
should women work after getting marr

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should women work after getting married英语作文

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should women work after getting married英语作文

  It has been considered as a tradition in many that females stay at home and are committed completely to the household work after they get married.Their devotion to domestic duties is said to have a positive influence on their husbands' success in career and their children's physical and mental development.

  A different voice can be heard as to this issue.Quite a number of people, including more and more husbands, are in favor of the idea that females should go out to work after getting married.One reason is that working can help release the financial burden of the family.And others, especially feminists, strongly argue that being a full-time housewife lowers down their status not only at home but also in the society.Since they are deprived of the right to be employed, their husbands how much they need and what they want to buy.

  I am convinced that women's having jobs can bring benefits to both sides.Since women are not deprived of the right to be employed, they will not need to ask their husbands for money and have to tell their husbands what they want to buy.At the same time, men will no longer complain about being too tired every day after work.Therefore, both husbands and wives should share the financial duties and domestic duties with each other.




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