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  电子产品英语作文 1

  Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us cant live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them.

  I cant agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People cant resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly.

  I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it.

  If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether its practical.

  When my teacher told me to prepare for this competition I restated, hesitated.Everybody in my class knows that. I never learned English in my primary school.I couldnt speak English one year ago, but now, could I take part in this competition? No, I cant. Is aid to myself? Im afraid of making mistakes before so many learned professors and before my classmates and teachers.Suddenly!

  A voice came to my ears.“Everybody will make mistakes. Even the very famous American president George Bush” My English teacher said in my class.When I heard that, I think I can. I run into my teachers office happily. “I will do it.” I said. So I stand here today. In front of you.

  电子产品英语作文 2

  Computers: Are They Easier to Use ?

  Here’s my simple test for a product of today’s technology:I go to the bookstore and check the shelves for remedial books.The more books there are, the more my suspicions are raised.If computers and computer programs are getting easier to use,why are so many companies still making a nice living publishing books on how to use them?Computers manipulate information,but information is invisible.There’s nothing to see or touch.The programmer decides what you see on the screen.Computers don’t have knobs like old radios.They don’t have buttons, not real buttons.

  Instead, more and more programs display pictures of buttons,moving even further into abstraction and arbitrariness.I like computers, but I hope they will disappear,that they will seem as stranger to our descendants as the technologies of our grandparents appear to us.Today’s computers are indeed getting easier to us,but look where they started:so difficult that almost any improvement was welcome.Computers have the power to allow people within a company,across a nation or even around the world to work together.

  But this power will be wasted if tomorrow’s computers aren’t designed around the needs and capabilities of the human beings who must use them —a people-centered philosophy, in other words.This means retooling computers to cope with human strengths,observing, communicating and innovating instead of asking people to conform to the unnatural behavior computers demand.That just leads to error. Many of today’s machines try to do too much.When a complicated work processor attempts to double as a desktop pulsing program or a kitchen appliance come with half a dozen attachments,the product is bound to be awkward and burdensome.

  My favorite example of a technological product on just the right scale is an electronic dictionary.It can be made smaller,lighter and far easier to use than a print version,not only giving meanings but even pronouncing the words.Today’s electronic dictionaries,with their tiny keys and barely legible displays,are primitive but they are on the right track.

  电子产品英语作文 3

  Electronic products often refer to items based on electricity, such as televisions, computers, and mobile phones. Electronic products have penetrated into modern life, with advantages and disadvantages. They not only save us time and improve efficiency, but may also lead us into the quagmire of addiction.

  The variety of electronic products is becoming increasingly diverse, and we are also increasingly dependent on electronic products. Its benefits are countless, and the most core is efficiency. In the past, when there were problems, there were only two ways to consult others and go to the library for research, which were very troublesome. But now you can directly ask Baidu, and you can understand in a minute, which is much more efficient. With electronic products, it is possible for scholars to stay indoors and have a comprehensive understanding of the worlds affairs. The information on the quantity of electronic products in Shanghai can broaden ones horizons, better understand the world, and provide entertainment services.

  But everything in the world is not perfect, and electronic products also have drawbacks. If used improperly, it can lead to addiction, waste a lot of time, not worth the loss, and can cause some complications such as decreased vision and cervical spondylosis. Mobile phones are the most numerous electronic products, and many elementary school students are deeply affected by them, as there are numerous examples of electronic products causing a decline in learning. Electronic products can make outstanding students no longer outstanding, but also make less outstanding students more regretful.

  Electronic products are constantly changing, and it is inevitable to use them. In order not to be corrupted by electronic products, please control yourself and not be a slave to electronic products. Control this double-edged sword and make it work for yourself.

  电子产品英语作文 4

  The topic of whether electronic products are beneficial or harmful for elementary school students has been frequently mentioned recently. I believe that the benefits of using electronic products outweigh the drawbacks.

