
My Happ Ments优秀英语作文

时间:2021-08-08 20:12:57 关于英语的作文 我要投稿

My Happ Ments优秀英语作文精选

  We g t Beiping hill n Frida fr schl trip. In the rning we g there b schl bus, we set ut at 8’clc.

My Happ Ments优秀英语作文精选

  Beiping hill has ver fresh air. First, we g t far t pic.。It is big and rund and ver delicius. Se students clib up the tree and shae the apple tree. The apples are falling dwn t brach. Apple is sweet and uic. Secnd we have lunch, but is nt nice. Third we wal up the hill. At teple is n untain tp. When we see that

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