

时间:2022-04-21 09:40:57 关于校园的作文 我要投稿




  校园大扫除英语作文 篇1

  How time flies! It was February 8th. Students have not been released from the atmosphere of the New Year, the new semester will begin. According to the agreement agreed before the holiday, today, our class cadre will go to the school to do a thorough cleaning.

  At nine o 'clock in the morning, we arrived at school one after another. There were six people in all. Cui jingyi brought a bucket, I, wang zhi, lu shuai xian, guo, and kuangyi belt, the dishcloth. I look in the classroom, my god! So much dust, especially the thick layer of dust on the table. We didn't say anything. We worked right away. Cui jingyi just brought the water, people put the cloth into the bucket to rub, then wring, start to wipe the table, clean the Windows, clean the blackboard... Everybody was fighting for it. After all, it is spring, and the temperature is rising. I felt hot for a minute or two. So I opened my down jacket, took a little rest, and went on. After about an hour's effort, we finally cleaned up the classroom and put the new broom and dustpan in the back of the classroom.

  The new semester will begin soon, and everyone should accept it. Let's welcome the arrival of the new semester with full enthusiasm.

  It's time for us to welcome the new semester with full enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇2

  On the first day of school, teacher li came into the classroom and said, "clean this afternoon. Everyone brings good tools. "Oh!" "Oh!" A cheer went up in the classroom.

  I looked around at the other students, and they were busy. After a while everyone finished the task. Look, how clean and bright our classroom has become, and the Windows and walls are changed into new clothes. However, the students looked a little confused, some of the clothes were dirty and wet, some of the face became a little cat.

  Although we are very tired, but we are very happy, because we have had such a meaningful day!

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇3

  On the first of September, the campus was full of vitality. Students are actively engaged in reading, this year is the third year, a crucial year.

  It is Monday, and the school cleaning begins at 4 PM. Class G237 is responsible for classrooms, corridors and six floors east of the rooftop.

  Health commissioner Kang Lan ordered each team leader: responsible for indoor, two ZuShi water her responsible for outdoor corridor, three groups of pei beibei and four groups of Mr Two groups of boy is responsible for the tiantai ground, girls and five groups Lv Manqing all personnel responsible for metope, ceramic tile face and peripheral cleaning. The task was assigned, but the mishaps followed.

  In the five-story classroom, she was tall, and she was the one who rubbed the two lights in the front row. After a semester and a summer vacation of "accumulation", the soil "thick" is very.

  Just as she was holding the lamp on her left hand, when her right hand was about to wipe the earth, the lamp was bright and touched her. Kang LAN "ah" a sound, did not stand firmly, backward backward, immediately after the platform is safe to put the basin immediately water splash, "powder broken bone"! Because of the vibration of the lamp tube, the dust is falling on the body of kang LAN.

  The team member all leng for a long time, xin yu fei slowly the god go to pull the group leader, kang LAN wiped a face, shout loudly: "who! ?"

  The young man standing at the door, with a smile on his face and a smile on his face, and his right hand holding a cloth to wipe the light off the lamp, ha ha!

  "Bang" -- another accident! He fell down. Five boys leaned over and asked him how he was. The group leader pei beibei also came to ask: "di hao, is there a matter?"

  "Nothing's wrong." Di hao can't say, even if he falls, how humiliating!

  It was a boy in the G239 class who was throwing laundry detergent, spilling over the border, and dihao was not careful. He slipped and fell.

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇4

  At noon, the teacher asked us to take a basin and shovel in the afternoon and prepare for the cleaning in the afternoon.

  After the second lesson, we began to clean up, and the teacher asked, "who has a shovel?" I raised my hand, I looked around, and nobody raised their hand. The teacher said: "tang ruiqi, give your spade to Yang Chen." "Ah," said Yang Chen, "you shovel all the bubble gum underground." Yang Chen took a spade in a painful manner, shoveling the bubble gum under the teacher's command. When he shoveled to the door, I made him say, "Yang Chen, don't break the shovel, my grandmother will use it to make flowers!"

  Yang Chen also unwilling to say weakly: "don't worry! I won't break it. Maybe I'll clean it up and get you fired."

  I amused by his words, all of the surrounding classmates laughed, I take a broom to sweep the health district, we have a few laughs while sweeping, don't know who started to use a broom to play up, then I and Hao Yan, Susan and cc, Qin Ru dozen have a broom, carrying a broom, try to overtake each other constantly bandy, a dusty, until the teacher criticized us of check hygiene area, we did not to sweep the floor.

  Soon we all cleaned up, looking at the clean and tidy campus, everyone was very happy.

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇5

  School cleaning? It's a long story...

  On Friday, the day of cleaning up in our school. My dear miss bai had a new idea: don't mop, don't use a broom, and wipe the floor with a rag! We have no choice but to do it.

  Come to my seat first. I took the rag lightly, and the white towel was immediately stained with ink, and I was half on my knees, wiping it, two, three... Just three times, the white towel has turned into a black towel. I quickly put it in the sink. Wow! Just put the towel in and the water turned black instantly. It was only three strokes, it was so black, how black it would be if I wiped a few more. Our ordinary floor is really dirty! Wipe, wash, change the water, these three movements repeat back and forth, when I clean the floor, it is 10 minutes later.

