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  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 1

  The 《Anne Of Green Gables》is one of my favorite books.I was moved by the lovely Anne"s passion at her life.

  The author of this book called Lucy.Maud. Montgomery.She was born in Canada Clifdena in 1874 , who was good at telling stories. At her age of 15,she began to publish her poems. Later,she tried to teach in shcool to make a living.

  In spring of 1904, Montgomeriy sparked her inspiration suddenly.She spent two years creating the 《Anne Of Green Gables》,which has the village she had lived in as the book"s background.It wasn"t any publisher willing to publish her novel untill 1908.Later,the book was very popular immediately and it triggered a selling spree. Therefore,Montgomeriy drew the worldwide attention.It was written as fiction for readers of all ages, but in recent decades it has been considered a children"s book. Interestingly, the writer Mark Twain also squeezed himself into the pile of letters to Montgomeriy. The old Mark.Twain said that he just felt miserable and lonely when he was in his sunset of life,then ""Anne"" lit up his life. "" Anne"" was an immortal character which followed the ""Alice "" and became a popular image of children.

  The 《Anne Of Green Gables》was one series of "" the World"s Bestselling Children"s Literature. Lucy.Montgomeriy used her clean smooth, vivid and humorous style to tell us a story about a pure kindness, lovely heroine:Anne. Anne Shirley was a girl with red hair, also with many freckles . Her mother and father died when she"s very young. She got through several severe twists and somehow a couple were mistakenly sent an orphan girl instead of a boy, yet they decided to keep her.She was adopted by the Matthews on Prince Edward Island.( they wanted to adopt a boy at first )。Anne takes much joy in life, and adapts quickly,then she began her new life. She loved nature, fantasy and was abundant in imagination.Everytime,she just said what she thought about.Therefore uncontrollable mistakes happened .

  The rest of the book told that she continued education at school, where she exceled in studies very quickly.She got true friendships with people such as Diana Barry (her best friend, bosom friend ), Jane Andrews, Ruby Gillis, and her rivalry with Gilbert Blythe, who teaseed her about her red hair , although he apologized many times. Anne and Gilbert competed in class and one day Anne realized she no longer hated Gilbert, but would not admit it.

  Anne was very clever,fortitude and kind-hearted.She was straight and cherished the friendship very much.

  Anne got her friends with her love.She insisted herself on things with her stubbornness .She withstood her loneliness with her romantic and fantasy imagination from reality. The novel modeled a bright wonderful character just like sunlight.The poetic depiction of the nature and the rural life moved the readers all over the world deeply. The work existed about hundred years, and it conquered about 50,000,000 naive, kind heart. Anne"s pure heart broke the nationality and age limits.She moved the world.

  For me ,the most of unforgettable part is that Anne didn"t mind after she had herself misunderstood with her friend Diana"s mother. Diana was Anne"s best friend. Someday, Diana invited Anne to go to her home for tea.They drank and chatted with each other happily just like adults. Anne mistook fruit wine as juice,then gave it to Diana to drink .Actually,it caused by Marina"s carelessness. Due to Diana"s drunk too much so that her mom and dad thought that Anne was a bad girl.And they didn"t allow Anne and Diana to play together. Anne felt very sad.But she did not hate them. Coincidentally, a few days after, a cold night, Diana"s little sister got laryngitis.The situation was very critical, but people have gone to the town to participate in activities . Then Anne bravely undertook the responsibilities just like an adult.With the experience she learned before ,she took care of the little girl with Diana and another child . At last, the little sister got through the disaster. She rescured Diana"s younger sister sucessfully. And she finally won the Diana parents trust.

  Anne was an genius of imaginenation.The usual scene immeadiately turned into some fantasy place after she gave these places some poetic name . Such as the ""Violet Trench"", ""the Pond of Willow"", ""Lover"s Lane"". The Matthews family which adopted her was not very rich.Although Anne also desired to be like the other girls that lookedand dressed pretty, she didn"t complain. Without beautiful coat, she imagined herself like a princess and enjoyed herself.

  Matthew Cuthbert, the master of the Green Gables farmhouse.He was very shy .He dare not talk with woman except for her younger sister .But it is a very kind man, he was the first one that found the mistake.He thought Anne was full of hope and dream .He was very fond of Anne.Matthew treated Anne as his family member and love her so much. In the Anne of Green Gables last, Matthew died of a heart attack .

