

时间:2021-08-24 16:56:53 意义 我要投稿




  On a sunny Wednesday, the sky is like a huge sapphire, embedded in the boundless universe. Our charity sale will be held on this day. Before the charity sale, we did a lot of preparatory work. Some of us draw posters, some of us are busy looking for things to sell, and some of us are making all kinds of small handicrafts for small prizes. So the charity sale began.


  It takes a lot of work to set up a charity stand! A tent has been prepared for us on the playground. We moved some desks and chairs out of the class. Place the table in a square around the tent and move the chair into the square. Then put the charity goods we brought on the table neatly. Finally, hang up the poster high, and a simple booth will be arranged.

  开始义卖了!只见操场上立刻被挤得水泄不通。我们把物品分成四类,分别是:玩具类、文具类。书籍类、手工类。我是书籍类的售货员。一阵阵叫卖声连绵不断,一个个推销员费力推销商品。我也不甘示弱,跟着大声吆喝着:“卖书啦!卖书啦!买满10元可以抽奖啊!”叫卖声吸引来了许多学弟学妹。 “姐姐,这本书多少元?” 一个小学妹仰着她的小脑袋问我。我回答:“只要10元。”小学妹点点头,把十元钱递了过来。我连忙接过钱,放进了钱箱里,然后把书交到小学妹手里,小学妹拿着书,兴高采烈地走了。最受欢迎的就是“手工类”,一眨眼的功夫,所有的`手工品都被卖光了。没过一会儿,我们带来的每一样义卖品几乎都变成了一枚枚“画”着爱心的钱币。

  Start the sale! I saw the playground immediately packed. We divide the items into four categories: toys and stationery. Books and crafts. I'm a Book salesman. There was a lot of shouting and selling, and the salesmen tried to sell the goods. I am not willing to show weakness, followed by shouting: "sell books! Selling books! You can draw for 10 yuan! " The sound of peddling attracted many students. "Sister, how much is the book?" A primary school girl asked me with her little head on her back. I replied, "only 10 yuan." The primary school sister nodded and handed over ten yuan. I quickly took the money and put it in the money box. Then I handed the book to the primary school girl. The primary school girl took the book and left happily. The most popular one is "handicraft". In a blink of an eye, all the handicrafts have been sold out. In a short time, almost every charity sale we brought turned into a coin drawing love.


  The charity sale is over. We counted the money. The harvest is not small. It's 1534.2 yuan in total. At that time, my eyes seemed to see the children in the poor mountainous areas carrying schoolbags and happily going to school. This charity sale is really meaningful! It not only allows us to get what we want, but also tells us a truth: we should have a dedication heart!