  Firstly, electronic products can be used to search for information and assist in learning. Perhaps some people may argue that this may lead to dependency and a decrease in academic performance. This answer is simply laughable, because it is definitely only aimed at those who are not ambitious and like to be lazy. Since one lacks ambition and enjoys laziness, a decline in grades is inevitable. How can one blame electronic products even if it is their own problem?

  Some people also say that prolonged use of electronic products can be addictive. Indeed, it is human nature to love playing, but who can guarantee that he will never be exposed to electronic devices in his lifetime? If someone says they can, they will be abandoned by the times. After all, technology is developing and advancing, changing the future and the world. People who cannot keep up with the pace of the times will eventually be eliminated by the times.

  We all know that the college entrance examination is very important. Now, programming has also been added to the college entrance examination, and how can I learn programming without using electronic products? Some people say they can learn from books - this is obviously someone who doesnt know what programming is! If you dont practice programming on a computer, its like learning to hold a pen without writing!

  Some people may recharge tens of thousands of RMB for playing games. However, being able to do this is because parents lack companionship, and even if it is not related to parents, the games recharge interface still has the words "appropriate consumption". If the game reminds you to ignore it, why blame the game?

  In summary, the use of electronic products by elementary school students has more advantages than disadvantages.

  电子产品英语作文 5

  It is now 20xx, belonging to a technological era, especially in China. As a world power, electronic technology is undoubtedly countless, but some students

  There was a weekend in my lower grade when I finally got out of the pile of homework and wanted to go out and play with my classmates who lived upstairs across from me. I knocked on my classmates door with great anticipation, only to see him engrossed in his tablet, his hands frantically tapping.

  "Hey, Xiaoyu, what are you doing?" I asked him curiously. "Wait a moment, Im getting a score," he said impatiently. "Whats getting a score? Lets go out and play. Watching tablets is not good for eyesight...". Before I could finish speaking, my classmate replied to me in a rude voice, "They all said Im on my way, go away!" The first time I saw him so annoyed, I panicked and left feeling lost.

  As I went home, I thought to myself, why did Xiaoyu get angry at me for playing games? At that time, I was full of doubts, but now I understand that it wasnt just all of his gaming friends who were like this. They were confused by games and kept their phones around all day, staying at home and unwilling to go out. Over time, they became a gaming enthusiast.

  Classmates, our parents bought you phones and tablets for the convenience of learning. We did not play their role correctly and instead harmed ourselves. Students who often play games on safety education platforms ruin their learning. We should take warning, quit playing games, quit electronic devices, protect our eyes, and cultivate good study habits!

  电子产品英语作文 6

  I am a student and have a lot of electronic products, including e-books, laptops, tablets, phones, and so on. I think the impact of products on me is more harmful than beneficial.

  Most electronic products nowadays have the function of accessing the internet, which allows me to stay informed about current events, obtain various latest knowledge and information, and provide good guidance for my future learning and life. The internet can enrich the mind, as long as you pay attention, you can learn many knowledge that cannot be learned in school and expand your knowledge. Sometimes I upload my favorite pictures and materials, open a discussion area, post some posts, and communicate with everyone, which feels great.

  Due to the abundance of learning materials available online, whenever I encounter any difficulties in my studies, I tend to search online. I do not want to use my brain to think, nor do I want to practice. There are still a lot of novel games online that attract me, and once I enter this virtual online world, I become addicted to the illusory environment and cannot extricate myself. For the sake of gaming, you can forget to eat and forget to study. While owning so many electronic products, my grades have also significantly declined.

  Electronic products used for learning have many advantages, but if used for gaming, they have many disadvantages. We elementary school students have poor self-control, lack correct guidance, and cannot grasp the right balance, so I think the impact of electronic products on me is more harmful than beneficial.

  电子产品英语作文 7

  Perhaps now there are many people around you discussing various topics, and what I want to talk about is electronic products.

