
时间:2022-11-20 22:24:29 关于英语的作文 我要投稿





  Our monitor were recommended for everybody today, I monitor - lu xx, she has a black head beautiful hair, usually tied in a ponytail, a pair of eyes, a small mouth, a red face.

  She is a person who loves learning and is a qualified young pioneer. Once, she saw the teacher write on the blackboard the solution of the question, the monitor fixed eye, there is a mistake. She did it many times, and it turned out to be the exact opposite. She raised her hand boldly and said, "teacher, I think this is a mistake." The teacher clapped hands say: "well, the problem is I intentionally wrote, in order to test you, you don't monitor it don't give up the spirit of a wrong don't give up, indomitable spirit, all of us to learn from the monitor of the class."

  She is also very helpful. Once, the teacher asked us to use the blue pen test, I use it, suddenly my blue pen is not in the water. Urgent I whispered: "what to do? How to do? This is terrible!" The monitor heard my voice and said, "what's wrong?" I hurriedly say: "my blue pen suddenly not go into the water, how to do? I only have one." The monitor did not say, immediately took a blue pen from the pen pocket to give me, I hastened to thank, immediately began the problem again.

  This is my monitor. She is a person worth studying.


  The "geometry class" of the school is holding a big election for class monitor. I decided to recommend him.

  "I have no end points," said the President. "I am as capable as the Monkey King. I want to stretch as long as I want. My monitor was very good last term! Therefore, only I am suitable as monitor."

  "You are always running around in class, you are not obedient at all, and you love to tease your classmates. Who hasn't tripped over you?" Last semester cast your ticket, I still regret now!"

  "I have an end point, and I have an infinite capacity for extension, but I never run away," he said. The light pillar of the flashlight is me, and the drawing Angle depends on me... "

  The ruler said loudly, "you want to be the monitor? I measure the school uniform, only you and the line do not cooperate."

  "When the rays were in class, they were in the classroom, but they were out there... "Said the protractor angrily.

  Last came to power, line modestly said: "hello, I am line, I am a part of the straight lines and ray, I don't have such straight lines and ray ability, but I observe discipline, I only stay between the two points. If I can be the monitor, I will serve the people with all my heart. I hope you will support me and vote for me, thank you!

  The teacher announced that the line segment was elected monitor. Suddenly, there was thunderous applause!


  Today, I would like to recommend myself as the monitor of our class. If I can get it when on the monitor of our class, I will serve you wholeheartedly, unity led us to our class construction into school banner, become everyone's favorite class.

  Morning reaidng, I'll guide you to do morning reading together, in the form of "train" to extract students to recite the text, and question the text of the focus problems, let everybody can have a more thorough understanding of the text.

  In health, I will lead by example. I would pick it up and put it in the garbage can. Every morning, I would check the classrooms and hallways with the students, keep the classroom clean, and let the red flags fly in our class every week.

  When the teacher is absent or the teacher is in a meeting, I will manage the class discipline, do not let the students talk disorderly, let everybody quietly in the seat do homework or read.

  If there are classmates who need help, I will do my best to help them.


  I am very glad to recommend my best student, xx, to you in this form. As a senior high school teacher who watched her classmates grow up step by step, I think it is incumbent on me to recommend the best students to the best universities. Hope my letters of recommendation that will help you more and better understanding of the xx classmate, on the one hand to help you move into a good college students, also can make the xx classmate into her dream university halls.

  Knowing xx, it was in the summer of 2005, when she had just entered high school, and she was full of ambition and high spirit. But now, it is the beginning of a talented woman, and it is a relief to have people. Look back the three years of experience, using a simple and lively girl into a strong, profound, mature inside collect, xiuwaihuizhong, deeply loves the life, has the compassion, the compassion, the desire to do better, has the good character of thinking, strong learning ability, the unique charm of leadership, perfect personality, larger development space and strong development potential talents.

  She was brilliant and thoughtful. Zhongyuan has been a great talent since ancient times. In the hot land of yan huang, the profound cultural heritage has nurtured a talented and talented woman. She USES five color pen to write the clouds of the soul, and also describes the campus life of the bittersweet and bitter; She plays the piano beautifully, the melody or the fishing boat sings late or the autumn moon, touched how many young souls; She recited, debated and performed, and the stage of the school was always lively. Her talents may have talent, but more because she loves reading, read literature, reading, history, philosophy, li bai du fu cao xueqin Kant Schopenhauer qian zhongshu feng youlan, even because of the expo, so comprehensive, because who, so they have to send.