  Miss.Marina"s temper was opposite to Matthew.She was a prim serious person and was very strict with Anne.She often had words with Anne at first. But she love this is very like Anne although she was like a chatter without stop . Anne was admitted to study at the Queen"s college with her talent and hard work. One night, Miss.Marina wept very sad cause she missed Anne so much.Her school was far away from the Green Gables .Because she love her so much that she tried to be strict with her. Scold is love .It is the best example.

  《Anne Of Green Gables》 is one of the most sweet novel about the lives of children. Canadian writer Montgomeriy descrimbed a girl who had very distinct personality and rich imaginenation.And I love the wonderful scenery descrimbed by Montgomeriy,so I want to visit the place where Anne lived.

  She won the respectation not only by her virtue of hard work ,but also her love.Anne"s eyes let me see the beautiful world,it seems like a poem or a piece of painting. Anne is like a flame which lit up my heart! From now on, even if I meet despair, I will try my best to climb. Even when I into the dangerous desert I can also work it out,cause the world is wonderful!

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 2

  "Anne of Green Gables" is a sweet novel describing the life of children, this book mainly tells: Matthew and Marilla brother and sister in Green Gables led a plain life. In order to find a helper for Matthew who has a heart disease, they intend to adopt a boy from the orphanage, but the orphanage sent a red head. The chattering 11-year-old Annie. Little Anne was naive and enthusiastic, full of romantic fantasies. In her imagination, naughty streams laughed under the ice; If the rose could talk, it would tell us many interesting stories...

  After reading this book, I can not help but feel ashamed: my learning conditions are far better than Anne, but I always want to play in my heart, so the results are very general, although Annes learning conditions are not good, but she knows how to create unlimited value with limited conditions, compared with Anne, I also show how ignorant ah!

  This book also let me understand that a kind person, will always be happy, he has all the wealth. And a simple person, he will always be happy, he will have many people have no practical. And a cruel person, he will always be afraid, it has a black heart. A malevolent person, he will always be afraid, live in fear, afraid of being caught by himself. After reading this book, I learned to be brave, honest, clever, kind... More importantly, I understand: good people live in peace.

  Let us like Anne, optimistic, with a progressive attitude to smile to meet every challenge in life, over one obstacle, break through one difficulty after another, towards our perfect dream!

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 3

  We have learnt "Anne of the Green Gables" for a long time. Anne, the little fairy with red hair has an optimism nature and a rich imagination. She always keeps a positive attitude. She had made a lot of jokes because of her innocence and fantasy, but her kindness and forthright also earned her friendship and true love. She loves the life, the nature and everything around her. This kind of love also rewards her at any time. Anne is an optimistic, brave girl. No matter what had happened, she always thinking about things in a good way.

  There is not perfume of flowers everywhere in a successful path. Anne’s childhood is unfortunate. She lost her parents when she was a child and had to be sent to the orphanage. We all know that orphanage is a terrible place. It means that you have no parents, no relatives; no people in the world will love you, even the nuns can not take good care of you. But Anne is still happy. She is na?ve and enthusiasm and full of romantic imagination. In her imagination, naughty streams under the ice and snow can laugh; rose can tell us a lot of interesting story. She also regards her own shadow and echo as two close friends and talk to them. When I read the book, I always feel warm about Anne. Anne’s dreams are beautiful and innocent. It’s a world full of imagination and romantic, full of wonderful and sweet, full of unprecedented magic and joy.

  However, due to her imagination and vanity, Anne met a serious of trouble. She constantly made mistakes and corrected them. Just as she said “since I came to Green Gables I’ve been making mistakes, and each mistakes has helped to cure me of some great shortcoming.” When she decided to stay with Marilla instead of going to college, she said “I’m just as ambitious as ever. Only, I’ve changed the object of my ambitions. I shall give life here my best, and I believe it will give its best to me in return.”

  Anne loves life, she loves everything in the world even a flower of nature, a tree or a grasshopper. She is kind to everyone, from her relatives to the strangers, from her teacher to her friends. She was crazy for knowledge and learning and her spirit of hardworking is moving. She is lively and lovely, rational and brave; full of passion that seems will never extinguish. Her kindness, purity, enthusiasm, and optimism won people’ like, won the teachers’ appreciation and classmates’ friendship.

  Optimism can lead people out of trouble. As long as you face the world with an optimistic heart, you will discover how brilliant the sunshine is. We should learn to smile, we should learn to imagine. We should always keep hoping and fighting. If we give the life a smile the life will respond to us a smile, and brings us hope. So let’s follow Anne’ steps, with a positive attitude to meet every challenge in the life, to across the obstacles and break through the hurdles, to fight for our beautiful dream

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 4

  Today, I read "Anne of Green Gables" this book, which tells the story: once lived in Green Gables Matthew and Marilla couple plan to raise a boy, let the boy to help them work, after reading - "Anne of Green Gables" - Xu Jia-Jiong 32. Mrs. Lyndes daughter accidentally said she was a girl. The next day Matthew came to the platform to pick up the child and found that it was a girl, but he did not let this discourage him. The girls sudden appearance took all three of them by surprise.