  With the rapid development of the times, peoples living standards have gradually improved, and technology has also made rapid progress and convenience. The electronic products that people use have already entered our lives. However, electronic products are like a double-edged sword, they bring us good news but also create many troubles.

  There are also benefits, fortunately it can make communication between people more convenient and faster, and it can also help lost people find their homes, read news, learn about national affairs, and search for information. Completely replacing the current PDA, MP3 and MP4 bring more convenience to people.

  The negative aspects, such as mobile phones, which have many small games on them, will lead more primary and secondary school students into the trap of not loving learning through games. When you are chatting on your phone and forget about studying, you are giving up on your studies and future. When you are addicted to games, your physical condition is getting worse and worse. When you ask your parents to buy a new phone for you, a lack of comparison is taking root and sprouting.

  From now on, students should grasp the small boat of their own lives, drive smoothly on the internet, not be tempted by various temptations, and indulge in losing not only games but also their own lives on the internet.

  电子产品英语作文 8

  As the saying goes, self-control tells you to control yourself, to restrain yourself, and to indulge excessively; Just like a warning to his son in Zhuge Liangs book "The Book of Precepts to the Son": if you are impatient, you cannot cure your nature; if you are slow, you cannot stimulate your spirit. The meaning behind it is that frivolity and impatience cannot cultivate ones temperament, and indulgence and laziness cannot uplift ones spirit; Self control also requires a process, which is not something you can achieve just by thinking, nor is it something that can be achieved overnight.

  First of all, you need to cook slowly like cooking. First, you need to change a little, then go deep into the stew, extract essence from it, and find a way. If you dont have a goal, you will hit like a headless fly, and you cant find the clue.

  Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and no matter which one, it will trouble you repeatedly to indulge yourself; So we need to add a layer of spores on the outer layer of our will like bacteria; Use it as a shield to resist external temptations. For example, if you want to achieve good grades, the prerequisite is to overcome your desires, give up the temptation of some electronic products, and dispel all thoughts unrelated to learning. But if in the end I still havent achieved it, its due to poor self-control.

  Dont look down at your phone anymore, look up at the sky, and look at those family members who care about you; Isnt it enough to make you give up the temptation of electronic products? No matter how fun the phone is, its just a cold machine without human emotions!

  电子产品英语作文 9

  One morning, I got up from bed feeling smug and thought to myself: Yeah! I can finally play with my phone. At this moment, the alarm clock had not yet sounded, and my parents naturally did not wake up. I picked up my fully charged phone and pressed the power button, but no matter how hard I pressed it, I couldnt turn it on. I felt very disappointed.

  I pulled open the curtains and found that the sun had risen to the center, which surprised me greatly. Suddenly, a broadcast came: "Hello residents, today electronic products around the world will undergo a period of hibernation, which may cause you discomfort. Please understand, and also..." The speaker went to sleep before finishing his words. My parents also woke up and said, "It seems we can only live a primitive life!"

  Starting from the second day, our family woke up early every day to exercise. I no longer sleep in, and my parents no longer play with their phones; Cooking can only be done with firewood, and thick fumes can only be released from the window. Even so, we still adapted to life.

  One day later, while dad was brewing a cup of coffee and stirring it, there was a sound of his phone ringing, which scared dad. "What the hell? My phone woke up!" Then there were waves of phone ringing. Coincidentally, scientists also discovered this phenomenon and used this magical coffee to wake up the speaker, saying, "Friends of the world, we have found that using coffee can wake up electronic products. You try it!" After saying that major businesses have started mass producing coffee, coffee has become popular worldwide.

  After this incident, peoples lives have been stabilized again.

  电子产品英语作文 10

  Nowadays, technology is so advanced that there are many types of electronic devices for us to play with, such as computers, televisions, tablets, color screen smartphones, etc. Have we all considered the window to our hearts - the eyes - while we are enjoying playing!

