

时间:2021-08-17 08:50:28 关于旅游的作文 我要投稿



  Today, we 406 to a very fun place to travel - Guangzhou Science and Technology Museum.


  I went to the classroom when I heard a noisy, the original students have some mobile phones, some big love camera, and some with toys. Some students are very excited, there are very happy, because it is the fourth year of the first tour, and there is fun. "On the train! On the train!" Tour guide sister said. In the car, the students have said laughing, some students want to eat snacks, eat snacks, but to snacks Oh, one person steal, was Luo teacher caught, the results of the students who talk about his own Candy all points over, we are very high it!

  Get off, and finally can play. A door I see a lot of pandas, where is our collection of places. To play, the beginning, we went to children to play the world, to go through the stop, green light line, can only open a circle, opened a circle to the next open. We went to the mirror maze, I took the stick hard to "fight" out of the maze, after a while, I dazzled, because too many people in front of me in front of the mirror, then I desperately go, and finally come out The. I went to the stealth house, only to see his head, the body was gone, really amazing ah ... ...

  Go back, I am very happy, because the Guangzhou Science and Technology Museum is really fun.


  Summer vacation, my mother and I went to work with the father of Bahrain to play, enjoy the first foreign holiday.

  July Bahrain, when the heat, the maximum outdoor temperature of nearly 50 degrees Celsius, during the holiday for more than a month, no rain, the weather is becoming increasingly hot. Bahrain has been hailed as the Middle East in Hong Kong, the environment is beautiful, the sky is blue, no layer of dark clouds; sea is very clear, one can see the sea; the air is fresh, no dust, street pedestrians rarely, mostly open All kinds of cars Mercedes - Benz in the streets.

  Bahrain's people are "romantic". Listen to my father said, "wave" that they are lazy, very waste of time; "diffuse" that their life is very slow pace, we heard all laughed. Most locals in Bahrain are wearing robes, head turban, men wear white robe, wearing a pink scarf on his head. Women wear black robe, black sand towel, only a pair of big and bright eyes. We worry about wearing such clothes in the summer will be very hot, my father said my worry is superfluous, said: This can block the sun, but also allows the air convection, but will play the role of cooling, folk wisdom is amazing.

  Bahrain's roadside planted a lot of palm trees, because it is built in the desert in the country, the soil lack of water, so every tree is buried under the water pipes, I could not help feeling Bahrain people how much love the environment, hope They made the desert an oasis as soon as possible and truly became a pearl in the Middle East.

  Bahrain's people are very friendly and curious about our performance, after all, people face and customs vary greatly, often meet will look for a while, will take the initiative to help us take pictures and answer our inquiries, but not sure we are Chinese, Japanese or Koreans, it is no wonder that we see they can not distinguish between the specific people of the Middle East. In the big shopping malls, to facilitate the parents with the children can be happy to provide a free children's little train around the mall tour back and forth, as if the fairy tale in the real around the tour.

  Bahrain's most exciting car, Bahrain's street running a lot of super cars, there are Lamborghini, Porsche, and different styles, in my hometown has never seen. The car ran quickly, I walked on the road, do not feel frightened scared.

  The beach to catch crabs very interesting, high tide, the tide brought many large and small crabs, I took a flashlight on their body a photo, a small crab on a move did not dare to move. I took them out in the iron bucket, they kept crawling, looking at these seductive spoils, tired up the middle of the night swept away, I exclaimed exclaimed: here really like a thousand Night fairy kingdom ah.


  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for all Chinese people. On that evening there is a very traditional ceremony----Spring Festival Gala, which is the favorite for many people. It brings so much happiness to Chinese all around the world .

  When asked about their opinion on Spring Festival Gala, people always reason differently. Some people deem that it should be cancelled, while there are also other people who argue that it should be continued.

  Some people take it for granted that the Gala should not exist because it is too boring on the evening of the Lunar New Year. Besides, the form of the Evening seems the same every year. In comparison, there are, however, a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this issue, they insist that the Gala must be continued. They argue that it is one of the most important celebration customs. And they think the Gala is worth expecting.

  As far as I am concerned, I am intending to stand on the side of the latter group of people. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable, but the latter is more persuasive. Taking the above-mentioned factors into consideration, I can safely conclude that the Gala just needs a reform in the future but not to be cancelled.


  Today is the National Day, but also our 30th anniversary of the founding of China. I am bored after a morning, in the afternoon, I went to my sister's house to play.

  I am happy to the sister, but to her home I was disappointed, the original sister did not think what to play, we racked our brains, and finally thought of a game: grab the bench.

  We found ten children to play, the rules of the game is this: Please the five children (including me and my sister) with the music around four bench circle. Music stop, we must immediately grab a bench to sit down. Who did not grab, who would be eliminated. The second round is four and three bench. The last round only two people and a bench, and who grabbed the last bench who would win. By aunt when the referee.

