗完了。

  Er Mao sweeps the floor first,from the bedroom to the living room,and then from the living room to the study "Oh,Im so tired.Ill mop the floor later.I dont want to." Said Er Mao,lying on the sofa.Then came the voice of my father:"Er Mao,come on! For my mother!" "well,come on!" Er Mao spent nine cows and two tigers,and finally dragged the floor,just as my father had washed the clothes.


  "Er Mao,lets make another meal for mom."


  "Dad,you can cook?" Er Mao asked his father in surprise.


  "Of course,lets start." My father replied confidently.

  一个小时过去了,爸爸做好了饭,有糖醋排骨、红烧鲤鱼、梅菜扣肉、香酥鸡… …

  An hour later,dad cooked the rice,including sweet and sour pork ribs,braised carp,pork with preserved vegetables,crispy chicken


  Mom came back to see this and gave Dad and ER Mao a big hug.

  妇女节英语作文 篇7

  international women's(iwd) day occurs on 8 march annually and is an occasion marked by women's groups aroud the world.the fist iwd was held on 19 march 1911 in german,austria,denmark and other eurpean women chose this day because this date in 1848 the prussian king,faced with an armed uprising,had promised many reforms,including an unfulfilled one of votes for women.

  iwd today is an oppurtunity for women to come together and look back on a rich history of struggle for equality,justice,peace and development and to surpport this work in the present and future.

  妇女节英语作文 篇8

  Today is March 8th.It is Women's Day,so I want to give my mother a surprise.First I went to the supermarket and bought something such as vegetables and fruits.

  Then I went home to clean the house and do some cooking.When Mum came back from work,she was really excited.She said that I was a nice girl and had grown up.I was happy,too.I think I'll help my mother more in the future.

  妇女节英语作文 篇9

  March 8th,uh,it's women's day.I've been thinking about giving my mother a present.It's almost time for school.I should buy her a practical point later.

  Mom came to pick me up after school,just passing Li Feng,take her mother to go shopping That's a good idea.I told her,and agreed,and we went in.

  after a while,we came to Watsons,just mother thirsty,want to buy water,I had an idea,told her I came to buy water.a bottle of water,plus a gift,is within twenty yuan.I turned round the counter,looking for it.Mom was surprised and asked me,"where are you doing?"" I quickly disguised:"nothing,I'm looking at what else?"......" I almost said I missed it,so I quickly made up my account and gave water to my mother."Mom,wait for me first."." With that,I quickly looked around.

  "This,no!".Well,it's a bit too expensive......" The ten yuan in my hand was squeezed out of sweat."This!" at a counter,I saw a very useful mobile phone bag.The price is ten yuan,I took it from the shelf,repeated,well:white FENBO (partial powder) at the bottom,seemingly smooth waterproof shell,soft lining,OK,on it.I gave ten yuan to the cashier,and the cashier returned me 0.5 yuan because of the discount.

  Holding the mobile phone bag,I walked out of the shop and came to my mother.I handed her the mobile phone bag and said,"Mom,this is a gift for you.Happy women's day."!" Mother mischievously blinked:"thank you!"!" I smiled and asked her to open it.Mom was glad to put her cell phone in,and then she took me shopping.

  Until the evening,my mother was very happy,I think,I am also very happy.

  妇女节英语作文 篇10

  Today is "March 8th" women's day.It's also my parents' wedding anniversary.On this double happiness day,I decided to surprise my parents.

  At home at noon,I took the initiative to tidy up the house and clean it up.Then,grandma and I took baskets and shovels to dig shepherd's purse in the wheat field.The wheat seedlings in the wheat field are green.In contrast,shepherd's purse is not conspicuous at all.Grandma said that now spring has just arrived,shepherd's purse is still relatively small,so we should look carefully to find it.Grandma and I dug while looking.Grandma's action was so fast that as soon as she shoveled it down,the shepherd's purse was obediently uprooted.And I have to shovel several times to dig out one.We dug for half an hour and the basket couldn't hold.

  When we got home,my grandmother and I wrapped wonton in fresh shepherd's purse.It tasted great.When mom and dad came back from work,I brought a bowl of hot wonton to them and said to them,"Mom,I wish you a happy holiday! I wish you and Dad love each other forever!" Dad,mom and grandma laughed,and so did I.Sweet laughter echoed in the room.

  妇女节英语作文 篇11

  Today is the mother's holiday on March 8.The teacher asked us to give our mother a free gift.What can I give you?Mother has been tired from work for a day.When she comes back,I will wash her feet,which will certainly eliminate fatigue.Wash your feet,mom.