  In fact, although these electronic devices are advanced and fun, they are the biggest killer of our visual health. The reason why our myopia is getting higher and younger is due to excessive and prolonged intimate contact with electronic products. What I cant imagine now is that I have also become a member of myopia. It is because I excessively surf the internet and watch TV, which affects the health of my eyes that I am nearsighted. When I heard this news, I was a bit confused. That day, my mom and I accompanied my dad to Hendry to get glasses, and my mom asked me to check my eyesight as well. The result was that I was nearsighted, and I was very scared. I wanted to cry, but I didnt feel like crying. I knew this was the result of not listening to my parents advice and having intimate contact with electronic devices. I dare not face my father and mother head-on, their dissuasion still lingers in my ears. My parents saw what was on my mind and advised me not to worry too much, so I cried out loud. I really regret not listening to my parents advice now. Alas, I cant accept the fact. Thats how I became a "little glasses".

  Everyone must accept my lesson and avoid excessive "intimate" contact with electronic products, otherwise you will not be far from "glasses".

  电子产品英语作文 11

  On this day, mobile phones, televisions, and computers met, and they all felt that they had made the greatest contribution and were the most remarkable. So they started arguing.

  "Hmph, I can make both phone calls and access the internet, are you okay?" said the phone arrogantly. "How could you say that?" The computer refused to be outdone. "I have more convenient internet access, and besides, I can also send emails. Youre so young, people will definitely be nearsighted if they use you to access the internet!" At this point, the TV also spoke, "Ah, although you have more functions than me, I can play TV programs for people to choose from. I can also play radio and music for people to listen to with their ears and relax their eyes." "Play music? I can do it too!" "Hi, I can make phone calls, its so convenient!" "Hey, you all make people nearsighted, Im much better!" Oh, their argument became increasingly intense. After a while, they all got tired of arguing and parted ways unhappily.

  A few days later, the owner wanted to use the computer to surf the internet, but the computer ran away; The host wanted to make a phone call, but the phone left again; The host wants to watch TV, and the TV also hides. When the owner got angry, they all hurt. At this point, they all understood: each electronic product has a different function, and we need to unite to better serve humanity. So later on, they all humbly learned from others and never argued again, and their owners became more and more fond of them.

  电子产品英语作文 12

  Many classmates or young people may like the same item, which is - the electricity that can confuse everyone! Son! Production! Product!

  I have been in love with electronic products since I started kindergarten. Because I also have an older sister, in my memory, it seems that she studied electronics. She bought a small computer before, and whenever she goes out to read, I bring it to play with. It has always accompanied my growth. Now it is in a state of disrepair.

  Later, my parents took me to a remote place, but there was a computer in the office. So every morning when I got there, I rushed to the office and immediately started my computer life.

  Later, my parents moved to Wenzhou again, and no one cared about me when I was in Lingxi. I will temporarily reside at my uncles house. During winter and summer vacations, I played at his house until 9 oclock in the morning every day, playing in the room without any light. Playing and playing, my uncles computer has moved away, and I miss it every day. I dont care about studying every day. Therefore, my grades plummeted like a downhill trend. Finally, my dad had no choice but to confiscate all of my electronic products.

  Its 20xx now, and I want to shout out: Get lost! Electronic Lord!

  电子产品英语作文 13

  I live in an era of advanced technology, but I believe that it is because of modern electronic products that we humans have become like this: myopia in elementary school students is becoming increasingly severe, and more and more otaku are staying at home. What do these two phenomena indicate? Of course its an electronic product.

  Electronic products have many drawbacks, such as nearsightedness - yes, I am also one of them. It is precisely because after seeing the computer, teenagers become addicted to various online games that they neglect their health in order to play games. In severe cases, they may even join the industries of thieves, thieves, and robbers. Even a fifth or sixth grade classmate became addicted to playing the game King of Glory. His father confiscated his phone and he jumped off the building without hesitation! When the doctor saved him, he saw his father at first sight, but he didnt realize it. When he woke up, he asked his father if his phone was still there, how his game was, and if he had been charged with diamonds... What does this mean? This indicates that we humans should resist electronic products!