  Big aunt first invited Wang Yue, Lai Yun, Yu Jing and my sister to play. The rest of the children on the side when the cheerleaders. I saw the two of them relatively standing, Yu Jing children did not show weakness, raised his head, Tingzhuo, not afraid of the way; look at Lai cloud students, half open eyes, hands into the trousers, are not See Yu Jing this skinny monkey. With the big aunt whistle, the game began.

  When the music sounded, they turned around the bench. When they are spinning, we are seeing the gods. Music and suddenly stopped. Lai Yun seems to have no response over, standing on that look at my sister and grab the bench. But I do not know ye engage in, her eyes light up, found an empty bench. Lai Yun immediately ran to sit. Later, my sister was eliminated. The second round, three rounds of Lai and my two children were eliminated in turn.

  The last round only two female students. As soon as the music sounded, they turned slowly around the bench. Their eyes staring at the only Zhang bench, and my heart is also very nervous. Our cheerleaders shouted: "Wang Yue Come on! Wang Yue will win! Wang Yue Come on!" Yu Jing did not hear the students to their own voice, it seems more tense. Tension is useless. Music stop, Wang first grabbed the bench more than half, Yu Jing grabbed only a small half.

  Wang's victory, so that we are happy and jump again and again.

  Through this game, our actions are more agile. I am so happy today


  Since the evil witch of the West was defeated by Dorothy, she changed herself and tried to do something that could be done for everyone to make up for her past mistakes. But people are still very afraid of her evil power, so they will hide her everywhere. By accident, the Western witches found that people liked to have a historic or beautiful place to play. So, she took out the magic bubble machine, said loudly: "Hello everyone, I am a Western witch! According to my recent observation, I found that we all like to travel, so I want to make up for my previous mistakes, when a Back to the tour, with free to visit the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, Peach Blossom Island and the universe in a beautiful and unusual planet - wings of the stars to travel. Please interested in this trip, on the 'light into battle', to my home to set! Just a huge bubble on the Western witch loaded with the voice, floating into the air, for people to pass the news. People know the news, joys and sorrows. People want to travel, but do not believe that Western witches really reformed. So, they are reluctantly parting, suppress their own desires, pretend not heard, turn a blind eye to her.

  Western witches that people do not want to believe her, flutter in bed, crying, thinking: Why do I want to make up, God does not give me the opportunity? Is it really that I usually do evil too much? I had known why today ah ... ... but not all people are so cold, refused the Western witch of a mind. Dorothy, Pippi, Sherlock Holmes, Jay Chou is this very someone else.

  "Ding dong, ding dong ... ..." With the bells ringing, the Western witch wiped the tears of his eyes, came a "carp playing very", jumped from the bed, quickly put on slippers, and the floor crunched The sound, opened the dusty long time the door. "Western witch, we come to you this report! Take us to travel it!" Several very different sounds in the ear for a long time to reverberate. Western witch's face showing a long absence smile. "The West Witch took out the magic blanket, and then said," Everyone hastened to sit up, we set out! "Western witch see everyone all sit tight, they read the spell. Suddenly, dark clouds, a huge vortex appeared in the top of the house. As the Western witch's spells grew faster, and with the screams of Dorothy and Pippi, everyone was involved in the whirlpool


  You know that I am strong and strong, fully capable of this long journey. I was not the first time to ride a single ride, the first summer vacation, I followed the father even riding nine days riding about 800 km, successfully arrived in Guangzhou, although some tired, but still spare capacity. Now I grew up two years old, skill naturally increased a lot, but also to Beijing than the road to go to Guangzhou to go more (Changsha to Beijing a horse Pingchuan, Changsha to Guangzhou mountain rugged), Moreover, the professional Highway racing, riding 200 kilometers a day without a word. So that even 9 days to ride from Changsha to Beijing destination. To Beijing two days after the tour, and then to the train station will be the two bicycles checked back to Changsha, and then take the train home.

  Mother, 12 days later, I look forward to our mother and son reunited when the very happy moment!

  Riding long-distance travel, I have long been prepared to establish a firm belief in the strategic contempt for the enemy, that is, no matter what difficulties, we must stick to it, the road is longer and end, adhere to the victory. Cycling long journey must be very hard, I think I was slowly growing up in the honeypot, eat too little bitter, this time to enjoy the hardships of travel.


  Today, we Yimeng Evening News small journalists together to visit our hometown - Linyi.

  We first came to the calligraphy square by bus. Although I have been to calligraphy square many times, but also appreciate some calligraphy works, but never carefully observed to try out. Today, I and other small journalists to visit, I feel particularly different. No matter which way in the road, greeted the eyes are stone, or tall, or Junxiu, or stand, or lying, or even into a film, different shapes, itself is a beautiful scenery, coupled with the above carving Of the famous calligraphy works, it is beautiful. These works, some heavy atmosphere, and some chic and elegant; some simple, and some brisk; bring us a different feeling. We stay in front of different stone, and slowly enjoy, taste, can not help but gestures, as if I was throwing ink, writing Danqing. We hang around and do not want to leave for a long time.