  Gradually, everyone got used to it. From then on, Matthew and Marilla taught her to work and to go to school. And in the primary school caused a big xxx, read the "Anne of Green Gables" this book, I deeply realized: in fact, there is no need to be so surprised, the girl is not strange, the girl is not bad. Cant a girl work? Even if you cant, you can teach! Youre not born a master of everything. Not even Matthew and Marilla when they were kids. Therefore, it is best for girls to go to school, and the probability of success is about 85%. (I am not a male compatriots) read "Anne of Green Gables" this book, I also deeply realized: in fact, Marillas heart is not so bad. She played a huge role in Mary Made Up Her Mind. She plays an important role as a mother in "Mary Made Up Her Mind," although Anne sometimes talks a little too much, which makes her feel very annoying. But she did not hand Anne over to the screw awl, Mrs. Browett. Anne was very grateful to Mrs. Marilla for letting her stay.

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 5

  A little girl with big bright eyes, chestnut hair, and freckles all over her face, but a very clever little girl. She has a nice name -- Anne Shirley. In her, there is a rich imagination. Her parents died when she was four. Shes living in an orphanage. Later, due to a misunderstanding, he is adopted by brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, and comes to Green Gables, the sanctuary of her dreams. Began a life full of dreams.

  Annie is a girl who exudes infinite charm. No matter where, in what place, she can always be welcomed by everyone. As Miss Barry says in the article, "Anne was a different kind of girl, more likeable than any other girl." Wherever Anne is, her imagination never stops. She and her closest friend, Diana, gave beautiful names to every place. Such as Sparkling Lake, Lovers Path, Victoria Island, Violet Valley, etc. Just listening to these names, it seems that you can come to this place and enjoy the beautiful scenery in person. Behold, rich imagination! Theres something about her that shines. Isnt that what makes her so attractive?

  And Annies grades are good, too. She is very serious in her studies and works hard day and night in order to be able to excel in all aspects. I finally got an Avery scholarship, and I got a chance to go to Redmond. She studied hard to live up to Matthew and Marillas expectations.

  My favorite character is Anne Shirley, and there are a lot of things we can learn from Anne. Her kindness, sincerity, eagerness to learn, especially her rich imagination, is worth learning for all. It is safe to say that there are endless riches to be found in Anne.

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 6

  We ha一ve learnt "Anne of the Green Gables" for a long time. Anne, the little fairy with red hair has an optimism nature and a rich imagination. She always keeps a positive attitude. She had made a lot of jokes because of her innocence and fantasy, but her kindness and forthright also earned her friendship and true love. She loves the life, the nature and everything around her. This kind of love also rewards her at any time. Anne is an optimistic, bra一ve girl. No matter what had happened, she always thinking about things in a good way.

  There is not perfume of flowers everywhere in a successful path. Anne’s childhood is unfortunate. She lost her parents when she was a child and had to be sent to the orphanage. We all know that orphanage is a terrible place. It means that you ha一ve no parents, no relatives; no people in the world will love you, even the nuns can not take good care of you. But Anne is still happy. She is na?ve and enthusiasm and full of romantic imagination. In her imagination, naughty streams under the ice and snow can laugh; rose can tell us a lot of interesting story. She also regards her own shadow and echo as two close friends and talk to them. When I read the book, I always feel warm about Anne. Anne’s dreams are beautiful and innocent. It’s a world full of imagination and romantic, full of wonderful and sweet, full of unprecedented magic and joy.

  However, due to her imagination and vanity, Anne met a serious of trouble. She constantly made mistakes and corrected them. Just as she said “since I came to Green Gables I’ve been making mistakes, and each mistakes has helped to cure me of some great shortcoming.” When she decided to stay with Marilla instead of going to college, she said “I’m just as ambitious as ever. Only, I’ve changed the object of my ambitions. I shall give life here my best, and I believe it will give its best to me in return.”

  Anne loves life, she loves everything in the world even a flower of nature, a tree or a grasshopper. She is kind to everyone, from her relatives to the strangers, from her teacher to her friends. She was crazy for knowledge and learning and her spirit of hardworking is moving. She is lively and lovely, rational and bra一ve; full of passion that seems will never extinguish. Her kindness, purity, enthusiasm, and optimism won people’ like, won the teachers’ appreciation and classmates’ friendship.

