

时间:2021-09-03 13:29:10 小结 我要投稿


  对于别人的邀请如Would you like ...? / Can you come to ...?等要作出明确的答复,同意还是拒绝要说清楚,同时不要忘了感谢。如果拒绝的`话,要表示歉意最好再说明缘由。


  1. Would you like some more soup?

  _______. It is delicious, but Ive had enough.(重庆2006)

  A. Yes, please B. No, thank you

  C. Nothing more D. Id like some

  2. Would you like some more tea?

  ______, please. (2005全国II)

  A. No more B. Just a little

  C. Ive had enough D. Yes, I would


  1. B。此处对别人的邀请表示拒绝,由but Ive had enough可以知道不要了,并要说谢谢。表示拒绝的答语还有:Id love to, but Im sorry I cant.等。

  2. B。此处表示同意对方的邀请。Just a little 表示来一点吧。表示同意的答语还有:Yes, Id love to. Thats very kind / nice of you. 等。


  1. Ive got your invitation.

  Oh, good. ______ (北京2002春)

  A. Can you come? B. Thanks a lot.

  C. Ill take it. D. May I help you?

  2. I enjoyed the food very much.

  Im glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like.

  ______ (上海2001春)

  A. Is it all right? B. Im afraid I wont be free.

  C. Yes, I will. D. Thats great.

  3. Would you like to go to the theatre with me tonight?


  A. No, I wont be free B. Thanks a lot

  C. Id love to, but Im not free D. Im sorry to hear that

  Key:1-3 ACC

  日常生活中,我们经常接受别人的祝愿、祝贺,同时我们也应学习去祝愿、祝贺别人。有时还有共同的祝愿(The same to you.)。祝愿的表达方式很多,但是一定要用得恰到好处。


  1. Tom: Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend. Im sure we will win.

  Mike: __________! (广东2005)

  A. Congratulations B. Cheers

  C. Best wishes D. Good luck

  2. Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night.

  ____________. Im sure you had a wonderful time. (辽宁2004)

  A. Sounds good B. Very well

  C. How nice D. All right


  1. D。表示祝你好运说Good luck!。另外表示祝愿的用语还有Have a good trip!(祝一路顺风!)等。

  2. C。由上句我昨天碰到了一位好朋友可以知道,下句应表示祝贺。而A、 B、 D项都不表示祝贺。另外表示祝贺的有: Congratulations to you on your success. (祝贺你成功)等。


  1. Im taking my driving test tomorrow.

  ___________. (NMET 2002)

  A. Cheers B. Good luck

  C. Come on D. Congratulations

  2. Thank God. Its Friday again. A nice weekend.


  A. Me too B. Thats all right

  C. The same to you D. Yes, Ill be free then

  3. Ive passed my English test finally.

  Really? ____________.

  A. Its an obvious fact B. Congratulations

  C. I suppose you are right D. You have yourself to thank

  Key:1-3 BCB