  Mom is back from work.I should be ready.I first went to the bathroom,took a basin,took a small half of the basin of cold water and put it in the living room.Then I took a warm kettle,poured the hot water prepared in it,put the kettle on the table,felt that the water in the basin was warm water,and finally brought it to the sofa and put a small chair next to the basin.I pulled my mother over and sat on the sofa.I sat on a small chair.I took off my mother's shoes and socks first,and then put my mother's feet in the water basin to rub and wash.After a while,after washing,I lifted one foot of my mother,dried it with a towel,put it on my shoes,and then lifted and dried the other foot of my mother,and then put on my mother's shoes.

  My mother is very happy.She praises me for growing up.I am also very happy.This is my gift to my mother.

  妇女节英语作文 篇12

  It will be "March 8th" women's day soon.I saw my mother's white hair gradually because she was worried about this and that.I decided to give my mother a big surprise!

  Looking back on the last women's day,I didn't give my mother flowers or greeting cards.What I "sent" to my mother was to wash her feet.

  After dinner that day,I suddenly asked my mother,"Mom,are you tired at work?" The mother replied,"of course,my whole body is sore! Why do you ask this?" "Oh,nothing." I answered.After watching TV for a while,it was time to go to bed.I went to brush my teeth and wash my face with my mother.I said,"Mom,let me wash your feet!" "Ah?Oh! I see.Do you want to buy something again?" "No! Today is not women's Day!" Therefore,I carefully rubbed and massaged my mother's feet.I tried my best to massage the center of the soles of my feet,because when my mother used to massage me,rubbing the palms of my feet was the most comfortable! Finally,I used a towel to wipe the water off my mother's feet.

  Finally,my mother still didn't believe I was so good and washed her feet.Then I clarified for a long time before my mother believed it.

  This time,what can I give my mother?I have to think it over!

  妇女节英语作文 篇13

  Today is March 8th -- women's day,my father told me today is the day to commemorate the female revolution,we want to give mother a special holiday.

  Mother's unit lunch,my father and I carefully selected a silver necklace,I also finished the homework early.Mom came back and I was happy to open the door for my mother and said,"mom,happy holidays!" Mother took me in my arms happily and gave me a big kiss."Mom,I want to give you a surprise today.That is,I finished my homework on my own,and I have written six arithmetic problems!" Then he took out the necklace that my father and I had bought.My mother said happily with the necklace,"really! What a pleasant

  surprise! Baby can learn is better than what all good gift!" Today mom is very happy,because her biggest wish is that I make progress every day.I will study hard and make my mother happy every day.




  妇女节英语作文 篇14

  Some 15,000 women marched through New York City in 1908 demanding shorter hours,better pay and voting rights。 A hundred year on,the pertinence of this event is honored through IWD’s 20_ global theme ‘Shaping Progress’.

  In just three years,20_ will see IWD’s Centenary – 100 years of women’s united action for global equality and change.Organizations around the world have already commenced planning fo r their IWD Centenary celebrations.

  The first International Women’s Day was launched on 8 March 1911 in Copenhagen,Leader of the ‘Women’s Office’ for the Social Democratic Party in Germany.

  In 1991,a handful of men in Canada launched the “white ribbon” campaign,which delivers the message that men are opposed to some other men’s violence against women.

  Women’s Day marks the role of women in both past and the present.However,the day is not a one-day routine.The real challenge lies in the spontaneous flow of feelings – honoring and celebrating womanhood on a particular March 8 only to forget its importance the next day is sacrilegious.

  妇女节英语作文 篇15

  Women's Day is coming.I'm going to do something for my mother.

  Well,what's up?I thought for a long time before I came up with one thing,that is to make a gift box.

  I took out two pieces of colored paper from my schoolbag,one red and the other yellow,and then prepared scissors,glue and pencils.When I started making,I first drew an expanded drawing of the gift box on the red paper with a pencil and cut it down along the line with scissors.Then he drew many beautiful petals on the yellow paper with a pencil,and then cut them off with scissors.Finally,glue them together and stick the petals on both sides of the gift box.Such a beautiful gift box is finished.

  In the evening,my mother came back.I took out the gift box and gave it to my mother.Mother said happily,"you are really my good daughter!" I laughed happily at my mother's words.

  妇女节英语作文 篇16

  Whenever the TV shows a little boy washing his mother's feet,I cry.Because,I rarely do this for my mother,I feel a little sorry for my mother...in Childhood Memories,there are images of my mother washing my feet,Florida mother gently lifted my feet,in the warm water...overworked mother should lie in bed to rest,she even ignores overworked to wash my feet! The more I think about it,the more I think I owe it to mom.So,I decided:for MY MOTHER TO WASH FEET! Today,it's International Women's Day.