  Optimism can lead people out of trouble. As long as you face the world with an optimistic heart, you will discover how brilliant the sunshine is. We should learn to smile, we should learn to imagine. We should always keep hoping and fighting. If we give the life a smile the life will respond to us a smile, and brings us hope. So let’s follow Anne’ steps, with a positive attitude to meet every challenge in the life, to across the obstacles and break through the hurdles, to fight for our beautiful dream.

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 7

  Anne of Green Gables is a novel written by Canadian writer Lucy Maude Montgomery.

  The book tells the story of the pure and kind, loving life of the heroine little Anne, she lost her parents when she was young, and was adopted by Matthew and Marilla brother and sister of Green Gables at the age of eleven, but she has a distinct personality, fantasy, and self-esteem, with their hard work to get others love and recognition.

  On one occasion, Dianas three-year-old sister Minnie May contracted conjunctival pneumonia, and Dianas parents were not at home, so Mary Jo and Mary Jo were terrified. When Anne heard this, she was calm and hurried to Dianas house. After meeting Minnie Mae, she began to move into her work. She took off Minnies coat, fed her some ipecac, gave her hot water, and nursed Minnie like a professional until Matthew called the doctor.

  After reading this, I was deeply impressed and impressed by Annies calm and calm behavior that she did not panic no matter how much happened and calmly went to help others. Annie is amazing!

  In life, I should learn from Anne, it is Annes confidence let me understand the truth. I remember once I learned to swim. After learning a few lessons, I found that I always learned more slowly than others. Gradually, I lost my patience, especially when I was very reluctant before class and complained all the time. Now looking back, if I had faced it with confidence like Anne, I would not have delayed so long to learn.

  After reading Anne of Green Gables, I finally realized the joy of it. I love this book!

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 8

  Recently, the teacher made a book for us, "Anne of green gables". I am a love reading, so, the moment I get cant wait to read the book.

  This book is really a good book. About in the book, in prince Edward island, living in the green gables farmhouse of Matthew and Mary want to adopt a boy to help to do farm work, lo yee, adopted a eleven red hair girl, Annie. Annie love fantasy, all day immersed in their own fantasy; Her long red hair, a head of hate is dark green eyes; Annie smart, diligent, with their own efforts to enter the university, but for the sake of taking care of sick Mary, she resolutely abandoned their studies, teachers in town yesterday.

  Annies colorful fantasy, she put the cherry blossoms as white snow queen, red apple imagine for the girl in red. She imagines oneself may be a kings daughter, by pirates stole out.

  Annie is an orphan, her story and a very unfortunate, but she is not sad down, she is optimistic, positive upward, in the objects around you are loving, with their diligence, went to queens university. Look at her, and think of yourself, every time have problems, I am empty, dont want to think. Each English wont be back, I went back.

  Girls can not beautiful, but you can not do without good, clean and pure heart, let we all like Anne learning, learning her optimistic, positive attitude.

  Let us, like Anne, optimistic, smiling face difficulties in life, to our beautiful dreams.







  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 9

  A week after the tea at the 1)manse Diana Barry gave a party.

  They had a very good time and nothing 2)untoward happened until after tea, when they found themselves in the Barry garden, a little tired of all their games and 3)ripe for any 4)enticing form of mischief which might present itself. This presently took the form of “daring.”

  Daring was the fashionable amusement among the Avonlea small 5)fry just then. It had begun among the boys, but soon spread to the girls, and all the silly things that were done in Avonlea that summer, because the doers thereof were “dared” to do them would fill a book by themselves.

  First of all Carrie Sloane dared Ruby Gillis to climb to a certain point in the huge old willow tree before the front door; which Ruby Gillis, 6)albeit in mortal dread of the fat green 7)caterpillars with which said tree was 8)infested and with the fear of her mother before her eyes if she should tear her new muslin dress, 9)nimbly did, to the 10)discomfiture of the aforesaid Carrie Sloane.

  Then Josie Pye dared Jane Andrews to hop on her left leg around the garden without stopping once or putting her right foot to the ground; which Jane Andrews gamely tried to do, but gave out at the third corner and had to confess herself defeated.

  Josie’s triumph being rather more pronounced than good taste permitted, Anne Shirley dared her to walk along the top of the board fence which bounded the garden to the east. Now, to “walk” board fences requires more skill and steadiness of head and heel than one might suppose who has never tried it. But Josie Pye, if deficient in some qualities that make for popularity, had at least a natural and inborn gift, duly cultivated, for walking board fences. Josie walked the Barry fence with an airy unconcern which seemed to imply that a little thing like that wasn’t worth a “dare.”