  My dream is to be the monitor, because the monitor is the teacher's right-hand man, can help the teacher to manage the class.

  If I am the monitor of the class, I will remind the students in class, and prepare for the class, organize the students listen carefully in class, abide by the classroom discipline, maintain a safe environment in the classroom, the teacher would be able to watch lectures.

  If I am the monitor of the class, I want to do well the service, the students in class I will do a book Angle, let the students bring two or three books each, on the corner of books for the students to read, so to expand students' reading, enrich students' knowledge.

  If I were the monitor, I would urge the students to clean up. At ordinary times, I do not let the students throw litter and peel, I also need to help the duty team sprinkling water, sweeping, I also want to check the cleanliness of their sweep.

  If I am the monitor, I will not let big classmate bully small classmate, let our class's classmate all not scold, do not fight, also actively help the lower grade student to solve the difficult problem. After class, you don't chase me, do not do dangerous moves, do not lie on the railing and shake and sway.

  I believe that as long as I study hard, care about the group, and lead by example, I will realize my wish in the near future!


  I am very dissatisfied with the current monitor of our class, and I think, if I were the monitor, I should do this:

  If I were the monitor, I would study hard, and I would let them take my heart. First of all, I can't fall behind in my academic performance. Although I am not the best in the world, I can work hard and I can get my grades up to my limit in the shortest time. Not like the current ma zonggui, his own study did not do well, still come to the management of us, you say we can serve him? So I would be better off if I was the monitor. Let them take me.

  If I am the monitor of the class, I will take all responsibility, the teacher is away, I will not to take the lead to talk, not like now Ma Zonggui, the teacher has just started to joke with everyone, everyone burst out laughing, so we were the principal blush neck coarse scold a meal, and I will also tell the students not to talk, if they don't listen, I will be with the teacher said in private, not like Ma Zonggui if he is, it will beat us, but my intention is not to tell on them, unlike Ma Zonggui tell the teacher, the teacher to beat us, I just want them to know; I am a member of this class. We can't do anything to destroy the class.

  If I am the monitor of the class, I will take the lead to maintain the class, such as that thing happened a few days ago, almost to the children practice dance is to let the girls in our class, everyone is very happy, looking at their dance cheerfully, all of a sudden, 5 (2) the class of a few hobo, to find another, our class robbed the girls in our class stage jumped up, there's no one to stop them. Ma zonggui also jumped up with them. If I was the monitor, I would find their teachers and talk with their teachers. But they didn't let the teacher hit them.

  If I were the monitor, I would do it.


  Dear students:

  Hello, my name is XXX. I am very glad to be able to participate in this class election.

  I am an introverted person with little courage, and always leave things behind. At school, the teacher asked the students to answer questions, and I did not dare to raise my hand. Now, I want to make myself a lively and optimistic child through the opportunity of this campaign.

  If I really was elected monitor of the class, I will together with other cadres, do a good job in the class discipline, health, grades, class's and grade's pride, a variety of activities, enhance the students the collective sense of honor. At the same time, I will go to help students with poor academic performance and improve their academic performance. If the student has the desire to speak with the teacher, I will give feedback to the teacher and pass the teacher's words to the students. Then our class will be an excellent class.

  If I lose, it will prove that I still have shortcomings, I will correct my shortcomings, strive for progress, never lose heart, next time I choose.

  Thank you!


  Dear teacher, dear classmates,

  Everybody is good!

  My name is XXX. I am a lively and cheerful boy. I'm running for monitor. I knew very well that my opponent was the elite of the class, but I believed in my intelligence. I'm running for office, I'm self-confident, and of course I'm capable! I am a good assistant to the teacher and a good partner of my classmates. I always care about my classmates, I love the class, I study hard, I raise my hand, and I am the best in my class. Is a loving good boy. I was the representative of the math class in my class and accumulated some experience in the management class. Of course, people can't be perfect, and I have shortcomings. My fault is carelessness.

  If I really become the monitor, I will be more confident, will do my duty, and constantly improve myself. The good assistant of a good teacher serves the students wholeheartedly. In a word, I will do my best to be the monitor. If I lose, I won't lose heart. It means that I am not doing well, and I will find out my shortcomings and improve them.

  Here, I sincerely hope that you.