  I specially bought a few carnations,and then went to buy mother's favorite sugar cane and some gifts.When I got home,my mother hadn't come back yet,so I set myself up to feel like I was waiting for her.I poured the warm foot water into a basin and put it in my room.Outside the door came the sound of "Da da Da da" footsteps,how familiar! "Ka Ka Ka" control of the opening sound of my heart,the door opened,the face is coming with a smiling mother."What are you doing?Why are you standing by the door?" "Er...look there! " I didn't know what to say.I just pointed to the place where the presents were."Wow! " The mother exclaims,and then exultantly asked:"My daughter,how to buy so many things?" "Today 38 festival! ...Mother you wait! " I led my mother to my room,she smiled and asked,"what are you doing?" I asked my mother to sit down,as she did in memory,as she gently took off her stockings and put her feet in the water.Suddenly,I found:Mother's feet have a lot of calluses...mother overworked...my nose a sour,tears fell down

  妇女节英语作文 篇17

  Today is the annual "March 8th women's Day".I've thought for a long time.Today I'm going to "give" my mother a favorite gift.

  "What's a good gift?" I meditate at home alone.Mom doesn't want things like commodities.She doesn't like me spending money indiscriminately.Yes! A few days ago,I learned sewing at school.First,I rusted a beautiful picture on the paper with a needle and thread to show her the results of my study; Also,mom is the most hygienic.I want to drag the underground clean! Think about it and act now! A picture of the white cloud hut was embroidered one by one.Look for yourself.It's quite beautiful! Get the mop right away and start mopping the floor.One piece in the East and one piece in the west,the underground has become a flower face...I'm so worried! Mom is going home.What should I do?Hey! Didn't mom teach me to mop the floor before?According to the method taught by my mother,wash and mop the floor,and then drag it piece by piece.It will be done soon.

  Mother came back.She looked at the clean ground and the pictures I gave her,and her face showed a happy smile.I'm so happy! Today is really a happy day.Hey! I'm also a girl.Does Dad want to give me some gifts,too?Well,wait until dad comes home and see what gift he gives me!

  妇女节英语作文 篇18

  Tomorrow's the International Women's Day Day.What should I get mom?If I can't express my feelings with a gift I've bought,but what can I make for myself?Right,mother usually always hope I do more housework,otherwise,I will send her a big gift! The next morning,I got up early.Before my mother got up,I dressed and ran to the kitchen.I turned over,there are some noodles and some spareribs soup,or I make a spareribs soup noodles for my mother! After I finished the noodles,I quickly ran to my bed,quickly folded the quilt.Then went to the bathroom for her mother received a plate of face water to her mother carried in the past.

  Woke up mom.When my mother washed his face for dinner,I quickly put myself tidied up,back on the backpack with my mother said a happy holiday to go to school.MOM's not home at noon,so I can get ready for the big present.So,as soon as I finished my lunch,I began to do housework.After my unremitting efforts,I finally clean up the house.Whoops! Got Ta go,or I'M GONNA BE LATE! In the evening,I went home after school,quietly sitting on the SOFA waiting for my mother to come back.After a while,my mother came back and I warmly welcomed her up.Help Mom beat back rub shoulders,and mom together to do a good meal,after eating.I helped my mother to play a basin of foot water,to her mother washed feet.Finally,when it was time to go to bed,I said to my mother affectionately:"Mom,I love you! " My mother also smiled and said to me:"I love you too,baby! " "Good night." "Good night." After today,i finally realized how hard mom worked on weekdays.After I will be good filial piety mother,so that mother after not so hard.

  妇女节英语作文 篇19

  Opening the calendar,I was surprised to find that today is March 8th women's day.I am determined to surprise my mother!

  I came to a flower shop.There are so many flowers in the florist.There are bright red roses,snow-white daffodils,stars all over the sky like stars...All kinds of flowers are really like a beautiful big garden.After some consideration,I bought a bunch of beautiful carnations.Holding flowers on my way home,I don't want to mention how happy I am.

  As soon as I got home,I immediately gave the carnations to my mother."Mom,happy holidays!" I said.Mother was surprised to take the flowers,and then gently said to me,"thank you,you are such a good child!" Seeing my mother smile,I feel happy.

  After dinner,my mother did the housework as usual.I was leisurely on the sofa watching TV and eating melon seeds.I threw the melon seed shell on the ground.At this time,the mother who was sweeping the floor was very angry at this scene,but she didn't criticize me.She just taught me with earnest words:"today,you bother to buy gifts for your mother,which makes me very happy.But you should be a good child who knows how to respect others' work.This is a gift for your mother!"

  After listening to my mother's words,I lowered my head in shame.I secretly determined to be a good child who respects others.