  I didnt expect elementary school students to jump off buildings so directly. Now, I see that I was also using a computer when typing this essay, and we also need a mobile phone and computer when searching for information?

  Now I understand that not all electronic products are bad. As long as we control ourselves appropriately, the learning of students with internet addiction will keep up better; Those otaku also go out for sports, make friends, and get to know society.

  Now, I dont think electronic products are as bad in my mind, but they are not very good either. In my heart, electronic games and searching for information are struggling. I hope, I hope, that electronic games will be kicked out of human society, because in this way, humanity will progress faster.

  电子产品英语作文 14

  One night, after dinner, my mother only shouted "tired" and she lay in bed with her phone while shouting "tired". I secretly went to see that my mother was lying in bed playing with her phone! She sometimes plays WeChat and sometimes sends QQ. No matter how I called her, she ignored me, and thats all. Mom played from 6.00 to 8.00. I thought to myself: Is it so important to post QQ and play WeChat? Besides, theres no need to send it for an hour in a row!

  Dad is even more outrageous. He downloaded a lot of game software on Baidu, making people dizzy. Once, I was awakened from my sleep and upon checking the time, it was already 10.00. I pushed open the door and saw that it was my dads sound of playing games that woke me up. I saw him focused on playing games, his eyes not blinking, his lips bouncing tightly, and he didnt even notice when I opened the door and walked into him. "Dad!" I shouted, "Your voice is too loud, I was woken up by you!" Dad hurriedly turned off his voice, as if he had just woken up from a daydream. "You started playing at 6 oclock and still played until 10 oclock. Do you want to play until 12 oclock?" I criticized him loudly. "You little child, dont worry about adults affairs, go to bed quickly!" Dad quickly blinked. "You... you... you dont know whats wrong, you havent changed it yet, havent you changed it?" "Change, change, dad wont play anymore!" Dad said reluctantly this time. I understand in my heart that my fathers words are deceitful, and in a few days, he will repeat his old trick.

  In life, not only my parents love playing with electronic products, but also many people. On the bus, I often see passengers holding their phones and staring at their phone screens without moving their eyes. Hey! Stay away from electronic products!

  电子产品英语作文 15

  When it comes to electronic products, there are too many in our family: MP3 players, Apple phones, tablets, 3D phones, and monocular cameras, all of which are what many children dream of. Of course, I am no exception. These things are all my parents, they exchanged them for hard-earned money. If you want to play, you can only borrow them for leisure time to relax and relax.

  Almost every weekend, my dad takes our family out for a trip, and every time he carries a camera that is too heavy to bear, carrying a total of two large bags. If you look at the photos of our family, there are many, but you will be surprised to find that there are very few of Dads. I see how much my dad likes taking photos.

  My mother can basically be called a rookie when playing games, so she doesnt play games. And what is the electronic product she uses? 3D mobile phone. What does she use it for? Of course, Make a phone call. She makes at least dozens of phone calls a day, and all of them take more than 3 minutes. If we calculate in this way, isnt our monthly phone bill several times that of others?

  Nowadays, tablets are popular, and even my younger brother has to keep up with the trend. He holds onto his dads iPad all day long, but his gaming skills are unparalleled. Looking at him lying on the sofa staring intently at the tablet, I thought to myself: practice makes perfect, always playing, hands are already on target!

  I cant help but put earphones in my ears recently, listen to music, and hang them on my ears when reading extracurricular books. Naively, I thought this was killing two birds with one stone, but in fact, MP3 is a barrier that makes you struggle with reading books! Now its the final review stage, and the earphones naturally fall off my ears. I have to study hard, read hard, and let my life bloom and bear fruit.

  Look! Are our family electronics enthusiasts?