  What do you do with the remaining 30 minutes? I made a decision: wipe the wall outside! I changed the water and went to the wall. Wow, there's so much water on the wall, and I don't know how. I hasten to wipe up carefully, not later the back of the back pain. Oh, how difficult it is to work!

  The cleaning is over. Although the back of the back pain, but look at the clean and tidy classroom, the heart of the beauty, that is really more sweet than eating honey!

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇6

  The bell rang. This lesson is a clean sweep of the school. Some of the students are splashing, some sweeping, some cleaning the Windows, busy.

  The students on the stairs come and go, and some of the students in the water walk slowly, some quickly. There was no fuss, and everything was as orderly as a well-trained team. Outside the pool of students in the three layers of three layers, packed, keg crashed together, were to sound and water using voice mixed as a whole, as the march of a band are playing sounds beautiful.

  The classmate who clean the window holds the cloth to take the glass from top to bottom to be careful really to wipe again and again, not even a small seam to pass. As long as there is acne on the glass, it will be completely wiped out. The grey glass was clean and bright after scrubbing.

  The students who sweep the floor will not be left behind. Look, how carefully they sweep, every corner they can't escape their eyes, but their broom. Some of the other students helped to move the table, the bench, some picking scraps, some in the garbage, as long as the broom regiment went through the place, it was spotless.

  With the concerted efforts of everyone, the classroom was clean and clean, although our clothes were dirty, but we saw the clean and bright classroom, everyone laughed happily.

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇7

  Lei feng is a good Samaritan, a loving person, he does the good things everyone knows, he announces "I am for everyone, everyone for me" spirit. So we respect him and see him as an example and hope to be a "living lei feng".

  I was busy scrubbing the table, because at home I didn't clean the bottom, and I was in a mess. The excitement of the moment had been covered by panic, and the hands trembled, leaving streaks of water on the table. I examined the cloth carefully, and a drop of water fell from the cloth. Alas, it was not wrung dry, no wonder the result that is wiped out is so ugly. Rubbing, I have mastered a little bit of skill and started to enter the state. "Wheezing, wheezing", a dozen minutes of work, a row of desks and chairs is completed. I waved my beads, looked at the polished table and chairs, smiled, and worked harder. Wheezing, wheezing...

  After the thorough cleaning, I thought: the teachers will be very happy to see it, and sit in the new classroom, and there will be a different feeling. I thought about it and smiled again.

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇8

  It's Friday. It's our turn to do the cleaning! I am very happy, because I love labor very much!

  After the group leader divides the work, we take active action. Some students sweep the floor; Some students use blackboard eraser to clean the blackboard; The other students use a dustpan in paper scraps! I am responsible for water and water. When I filled the watering pot, when I mentioned the classroom, the classmate MAO ziying said: "oh, I need to add disinfectant!" So I spread my legs and ran quickly to the teacher's office to get the disinfectant. Under the guidance of the teacher, I carefully poured the disinfectant into the water bottle, and after a while, I smelt a pungent smell, and I said, "why is it so smelly?" The classmate say: "the disinfectant is to want smelly, does not smell how can kill germ?" After listening to this sentence, the students all burst into laughter!

  After the water was over, I caught a glimpse of the dirty classroom window, so I took the dishcloth to clean the window, and soon the Windows were finished. Students also look at the hands of the work is done well, looking at the clean bright by us clean the classroom, he looked at the hands of his being le red kettle, think of next Monday, the students will sit so clean, so the bright classroom, flattered me, in the heart of joy would have masked the hard!

  This cleaning made me realize that labor is glorious, the collective strength is great!

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇9

  Suddenly, "51" Labor Day has arrived, I began to think how to spend this Labor Day, finally, I would like a good idea, and that is cleaning.

  Today at noon, he began cleaning.

  I picked up a dry rag to wipe the TV, because my mother told me that if you do not dry rag to wipe the TV, then it is easy to bad television. There are switches, computers and other electric stuff ...... must wipe with a dry cloth.

  I would also like to rub some furniture and glass, even the doors are not spared. I carefully, conscientiously the house from start to finish, from top to bottom with a rag, mop, dragged again, the rag caked with dust. Oh, my tired, I was sweating profusely, out of breath. But I thought: "I am to give my mother a surprise, say, clean-up has always been to hard Yeah, if I can not stand, it is not just doing it in vain?" Things have beginnings and ends. So I began to sweep the floor. I could not even sparing the corner, finally Saowan. Think carefully, and forget to sweep the room, and I went in, picked up the broom skillfully, slowly sweep up. Then, I installed a bucket of water, wash a little mop, wring the water and began mopping the floor. I hold a heavy mop, slowly dragged there from here.

  After this clean-up, I know: "If paid, will be fruitful."

  校园大扫除英语作文 篇10


  "Yang Qi, some of you children, come to do some yard sanitation. "


  We all said, "yes, sir."


  We've got sanitation tools. You see, how serious we are! Ding Ding is cleaning the glass, sweeping the floor in winter and winter, and Xiao Lan is sprinkling water. How about me? I water the flowers in the corner.


  The headmaster's grandfather came and praised us as good children who love working.