  妇女节英语作文 篇20

  International Women's Day,is my mother's festival,in order to let my mother relax,I decided to help my mother to buy food.I asked my mother what she needed and wrote down the names in the book.Then my mother gave me 40 yuan.I put the money in both pockets of my coat and set off.Walking to the market,there are so many stalls in the market,I was dazzled.I looked around,carefully selected a stall,asked the vegetable aunt cucumber where Ah,the aunt pointed cucumber smile said:"CUCUMBER THERE! " I chose two cucumbers,aunt asked me what I want to buy,i also chose Eggplant,lettuce,tomatoes,potatoes and so on,the dishes one by one to the aunt.Aunt put the dishes on the scale,told me 20 yuan,I paid,and aunt gave me a small onion.Then I went to the egg stall.I picked the medium-sized eggs carefully and put them gently in a bag.

  I bought a total of eight eggs.I paid 7.50 yuan and put the rest of the change in my pocket.Then I went out happily,to get back together with mom.I am carrying a heavy bag of "trophies",so much food can be really heavy Ah,I feel my hands are almost broken,so it is not easy to buy food! Think of how hard mother usually is! Through this shopping trip,I also learned some knowledge about buying vegetables.You can't just pick vegetables,you have to pick long cucumbers and Eggplant,you have to pick tomatoes of moderate size,and the skin of potatoes should not be pitted,lettuce to the yellow leaves peeled off...shopping is fun and hard,my mother is very happy,I am very happy,I can be proud of their own independent shopping!

  妇女节英语作文 篇21

  Today is March 8th.What can I do for my mother?I suddenly remembered that my mother is a policeman.She is very busy at ordinary times.Even she is still working overtime this weekend.Then I'll surprise my mother and send her some paintings to bring some happiness to my mother!

  I first take out the pictures I usually draw,and then take out the tape and scissors and stick them on the wardrobe in my mother's house.OK! be accomplished.

  Now everything is ready.I'll make another cup of tea and add some hot water.Now I'll wait for my mother to come back.I waited for a while and my mother finally came back.

  As soon as my mother came back,I brought tea to my mother.My mother said I had grown up.I'm so happy.I thought,there are more happy things! In the evening,when my mother was ready to go to bed,she said happily,"today the sun came out from the West.The sleeping place is so beautiful! And the picture baby painted for my mother."

  Mother is very happy this time.I'm even happier!

  妇女节英语作文 篇22

  Today is March 8th women's day.In the afternoon,the school will hold a parent-child game activity with the participation of mothers on the playground,which is about common sense of traffic safety.I'm so nervous and excited!

  In the afternoon,my heart pounded.When I got to the playground,I saw my mother,and my mother also saw me...At this time,the little host was talking about the rules of the game:a mother and her child,in a group of two,ran to the place where the traffic sign was placed,chose a traffic sign,and then handed it to the child,and asked her to run to the podium and say the meaning of the sign.You come and I go.It's very lively.Many students and my mother participated in the game.Due to time,my mother and I didn't finish it.What a pity! But happily,the little host arranged an activity,that is,each child sent a gift to his mother to express his congratulations on the mother's festival.I went to my mother and gave my mother my carefully made little gift with both hands and said to my mother,"Happy Mother's Day!" Mother was very happy.She praised me for being a good child.Of course I was very happy.

  The game was over.Mr.Wang took us back to the classroom,put away our things and went home with his mother after school.Today's activity is really happy.I hope I can have the opportunity to participate next time.

  妇女节英语作文 篇23

  Yesterday,the weather like a child's face,change,just sunny,a while it began to rain cats and dogs,pedestrians are carrying umbrellas in a hurry to go,the speed of the bus to splash high water.My mother and I waited for a taxi at the Ocean View Hotel,and waited,and waited,and waited,and finally got a blue cab.My mother and I are happy to get on the car,all the way we have to talk and laugh,and master pull up the daily.After talking,we know that the master in Xiamen taxi has been five years,he also bought a house,said Xiamen is his second home,is the most beautiful city.Imperceptibly we arrived at the destination,mother to pay,but the master said:"Do not give." Mother and I are very puzzled,strange to ask:"Why?"?

  Master smiled and said:"today is 'March 8' women's Day,in order to make it more convenient for everyone to travel,our channel company today free female customers,you are my first customer today,I wish you a happy holiday! ".My mother said gratefully,"really?Thank you so much! Thank you for your company's charity work for our women." I interjected "Uncle,you are wonderful,we want to pass on this love,let us all around the heart full of love." My mother and I reluctantly got out of the CAR.Yes,yesterday is the International Women's Day,"Love Taxi" let my mother and I feel the warmth of the world and love,I sincerely wish all the women in the world a happy holiday!