  Our next stop is Xi's former residence. Came to the front door, "Xi 's former residence" a few simple characters attracted me. With the flow of people into the park, the first to see is a rockery set off a bamboo. Rockery on the "wash inkstone" three Junxiu words leap into the eye. A waterfall from the top of the fake rock down, splashed blossoming water, at the foot of the mountain into a stream, gurgling flow, the water there are many koi, free to swim, add a little life. Then, under the leadership of the instructor aunt, we visited the calligraphy promenade. There are many well-known calligraphers in the corridor of the ink treasure, Kai Gong, Shu and other works of the famous let me eye-opener. And then we visited the drying table, Langya watch, Daoqi world, goose pond, five hills and other attractions, to understand the Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi's life story and their childhood practice the story of the story, let me deeply appreciate to want to be successful , Must pay hard work. We also appreciate the Wang Xizhi's "world first book" - "Lanting Preface" stone, really Qiu Mei Jin Jian, peerless no. We took pictures in front of the stone. As a heir to the book, I feel sincerely proud.


  I remember the sixth grade when the National Day holiday seven days off our family ready to travel to Luoyang tourism, usually we rarely go out this time finally can go out to play for a while.

  Eleven finally arrived, we packed up something, ready to travel we 7:00 on the train, the driver prepared almost half an hour, 7:30 departure, the trip is very long, to the afternoon to, when we sit a few Hours of the car, approaching 2:30, and most of us are sleeping, but it is this time more and more dangerous to happen, suddenly the car shook the two, we quickly got up and found a crash, we are afraid The car to burst, we rush to get off, people are smashing the window, the windows broke open people continue, when to me, I am very careful, I do not know why suddenly someone pushed me behind, I suddenly Jumped down, only go without any feeling can be a while I found hot, I look, ah! Put on a broken big hole, then my father came to see my wound immediately from the pocket out of a large toilet paper, my hand wrapped up, after a hospital ambulance came. We have been received by the hospital after some treatment finally cured, just to wrap gauze.

  Then we are still happy to go to Luoyang important attractions: Longmen Grottoes and White Horse Temple, and then the next afternoon we do the car back home.

  Although out of a car accident, but we are still very happy to play, as "survived, there must be after the blessing" Well!


  This summer, I am excited with the mood, I came to the long-awaited "stuffed pearl" Ningxia.

  Just train, I was the beautiful scenery of Ningxia, fresh air, a strong national customs deeply attracted, so I can not forget the journey of fatigue and hard work.

  In Ningxia, I have visited the beautiful Shahu Lake, the mysterious Xixia Tombs, the ancient water ditch, recorded the origin of human civilization, Helan Mountain rock paintings ... ... in these attractions, the most memorable when the number of Zhongwei Shapo Head up.

  Shapotou's reputation I have heard, Sure enough, just came here, the front of the scenery will be deeply shocked me - nature with his gods will be four kinds of unrelated landform cleverly integrated in the Together, a glimpse of the marginal Tengger desert, the rapids of the Yellow River water, into the film of the oasis and rolling mountains and rivers each other, with each other, as a magnificent picture slowly show in front of me, this picture is both northwest The magnificent scenery, and Jiangnan scenery of the beautiful, can not help people indulge in pleasures without stop.

  Play camel head camel is not to be missed. When I ride a camel, wandering among the rolling sea, the melodious camel ring accompanied by wild, sunset, long river, solitary smoke, a kind of overflowing feeling quickly spread in the chest, no wonder the Tang Dynasty The great poet Wang Wei in the tour Shapotou left behind the "desert solitary smoke straight, long river off the yen," the ancient words.

  Under the camel we also take the yacht through the Yellow River, came to the hinterland of Shapotou. Here, I was surprised to find that the sand here is very fine, the particles are only about one-tenth of the sand, readily grabbed one, do not deliberately to Yang, open hand, the moment will be flying with the wind No trace without a trace. If you can stop and breathe in the breeze, you will hear a strange buzz, fine down, this is the Shapotou a must - Jinsha Ming bell. No wonder the local spread of Ningxia "Ningxia return do not see the sand" proverb it

  In the desert, the most touched me to stimulate the number of "desert showers", and take the desert off-road vehicles, in the endless desert in the wantonly Mercedes-Benz, kept leaping, from time to time will be across a very steep Shapo, wherever he goes, always bursts of screams, people feel as if in the desert ride roller coaster general stimulation.

  After that, we also take the taste of Shapotou another must - sheepskin raft. Six pieces from the gas full of tung oil leaching tung oil is divided into four groups before and after the row together, the top of the installation of the wooden frame, the tourists sit directly above the wooden frame, the Yellow River water floating, enjoy the coastal beauty, that return The feeling of the original nature of the original ecstatic.

  Ningxia charming scenery makes me unforgettable, I love the beautiful Ningxia