  Reluctant admiration greeted her exploit, for most of the other girls could appreciate it, having suffered many things themselves in their efforts to walk fences. Josie descended from her perch, flushed with victory, and darted a defiant glance at Anne.

  Anne tossed her red braids.

  “I don’t think it’s such a very wonderful thing to walk a little, low, board fence,” she said. “I knew a girl in Marysville who could walk the 11)ridgepole of a roof.”

  “I don’t believe it,” said Josie flatly. “I don’t believe anybody could walk a ridgepole. YOU couldn’t, anyhow.”

  “Couldn’t I?” cried Anne 12)rashly.

  “Then I dare you to do it,” said Josie defiantly. “I dare you to climb up there and walk the ridgepole of Mrs. Barry’s kitchen roof.”

  绿山墙的安妮英文读后感 10

  Anne, the Green Gables, is a sweet description of childrens lives. This book mainly tells us: Matthew and marera are living in plain life in Green Gables. In order to find a helper for Matthew, who had a heart attack, they were going to adopt a boy from an orphanage, and the orphanage was sending a red hair. The chattering eleven year old girl, Anne. Little Anne was naive and passionate, full of romantic imagination. In her imagination, the naughty brook laughs under the ice and snow; if the roses talk, they have to tell us a lot of funny stories...

  Anne is a bitter child. She won the love of Matthew and siblings with the kindness and effort of her own, and left her in the "green mountain wall". After several misunderstandings, everyone slowly liked the strong and optimistic Anne. Anne did not like the simple dress of his own, but soon he would be happy to imagine her skirt as a princess skirt with lace. Anne studied hard, and at last she was able to go to college with a scholarship. But at this time Matthew died, and Marias eyes were almost blind, so Anne dropped to college and left to teach to accompany Maria.

  Anne in the hard face of adversity, never complained, always put it all into a perfect fantasy, then happy mood. The cherry blossoms, the ponds, and all the scenes are perfectly perfect in her eyes, and she will always give a nice name. When he came to the green wall, Anne felt that he was the luckiest man in the world. She rewarded Matthew and siblings with a grateful heart, making Matthew and siblings feel happy never! She is willing to help others, like a happy bird, like the tinkling stream, like a spring breeze, always bring you a fresh feeling of happiness.

  Anne not only loves the fantasy, but also is optimistic, to the heart. In response to the unfortunate life and experience, she had no complaints, but was always smiling. Mary asked Anne before. "You are so poor, but why are you so happy?" Anne answered seriously: "life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will laugh at you. Instead of worrying about your face every day, you can live happily every day, so that I can make peace with my parents in the heavens." What an insightful view is this! Thats true of our lives! There is a Anne of many who are not the quality of gratitude: adoption Matthew stimulated sudden death, Mary graduated from the school hardly wished to live., Queen Anne to take care of another adopter -- at Marilla, put down the dream of self - stay in the University, Anvili taught, as Anne I said: "the future is like a straight road, the road is now turning, I believe there must be a very good scenery." After reading the book "Anne of Green Gables", I deeply condemned myself in my heart: I hated myself for not thinking about my parents, clamoring for my parents to buy books for me everyday. Thanksgiving, these two words like a hammer on each of our hearts, how many children at the moment know how to be grateful? Do not say gratitude to others, that is, parents, and few children have this kind of gratitude.

  Annes experience of growth will be a great inspiration and help to my life and study. First of all, a person must be self reliant and self reliant. Although Anne is an orphan, she doesnt abandon herself to herself, but is brave enough to face reality. She has actively communicated with people, and has won many friends with her own actions. I am usually timid, I dont dare to communicate with others, and I am not good at expressing my feelings. Reading Annes story makes me understand how to establish self-confidence and how to communicate with people so as to become a lively, cheerful and loving child. Second, to realize the dream must be perseverance and perseverance. Anne from a timid and overcautious orphans, through their own efforts, finally become an excellent teacher respected. I have not commented on the "three good" students for a long time. I was very sad and sad. Annes experience told me that the sky would not fall into the pie. No one could succeed arbitrarily. Without hard work, we could not reach the other side of success. From now on, I would like Anne to learn to overcome aimianzi, timid, insecure and other bad habits, I think as long as you pay, you must have the results, because You reap what you sow., through the tireless pursuit of the dream of three good student, I should be able to achieve.










